Arms and the Dudes: How Three Stoners From Miami Beach Became the Most Unlikely Gunrunners in History

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Arms and the Dudes: How Three Stoners From Miami Beach Became the Most Unlikely Gunrunners in History Page 28

by Guy Lawson

  Iraq War contracts on, 17–21, 23–25, 35–39, 42, 50–54, 58, 97, 152–53

  NSV machine gun ammo contract on, 210–13

  Packouz’s search for contracts on, 187, 200

  see also defense contracts

  Final Afghan Price Matrix, 72–73

  flyover permissions, 1, 3, 60, 99–100, 102, 133, 134

  FN Herstal machine guns, 43

  Fort Bragg, N.C., 8, 12

  Gansler Report, 174

  Garcia, Oscar, 182–83

  Gates, Robert, 124, 142, 147

  Gau, Loye, and Mentavlos’s attempts to halt AEY shipments, 189–91

  General Dynamics, 75–76, 80, 100, 177

  Georgia, Republic of, 134

  Gërdec, Albania, ammo explosion at, 214–17, 223, 225

  death toll of, 217

  Trebicka’s evidence about, 231

  gjakmarrja (blood feud), 159

  Glocks, 53

  GP-30 grenades, 62, 69, 93

  Green Zone, 15–16, 22, 25

  grenade launchers, 206

  grenades, 8, 19, 24, 31, 62, 65, 68, 69, 72

  rocket-propelled (RPGs), 10, 24, 58, 69, 188

  grenades, Army Task Order 001 for, 188

  AEY as winning bidder for, 79

  Bulgaria as source for, 96–97, 109, 133, 182

  Diveroli’s and Packouz’s fear of failure in, 80–81

  fake documents in, 87–88, 182

  price negotiations in, 86–87

  transportation costs in, 133–34

  Griffiths, Hugh, 164–65, 223

  Gun, The (Chivers), 224

  “gunboard” websites, 10

  gunrunning, see arms dealing, arms dealers

  Gutierrez, Moises, 202–4, 208–9

  Gyanendra, king of Nepal, 43, 182

  Halliburton, xiv, 15

  Haqqani Network, 56

  Helmand Province, Afghanistan, 56

  helmet contract, 17–19, 38–39, 53

  Host Nation Trucking program, 173, 174–75

  House Oversight Committee, US:

  AEY investigation of, 225–26

  Kokolari’s contacting of, 162

  Trebicka’s e-mail to, 230, 231

  Trebicka’s testimony to, 229

  “How Would We Fight China” (Kaplan), 67

  Hoxha, Enver, 110–11, 113

  HP White Laboratory Inc., Chinese AK-47 ammo test-fired by, 227

  Hungary, 57, 108

  as source of AK-47 ammo, 1–5, 69, 71, 109, 120, 144, 206

  Hussein, Saddam, 14, 22–23, 107

  Hyderabad, Afghanistan, 151


  Chinese at, 91–92

  Packouz at, 88–93, 157, 211

  Russians at, 92–93

  ID/IQ (Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity) contracts, 23–25

  IEDs (improvised explosive devices), 21, 56

  Immigration and Customs Enforcement, 178, 182

  Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Diveroli’s fear of, 82, 85, 155, 156

  Iran, US arms embargo on, 59–60, 68

  Iraq, difficulty of tracking shipments in, 38

  Iraq, 2005 elections in, 22

  Sunni-Shiite conflict in, 22

  Iraq military:

  arms shortages in, 16

  Bremer’s dismantling of, 14

  cost of training and deploying, 17

  poor-quality weapons supplied to, 21–22, 82

  Soviet Bloc weapons used by, xiv, 19, 36, 47, 70

  US stand-up of, 14–17, 24, 104, 133, 164

  weapons procurement by, 16

  Iraq War, 206

  AEY contracts for, 17, 19–21, 23–25, 35–39, 42, 47–48, 50–54, 58, 62, 80, 82–83, 97, 107, 152–53, 194

  Bush administration’s justification of, 22–23, 107

  fraud and waste in, 16, 58, 173–74

  ID/IQ contracts for, 23–25

  insurgency in, 14, 16, 20–21, 22, 38, 53

  Kurdish forces in, 235–36

  Operation Phantom Fury in, 20

  Operation Together Forward in, 53

  private contractors and, xvii, 6, 7, 13, 14–21, 31, 47–54, 126, 164–65

  US policy in, xv

  US soldiers in, 21

  US troop surge in, xiii, xiv, 57, 80

  see also Iraq military

  Islamic Courts Union, 196

  Johnson, Melanie, 189, 202

  Jones, Kim, 100–101

  Jorge (pseud.), 89–90

  Justice Department, US, 225

  misleading AEY press releases of, 233

  Trebicka’s grand jury appearance sought by, 230

  Kabul, Afghanistan, 1, 2, 3

  arrival of first AEY shipment in, 133–34

  monitoring of AEY shipments in, 171–72

  22 Bunkers in, 172, 190, 203, 205–6, 208

  Kalashnikov, Mikhail, 162–63

  Kalashnikov AK-47, see AK-47s

  Kalashnikov RPK light machine gun, 31

  Kanun, 159

  Kaplan, Robert, 67

  Karachi, Pakistan, 173

  Karzai, Hamid, attempted assassination of, 151

  Kazakhstan, 60, 99

  Keller, Bill, 198–99

  Kellogg Brown & Root, 15

  Khrushchev, Nikita, 113

  Known and Unknown (Rumsfeld), 17

  Kokolari, Gary, 188

  Chivers contacted by, 162–63

  House Oversight Committee contacted by, 162

  Trebicka and, 161–62, 193–94

  Kurds, Albanian AK-47 rounds and other surplus ammo donated to, 235–36

  Kyrgyz KGB, AEY’s plane seized by, 3–5, 144–48, 168

  Kyrgyzstan, 1, 3–5, 60, 144–48, 168

  large-caliber ammunition, demilitarization of, 214–17

  La Scala, Arnaldo, 20–21

  Lastay Kulang, Operation, 152

  Lebanon, 15

  Lenard, Joan, 237, 239, 240

  Liberia, 49, 196

  Lithuania, 57

  Lockheed Martin, 13, 124

  Logic of Failure, The (Dörner), 234

  Logistics Civil Augmentation Programs (LOGCAP), 15

  Loktantrik Andolan, 43–44

  London Telegraph, 58–59

  Lord of War (film), 39

  Los Angeles Times, 16

  Lowry, Howard, 25

  M16 rifle, 17

  Macedonia, 81, 134

  machine guns, 19, 24, 31, 42–43

  mafia, Albanian, 2, 5, 140, 159, 197

  Mali, 164

  Mao Tse-tung, 113

  Masood, Usman, 200–201

  Mediu, Fatmir, 161, 208

  Gërdec disaster and, 214–17, 231

  Wood’s interview of, 196–99

  MEICO (Military Export Import Company; Albania), 70–71, 110, 116–17, 120, 123, 161, 167

  Albanian-made ammo supplied by, 129

  Chinese-made ammo supplied by, 129, 137, 172, 197, 214

  Diveroli’s failure to pay, 122, 142

  Gërdec disaster and, 214–17

  Thomet and, 135–36, 140, 141

  Trebicka’s complaints about, 134–35

  Mentavlos, Michael:

  AEY indictments and, 233

  in attempts to halt AEY shipments of ammo, 189–94

  Chinese ammo samples obtained by, 193, 194, 202

  DCIS investigation of AEY headed by, 178–79, 182–87, 189–94, 201–7

  Diveroli as special target of, 189, 192, 193, 201–2, 228, 231

  Gërdec evidence ignored by, 231

  Packouz’s meetings with, 182–84, 186

  Packouz’s Nigerian deal and, 183–84

  reverse undercover sting used by, 178

  Sustainment Command documents requested by, 178–79

  in Tirana, 191–94

  Trebicka’s meetings with, 193, 228–29, 231

  Trebicka’s obstruction of justice accusation against, 230–31

  Merrill, Ralph, xvi, 225

  AEY’s first deal with, 18–1

  AK-47 contract and, 83, 84, 85, 98, 118, 167–68, 169–70

  background of, 18

  Diveroli’s lying to, 168, 169–70, 184–85

  indictment of, 233

  NY Times article and, 227

  plea deal rejected by, 236

  Thomet and, 19, 21, 98, 136–37

  trial and conviction of, 236–38

  Meyer, Levi, 125–26

  Microcosm, 238

  military, US:

  armament of, 21, 66

  see also Army, US; Defense Department, US

  military-industrial complex, 6, 13

  “mini-competes,” 24, 25, 80

  mortar rounds, xiii, 24, 62, 69

  Mountain Fury, Operation, 80

  Mountain Thrust, Operation, 56

  MP5s, 95

  mujahideen, US arming of, 58–59

  Multi-National Security Transition Command (Minsticky), 16–17

  Myev, Victor, 122–23, 142–43

  Myspace, 166–67

  National Defense Authorization Act (2006), 68

  National Ground Intelligence Center (NGIC), 225

  NATO, 202

  Albania’s pending membership in, 57, 71, 123, 142, 149, 197, 215

  in expansion into Eastern Europe, 4

  neoconservatives, 14, 67

  Nepal, rebellion in, 43–44, 182

  Newsome, Robert, 132–33, 143–44, 156

  Diveroli’s meeting with, 141–42

  Podrizki’s conversations with, 132–33, 156

  Trebicka’s meeting with, 132, 229–30

  New York Times, 11n, 162, 175, 193, 194, 217

  New York Times, AEY story in, xiv, xv–xvi, 221–25, 227, 233, 239

  Diveroli and Packouz as focus of, 223, 227–28

  mug shots of Diveroli and Packouz in, 221–22, 227

  quality of AEY ammo misrepresented in, 208–9, 221, 222

  reportorial accuracy of, 221–22, 223–24

  see also Chivers, C. J.

  Niger, 164

  night-vision goggle contract, 36–37

  Norinco, 91–92

  Northrop Grumman, 14

  “notwithstanding any other provision of law” loophole, 49

  Obama, Barack, xiii, 80

  OG 40 mm fragmentation warheads, 206

  oil futures, 101

  122 mm HE shells, 72, 74

  “operational necessity,” 190, 191, 202–3, 205

  Packouz, Amabelle, 88, 158, 185, 200, 210

  Packouz, David, xiii, 225

  AK-47 contract and, see AK-47 ammunition, Army Task Order 002 for

  as ambivalent about relationship with Diveroli, 40–41, 60, 78

  arrest of, for valet parking fight, 77–78, 221–22

  as atheist, 29–30

  author’s interviews with, xvi

  college attended by, 27–28, 29

  in commission agreement with Diveroli, 33, 53

  confession of, 182–83

  daughter of, 88, 158, 185, 200, 210

  and DCIS raid on AEY offices, 179–80

  delinquent behavior of, 29

  Diveroli’s e-mails searched for incriminating evidence by, 184–85

  on Diveroli’s habitual lying, 38–39, 155, 168

  Diveroli’s postraid meeting with, 185–86

  Diveroli’s recruitment of, 30–33

  Diveroli’s reneging on profit deal with, 153–57

  Diveroli’s sayings collected by, 39–40

  Diveroli threatened by, 155–57

  drug use by, 1–2, 3, 6, 9, 23, 26, 27, 29, 79, 80, 94, 179

  Dynacore Industries created by, see Dynacore Industries

  in failed Xbox deal, 33–35

  financial goals of, 29, 33, 45, 75, 78, 80–81, 187

  guilty plea of, xv, 236

  Hungary-sourced ammo and, 1–5

  at IDEX trade show, 88–93, 157, 211

  indictment of, 233

  in Israel, 29

  lawyer hired by, 181–82

  lifestyle of, 94–95

  Masood and, 200–201

  massage therapy business of, xv, 2, 3, 22, 28, 29, 42, 185, 211, 238

  Mentavlos’s meetings with, 182–83, 186

  Microcosm album of, 238–39

  mug shot of, xvi, 221–22, 227

  musical ambitions of, 28, 29, 41, 75, 187, 238–39

  nightclubbing and partying by, 30–31, 40–41

  on NY Times story errors, 223–24

  NY Times story’s focus on, 227–28

  online trading business of, 28–29

  Orthodox Jewish background of, 6–7, 9, 27, 35

  Sara and, 42, 187, 200, 211

  Sara’s pregnancy and, 44–45, 88

  shyness of, 41

  suspended sentence of, xv, 239

  Thomet and, 211

  trade shows attended by, 38–39, 46–48, 75–76, 88–93, 157

  see also AEY

  Packouz, Sara, 42, 187, 200

  Packouz’s marriage to, 211

  pregnancy of, 44–45, 88

  Pakistan, 102

  Taliban sanctuaries in, 56, 151

  Peshmerga, Albanian surplus ammo donated to, 235–36

  Petraeus, David, 17, 208

  Phantom Fury, Operation, 20

  Pileggi, Joe, 75–76

  Pinari, Ylli, 110–11, 120, 121, 122, 129, 134–35, 138, 159, 214

  Diveroli’s meeting with, 138–39, 141

  Gërdec disaster and, 217, 231

  Trebicka’s threats against, 158–59

  PKM machine gun, ammo for, 203–4, 207

  Plumb, Colonel, 146

  Podrizki, Alex, xiii, 6, 105, 225

  author’s interviews with, xvi

  confession of, 183

  and DCIS raid on AEY offices, 180

  Diveroli’s first recruitment attempt rejected by, 95

  Diveroli’s war profiteering as appalling to, 106–7

  Diveroli urged to seek political support by, 123, 125, 145

  in flight from Albania, 180–81, 188

  guilty plea of, xv, 236

  indictment of, 233

  international relations degree of, 22, 106

  Iraq War and radicalizing of, 22–23, 106–7

  joblessness of, 106

  language skills of, 107

  legal bills of, 213

  Newsome’s conversations with, 132–33, 156

  Orthodox Jewish background of, 6–7, 9, 106

  and Packouz’s threatening of Diveroli, 155–56

  politics as interest of, 106–7, 112

  pot smoking by, 6, 9, 23, 26

  in return to US, 183

  substandard ammo as concern of, 6

  suspended sentence of, xv, 239

  in Tirana, xvi, 2, 110–15, 119–23, 126–27, 128–33, 138–41, 144–46, 149–51, 158–59, 161, 170, 192–93

  Trebicka and, 128–33, 134–35, 158–59

  on Trebicka’s death, 233

  see also AEY

  Poland, 57

  private contractors:

  Afghanistan War and, xvii, 6, 7, 13, 49, 126, 164–65

  DDTC watch list bypassed in contracts with, 48–51, 82, 223

  fraud and waste in, xvii, 15–16, 25, 53–54, 83, 173–75

  Iraq war and, xvii, 6, 7, 13, 14–21, 31, 47–54, 126, 164–65

  subcontractor loophole and, 49–51, 174–75

  see also AEY

  procurement officers, 25, 43

  and slandering of AEY by competitors, 54

  see also Sustainment Command (US Army)

  “pseudo case,” AK-47 contract as, 97

  Putin, Vladimir, 4, 60, 100, 147

  Raytheon, 13, 124

  Regulatory Flexibility Act, 118

  Republican Guard, Iraqi, 14

  request for proposal (RFP), 61–62

  reverse undercover sting, 178, 241–42

  rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs), 10, 24, 58, 69, 188

  Rock Island, Ill., see Sustainment Command
(US Army)

  Rolling Stone, AEY article in, xv, xvi

  Romania, 57


  in aborted arms deal for Afghan military, 58–60

  at IDEX show, 92–93

  RPK light machine gun, 31

  Rumsfeld, Donald, 17, 67


  US ban on weapons purchased from, 4, 59–60, 68, 92–93, 100, 104, 147

  US relations with, 4, 59–60

  Sadr City, 53

  Salang Pass, 102

  Saudi Arabia, 14

  Schmitt, Eric, Diveroli called by, 195

  Sears, 34

  September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, 22–23

  “serviceable without qualification” specification, 21, 61, 109, 119, 150–51, 206, 207, 226–27, 238

  7.62 ammunition, see AK-47 ammunition

  Shekulli, 161

  Shiite Muslims, Sunni conflict with, 22

  SHOT Show, 38–39

  Silkway, 133

  single-source contracts, 8, 35

  Skopje, Macedonia, 81

  Somalia, 196, 201

  Somaliland, 201

  Southern Ammunition, 214

  Soviet Union:

  Afghanistan invaded by, 58–59, 90–91

  Albania in split with, 113

  Special Forces, US, 66, 70

  Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, 236

  State Department, US:

  arms dealer watch list of, see Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) watch list

  Bishkek embassy of, 146

  foreign-military-sales rules of, 116, 125, 126

  and fraud accusations against AEY, 176

  procurement officers of, 43

  subcontractor regulations of, 50

  Tirana embassy of, 122–23, 132–33, 171, 199, 225, 229, 237

  Studio (karaoke bar), 28, 41

  subcontractors, Defense Department loophole for use of, 49–51, 174–75

  Sunni Muslims, Shiite conflict with, 22

  Sustainment Command (US Army), 81, 83

  in aborted plan to continue AEY ammo shipments, 204–5

  AEY’s ammo shipments suspended by, 202

  AEY’s failure to disclose Chinese ammo problem to, 117, 123–24

  Chivers’s questioning of, 164, 209, 218–19

  as concerned about AEY’s ability to fulfill contract, 147–48

  Diveroli’s meeting with, 205

  Diveroli’s negotiations with, 99, 100–101

  Mentavlos’s request for AEY documents from, 178–79

  as unwilling to halt AEY shipments, 189–91

  see also defense contracts; procurement officers

  SUV contract, 37

  Suzie (pseud.), Diveroli’s relationship with, 41, 166

  Switzerland, 47

  Tajikistan, 99

  Taliban, xiv, 56–57, 59, 80, 119, 151, 173–74, 236

  Talmud, 35

  tank shells, 58

  Taos, 23–24, 115

  Taylor, Charles, 49

  Teeter, Kevin, 232

  Tef (Winemiller’s assistant), 170–71

  “termination for default,” 118–19


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