From the Ashes - A Forbidden Series Novella

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From the Ashes - A Forbidden Series Novella Page 7

by Dani René

  “Don’t be late. We’ve got a Sapphire booking today,” she calls, before I exit and I nod without looking back. Right now, I need to clear my mind.

  Once my earbuds are in and my running playlist is on, I hit the street. The early morning air is humid as I make my way down the road. My legs cry out from the strain, but I push past the ache.

  As I slow down, I take in my surroundings and realize it will take me another twenty minutes to get back. There are always tourists walking around photographing everything they can. I pass a few couples strolling happily hand in hand and I wonder briefly if I’ll ever have that.

  You’re just a toy. Filthy and disgusting. Only good for men to use.

  Those words linger. They seep into my very being, leaving me hollow.

  “Fancy meeting you here.” A familiar baritone has me spinning around. Kael. He’s dressed in faded, ripped jeans with paint splattered across them. His white T-shirt is ruined with various shades of color, but he looks incredible. No other man has ever made me ache with a mere glance, but with him, those cocoa-colored eyes render me speechless.

  I want to run up to him, but I don’t. “You said you were getting back soon, not that you’re back already,” I respond, and it comes out more accusing that I meant it to. His eyes narrow, and his quizzical expression makes me aware that he’s noticed the accusation in my words.

  Dark pools stare at me and I can’t help clenching my thighs. They’re sexy—alluring even—and I want to spend more time with him to delve into this man.

  “I did say soon, you’re right, but I wanted to surprise you. Let’s have coffee?” He cocks his head to the side. There’s hope flitting across his face, and I find myself nodding. I shouldn’t do this. The voice inside my head is screaming, but I ignore her and walk toward him.

  “You were gone for a long time,” I state quietly, feeling foolish as soon as the words have left my lips. I don’t want him to think I’ve been missing him, or even thinking about him. Yes, we had a date or two, but that didn’t mean anything.

  “Phoenix, you know I had work to do. The client who commissioned those paintings asked me to fly to Chicago and I couldn’t refuse. They have a gallery booked for an exhibition and I had to scope it out,” he says, reaching a hand for me.

  “Oh.” Feeling silly for saying something, I peer up at him.

  “Did you miss me?” he quips. The all-knowing smirk lifts one side of his mouth, and I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from smiling.

  “No, of course not.”

  “Okay, Phoenix,” he murmurs, placating me. “Come on?”

  When he reaches for me again, I slip my hand in his and nod. “Fine.” We fall into step beside each other and walk in silence. I keep my breaths even, but my heart is racing. “So you really are a full time artist?” I trail my eyes over him, taking in the shabby appearance.

  “Yes, the contract has been approved so it seems like I’ll be calling Chicago home in the near future,” he tells me proudly.

  He’s leaving.

  My heart plummets and I nod, glancing up at him. His scruff is longer than I normally like on a man, but on him, I’d take it. His long hair is curly and falls just past his shoulders. He’s definitely beautiful.

  “Chicago? Wow, congratulations. That’s… that’s good.” I stumble over my words, but he doesn’t notice as he stops outside an intimate coffee shop. He opens the door, allowing me to enter first, and I’m assaulted by the smell of roasted coffee and the scent of freshly baked treats, which have my stomach grumbling.

  “Let’s get some drinks and I’ll tell you more about it.” He ushers me to the counter with his fingertips at the base of my spine, which once again send heated tingles through me. The memory of his hands on my body is still fresh on my mind. “Coffee, babe?”

  “Yes, please.” I smile while glancing around the room. While he orders, I find us a small booth in the corner. I slip in and wait for him, thinking about how a man who works with his hands is the ultimate fantasy.

  When he sets the cup in front of me, I lift it to my lips, taking a tentative sip and enjoying the flavor. Our gazes lock and his searing stare immediately falls to my wet lips.

  “You’re good at that.” He gestures to my mouth as he takes a sip of his own drink. Shrugging, I glance around feeling embarrassed. We met as client and dancer in a nightclub, he’s paid to fuck me, yet here we are, sitting in a coffee shop like a normal couple. “I want to learn who you are, Phoenix,” he states with curiosity, staring at me a little too intently. His eyes bore into me and I shift uncomfortably under the scrutiny.

  “I’m Sky. You know that. Dancer at Inferno.” My response is short, cold, and I can tell it annoys him from the scowl on his face. He takes another gulp of his coffee, but doesn’t shift his gaze from me. My eyes settle on his Adam’s apple and I watch it work as he swallows.

  “You know what I meant,” he utters in frustration.

  Meeting his brown eyes, I respond, wanting to change the subject. “So, are you going to tell me about this contract you’ve got?”

  I don’t miss the quick narrowing of his eyes. “Don’t fucking do that.” His voice lowers into a growl, and I’m fucked because it’s got my pussy aching for another feel of his thick cock.

  The growl, the tone, everything, it’s too fucking much. It’s as if the man who left me in that hell is sitting before me, and I can’t take that pain again. It took me years to get over him. I’m still a wreck whenever I think about him.

  As much as I thought it could be him, I’m not stupid enough to think my life could possibly work out. Kael is leaving and when he goes I’ll be alone again. The thought has my heart squeezing, leaving me utterly breathless. I’m not putting myself through heartbreak again. “This is done,” I retort, meeting his glare and swallowing down the last of my drink before I push out of the seat. “Thanks for the coffee.”

  He doesn’t come after me, and I don’t expect him to. As soon as I step out of the store, I turn left and make my way back down the road.

  I’m not very far when I hear him. “I’m not done with you.” His shout sends a shiver of lust through me. I’m done with you. “Sky, please.” I hear him say.

  Please. A word no man has ever said to me. Except the one person I put all my trust in, only to have it ripped away. I thought he was my angel, but instead he turned out to be a liar.

  Spinning on my heel, I face him. There’s so much emotion in his gaze, it scares me to death. “What? You want another go? Well, you know where I work. I don’t spread my legs for free,” I hiss, as anger slowly seeps into my heart.

  He just stares at me for a moment, the sounds of the bustling street filling the space between us. “So you’d rather shake your half naked ass on a stage for vile men to throw money at, than date me, is that it?” His question cuts me so deep that I have to school my expression in order to not gape at him. We’re a few feet apart, and I want to run up to him and ask him—no, beg him—to save me. Tell him that I want nothing more than just that. But I don’t. I can’t let myself feel hope. Not one ounce.

  “Yes,” I say instead, with conviction. And with that, I turn and walk away, leaving him staring at my retreating form. I can feel every inch of my skin ignite as those scorching coffee pools burn into me.

  Since our argument on the sidewalk I haven’t seen him in the club. Even though every day he calls and texts me—messages I’ve just deleted—I still think about him.

  All. The. Fucking. Time.

  I’ve known the man all of a few months and he’s not left my mind since. I want him, I really fucking do, but he’s leaving for a better life. When he told me he was heading to Chicago, I almost begged him to take me with him. But what would he want with a woman like me. Someone who can’t give him anything more than a fuck.

  Memories of where I’ve come from assault me at a rapid pace, stealing my breath when I remember my past. Taking in my reflection, I recall being in that place with such clarity it’s as if I
’m still there. When I wasn’t given a choice but instead told what to do.

  A trained toy.

  Whenever it comes to mind, I remember him—the man who wore the mask, the one who made me feel—and it hurts. An ache, so deep in my chest, stifles me in ways I’ve never felt before, or since.

  My naivety and innocence allowed him in, into my body and my heart.

  The agony is still there.

  I don’t know if it will ever go away.

  I loved and I lost.

  And I promised myself never again.

  That’s why now that I’m wiser, I don’t allow emotion to cloud my judgment. I’m only here to dance, and with the occasional client, fuck. No emotion.

  Kael almost thawed me, melted the ice around my heart, but even he failed.

  My face is shimmery and my eyes glow with the dark liner around them.


  Pulling the black stockings up my thighs, I clip them onto my garter belt. The red and charcoal corset hugs my curves. The tiny matching thong cups my cunt like a glove. Snug fit.

  In the hallway, I see the other girls heading toward the various booths and stages.

  “Skyla.” Theia strolls up to me in a black pencil skirt that stops just above her knee, and a beautiful silk blouse that hints at her deep rose-colored bra beneath. “I’ve got a gentleman who requested a private dance with you. Asked for you by name. I offered one of the other girls, but he was adamant.” She smirks, her lips lift playfully and I’m staring at her shocked.

  “Did he say why he wanted me specifically?” She shakes her head, no, and I continue, “Did you let boss man know I’m booked?”

  A swift nod answers me, then she leans in with her lips at my ear and whispers conspiratorially, “Yeah, this guy has paid fifty grand for you.” My heart thuds in my chest. Jesus Christ, that’s a fucking bundle for a dance.

  “Are you sure? Like, I mean…”

  “No kidding, babe. Raven room, your favorite. Have fun.” She winks and leaves me to wander to the long hallway where our VIP rooms are situated.

  I’ve been doing this for so long, I should be used to it. Heading down the hallway to where I’m about to give some lucky bastard the dance of his life, my mind wonders what Kael would say if he were here.

  When he asked if I’d rather do this than date him before I walked away, I said yes, but deep down I know it was a lie. There’s nothing more I’d like than for him to walk in here and throw me over his shoulder.

  It will never happen, I just need to come to terms with it, but the thought that I’ll never have him hurts. After a few months, the pain will dull, and I’ll be over it. But now that it’s fresh in my mind, I can’t help allowing it to overtake me.

  If only I’d listened. Maybe if I’d given him a chance and not been so stubborn and dismissive. If only he’d not been so easy to push away. I can spend days with what ifs and whys, but ultimately, it was me. My choice. My decision. Yes, I’m an idiot. Now I’ve got to suck it up and live with it.

  At the black door, I inhale a deep breath, push thoughts of Kael out of my mind, and twist the knob.

  It’s been too long.

  Work kept me in Chicago or I would have come to see her sooner. After our argument, I was adamant to get back here and shake some sense into her. I would have barged my way in, thrown her over my shoulder and walked out of here. But I couldn’t, and I know if I had even tried that she’d have shut down. So I’ve decided to go this route. I’ll pay for now, but this will be the last fucking time I do. Because after today, she’s mine. Only fucking mine.

  I couldn’t come back here and look into those beautiful eyes only to see the anger she had stored away for so long directed at me. Even though I deserved every ounce of it.

  But today all bets are off. She’s going to see me and she’s going to fucking talk to me. My mind flits back while I wait for her, remembering my sister’s expression when I walked in.

  “Brother?” She grins happily as I walk in. Rounding her desk, she pulls me into a hug so tight I have to fight for breath. I return the gesture, inhaling my sister’s jasmine scented perfume. She hasn’t changed. I’ve missed her so much, my heart hurts. It’s taken me five years to walk in here when I knew she was just down the road. “What can I do for you?” she asks, when we step away from each other.

  Meeting her blue gaze, I murmur, “I’m here for someone in particular.” Leaning on the desk, I hope she can help me.

  “Skyla?” she asks, without hesitation.

  “Paige.” Her name sounds wrong on my lips. My sister’s eyes widen in shock and she regards me with curiosity. “Or yes, Skyla.” I nod at her query. She’s always known, all this time and she didn’t tell me. As anger floods my mind, I push it back. I was the one who walked away.

  “Yes, please. I want her in the Raven Room all night,” I tell her with confidence. Recalling the menu I received when I came here with Axel the first time, I know this will cost an arm and a leg, but nothing will deter me from being with her again. Making her see that she’s mine.

  She nods. “That’s an expensive option.”

  I hear the warning in her tone and I pull out my card. “This should cover it.” I watch as she swipes it, hitting keys on the computer and then she rises, handing me back the plastic money.

  “I’m happy to see you, Kael. She misses you, I can tell.” My sister’s confession sparks hope in my chest and I can’t help smiling. “Follow me.” As we head farther into the club, she turns into the hallway that leads toward the bedrooms. Once we reach the right door, Theia hands me the key and my heart gallops in my chest, thudding painfully against my ribs as if it’s about to break its way out.

  “Thank you, baby sister,” I murmur, and she leans up on her tiptoes to plant a kiss on my cheek.

  “Good luck,” she offers, then turns and leaves me standing outside my future.

  Shaking my head, I glance at the door as it swings open, and I’m met with the feisty redhead dressed in nothing more than the tiniest thong I have ever seen and a red and charcoal corset that pushes her full breasts up giving me an eyeful of her incredible cleavage. Her stockings are sheer and they’re clipped to a garter which looks stunning on her curves.

  “What are you doing here?” she questions harshly, but steps into the room and shuts the door behind her. I’m on my feet in seconds and close the distance between us.

  “I’ve come to talk to you.” I lower my voice in response.

  She squares her shoulders and peers up at me.

  “Talking is the same rate as fucking.” She stalks past me, but I don’t let her get that far. I grip her arm, tugging her against me so our bodies are flush, and I can feel the heat of her softly tanned skin. I grip both her hips, spin around and press her between me and the closed door.

  Leaning in, I run my nose up the side of her neck, inhaling the sweet scent of her. “Then we’ll just have to talk while we’re fucking, won’t we, Phoenix?” Her gasp fans over my ear and I grin.

  I reach for her throat and my other hand pushes between her legs. Her body trembles and my cock hardens. “Is this what you want? You want me to treat you like a whore? Because I will.” A soft whimper falls from her beautiful mouth.

  “Kael.” My name on her lips is like fuel, dripping slowly onto the embers of my heart, sparking my desire. And I know she’s going to burn me alive.

  “Shh, you wanted me to pay to see you, so I’ll bow to your wishes. But only this one time. You know why?” My fingers tease her smooth sex through the tiny thong. “Because I want you. I want this”—slipping my hand into her panties, I cup her cunt—“to be mine. Exclusively.”


  Before she can respond, I drive two fingers into her—deep inside her body—owning her with my hand. Soon I’ll be claiming her with my cock.

  “This is what you were thinking about these past few months without me. Isn’t it, baby?” I finger fuck her roughly, tightening my hold on her neck. “You thought ab
out my cock while those assholes fucked you, didn’t you? And before you fell asleep at night, you touched this pussy—my pussy—isn’t that right?” My hand moves faster, and her gaze meets mine. Her normally jade eyes are dark, like the Amazonian forest. Her body is trembling and I’m practically holding her up by her neck. Her sweet juices soak my hand. “Come for me. Let that fucking pussy squirt.” My menacing growl is feral and her body locks, her cunt clamps down, squeezing my fingers like a vise and I feel the honeyed cum dripping from her.

  My cock has never been this hard. It’s never throbbed so much to be inside a woman. To mark her. Watching her come apart under my touch is like heroin, and my body is buzzing with the high. My hand slips from her and I bring it to my mouth, tasting her from my fingers. Delicious, fucking delectable.

  Her body straightens, but her knees are still wobbly. “Kael, you can’t just expect me to—”

  “Yes, I fucking can.” Frustration courses through my veins. She needs to get over this because I want her. “Don’t you see? I want you.” She shakes her head and stalks past me. The scent of her sweetness is thick in the room, and I want to fuck her into submission. Like I did on our first night together.

  “You can’t want me. I’m not available. I don’ exclusivity.” Her words are fierce and fire blazes in her eyes.

  “I want you to do it with me. I want to own you.” The words come easily and she turns to me with her mouth agape. I’ve hit the nail on the fucking head. Surely she knows who I am. Surely she can see it in my eyes. I implore her with my gaze, but she looks away.

  “What do you know about owning a woman?” Her indignant tone makes me chuckle. This woman challenges every fucking ounce of my restraint and sanity and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  “Did you like when he owned you?” I spit the words and her gaze snaps to mine. “Did you like being a pet?” Meeting her glare, I see her falter at my question. Anger and hatred surge through me like venom, slowly poisoning me with the desire to exact revenge for her. To kill for her.


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