The complete scars series: Books one-four

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The complete scars series: Books one-four Page 49

by Tonks, Rachael

  I throw my arms in the air. “But that’s my job.”

  “Not today,” she says giving me a look of warning. “We have to keep you safe. Promise me you won’t do anything stupid.”

  “You know I can’t promise that,” I say with a serious face. Izzy chuckles, tapping the top of my arm playfully.

  “I’m being serious, Tara,” she says, smiling at the waitress who places two to-go coffees on the side. Grabbing them she says her thanks and turns to make her way out.

  “What, you’re not going to pay her?” I say jabbing my thumb over my shoulder as I follow after Izzy.

  “I don’t have to.” She smirks. “Brax just bought the place. We officially own the best coffee house in the area.”

  “Unbelievable,” I mumble to myself. Following Izzy outside, she walks over to the huge black Mercedes parked just out front.

  Stopping just beside it, the driver jumps out, opening the rear door for her. I frown a little, my nostrils widening as I look at her getting in the car.

  “Ma’am.” He offers his arm out to me, guiding me around the other side of the car. I follow, albeit, a little bemused. I fall into the luxurious leather seats and immediately turn to Izzy. Holding out her hand, she offers me the coffee and I take it from her, never once breaking my stare.

  “What?” she asks, widening her eyes.

  “We’re getting driven around in a goddamn Mercedes,” I all but screech. “What has happened to you?” I say jokingly.

  “It’s not like we can’t afford it,” she replies quietly as she reaches for her belt, pulling it over her shoulder and securing it into the clip. I run my hands through the front of my hair, removing the few strands that have fallen onto my face.

  “He’s a businessman. We have to look the part.” She continues to speak quietly. “You know I’m not into materialistic things, but it’s all part of the show.”

  “I feel like I don’t even know who you are anymore,” I say with a stifled laugh.

  Heading the short distance to the office, I can’t help but notice a hell of a lot of men standing outside the building.

  “What’s with the welcome party?” I ask as I gawk out of the window.

  “Extra security, that’s all.”

  “That’s all,” I repeat, looking at her with wide eyes. “Izzy,” I sigh but pause for a second. “I love that he cares so much, but I really don’t think I need protecting. Don’t you think if Jeffries was going to come for me, he would have done it a long time ago? It’s been a year since Carter… well, you know, since he passed. If what Jeffries said was true, wouldn’t he have staked his claim sooner?”

  “I guess you’re right. So why now?”

  “Maybe it’s all bullshit. Maybe it’s a story he made up to keep us apart.”

  “But why?” She turns her body until she’s facing me. “Why would he not want you two to be together?”

  “Good question,” I say with a raise of my brows. My door opens, causing me to jerk a little at the unexpectedness. “Ma’am.” The driver holds out his hand to me.

  “No need, honestly, I can manage,” I reply, offering him a smile. He nods, stepping back to allow me to make my way out of the car. Izzy steps out of the car and we both stand on the sidewalk, looking at the mass of men all talking in hushed voices.

  “What’s going on here?” I ask, and they all spin, turning to face us.

  “Tara.” One guy holds out his hand to me. He has a bald head, and I notice a radio in his ear. I glare at his hand, grimacing a little. Dropping the hand he offered me, he says, “Please, let’s speak inside.”

  Tutting, I step toward the door. Another one of the guys opens it and I make my way inside.

  “Don’t you think this is all a little unnecessary?” I sip on the coffee, my eyes finding Izzy who has followed me in.

  “Please, Tara. I know this has all been a little scary, but believe me, these men are here to protect us. Don’t take it out on them.”

  Looking at the guy who appears to be studying me, I say, “You all need to stand down. There is no need really.”

  “NO,” Izzy shouts. “This is not your call to make, Tara.”

  “But… it’s too much. I get that he cares, that he’s trying to protect me, but it’s all making me feel a little claustrophobic,” I say, my free hand clutching my throat. Izzy continues to talk, but I’m zoned out, a mild panic setting in as I feel my anxiety grow. I feel a hand on me, guiding me upstairs and into the office. Words tumble from her mouth, but I can’t comprehend.

  “Tara.” Her face comes into my line of sight. “Honey, it’s okay,” she says, her voice calm and soothing. “I know this is a lot to take in, but you can never have too much protection. After what happened with me, I know he’s taking no chances.”

  I snap, suddenly digesting what she said. Jesus, this girl has been through so much shit, and here I am, freaking out when nothing has happened.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry,” I say wrapping my arms around her and pulling her into my embrace. I know just how hard Izzy works to deal with her nightmares. Most days she’s okay, but some days are harder than others. The memories haunt her and sleep evades her. “I’ve been silly, forgive me.”

  “The way you’re feeling is totally understandable. I get it,” she says parting from me and offering me her beautiful smile. For someone who has endured so much, her beauty shines through, even at the darkest times. I feel something buzzing in my purse. Placing my coffee down on the table, I reach inside, retrieving my phone and swiping across, answering the call.

  “Hello?” I answer as I wait for the unknown number to speak.

  “Tara.” The man’s voice is gruff down the receiver.

  “Yes, who’s this?”

  “You may remember me, you may not. This is Jeffries.”

  Placing my hand over the speaker, I drop it from my ear, stifling a gasp. “It’s Jeffries,” I whisper to Izzy.

  “Put it on speakerphone.” She points to the phone I have clasped in my hands. I do as she says, placing the phone on the table and initiating the speaker mode.

  “You still there?” he asks.

  “How did you get my number?” I question him and look at Izzy. She nods approvingly.

  “That’s not important.” His smug tone reeks through my phone.

  “It’s pretty important to me,” I reply snarkily.

  “I’ll cut to the chase, Tara.”

  “Please do,” I quip and I can’t help myself.

  “Such a livewire,” he chuckles. “You know, I like that about you. I think together we can make sparks.” Covering my mouth, I mock gag at his insinuation.

  “Tonight, I’m having a party. It’s an initiation, and it’s the best kind. You should come join us.”

  I look at Izzy, who is shaking her head mouthing “no.”

  “I’m really sorry, I can’t. But thank you for your kind invitation.”

  “That’s a shame.” He sighs. “I will get you here with me,” he continues. “You know it’s a shame you fell into the wrong Savages' lap. I would’ve liked to have had the first taste of that sweet pussy of yours.”

  “Excuse me?” I exclaim.

  “Yeah, I know about you and my son. He’s nothing more than an apprentice. You should come take a ride with the master.”

  “Never. Going. To. Happen,” I say before reaching down and ending the call.

  “Oh, God.” Izzy looks at me with fear in her eyes.

  “Who does he think he is?” I ask, scrunching up my nose.

  “A man that women don’t often say no to. Someone who is used to getting his own way.”

  Staring at the phone, the silence in the room is stifling. Despite the fact that I’m shaking like a leaf, I look at Izzy, her expression full of dread.

  “Well that was fucking creepy,” I say, breaking the silence.

  “Tara, please…” Her eyes falter shut, and she pulls out the chair, sliding into it.

  “My God, are you okay?” I sa
y, walking over and squatting down in front of her. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  Sucking in a huge breath, she lifts her shoulders letting out a controlled breath. “This… this situation,” she mumbles, “it’s bringing back too many memories.” Bolting her eyes shut, her head falls into her hands and stills. “I’m sorry,” she sniffles. “I should be supporting you, helping you, but it’s hard, you know?”

  “Babe, I know. Every day you amaze me with your strength and how you manage to push past the memories and the demons that haunt you. You have nothing to apologize for.”

  Lifting her head, her teary eyes meet mine. “I don’t want to lose you, Tara.”

  “You won't,” I tell her with every ounce of conviction I have inside of me.

  “You have to come stay with us.” Her voice wavers as she rushes out her words. “I know we can keep you safe. The idea of you being at your apartment, alone, scares the life out of me. Especially after he just called.”

  I chuckle. “You can’t keep watch over me all of the time. And let’s face it,” I say with a sigh, reaching behind me and pulling up a chair until I’m sitting in front of her. “He can’t make me be with him. If I suddenly disappear, then people are going to know something happened.”

  “But Brax said—” I hold up my hand, cutting her off, before she has a chance to go over what Brax said.

  “Yes, I know what he said, Izzy, but this is different.”

  “Tara.” She reaches, stroking my forearm. “I know you’re thinking positive, and you’re strong, and I’m not trying to knock that or scare you, but the truth of it is, they are outlaws. The one percenters that take matters into their own hands. No rules, no boundaries. They will take what or who they want. You have to take this as a serious threat. We have to be prepared and protect you at all costs.”

  “For how long, Izzy? A week? A month? A year?”

  “For as long as it takes.”

  “I can’t live my life that way,” I reply with a sigh. And that’s the truth. No matter how scary Jeffries is, I won’t live in fear. Somehow, I have to finish this. Tell him I’m not interested and make it clear that I won’t ever be one of his biker whores. Not now, not ever.


  Hobbling down the corridor, I try to make my way out of this horrible, sterile hospital.

  “Sir.” The nurse pulls on my arm, bringing me to a stop. I turn to face her. “Without surgery, your wounds will heal with serious scarring and contracture.”

  “I have the pain meds and antibiotics. I’ll be sure to keep it clean,” I dismiss her, turning to get out of here as quickly as I can.

  “Sir.” Her hand lands gently on my shoulder. “I’m worried about you. You should really stay and see someone. I’ve cleaned your wounds, but you may need surgery. Please, just wait a little while longer…” My gaze shifts from her face, to her hand resting on my shoulder. She drops it, holding her hands in front of her nervously.

  “Thanks, but no, thanks. Like I said, I’ll keep it clean.” Dropping my head, I march forward, storming out of the hospital. My eyes fall to the dressings on my legs, the pair of jeans now cut off to the knee, and I exhale as I look at the state I’m in. I try to move my legs, but the tightness I feel makes my feet shuffle rather than move. I’m a mess, such a fucking mess. Pressing my hand on the main door, I thrust it open, shivering as the morning air hits me.

  “Fuck, man. You look bad.” I snap my head upwards, meeting Brax’s eyes.

  “Jesus, what are you doing here?” I ask.

  “Came to see if you’re okay. But I’m not fucking sure you are.”

  I look up at his dark-green eyes, and behind the scary exterior is a man of integrity. Someone that cares for people, but also doesn’t take any shit. I swallow down as I look at someone I admire greatly.

  “How did you know I was here?” I question him, narrowing my eyes as I dig in my pockets trying to find my cigarettes.

  “I heard about what happened. Fuck, this is so messed up.” He places his arm across my shoulder, squeezing lightly, pulling me toward him. “Let’s jump in the car. We can talk, away from prying eyes.” He tips his head toward someone I’ve never seen, and I eye him


  “You think I’m being watched?” I ask, my voice quiet, but just loud enough for him to hear.

  “I know you are,” he mumbles guiding me to the edge of the sidewalk and across the road. Making our way over to where his car is parked, he presses the key fob, unlocking the doors. I grab the handle and slowly drop myself into the seat, swinging in my throbbing, swollen legs. Clenching my teeth together, I wince at the pain.

  “You good?” he asks, his eyes dart to my legs, then back to meet mine.

  “Nah, man,” I say with a defeated smile. “This is all fucked up, so fucked up.”

  “How bad are they?”

  “They’ll heal. I ain’t worried about my fucking legs. I’m worried about Tara. What the fuck, man? I just can’t wrap my head around this whole bullshit.”

  “If he makes one wrong move, I’ll have no choice but to take him out. I owe it

  to Tara. She is under my protection.”

  “My father knows this. It just doesn’t make any sense.”

  “You think there’s more to this?” he asks, turning his body to face me.

  “I have no idea, Brax. My mind's all over the place right now. All I know is he’s going to make things very fucking difficult for me.” I look down at my legs, pointing with my index finger. “I think this is just the start of things to come. If it wasn’t for Davo, I’m not sure that Silver wouldn’t have left me to burn alive.”

  “He’s loving the fact that your father hates you right now. Silver likes being the boss’ bitch. Make no mistake, should Jeffries no longer be in charge, Silver wants to head the Savages and there’s only one person standing in his way.” He presses his finger against my chest. “Question is, do you want it? Do you want to be the next president of the Savages? Or are you happy to serve and follow without question, trust without proof? Because let me tell you, Silver is vice president for a reason. He’s clawed his way to the top and earned his patch. Whereas you, my boy, were born to wear the patch.” I glance to the emblem sewn to my leather cut. The ugly-ass skull with wings in the background is a constant reminder of who I am and where I come from. It’s all I’ve ever known.

  “I ain’t living under Silver’s rules. Shit, I can barely live by my father's.”

  “So hand in your patch and leave the club. People leave all the time, right? Walk away, Nate. Do something to make you happy.”

  I scoff a little, rolling my eyes. “Man, if it was that easy, I’d have left years ago.”

  “It’s common practice. Men and women leave groups all the time,” he replies, clearly confused.

  “Oh yeah, they leave. But they are found and killed, Brax. Dad doesn’t believe in people walking away. They know too much. They could go to the fucking feds or anything. It’s how he controls us.”

  “Shit,” he mumbles, pushing his hand through his hair.

  “Yep,” I reply. “Twenty years of knowledge ain’t gonna walk out of the club. He’ll never allow it. But right now, all I care about is keeping Tara safe. I can’t let that sick motherfucker lay a finger on her. She doesn’t deserve that.”

  “You dig her, don’t you?”

  “I’m fucking crazy about her, Brax. Which is what makes it so hard to walk away. She has been the one good thing I’ve had in my life, since, well, since forever.”

  “She’s something special,” he agrees with a nod. “It’s just fucked up that the two of you can’t be together.”

  “I’m loyal to the club because I’m told I have to be. I obey my father because I have no choice. Something's gotta give, Brax.”

  “Maybe it’s time a new Savage steps up?”

  “Fuck.” I laugh nervously. “The men aren’t loyal to me. I can’t control those crazy motherfuckers.”

d'ya know? Huh?” he asks with a lift of his chin. “I’ve seen you in charge. You’re a good, fair leader who makes good decisions. That’s why I deal with you, and only you. Because, unlike the others, I know I can trust you. I reckon you’re exactly what the MC needs right now.”

  I slowly let out a huge breath, blown away that Brax has so much confidence in me, even if I think it is somewhat misplaced.

  “Think about it,” he says, slapping the side of my face lightly. “If you can’t leave, then own it, Nate. Make it your own.”

  Tapping my thumb against my lip, I stare out of the windshield as my mind races, thinking about his suggestion.

  Pressing the fancy-looking touchscreen display, he presses it, the sudden sound of a dial tone plays through the car.

  “I’m calling Tara. She’s worried about you.” He shoots me a sideways smile.

  “Brax,” Tara’s voice booms through the speakers and I almost have to clutch my chest. My heart pounds hard and fast, and I know it’s hearing her voice that’s the cause of it.

  “Did you find him? Is he okay?” I sense the worry in the tone of her voice and can’t stop the words flying from my mouth.

  “He’s in the car. You’re on speakerphone,” Brax replies.

  “I’m fine,” I rush out.

  “Oh, thank God.” She exhales heavily. “What happened to you? What did they do?”

  “You don’t need to worry. I’m fine,” I say, dismissing her.

  “Oh… okay. Good,” she replies, as if not knowing what to say.

  “Listen, Brax,” she says.

  “Yeah,” he replies letting her know he’s listening.

  “I, uh, don’t want you to freak out but, I uh…”

  “Oh, for fuck's sake, spit it out already,” he snaps, clearly on edge about whatever Tara is struggling to share with us.

  “Well, Jeffries called me. God knows how he got my number, but he was inviting me to a party at the clubhouse tonight.”

  “Fuck,” I mumble, balling my fists as I feel the anger rising inside me. I said I’d protect her and keep her away from him, yet it seems he’s seeking her out.


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