Renny’s Mate

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Renny’s Mate Page 1

by Selena Illyria

  ~ Look for these titles from Selena Illyria ~

  Now Available:

  Roman: Fallen Lovers

  Dragons at Midnight

  Renny’s Mate

  Beach Bums Vol. 2

  Selena Illyria

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  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are fictitious or have been used fictitiously, and are not to be construed as real in any way. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Published By:

  Etopia Press

  P.O. Box 66

  Medford, OR 97501

  Renny’s Mate

  Copyright © 2012 by Selena Illyria

  ISBN: 978-1-937976-05-7

  Edited by Katriena Knights

  Cover by Annie Melton

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  First Etopia Press electronic publication: February 2012

  ~ Dedication ~

  For Cynnie, Dawn, Diana, Tara, Rhian, Alice, Jess, Lexxie, Mari, Lacey, Fiona, Annie, Georgia and Vicki. Thank you.

  Chapter One

  Renault rolled the Howling Wolf statue from one hand to the other while trying not to glance out at Larissa, his brother William’s secretary. He could see her in his mind, and her scent swirled around him. Goosebumps rippled over his arms as heat slid down his spine. Blood pounded through his veins and moved toward his groin. Heat clawed through him, reminding him of the last time he’d had sex. The wolf paced, restless in its flesh cage, demanding out. This had nothing to do with sex. It was all about the claiming, the need, the call to mate and claim.

  Breathe in. Breathe out. His heart pounded against his ribcage. The full moon was weeks away, and yet he felt like clawing off his skin and shifting right then and there and mounting Larissa for a violent, intense taking. He doubted she’d enjoy that. Neither would he. It would also drive her away so fast he’d never see her again. Although werewolves could track their mates over long distances, that was only if they’d marked them. He and Larissa had barely spoken much less looked at each other.

  Thanks to you, brother dear. He looked over at William. His wolf growled, and Ren had to close his eyes to calm the animal down. Ren couldn’t blame William. If his brother had even a inkling of Ren’s feelings, he would send Larissa as far away as possible. To William, Larissa was family, and family needed to be protected, even from itself. Who cared about Ren’s feelings? Not them. He was the black sheep, ne’er do well. Ren never finished anything or committed to anything or anyone. Not that anyone in his family asked him what he wanted or anything. That would be horrible. He would actually have to say what he thought or express his wants and needs. Gods forbid. He rolled his eyes and placed the statue back in its place on the shelf, lest William accuse him of wanting to break the family’s crest in marble form.

  “Tell me again why we even give you assignments? How could you screw this up? A toddler could have closed this deal.” William pushed a hand through wavy dark brown hair and gazed at Ren in annoyance.

  Renny tried not to grit his teeth. “And I’m telling you the deal would have been a rip-off to both parties. I looked over the details myself. We would have lost a huge chunk of money and had to fire people. I was trying to save both of us that pain. In this economy, we can’t afford to look like we’d be happy to cut loose good people who work hard. I gave you a new proposal.” He pointed to the pile of papers on William’s desk, for all the good that would do. He knew what his brother would do with it.

  “That? That’s from you?” William’s incredulity was like a punch in the gut.

  Renny resisted the urge to say something crass and storm out. Not only would that not buy him any points in credibility but it would also look bad in front of Larissa. “It has my name on it.”

  “I thought you’d bought someone off to write that up for you.” William sank down in his chair behind the massive cherry wood desk.

  Renny threw up his hands. “Great, all those years of business wasted. Why didn’t I think of just paying some lackey to write it for me? Hell, why can’t it be his idea too. Jesus, do you think so low of me that you think I’d pass of someone else’s work as my own?” He held up a hand. “Wait, don’t answer that. I don’t want to know.”

  “Ren, come on. It’s not like that. I’ll look over the details. How are things with Bunny? You two okay? She didn’t seem happy that you didn’t come to the polo match on Saturday.” William shuffled papers around, not meeting Ren’s gaze.

  Renny rolled his eyes. Bunny. Who the hell would want to name a werewolf shifter Bunny? It was like naming your cow Grass. He’d been ducking Bunny since his parents had announced the engagement. It was bad enough his parents had paired them up like they were living in medieval times, but that she thought he was some sort of accessory and that they were a serious couple only made things worse. “I’ve been avoiding her.”


  “Don’t start. I don’t like her. I don’t like this. I know we made a deal but marriage? I barely know the girl. And don’t call her a woman. She acts like she’s a seventeen year old with a credit card and a crush. I can’t marry her. I’m not attracted to her, and she sure as hell isn’t my mate.” Renny resisted the urge to glance at Larissa.

  “And you have a duty to your family. You swore you’d carry it out. If you back out on this you might as well disown yourself. Think about that before you do anything stupid. Now, I have a meeting, so I’ll see you at the family get-together. We’ll be at Martha’s Vineyard this year.” William turned his attention to his laptop.

  Ren resisted the urge to scowl. Dismissed. Just like that. Like he didn’t have any say or an original idea. Anger boiled up inside of him. Underneath the rage was the slow burn of hurt. Ren may have been born second but his family didn’t even treat him like a son or brother. They treated him like a chess piece. If he wasn’t useful, he was dismissed. His brother didn’t even glance up to see why he hadn’t moved or left the office already.

  Rage coiled through him in a tight spiral that threatened to spill out. A growl formed in his throat. He shoved it down and stomped off, slowing down to regain some calm, some center and to get a whiff of the reason why he was still an employee of the family business. Larissa’s seductive scent of lavender and vanilla soothed some of the savage emotions clashing through him. Underneath that musky perfume was the rich, sweet fragrance of the woman who claimed him.

  As he punched the down button for the elevator he managed to get a hold on his feelings and shove them down. Gazing across the cubicle-laden landscape to where Larissa sat he took in his mate; rich, brown spirals framed her face and lay on her shoulders in a curtain of curls. Her smooth, flawless brown skin wasn’t stained with a stitch of make-up. Plump, full lips were sans gloss, making them all the more tempting. Long lashes framed almond-shaped eyes. Brown pupils were focused on the computer monitor. Long slim fingers moved with deft speed, flying over the keyboard w
ithout pause. He could only imagine what those fingers could do to him.

  A shudder of desire rippled through him. The elevator doors swung open. He stepped into the car and turned around, leaning against the rail, keeping his gaze on his mate. Gripping the cold metal behind him, he made a decision—no more being the dutiful son. No more denying what he wanted or shoving down his thoughts and feelings. And certainly no more pushing away his mate. Come hell or high water, Larissa would be his, and Bunny could find some other accessory for her collection.

  * * *

  The back of Larissa’s neck tingled and heated as if someone was staring at her. She’d tried studiously to ignore William in there with one of his advisors. It had been difficult. The man had been around the office before, even more so in the last few weeks, working on some deal or other. William had become very secretive where the mystery man was concerned. Maybe he didn’t want Larissa getting too curious.

  She couldn’t blame him. Her instincts when it came to men were skewed. She always fell for the wrong ones. Men who used her, threw her away and didn’t give a damn so long as they got what they wanted, and she usually ate it up like cream. She wasn’t exactly the most gorgeous woman in the world.

  Nor did she have an hourglass figure to drool over. She was just her. Someone who didn’t exactly garner much attention. Wallpaper was good when your job was supposed to be in the background but when it came to relationships she wasn’t sure it did her any favors. It also didn’t help that she spent most of her time with preternatural men. They could always tell how she felt by the way she smelled, and they noticed the smallest details. Compared to normal human men, they just seemed more in tune with her emotions and feelings.

  Her attention drifted back to the mystery man who had been in William’s office. Curiosity poked and prodded her brain, demanding answers. William wasn’t going to give her any. He was like an overprotective big brother werewolf in human form. No one was ever good enough for him. And much to her annoyance he was right.

  It had been a year since her last relationship and six months since she’d had sex. Now all of that was coming to a head and all because of the mystery man. She could remember his long, dark hair slicked back from his face to show off chiseled cheek bones, a strong jaw, a cleft in his chin, tempting looking lips, a straight nose and gorgeous hazel eyes with flecks of gold. William might have kept them apart but she’d had enough time to study him over the last few days, mark him to memory and use him in the most lurid ways in her imagination. A small grin curled her lips. She quickly squashed the pleasure twining through her body at the thought of how she’d used his image last night.

  “Riss, are you listening to me? Maybe you are overworked.” William ran a hand through his hair. The thick waves only slid back down to cover one eye. The shadow of a beard covered his jaw. His gray eyes, framed by thick lashes, were filled with concern.

  She blinked. “I’m fine. Just need the weekend to recover from this week, and I’ll be good as new.”

  “I’m sure you will.” He chuckled. “But you won’t need a weekend to recover. Since it’s that time of year again, and the family will be at the Martha’s Vineyard house, my island home will be vacant. I want you to take the week after next off and give yourself a rest. You’ll be all alone, and it will be fully stocked. I’ll be sure of it.”

  Larissa blinked. A week on an island paradise, and it would be all hers? She gave a shout of excitement. Before he could change his mind she launched herself around the desk and hugged him. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” She even kissed him on the cheek before backing off.

  William laughed. “It’s the least I can do since I’ve had you running around like a maniac for the last few months. Take the house and enjoy it. But be aware once you get back, we’ll be taking on more deals, and I’ll be having more meetings. You’ll be busier than ever, I promise you.”

  Larissa took that as a sign that the mystery man would be back. Maybe I’ll get to talk to him, deal with him, even get to know him. The thought gave her some hope. Maybe he’ll like what he sees and ask me out. She grinned even more.

  “So for now your orders are to relax, take some time for yourself and be back here fresh and ready to work. Who knows—there might be a promotion in it.” This wasn’t the first time he’d hinted at giving her a promotion. It pleased her to know her hard work wasn’t lost on him. Plenty of times, she’d worked for people who didn’t appreciate all the hard work she did and only gave her half the credit. Now she was working for someone who took her seriously.

  “Good to know I’m appreciated here, and if not I can always spike your coffee.” With that she turned on her heel and left the office.

  “I’ll make all the arrangements. Be ready for the car to come get you next Friday. Don’t pack for an expedition, please,” William called out.

  She didn’t bother to respond, instead shutting the door and returning to work. Now she had something else to look forward to. The idea of sun, sand, and nothing to do but relax helped her make it through the rest of the week.

  * * *

  William sat back in his chair and looked over the files Renny had put together. He smiled and chuckled before shaking his head. His brother always accused him of not having faith in him but he did—it was the others in the firm who didn’t. If Ren didn’t get his facts right, they’d tear him apart. This was a pack-controlled business, and the pack, led by their father, didn’t accept anything that wasn’t fully proven. He ran a hand through his hair. Will just wished Ren would trust him.

  He also wished Ren wasn’t after his secretary. Every time his brother came into his office William felt like he was confronting a wolf in heat. The scent triggered his desire to mate, and he wasn’t about to give in to his impulses. Especially when the object of his affection was the daughter of another powerful shifter pack, and to be exposed would mean huge shockwaves in their small community.

  He couldn’t help but think that the reason he was hard on his brother was because there were so few werewolves in their little niche of the world. Their pack hadn’t gotten on top by lying down and giving in to other shifters.

  Shaking his head again, he refocused his thoughts on other things—the upcoming family reunion for one. He would be away from the office for a week, and Larissa would get a much-needed vacation before the mid-year rush. They had several projects in the works, and she would need to be on her game to keep up with it all. She deserved few days’ rest, and it would keep her and Ren apart until he could figure out a way to convince his brother to stay away from the human woman.

  It would be difficult, but it was best that he do the talking rather than have his mother and father step in. Ren wouldn’t just bristle at their parents talking to him about his choice in mates, but that would drive his brother away, and they’d just gotten him back. There was no way he was losing his brother again. Somehow he had to show Ren that Bunny was the only way. Come hell or high water, his brother would fulfill his duty to the family and make their position as the top pack in the city more secure.

  Chapter Two

  One Week Later…

  A warm breeze rustled Larissa’s hair. The sun beat down on her but she didn’t care. Looking out on all that golden sand and the gently swaying palm trees made up for forgetting her hair care products at home.

  The ride to the island had been uneventful. Once they took off all she’d seen was water, water, and more water with only a few sightings of dolphins and sea animals. She’d taken the chance to just close her eyes and empty her mind. A vacation. Finally, after all this time, she was getting a proper, away from home escape. Normally she couldn’t leave her apartment for fear William would call needing something. But he was with his family, and his time would be absorbed by family business and ducking matchmaking pack mamas and his father’s suggestions for possible mates. She would feel sorry for him if it wasn’t for all the sun, sand, and turquoise water she was looking at. “Poor Will. Oh, well, the island is all mine.”

  Giggling, she dropped her purse and rushed toward the water. The plane had left for the return flight already. Her luggage and all the supplies she would need for the week had been stowed at the house. She was free and all alone. Feeling devilish, she pulled her sundress over her head, undid her bra and pulled it off, and paused to shove down her panties before dumping it all on the sand and rushing toward the waters. The waves splashed up to meet her, crashing against her body so hard she was knocked down. Laughing, she got up and waded deeper into the water before swimming out as far as she could go.

  Floating, she closed her eyes and savored the sun beating down on her and the sea lapping at her skin, chasing away all her cares and worries. There was no pack business or demanding job or loud city noise. There were no neighbors arguing above her or a baby crying next door or someone playing their music too loud. In a word, it was paradise. Absolute perfection. The only thing that could make it even better would be the mystery man from the office.

  She wished to be a heroine in one of her romance novels for once. The setting was right. A desert island, a sexy stranger and no one to rescue them for days. She could see them having wild, hot sex in the house, on the sea and maybe camping out under the stars by a bonfire and watching the sun rise up over the water. It would make this whole time off perfect before she had to get back to her hectic life at William’s beck and call.

  It had been disappointing to go through a week and not see the mystery man once. It didn’t help that William was on the warpath for some reason. Several times he’d snapped at her. She’d bit her tongue and kept silent. Keeping her head down, she did her job as usual but kept thoughts of the island in her head. The closer Friday got the more she thought of her upcoming vacation.


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