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Clipped Page 10

by Remy Blake

  “Avery,” I call her name as I walk back into the bedroom. “I ran you a bath. Go relax while I make you some breakfast.”

  “That’s sweet. It almost makes up for you breaking my vagina.”

  “I’ll kiss it better tonight if you need me to. Maybe next time you’ll believe me when I tell you about my sexual prowess.”

  “I always believed you were a giant dick. I just didn’t know you had one.”

  “Really? You can’t tell just by looking at me?” I raise an eyebrow skeptically.

  “No, Wes. I don’t assume that someone has a big dick just because they’re a big guy.”

  “But you thought about it right? I bet when you were lying in bed late at night your fingers might have creeped inside your white panties and…”

  “White panties?” she interrupts. “No woman wears white panties,” she snorts.

  “Hey, it’s my fantasy not yours. Anyway, your fingers creep under the edge of your tiny, white lace panties while you imagine what my cock looks like. Oh, Wes you moan, while your fingers slip through your juices and circle your clit.”

  “You’ve seriously thought about this?”

  “Fuck yeah. There’s nothing sexier than the thought of you masturbating while you think about my cock.”

  “What about the thought of me masturbating thinking about sucking your cock?”

  Reaching down, I scoop her up in my arms. “Maybe you can help that fantasy come true right now,” I say, carrying her into the bathroom.



  The following week flies on by as Wes and I settle into our new found routine. We spend our days at work and our nights switching it up between the rehab hospital, Lucy’s house and his place. Surprisingly, it’s hassle free. It feels like nothing has changed, yet everything is different. Especially with all the sex we’re having. Every night, every morning, and I’m sure If we could, office sex would also be on the agenda. He’s insatiable, and I’m not one to complain about what is undeniably the best sex I’ve ever had. And it’s not just the physical attraction that’s intense, but with all my walls down, the connection between us is deeper than I anticipated. He’s funny, he’s warm and he’s got so much to give. The Wes I remember is nowhere to be found, a constant reminder that even though we’re in a good place, I owe him an apology. If not for him, then to ease my conscience for all the horrible thoughts I’ve had about him since I got here.

  We’ve yet to discuss anything concrete, but Wes has been subtly trying to find out whether I’m staying in Piney View or not. I know he doesn’t want to scare me off and blatantly ask me to stay. Like Mom and Lucy, he thinks I need to do what’s right for me. I’ve thought long and hard about it, and there might be some bumps along the way, but this is where the next chapter of my life is. I don’t want to miss out on any more moments with my family; good or bad. I’ve dated in California, and nothing has felt like this. I don’t want to give up on us before we’ve even given it a try.

  Today was supposed to be the day we found a secretary replacement. While Wes flat out told me he didn’t want me going anywhere now that we were on “better” terms, I told him I didn’t want his business to be affected by whatever decisions we made going forward. Begrudgingly, he agreed to go ahead with the interviews. But after staring at the fifth woman to waltz in here desperate for Wes’ attention, I’m starting to think me leaving isn’t a good idea.

  I’ve never been jealous of other women before; it’s not in my nature. These women are like cats in heat, short skirts, tits out, they leave very little to the imagination. Not to mention the way they ignore me everytime I ask a question.

  Wes is being a gentleman and has shown no sign of being interested. I trust him. But it’s safe to say the secretary position will continue to be filled by me.

  I stand up mid sentence, I’m really not interested in what she has to say anymore. I know I’m being rude, but I’ve just about reached my limit.

  “Amy, is it?” I ask sarcastically.

  “Uh, it’s Anna.”

  “Right,” I say. “Well we’re going to have to cut this short. You see Wes and I,” I wave my hands between us, “are actually together.”

  She makes an ‘oh’ motion with her mouth, “and unfortunately, the interviews have run into our usual afternoon delight,” Her eyes widen with shock, but as she picks up her bag and stands up, I’m pretty sure she’s on the same page as I am.

  “Are you kicking me out to have sex?” I hear Wes behind me holding back his laughter. “Yes. That’s exactly what I’m doing.” With jealousy pumping through my veins, I grab her elbow and walk with her to the door. “Here, let me help you out.” As soon as she steps out the threshold, I slam the door shut and lock it. I lean on the door and stare at Wes sitting on the chair in front of me. “Fuck, you’re sexy when you're jealous,” he says with a smirk.

  “It’s not funny. Is this like a thing?”

  “Is what a thing?”

  “All these women throwing themselves at you, does this happen all the time?” He shrugs casually and it makes my blood boil even more.

  “Come here.” He waves his hand calling me over. With his legs open, I stand in between. He slides his hands underneath my skirt; slowly massaging my ass cheeks. “You’re the only one I want,” he says with sincerity. His hands push my skirt higher, till it sits in the middle of my torso, and his fingers are finding their way under my panties.

  “You’re so ready for me,” he whispers.

  I bend over at the waist, and lean towards his lips. I reach for his pants and pull his zipper down while kissing him slowly. Bare underneath, my hand comes into contact with his hard cock, instantly. His hands grab the back of my thighs for extra balance, as I move my legs over his. The kiss deepens. Lining him up with my pussy, I lower myself onto him slowly until every inch of his dick is inside me. I moan into his mouth at the welcomed intrusion.

  “This has gotta be quick, baby.” Moving up and down his shaft, I grind myself against him.

  “Next time we do this, I want your shirt off so your tits are bouncing in my face.”

  I rise and fall, faster and harder. Wes slides ever so slightly on the chair, and his cock somehow get’s deeper. It’s a frenzy of jealousy, emotions and pure lust. “You’re so close, baby. Come with me.”

  At his command, I throw my head back and cry out, “Oh, fuck.” A million little tremors ripple through me as Wes pulsates inside me. Overwhelmed with ecstasy, I wrap my arms around his neck and bury my head in the crook of his neck.

  “Has anyone told you, you’re the best secretary ever?” he says, jokingly. Our bodies vibrate in laughter against each other.

  “Lucky I’m staying then, isn’t it?

  Flicking through the channels, while lazing about on Wes’ couch, I wait for our dinner to be delivered. There’s a loud beep coming from the coffee table. Without paying attention, I grab the lit up phone, thinking it’s mine. As all these invitations for the BigBadWolf come up on the screen, I realize it’s not. My heart sinks to the floor. He fucking tricked me.

  “Avery,” I jump up off the couch as his voice gets closer. I look up at him, and then back at the screen. I swipe open the app and start looking at all the invitations he’s received.

  “Hey, Ave.” He calls out trying to get my attention. “Is that my phone?” He asks hesitantly.

  “So, you’re BigBadWolf, huh?”

  He walks toward me. “Let me explain.” I walk backwards, making sure there’s distance between us. “Don’t come near me.”

  “Baby, please,” he pleads.

  “Don’t fucking baby, me.”

  “Avery. It’s not what you think.”

  “Actually, I think it is. I trusted you and you lied to me.”

  “No,” he says with frustration. “Can you please sit down and hear me out?”

  “Were you talking to anyone else?”

  “Were you?”

  I scoff, “you knew I opened the account,
so your questions aren’t really valid right now.”

  “I just wanted you to see me in a different light,” he explains.

  My chest tightens in anguish and I try to hold back the tears, “Funny that,” I spit out. “The only way I see you is how I’ve always seen you.” I throw the phone directly at him. “Wes, you’re nothing but a selfish prick. You don’t care how your actions and words might hurt others. You never have.” A trail of tears stream down my face. “I don’t know why I ever let myself believe you changed.”



  Leaning down, I pick my phone up from the floor. “Avery, come here please.”

  She shakes her head. Tears stream down her cheeks and it’s breaking my heart to know she’s hurting because of something I did.

  “Avery,” I repeat her name, but she doesn’t want to listen.

  She slips her shoes on and storms out the door while I stand there like a statue at a loss of what to do. What the fuck just happened? Sinking down on the couch, I brace my elbows on my knees and grip my hair. I can’t believe everything went from perfect to completely fucked in a matter of seconds and I have no idea what to do about it.

  Denial is a funny thing. It’s like a pause button, putting reality on hold. It can help you get through some tough situations, but sooner or later reality pops you one in the face. It’s usually when you least expect it or are unprepared for it.

  I’m smart enough to know I can’t ignore what happened with Avery any longer than I already have. I took the rest of last night to mull things over after she stormed out. The bottle of rum I consumed didn’t hurt either. Now, I’m ready to do whatever it takes to get her to forgive me. There’s no way I can accept this is the end for us.

  I make the necessary calls to get things rolling. By the end of today, I plan to have my girl back or go down in a fiery ball of flames trying.

  Checking in on a couple job sites, I try to stay busy and keep my mind off Avery. Has she received any of her presents yet? Not knowing is going to kill me. I called Lucy earlier and filled her in on what went down last night. She said Avery hid in her room all night and wouldn’t come out. She told me I better find a way to make this right, that Avery isn’t the forgiving type. As if I didn’t already know this.

  Sitting in my truck, I type out a text to Lucy.

  Me: Did anything get delivered yet?

  Lucy: The cake, and it’s delicious. Thanks. LOL.

  Me: You better be joking.

  Lucy: Calm down. It’s perfect.

  Smiling, I think about the cake I ordered from Main Street Bakery. There are advantages to living in the same place all your life. You get to know everyone and you can count on them for whatever you need. Even if it’s to whip together a special order cake with a wolf with its tail between its legs and the hashtags #BigSadWolf and #Sorry.

  Me: Text me when she receives the rest of the stuff.

  Lucy: Will do.

  Placing my phone down, I pull out into traffic and head back to my office. That’s as good a place as any to wait for word.

  Three hours later, and still no news. I’m slowly going out of my mind. Did she get the cherry tree I had delivered? Did she like the note I included?


  Please forgive me for fucking up so bad. All I can say is that I had the best intentions and never meant to hurt you.

  This cherry tree is a gift for you. Did you know that cherry trees symbolize love and romance? Their branches are filled with blossoms for a very short time, but it doesn’t change what the tree represents. Just like me. I might not always know how to show you how much I love you, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t. Inside this manly body, my heart beats only for you. I’m still learning how to be in a relationship and I think even you’d agree there’s a learning curve involved. If you give me another chance you won’t regret it. I’ll make sure I show you every single day how much you mean to me.

  This wolf has been tamed and I wouldn’t have it any other way.



  I wonder if she got the ax I purchased for her? I sent a note with it so she wouldn’t misunderstand the gift.


  Here’s an ax to chop my balls off, if I ever screw up again.



  I have something else for her too, but I really need to see her in person for it to work out the way I hope.

  By the time five o’clock rolls around, I’m climbing the fucking walls. She’s not coming. I can see that now and it’s time for me to go home and drown my sorrows in a bottle.

  The next day starts out no different than the one before. My head hurts from drinking too much rum and my heart hurts from missing Avery. I go straight to the office, after stopping for a coffee on the way.

  Sitting in my office chair, I swallow down some Tylenol and close my eyes. I need to relax and trust she’s going to come to her senses. But what if she doesn’t? Then I’m going to become the goddamn wooing champion of the world and do whatever it takes to change her mind.

  Feeling better now that I know defeat isn’t an option, I get to work and knock some things off my to do list.

  When it’s time to break for lunch, I shutdown my laptop and decide to get out of here. A change of scenery will do me some good.

  As soon as I step foot out of my office, Avery walks through the front door. I freeze in place. She’s more gorgeous than my mind would allow me to remember and my chest squeezes with the pain of longing. I want her in my arms, my lips on hers followed by breathless whispers with declarations of love. What the fuck? What’s happening to me? I’m turning into a motherfucking poet.

  “Avery.” Her name leaves my lips like a croak.

  “Wes,” she answers, her voice not giving anything away. Staring at her face isn’t helping any. I can’t tell what her mood is.

  “Did you receive the things I sent you?”

  “I did. That’s why I’m here. I wanted to thank you in person and to say goodbye.”

  What? “Goodbye?” I question, numbly.

  She nods and tears start to flow down her cheeks.

  “Avery.” I walk toward her and she doesn’t move. Stopping when I’m directly in front of her, I pull my phone out and scroll through the Timber app until I can pull up my account. “Look,” I say, holding the screen in front of her face. “I’ve never accepted any requests from anyone. You’re the only friend I have on there. I only joined because of you.”

  “Why?” she questions, wiping the wetness from her cheeks.

  “Do you really need to ask that? Can’t you tell that I’m head over heels in love with you?” I rake a hand nervously through my hair. “I would have done anything to get to this point with you. I missed my chance when we were in high school. I sure as hell wasn’t going to miss out a second time.”

  “You liked me in high school?” she questions.

  “Yes, but I never thought a girl like you would give me the time of day.” I run a hand over my mouth and down to my beard. “That’s why I teased you so much. I just wanted to see your beautiful green eyes up close. It didn’t matter if you hated me because at least you noticed me.”

  “I didn’t hate you.” She presses her lips together for a moment. “I didn’t like you either, though. You were an asshole to me.”

  “I know I was, and that’s why I had to make you see I’m not the same person I was back then.”

  She opens her mouth to speak, but I hold my hand up effectively stopping her. “Hear me out, please. You had some preconceived notions about me based off things that happened years ago. You weren’t going to give me a fair shot to show you how being in a relationship with me would be. I’m sorry if I wasn’t honest about being Big Bad Wolf, but everything I said to you in our chat was true.”

  “You’re right.” She nods her head. “I did have my mind made up about you based off our interactions in high school. While that’s not really fair, you did have ample time to tell me y
ou were Big Bad Wolf. You should’ve told me before we slept together.”

  Raking my teeth over my bottom lip, I study her face. Her cheeks are pink, flushed with anger and sadness and her eyes are still wet with tears. I never want to see her look like this again. I only want to make her laugh and show her how much I love her every day for the rest of our lives.

  “Can you forgive me? Can we move past this?” I hold my breath as I wait for her answer. Dropping my head down, I stare at the floor and repeat the word please over and over in my mind. If she says no, I’ll be fucking lost.

  “Are you ever going to lie to me again?” she asks.

  My eyes raise to find her hands on her hips and a stern expression on her face. “No, I’ll never lie to you. I’ll always be honest. Even when you don’t want me to be.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean? Why wouldn’t I want you to be honest?” Her eyebrows draw together in the middle of her forehead.

  “Here’s an example. You’re wearing a dress that doesn’t flatter you. Wes, does this dress look okay?” I imitate her voice and spin around like I’m modeling a dress. “Yes, baby. It looks great, I’d say, even though it really doesn’t look good. If I said no, you’d never let me forget it.”

  “You do know that by telling me this, I’m going to question every time you say I look good for the rest of our lives.”

  “Does that mean you’re willing to give me another chance?”

  “I really wanted to make you sweat it out a little more, but I can’t do it. I love you too much to ever want to cause you pain.”

  “You love me?” I question, my eyebrows raised all the way to my hairline.

  “I love you, Wes. Just so you know, I’m never going to call you Big Bad Wolf.”

  “What about Wolfie?”

  She snorts. “No. No. Fucking. Way.”

  “Does this mean we can’t talk on Timber anymore?”

  “What would be the purpose of that?”

  “You’re nicer to BigBadWolf than you are to me.”


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