Brotherhood Protectors: Wild Horse Rescue (Kindle Worlds Novella) (2 Hearts Rescue South)

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Brotherhood Protectors: Wild Horse Rescue (Kindle Worlds Novella) (2 Hearts Rescue South) Page 2

by Mary Winter

  Logan grabbed her upper arms, thinking in her mood she might take a swing at him, and he’d like to avoid that if possible. Twin spots of color blossomed on her cheeks. Fire filled her eyes, and he remembered the smoldering heat he’d seen burning in them after a night of passion. Her lips parted. His groin tightened in response. “I had every right. I have no idea about this Jaime guy, what he might do, what he did do in order to cause you to slap a restraining order against him. Whatever it was, it had to be bad. You don’t go down without a fight. The police need to know everything if they’re going to do their jobs, and for that matter, so do I.” Crap. He’d just let the mission spill. He’d say he’d do better, but with Erika looking at him like that, he wasn’t sure he’d be able.

  “Your job? The deputy said you were with Hank’s crew. What did he mean?” She glared at him. “You weren’t hired to watch over me, were you? And if you’re with Hank’s crew, does that mean you’re no longer active duty?”

  None were questions he could dodge, at least not easily or with much honor. “No. I’m not active duty. Got shot on a mission in Libya and my knee can’t take jumping anymore. Hank owns the security firm I work for. He’s a good man and we’re all retired military.”

  “So that others may live. Still living the motto?” Her anger had cooled and dare he hope that she might be interested in reviving their chemistry. It might not be professional to sleep with his mission, but it’d certainly give them a good cover story should her ex come sniffing around.

  “Always, sweetheart. Always.” He cupped her cheek, his thumb brushing against her impossibly smooth skin. Unable to resist, he brushed his thumb across her lips.

  Erika sighed. Her eyelids fluttered closed and her lips parted. The lantern could hardly be called romantic, though the star-filled sky and slight whispers of night insects made it seem far more intimate than the harsh circle of light suggested. He leaned forward and brushed his lips across hers.

  She swayed against him, hands going to his shoulders. Her breasts brushed against his chest, and he wished like hell there weren’t a few layers of clothes between them. The heat from the ATV’s engine was quickly fading, making him completely aware of the rapidly cooling night. He wrapped his arm around her and drew her against him. Her thighs brushed his. His free hand went to her hip to pull her closer.

  He wanted her. His cock throbbed against the fly of his jeans and the tiny noises she was making went straight through him. She rocked her hips against him. The motion unlocked something deep inside. He swiped his tongue against her lips, delving inside, tasting her. She gave as good as she got, sliding her tongue along his to draw it deeper into her mouth. She sucked gently.

  Logan groaned. He pulled away to draw air into starving lungs. “Erika,” he groaned.

  “Logan.” She pulled her head back, then hastily took a step back, swaying against the ATV and bracing her hands on the seat. The motion thrust her breasts toward him, and he bit his lip to keep from reaching for them. “I didn’t come here for this.”

  No, she didn’t, and neither did he, but they were here now and the sparks between them were undeniable. “Grab what you need for an overnight stay. I’ll take you to Jenny’s cabin. You’ll be safe there.” He shifted back into protector mode with the stark realization that he hadn’t been watching his surroundings or paying one bit of attention to anything except Erika’s mouth and long legs tangled against his body. He swallowed hard, determined to get back on his game.

  She nodded and darted into her tent. He heard her rustling around and took advantage to check out the area. No further signs of tampering. He mentally cataloged the scene, made it a point to come back here while she was in town getting her truck. The deputy hadn’t seemed very interested, not that there was a lot of investigating he could do after dark. Logan made a note to swing by the sheriff’s office before coming back, just to make it very clear that Erika’s safety was a priority.

  She came back with a small bag slung over one shoulder. “I’m ready.”

  “Okay.” He swung onto the ATV and gestured for her to get on behind. This time, he handed her the helmet. She put it on, no arguments. When her hands fisted against his shirt and the sweet torture of her breasts flattened against his back reached a fever pitch, he revved the engine and headed back to Jenny’s. With Erika wearing the helmet, there was no way they could talk and that was good. He needed time to think.

  ~* * *~

  Logan’s sister may have been surprised to see her, but she didn’t mention it. She stood on the porch in pink pajama pants and a matching tank, her brown hair pulled back in a ponytail. Her gaze darted between Erika and Logan, a bit too knowing for Erika’s peace of mind. When Jenny turned, the words BOSS MARE were imprinted on the pants along with two horse shoes on the rear. Erika smiled at the ensemble. “I’ll just be here for the night. Logan is going to take me into town in the morning to get my truck.” Logan grunted as he set down her bag. If he were making a statement about her only being around for the night, he didn’t clarify. And she would only be there for the night. Whether she had someone watching her camp or not, she had a job to do. She never left her jobs unfinished. She needed to get those pictures for her friends. Then, she’d ask why the hell they hired a bodyguard when she could handle herself.

  “You can have my room,” Logan said as he turned toward the door. “I’ll take the couch.”

  Erika glanced at the love seat, doubting it would be long enough for her, let alone the tall, lanky Logan. “I don’t want to put you out. I can take the couch. It’s just for tonight.”

  “I’m going to check on the horses. Be back in a bit.” The back door closed behind Jenny.

  Logan crossed the living room in three large steps and stopped before her. He cupped her upper arms gently, though that didn’t stop the sense that he was looming over her. “I don’t want to argue about this. As long as someone is after you, you’ll stay here for safety. If you won’t stay here, then I’ll stay with you. Either way, it isn’t just for tonight, and I’m not going to leave your side.”

  Someone help her, she didn’t want him to leave her either. Though he had that tough guy military aura around him, she felt protected, cherished, and just wanted to tuck herself against that impossibly broad chest and let him keep out the bad guys. She mentally shook herself and stepped out of his grasp. “You might think this is some nefarious plot. Jaime was stupid. The restraining order kept him from being more stupid. Mostly he just came around and tried to get me to hook up with him again. Yeah, a few times he touched me--”

  Logan’s face darkened.

  Erika touched his chest. “Just tried to grab my arm. Nothing that left so much as a bruise. I was tired of it, and my colleagues working with me at the time were afraid it would escalate, so that’s why we got the restraining order. I really don’t think this is him. We’ll get the truck tomorrow and find out that it was just maintenance or a bad batch of gas.” She shrugged and wondered if she was trying to convince herself more than Logan. Jaime had scared her a couple of times; that’s why she’d started carrying the can of pepper spray. “You’ll see.”

  Instead of answering, Logan stepped forward and cupped the back of her head. She tilted her face to look up at him; he took advantage kissing her. The firm pressure of his lips had her melting against him. His free hand swept down her back to cup her ass and pull her against his body. The ridge of his erection grew against her stomach, and she groaned as he swiped his tongue across her mouth. She opened her mouth, eyes closing in sensual surrender. His short hair was spiky against her hand, the other she wrapped around his bicep.

  Logan stroked her lips, drawing her into the kiss, asking, rather than demanding, her response. When he stroked her tongue with his own, she shuddered, her pussy growing hot and wet. She arched against him, her hard nipples flattened against his chest. A growl rumbled in the back of his throat, a primal sound that made her think of being devoured. She wanted to be consumed—by Logan.

he sound of the back door closing penetrated her awareness and she pulled out of his arms. By the time his sister stepped into the living room Erika had snagged her bag from the living room floor and headed upstairs.

  The more Erika listened to the mechanic, the more she didn’t like what she heard. Not only had sugar been put in her tank, thankfully caught by her fuel filter and easily resolved, but her brake lines had been sliced straight through. The mechanic showed her the crisp cuts. The only thing that could have caused it would have been a knife. Erika said a quick prayer that Logan had gone to the sheriff’s office to chat with the deputy while she dealt with the garage. The worry in the mechanic’s eyes amped up her anger at whoever had done this.

  “Thank you,” she said, handing over her credit card to pay for the work. “I appreciate your taking care of this.”

  “You need to be careful, Miss. I don’t think this was just kids getting into trouble. You’ve got one of Hank’s boys following you. You’re in good hands.”

  She nodded and signed her name. In good hands indeed, except those hands she’d wanted all over her last night had never materialized. When she awakened, she’d found Logan already up and working in the barns. He’d kept a businesslike distance from her that was frustrating. Taking the truck keys from the counter, she drove down to the sheriff’s building. She found Logan outside talking to the deputy.

  He nodded as she approached. “I heard about your truck.” The steel in his voice sent chills down her spine. This was a man on a mission, one who wouldn’t stop until whatever threat against her was gone—permanently.

  She swallowed hard. “I’m sure it was nothing.” She turned to the deputy. “Did you go back out to the site this morning.”

  “We did. Got some bad news, ma’am. Your camp was destroyed. Tent slashed. Belongings strewn all over the mountain. The boys and I gathered everything the best we could, took pictures for evidence. Already took it to Logan’s sister’s place for you. If you would inventory what’s there and let us know what’s missing, we can add it to the report.” He stepped back. “If you’ll excuse me. I have some reports to write up.”

  “Of course. Thank you.” Erika turned to Logan. “What’s your take on this?” There seemed to be more to what the deputy had said, an undercurrent of news they didn’t want her to have.

  “Not here. Why don’t you head back and I’ll stop at the grocery store, grab some food and meet you back home.”

  Her bodyguard was leaving her? “You’re not going to go beat anyone up are you?” She arched an eyebrow at him.

  “No.” He relaxed just a bit. “Just need to get some provisions because we’re going back out to get your photographs.” He brushed a kiss across her cheek. “You’ll be safe on the drive home.”

  The certainty in his voice reassured her, and on the drive home she realized why. A white Ford truck followed her down the highway, keeping far enough back that it could have been anyone on the highway except for the fact that it turned into the driveway after her. She got out of her car, reached for her purse and closed her fingers around her pepper spray.

  “Logan sent me,” The tall man said as he got out of the truck, hands open at his sides. “Name’s Caid. I’m a PJ like Logan. He asked me to keep an eye on you until he got back from town.”

  Now she knew why Logan seemed so easy to let her leave without him. She nodded, not really acknowledging him and headed for the house. The deputy said he’d brought her clothes and belongings here. She could catalog everything and have it taken care of by the time Logan came back.

  Jenny met her at the door. “They put it in the barn. I’m sorry,” she said. “Want me to go with you?”

  How bad could it be? She shook her head and turned to the barn. “I’m fine. Thanks.”

  “Okay,” Jenny didn’t sound sure, and her eyes widened when she saw Caid. She glanced down at her short-sleeved plaid shirt, worn jeans, and dusty boots. Crap. Erika knew that look, that “I should have worn a different outfit” kind of look.

  “I’ll go with her, ma’am.” He softened the last word. Erika sighed. Sure, her bodyguard was flirting with Jenny. Whatever! She was going to take a look at her gear and see exactly what they were talking about.

  She didn’t have far to go to see what was the remains of her camp. Three piles stood beyond the open double doors, one that looked like her tent and bent metal poles, one of dented coolers, a camp shower with bullet holes in it, and one of busted suitcases, clothes pushed in with t-shirts and jeans tucked in around to hide underwear and other clothing. Whoever had done this hated her. It radiated from the destruction, in spite of the careful way the belongings had been brought here and stacked. Her knees buckled; she stumbled, dust scuffing up from her boots. Who would do such a thing? Jaime? She couldn’t imagine it. No, this held so much more malice than he’d ever shown.

  A warm hand on her shoulder offered support. She glanced over at Logan. “I’m sorry,” he whispered.

  She nodded, throat choked with tears and spun into his arms. Tears rolled down her cheeks. “Why? Why do this?”

  “Because sometimes men are assholes,” Logan replied, and this time, Erika couldn’t argue.

  Chapter Three

  Thankfully with Jenny’s help, Erika was able to salvage more than she thought. Her tent was a loss, as were the coolers and the food contained within. But most of her clothing just needed a good washing and a lot of her gear was in hard, protective cases locked with a padlock and designed to withstand getting run over by a jeep or kicked around by an elephant. She thought it was overkill to bring such protections to Montana; now, she knew better.

  A trip into town fixed the cooler and food situation. She wished it restored her sense of safety just as easily. It didn’t, and when Logan found her packing her truck to head back out, he stepped right in to help her finish packing. “You’re not mad that I’m going back out?” She had less than half the pictures she needed, and she’d be damned if she let Jaime or whoever this asshole was scare her from her job.

  “Nope. I’d do the same thing. This time I’m going with you.” He pointed to his own bedroll and pack that he fastened on the back of the ATV.

  “Just don’t get in my way.” Erika frowned. Maybe he could be a help to her. Performing his bodyguard duties would help alleviate this churning worry in her gut. His lack of experience in the field, aside from any military work he’d done, would only serve to make her job harder. She’d been there before. Well-meaning people going along on a photo shoot ending up scaring the wildlife, or worse, keeping it from showing itself. She fastened a ratchet strap over the gear in the back of her truck to keep anything from bouncing out on the road back to her camp site. She’d poured over maps. A new camping area was about a half mile away from where she’d been, deeper into the federal lands and away from the main road. Logan and she agreed that would be a good place to set up their base.

  Two hours to drive there and another hour to set up and Erika realized she was ready to head out into the field. She glanced around her camp. Leaving everything would provide an opening for whoever harmed her camp the first time to come back. She gathered up a bag with her cameras, some snacks and two canteens of water, along with a poncho and jacket in case the weather turned colder.

  “I’m going to head onto the ridge and see if I can spot anything.” Erika lifted the pack onto her back. She fastened the waist strap and checked the shoulder straps. “You’re welcome to come with me or stay here. I shouldn’t be too far out of sight.” Her babysitter. That’s what Logan had become, and she hated the thought.

  “I’m going with you. Just tell me what to do so I don’t interfere in your work.” He cupped her cheek.

  Closing her eyes, she turned into the touch. “At least you thought of that. Stay behind me. Stay low. Don’t make any sudden moves. Can you do that?” When she opened her eyes, she saw Logan’s face inches from hers.

  “You mean like this?” He swooped in and kissed her, his mouth moving with hungr
y intensity across hers.

  She stiffened, startled by his kiss. Then as his tongue swept across her lower lip, she relaxed against him, parting her lips in invitation. She clung to his broad shoulders, wishing she could drown in his kiss. With Logan pushing her back against the fender of the truck, his body hard and insistent before her, she wanted nothing more than to tumble them to the nearest soft surface—maybe even her truck seat—and have him make love to her until she couldn’t stand. That wouldn’t get pictures taken and would distract them from a potential stalker. The thoughts dumped cold water on her ardor, and she gently, but insistently, pushed Logan away.

  She struggled to get her breathing under control. “That can’t happen again,” she told him.

  “Going to bury your head in work and pretend like what’s between us isn’t happening?” He braced his hands against the truck on either side of her. “I thought you had more fight than that.”

  “It’s not burying myself in work if it’s for a good cause. I promised Jay and Cody I’d do this for them. I intend to honor that promise. Given that they hired you, I suggest you let me do my job.” She took a deep breath to tamp down the frustration welling within her. “As far as what’s between us, PJ, from where I’m standing that’s what’s stopping you from doing your job. Because we have a visitor.”

  Instantly, he backed away, spinning on his heel in time to see the white tail of a deer bound back into the woods. “Shit,” he muttered to himself. “I didn’t even notice.”

  “I did. Why? Because this is my job, to keep an eye out on all the wildlife in the area. In some parts of the country that involves the human kind of wildlife too. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have work to do.” She knew she was being a bitch and couldn’t help it. She hadn’t asked for a body guard, hadn’t wanted one. She’d be lying to herself if she said that what had happened back at her camp scared her. She’d been in places like this before, war zones where big cats were caught between factions or elephants trying to escape habitat destruction. One little pushy asswipe in Montana wasn’t going to get in her way. And frankly neither should Logan.


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