Living To Love You (Santos Family Series Book 4)

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Living To Love You (Santos Family Series Book 4) Page 29

by KD Bryan

  Yes, Reid’s special order for a boy had been granted, and the whole Brandt family couldn’t be happier. Ramiro Eduardo Brandt was due any day, and Carli just hoped they made it through the wedding and reception today. Her back had been killing her earlier, and now she felt a definite dull ache down low in her abdomen. She discreetly rubbed her stomach beneath her bouquet just as she caught her husband’s gaze on her.

  Reid was sitting on the third row with all three girls beside him, and he lifted a questioning brow at his wife. He hadn’t missed the slight grimace marring her beautiful features a few moments ago, and now he watched as Carli’s hand rubbed one spot low on her stomach. Reid willed himself to relax, but he wished the bride would hurry and make an appearance so they could get on with the ceremony. He had a feeling they were going to be leaving the festivities earlier than planned and heading to the hospital.

  Rob felt his heart rate escalate as the sounds of the traditional wedding march filtered through the church’s sound system. The heavy double doors opened again, and suddenly there was his bride looking like a vision in a classic champagne colored wedding gown of her own design. Tears stung his eyes as he took in the beautiful woman clinging to his own father’s arm as they made their way towards him. Rob ignored the tightness in his chest as he took in every detail and imprinted the image into his brain of Jillian walking down the aisle to meet him.

  Her hair had grown in slowly but not without some changes, and her once golden hued blonde color was now more platinum. The texture was now wavy instead of straight, and she wore it styled in a fashionable short look. Her elbow length veil trimmed in tiny rhinestones framed her features, and Rob smiled when he saw the diamond necklace she wore. It was his wedding day gift to her, and it looked just as beautiful around her slender neck as he’d imagined it would.

  Jillian’s own eyes were focused on her groom as she made her way down the aisle of the church on Ric’s arm. Her own father was currently in China, and although he’d apologized profusely it’d still stung when he’d broken the news that he wouldn’t be here today. Monica was absent as well, but Jillian didn’t feel her mother’s absence like she did her dad’s. He’d actually made time to visit for a few days during the weeks of her radiation treatments, and Jillian felt they’d finally put some of their troubled past behind them. Their relationship wasn’t perfect, but at least they were now staying in regular contact with one another.

  Jillian felt the gentle squeeze to her elbow after Ric kissed her cheek before handing her off to his son, and then turned to take his own seat beside Sylvia. Before the priest started the wedding mass, Rob looked into Jillian’s eyes and whispered, “You look absolutely beautiful. I love you.”

  Battling her emotions, Jillian swallowed and whispered in return, “I love you, too, Roberto.”

  The mass continued, and they reached the final blessing of the vows. After the prayer ended, Rob smiled at Jillian when they heard the words “and now you may exchange a kiss” from the priest. Their lips met in a kiss filled with so much love and happiness that Jillian felt tears stinging her eyes again. After ending their kiss rather reluctantly, the couple started the recessional back down the aisle with Rob’s hand covering Jillian’s where it rested in the bend of his arm.

  In lieu of a receiving line, Rob and Jillian made their way to the church’s vestibule where they greeted the small gathering informally before returning to the sanctuary for pictures. The reception was being held later at a nearby hotel ballroom where they’d eat and party with their friends and family into the evening.

  The photos were finally finished, and Rob took Jillian’s hand as they made their way outside to his car. Once they were settled inside, he turned to his new bride and then laughed when he saw the look on her face.

  “Roberto, did we really just get married before God and everybody?” laughed Jillian.

  Rob leaned across the console to place a lingering kiss on his bride’s lips. “Yeah, we did.”

  After another kiss, Rob ran a finger down Jillian’s cheek as his eyes met hers. “Jillian, I can’t explain how happy I am that we’ve made this commitment to one another. No matter what the future might still hold, we’re in it together, babe.”

  Smiling through the latest tears stinging her lids, Jillian nodded and reached up to cup Rob’s cheek in her hand. She ran her thumb across his full bottom lip and then placed a kiss where her thumb had been.

  “I know, Roberto. And I plan to live every day with that thought foremost in my mind. There’s no one I’d want to do this with but you, and I’m so thankful you’re in my life,” said Jillian thoughtfully.

  This life she was about to begin with Rob felt like a new beginning in more ways than one, and Jillian knew she’d been given a second chance to live it to the fullest. She had no idea what the future might still hold and there were certainly no guarantees up for grabs, but there was one thing Jillian knew for certain. Rob was in this for the long haul with her, and he’d proven it over and over while helping her fight the toughest battle she’d ever faced. He was quite simply her past, her present, and her future…for better or for worse.


  The last Santos Family Series book finally finished…it was a long time in coming, but hopefully worth the wait. I was actually eleven chapters into the writing when my world was turned upside down after my husband was diagnosed with cancer. Everything else was put on hold as my sole focus was on my family. We are so blessed that he is now cancer free and doing well.

  After reading Living To Love You, I’m sure you can imagine why finishing this book was a such a personal challenge. The subject matter hit very close to home, and as much as I hated disappointing my readers, I knew it just wasn’t something I could do justice to at the time. I put it away for a while, but then it was finally time to finish this project.

  I know that a few of you probably shed some tears…Brenda and Terry come to mind…but I hope that it also brought awareness to a subject that has touched most of us in some way. Cancer is a cruel truth, and the fight is real. In 2016 there will be an estimated 72,580 new cases of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma diagnosed. This year alone there will be an estimated 20,150 related deaths as well. The average five-year survival rate is 70.7%. These numbers are specific to only one form of cancer, but unfortunately there are so many more.

  I want to take a moment to thank Deborah of Tugboat Design for another awesome cover. Your help is always appreciated, and your patience is long-suffering!

  Thanks to Mandy, my first reader who wielded the red pen this time, but only after one complete read-through claiming she couldn’t put it down, or worry about mistakes.

  A special thanks to my family for understanding my need to this, and treating my writing as an important part of who I am at this point in my life. I love you guys so much, and you’re my world.

  A big thank you to my readers who asked for book four, and patiently waited for me to finish it. Please leave a review at your place of purchase…I love to know what my readers think about my latest work.

  KD Bryan

  Contact me at the following social media sites:

  Email: [email protected]

  Facebook: KD Bryan

  Twitter: @KDBryanAuthor

  About the Author

  KD Bryan is the self-published author of the Santos Family Series, as well as one stand-alone novel titled One Perfect Play. She has always loved to write, and finally decided to pursue her dream of writing a book and getting it into the hands of readers. An avid reader as well, her Kindle accompanies her wherever there’s the slightest chance she may have to wait.

  KD resides in the Midwest with her family, and St. Louis Cardinals baseball is a staple at their house from spring until fall.




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