A Regency Christmas My Love

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A Regency Christmas My Love Page 3

by Linda Hays-Gibbs

  Then it dawned on her. They didn’t care. She was in a den of thieves that had their own laws and she was nothing but an object to be sold. Crawley laughed at her again and peered into her face. She spit in his face full on. His anger got the better of him and he slapped her. Someone yelled,

  “Don’t go damaging the merchandise Governor. We needs her to look pretty. In fairness, we need to see more of her. Can’t you take that stupid dress off of her?” Crawley stopped glaring at her and wiped the spittle from his face. He wanted to kill her. She could see it in his eyes. What had she ever done to him to deserve this?

  “Please let me go. I won’t tell anyone. Please.” Vicky struggled but two men had her wrists and there was nothing a tiny woman could do against the towering brutes that held her. She slumped her shoulders in defeat. Crawley gloated over her and took out a knife. “I think they do need to see the merchandise better, so they can see what their money will buy them.” He cut the straps to the gown and the front of it fell to her waist. Vicky shuddered and held her arms around her chest in humiliation the likes of which she had never known.

  A man in front spit tobacco into a spittoon and glared at Crawley. “I want to see all of it. I got a right to see, don’t I? She might not look so good under them skirts.” Crawley turned the knife around and pointed it at the man. He looked like he might attack him but he thought better of it. He turned back to the audience.

  “Now gentlemen, there is no way I am going to show all the delicate attributes of the lady. Suffice it to know that they are myriad and beautiful. She has no blemish on her. Her skin is creamy white and she is too innocent for words. Who will open the bidding? I will start the bidding at 1000 pounds. Thank you to the gentleman in the back for his bid. Now who will go to 2000…now 3, give me 4, 5? Do I hear 6, 7, 10,000 pounds. Do I hear 11,000? Are we done? Do I hear 11,000…maybe 10,500? So we have 10,000 going once…twice…sold to the gentleman in the back for 10,000 pounds. You made a very good purchase. I will have my guards take you to her quarters where you can collect your prize.”

  “I want to take her to my place.”

  “No, you will have her here, for when you are done with her, well, she is mine. I will keep her then for my business.”

  Chapter Five

  Vicky was in shock. She had never been around anything like this in her life. She was starting to suspect that Mister Crawley did a lot of illegal things and worse. She tried to keep her wits about her. She had to get away; somehow, she must get away. She stopped her crying and washed her face in the bowl provided. She had to think. The windows were barred but even if they weren’t she was on the third floor. Her thoughts turned to finding a weapon. She found a rather large lamp and decided to bash the first man’s head in that came through the door. She needed a chair to climb up on and there was none. Vicky paced the room and ran her hands through her skirts to dry them. There had to be a way. She was not a quitter.

  Creighton lost his hold on reality when he saw Crawley slap her and when Crawley cut the straps to her dress. One of the Bow Street Runners had to hold him in his seat. He was beside himself. How could this man be allowed to live? Creighton won the bid easily but he had to stay hidden so Vicky didn’t see him. She would give the game away. She was too frightened to think rationally. He paid Crawley and signaled for the law to come closer as he ascended the steps to get to Vicky. As soon as he had her, they were to go out the back door and run to a carriage waiting for them. He strolled up the back stairs and wondered what he could say to Vicky to calm her enough so that she would be able to walk to the carriage. It was going to be rough on her. He was left at a door at the end of the hall. A large bulky man stood guard still. Creighton would have to shoot him when he came out. He knocked on the door but heard nothing inside. Poor girl, she had probably already feinted in fright. He opened the door and put his head inside the door. A large lamp struck him on the top of his head and Creighton went down. The guard laughed and shoved Creighton’s barely conscious form into the room. Another vase was headed for his head when he looked up into her perfect purple eyes and smiled goofily.

  He was sitting on the floor in a dazed state. Vicky looked at him with large amazed eyes. She stooped in mid strike and bent down to him. His head had a large lump on it already. Had she killed her rescuer?

  “Creighton, is that you? What are you doing here? Oh, I know bidding on me. Well, you won’t get anything. I’ll tear your eyes out first. I’ll have you know I am a Lady and I would rather die than submit to your carnal lusts. I am going to find something in here with which to kill you.” Vicky scrambled around the room in a huff searching.

  Creighton smiled again, a goofy lopsided one this time and she realized he was not getting up. Maybe she hit him too hard. He did look very pitiful. All men looked pitiful when they were down but just let him get up and see what he would do. He would not have his wicked way with her not now not ever. She crossed her arms across her chest.

  “Oh no, you don’t I will see you dead first.” She tapped her toe at him.

  “Vicky…I have come…I have come…I came to rescue you darling.” He almost blacked out again but shook his head. Vicky slapped him and paced across the room.

  “Sure you did and 10,000 pounds means nothing to you. I bet you knew this all along. Maybe you are a part of it. I should have known.” She was tapping her foot and searching for another weapon with her eyes.

  “No…Vicky…no…I came to rescue you. I have brought the Bow Street Runners and Constable Harris and many others. It is a very bad place you are in. Who is this Mister Crawley to you?” He raised his black eyebrow in question. Vicky slumped down to him.

  “He said my father owed him money. He bankrupted my father and the estate and then he was selling me. I think he is the one who hurt my parents. He said he was going to keep me after…after…?” Vicky broke on a sob. She stopped herself. She would not let herself succumb to tears again. She turned and looked at Creighton still sitting on the floor with his back to the door. He looked kind of lopsided. Vicky bent her head to the side and stared at him.

  “What did you say? Creighton, are you going to just sit there or what?”

  Creighton tried to pull himself up off the floor. He dragged on the mantle of a sophisticated aristocrat. H turned to her and said,

  “Sweetheart, we have to get out of here. You know I would never be a part of harming you, don’t you? I thought we meant more to each other.” He tried to rise again and slid a little again. He was still quite dizzy.

  “We just met Mister Creighton and I have no need for fairy tales. I need to find a way to escape.” Vicky was searching around the room again.

  “I have come to rescue you.” He lunged for the door and almost fell again.

  “Well, a fine rescuer you are. We are still inside the belly of the whale.” She was getting worried about her rescuer. He was hurt and she had done it.

  “Oh Creighton, why did you let me hit you on the head. You are not standing very straight.” Vicky tried to prop him up but he just was not standing very straight.

  “I know…let me shoot the man and we will run down the back stairs like I planned.”

  “Now, how can you do that? You cannot even get off the floor.” She smiled at him.

  “I am trying but you must consider that it is not my fault. You are the one that hit me with the lamp, which is destroyed I might add.” He looked at the rubble of the lamp.

  “I was trying to escape the man who wanted my body.” She took his arm.

  “Well, that didn’t happen.” He touched her cheek and caressed it.

  “See! There, I knew it. You have designs on my body, don’t you? Admit it.”

  “Yes, Vicky I do, but I assure you mine are honorable. Look I just paid 10,000 pounds to rescue you so let us stop arguing and get the bloody hell out of here.”

  “Oh, sure now your are cursing me. Just like a man to throw dirty language around when things don’t go exactly like you want them to.” Her eyes
shot sparks at him.

  “I am not cursing you, darling. Please fix your dress and let us leave these apartments. We have to be at the back of the house in five minutes to get into our carriage.”

  “Well, why didn’t you say so? Where is that gun you said you had?” “It is right here. Ah…Vicky…no you can’t.” She grabbed the gun and went to the door before he could reach it. She opened it a crack and cocked the gun.

  “Blam” “All right, I guess you can. Can you help me down the stairs? My head is still swimming.” He would be staggering down the hall leaning on her all the way.

  “Yes, put your arms around my neck and we are on our way. I am sorry to hurt the man but I have my virtue to protect.” She stepped over the man and hurried down the hall to the stairs. They were down the stairs just in time. A mob of men rushed toward her room and the Bow Street Runners were shooting at anyone that moved. They made it to the carriage and he fell head first into the bottom of it. He turned over and looked at her with a stupid grin. She grabbed his legs and pushed them around to the opposite seat to his back and slammed the door to the carriage as she stepped inside. They took off at a speedy clip. She was furious at him for still laying on the carriage floor. Then she grew worried and then angry again. Finally, she realized they were away from danger.

  “Oh thank God I am out of that place. Do I still have my room at the hotel?”

  “No, I am afraid it has been over two days and I was preoccupied with trying to find you and rescue you. I was frantic Vicky. I could not stand the thought that I had lost you.” He tired to raise himself from the carriage and finally took her hand to manage. He was amazed he could focus his eyes. His head still swam. Vicky was feeling better he could see her grow more courageous by the second. She sat straighter too.

  “I was terribly frightened until I decided it would do me no good. I had to fight for myself. Did you see me spit in his eye?”

  “I did.” Creighton could not stop his laughter barreling out of him but he grabbed his head. “I thought you most brave but I was afraid Vicky. I was so afraid for you. I wanted to storm the place but the Constable said it would be better if I bid on you and got you alone. I was frantic to get out of that place.” Vicky smiled at him for the first time.

  “I appreciate you rescuing me but what am I going to do? I have no clothes and I have no money.” She shook her head and some of her pins flew over the carriage.

  “I had your belongings taken to my townhouse. I want to talk to you. Vicky…I think…I am sure…I love you. Won’t you consent to marry me? I promise to be the best husband alive.” He swallowed hard and dug his fingers into his ebony locks.

  “I don’t know you Creighton. How could you…mumhum?” He had her on his lap kissing her silly. She struggled and pushed at his chest with all her strength. Finally she relaxed against him and his heart sang. He deepened the kiss and pried her lips open by touching her chin with his thumb. Just a little pressure right there and yes. Then he slanted across her mouth and took it fully. He was in heaven. He could taste honey and ginger bread. “You taste so wonderful. I cannot imagine ever kissing anyone else. She was only inches away from his strong body smelling his sandal wood scent; hunger blossomed deep in her abdomen warm and insistent. Everything within her seemed to soften yearning toward him.

  ” Please marry me darling. I have plenty of money and houses for you to stay in. You could have your pick.” He searched her purple eyes for answers.

  “How can you have so much?” She gasped at him from between kisses.

  “I am an Earl and my father is a Duke, who sees that I am well loaded. He hates to lose a farthing so he would not part with any of his money.”

  “I suppose you will rub it in that my father gambled. I really never knew him to do so but I guess he did. At least that was what I was told.”

  “I don’t believe he did Vicky. This Mister Crawley is a very bad man that loves to swindle people. I do believe he might have been responsible for all your troubles.”

  “Do not talk about him any more. I cannot abide thinking about him and what might have happened to me. Thank you Creighton for helping me. I appreciate it more than you could know.”

  “Oh, think nothing of it, just marry me and we can live happily ever after. I need you Vicky, please think about it?” His mouth came down on hers and he kissed her long and hard with his arms imprinting her soft flesh with his body. She held back for a minute still angry and uncertain then her arms went around him clinging to him with all her strength. She kissed him back her mouth pliant and hungry luxuriating in the taste and scent of him filling her senses. She pulled away to stop her head from spinning and to get her breath. She looked into his eyes, the light crystal of them searching her own.

  “Of course, I will think about it but let us not rush. I need a bath, food, and a bed alone. Please can I have that?” She searched his face and squeezed his hand.

  “Yes, of course. We will be at my town house in about twenty minutes. Just relax, sweetness. It will be all right.”

  “How will that be all right? I do not want to be alone with you.” Her eyes widened in alarm. She turned away from him.

  “Darling, I had your maid brought from the hotel and my mother, sister and father are in residence. Will that be adequate for you my Lady?”

  Vicky smiled up at him.


  Chapter Six

  Vicky woke up the next morning and stretched out on a cloud of bliss. Her feather bed was the most delicious thing she had ever slept in. It was pure heaven. It was nice to just look at the sunshine filtering between the beautiful red velvet drapes and have not a worry in her head. It was so wonderful to have someone that cared about her too and she knew in her heart that Creighton did care. Why else would he have cared enough to search for her and rescue her from a madman? He was the best of men.

  What was that delicious aroma coming up the stairs? It smelled like roast turkey and gingerbread scones. It was Christmas Eve. Oh, a wave of grief struck her fiercely in the middle of her chest. She had almost forgot that this would be her first Christmas alone. How could all this have happened so quickly? She could not understand it all. She turned back to the bed her good mood forgotten and sobbed into her pillow. There was a knock at her door. Vicky wiped her tears away with the heel of her hands and said,

  “Come in.” A very redheaded maid bustled into the room. She searched for dust and lit the fireplace. Then she turned to Vicky. “Is there anything I can get for you miss? I can help you get dressed. Your gowns are all hung in the wardrobe and your slippers are in the closet. I put your unmentionables in this big drawer. I will be glad to help you. I have hot water coming for your bath.” She smiled at her and said, “I am Betsy, I was the maid that his Lordship brought for you that day you was kidnapped. He was most distressed. Would you like your bath now as they are bringing it in now.”

  “That sounds splendid. A bath will help me to get started this day. Please find my things and lay them out on the bed while I take my bath. Oh, I could use some hot chocolate. It would help me to feel better.”

  “Yes, my lady, right away. Here is the water brought right into the tub. I believe cook has some hot chocolate ready. I will be right back.”

  Vicky lay back on the bed and thought to herself how she should try and make the best of the day. It would be difficult but she had to go on. It was better to have someone in her life that cared about her than being alone or with that horrible man, Mr. Crawley. There was a great deal to be thankful for. She still had her virtue and she was going to be warm and fed. That was a blessing in itself. She smiled again.

  Creighton was pacing in the library. She didn’t come down to breakfast. She didn’t come down for lunch. He would go insane if she did not come down for supper. There was a ball tonight and he wanted to talk to her again. She had to know he cared. She had to know he was crazy about her. It would be a difficult Christmas for her without her parents. He didn’t know what he would do without his.
They were meddlesome but they were loving and that was all that mattered. He told his mother about his feeling for Vicky. His father was adamant that they should get married for the protection of her reputation. They had been alone in a hotel and a carriage. His father, the Duke knew her father the baron and her mother’s family. They were all aristocrats. The Duke said they were a very nice family and he couldn’t be happier for his son. The problem was that the bride didn’t want to be one. He had to make her fall in love with him. His heart was near to bursting for her. He fidgeted with his curls and crammed his hands into his pockets.

  The house was filling with all kinds of strangers and Vicky had still not moved from her bedroom. She was afraid. It was silly but after all the excitement died down, now, she was terrified. It was a response she was not accustomed to and it made her angry at herself and everyone else. Creighton had knocked on her door and she had about taken his head off again. Oh, not with a lamp but with her reply. His father sent the butler, James to see about her and she would not talk to him. His mother finally came to her door and she could not deny her. She was a tiny little woman, still beautiful and gracious. He was fortunate to have such a Lady as a mother.

  “Your Grace, how may I help you?” Vicky bowed low and blushed brightly.

  “You must get dressed and come to my Christmas Ball. I have a great many people here and they will want to see my guest.”

  “Probably to throw stones at me, I was in a rather awful situation lately. I don’t know if you son told you but my parents passed too. I am just so unsure and I don’t know what to do.” Vicky gave a sniffle and swallowed hard. She would not cry. She turned her face away from the Duchess.


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