Renny’s Mate

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Renny’s Mate Page 4

by Selena Illyria

  “I’m not lying. I’m not sure why you’d imply that.” Ren was lost as to how to react. The atmosphere around them turned muddy, as if he were navigating through a swamp with no clear direction on how to proceed.

  “Not calling you a liar. But I’ve heard enough about you to wonder.” The words were said quietly, and he steeled himself to hear something bad, something that would turn this pleasant night into something ugly. “You’ve said your part and what was going on, and I understand that, but I can’t help but wonder if you couldn’t have dropped your brother a postcard now and then.”

  She looked up. Anger sparked in her eyes, and understanding dawned on him. Will. Larissa was angry about the divide between him and his brother. He wouldn’t have expected anything less. She was Will’s loyal assistant and friend. Not just anyone could get an invite, much less free rein at Will’s private retreat.

  Sighing, he knew he’d have to address his relationship with his brother. Otherwise she would shut him down no matter how attracted they were to each other. “Will and I have had a complicated relationship since our childhood. I had a chip on my shoulder the size of Texas. I was angry at my parents for my treatment and angry at Will for falling in line with them at times when I needed him to defend me. Everything really came to a head when I was able to leave home at eighteen and not look back. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out who I was and what I really wanted. It took a lot of time to work through my anger toward my family and Will. I’m still dealing with the past but I returned to help and to get to know my brother. I didn’t think he wanted to know where I was or even cared if I was still alive. Harsh to say but things are complicated, and we’re trying to work through them. Anything else you want to know?”

  She was quiet for so long he wondered if she was having second thoughts on pursuing their attraction. Larissa nodded. “I just wanted to understand. I’m not going to be caught between the two of you if there is bad blood. I love Will like a brother but at the same time I want to see where this goes.” She dazzled him with a smile.

  A sense of relief whooshed through him. Tension he hadn’t noticed before died down in his body. “I’m glad. So, how are you enjoying your steak? I forgot to ask you how you like it.”

  A wicked gleam sparkled in her eyes. He swallowed as a frisson of heat sizzled along his skin and arousal flared back to life in the pit of his stomach. “I’d like it even more if you moved a bit closer and told me things of an intimate nature.” She batted her eyelashes at him and laughed.

  Grinning he shook his head. “Intimate, huh? Ask away.”

  She pulled her chair closer until her foot brushed against his calf, sending shivers up his leg. He was sure she wouldn’t make things easy on him. She rubbed her foot against his calf and placed her elbows on the table, leaning forward and gazing at him. “You’re not even going to limit my questions?” A mysterious smile curved her lips. “Well, where to begin? Ah, I know. Why did you stop us earlier? I don’t buy that you want to take things slow. Even your brother doesn’t have that kind of self-restraint. Besides, there’s something more to this than you’re letting on.”

  What did is she mean by that? A flare of jealousy soured in his stomach.

  She waved a hand. “I can see where your thoughts are going, and Will has never made a pass at me. And although he’s handsome, I’m not sexually attracted to him. So go on, explain away.”

  He swallowed. She could read him too easily, or perhaps it was the fact she’d been interacting with so many werewolves that she could see their moods. He wasn’t sure, but he also wasn’t sure if he should let her in on the mate aspect of all of this.

  She made a “come on” motion with her hand. “We don’t have all week. You tell me now, or I use drastic measures.” As if to prove her point, her foot glided up until she came to his thigh.

  His cock jerked, and his pants became uncomfortably tight. “If I tell you, will you promise not to freak out?” Ren started.

  “Go on.” She rested her chin on her hand and continued to gaze at him.

  He prayed she wouldn’t call him crazy and freeze him out. “You’re my mate.” The words were said in a rush. Ren waited for the fallout.

  “And?” There was expectation in that one word but no emotion whatsoever. He wasn’t sure if he should be happy or sad or scared.

  “You’re not disgusted or frightened?” He raised an eyebrow wondering where the trap was.

  She rolled her eyes. “I’ve been around werewolves for quite some time. My best friend is one. Just as long as you don’t get all possessive and expect me to rush into things we should be fine. So, I’m your mate. Okay. We can go from there.”

  He was relieved by her words. “I can understand that. I’m not going to be like some werewolves who expect you to be subservient and quit working and all that. We can take things slow. I’m fine with that. What else.”

  A big weight had been removed, and he felt they could proceed.

  “You still haven’t answered my other question. Earlier? You stopped me.” She took a sip of wine but didn’t look away.

  Licking his lips, he met her gaze. “I wanted to take things slow, let you get to know me.”

  “And stopping me from making you come helped that?” She gave him an amused look and took another drink of wine. “Fine, but I really don’t want to go slow. We do what we want. I’m on vacation, and you’re playing hooky from your family. I think that deserves indulgence, yes?”

  His heart thudded against his chest. Indulge? Just like that? Do what we want? His wolf gave him a resounding Hell, yes! barking its approval. It liked its mate even more now that she’d demanded the kid gloves come off.

  “Yes.” He grinned as he allowed his arousal to grow and spread. Her foot continued to rest on his inner thigh but it didn’t move. Relaxing, he settled into his chair and decided it was time to do a bit of teasing back. He reached under the table and took up her foot, giving her a slow foot massage. Ren concentrated on the pressure points. He wanted her relaxed and open to him.

  “And we’re not even at dessert yet,” she purred.

  “Dessert doesn’t have to be eaten immediately after dinner. Besides, you said we should indulge ourselves. And I want to indulge my desire to please you.” He pressed a point in her foot and watched her shoulders sink and her eyes roll back.

  “Please me?” she slurred.

  “Mm-hm. Please you, pleasure you.” Ren moved his touch up her calf, kneading the muscles with strong, sure pressure. “After this, we’ll have dessert, and I’ll continue this little massage, maybe inside?”

  When he’d first gotten to the house he’d made a quick search to make sure his brother had it stocked with everything he would need. Will had even made sure to include some of Will’s collection of lubes and toys. He especially wanted to use some of the vibrators he’d found with Larissa. He couldn’t help but wonder just how much he didn’t know about his brother. He just hoped that when he got home William hadn’t disowned him.

  “I like that plan, so why don’t we hurry things up a bit? You serve dessert and then we can go inside? I’m eager to have more of this pleasuring from you.” The husky sound of her voice slid up his spine and set his chest on fire.

  “I can do that.” He put down her foot and got up to get the ice cream. The night was really looking up.

  * * *

  William sat through dinner with gritted teeth. Bunny was prattling on about some inane thing or other. His parents had spent the last few hours insulting the absent Renault. As much as it angered him that Ren hadn’t shown up, sitting at the table made him see just why his brother was so opposed to the marriage. Bunny didn’t have the energy to rub two brain cells together and get an original idea. All she talked about was fashion, money, parties, and reality television. She didn’t seem interested in world events, and his parents thought she was just charming. Charming? Bunny didn’t have an ounce of tact or charisma. She was a carbon copy of the idiotic and brainless celebritie
s that were in vogue. Her whiny voice grated on his nerves.

  William would have left dinner but was too polite. Too many years of good breeding had been drilled into him by his mother and father. After enduring another fifteen minutes, and when he thought it was polite, he rose and left his parents to the mercy of their future daughter in-law. Although, which brother would marry her was the question. He couldn’t see Ren going through with it, and if his idea was correct, right now his brother was wooing Larissa, although whether she would accept him was another question.

  Chapter Four

  Larissa felt her muscles melt. Every inch of her was warm. Relaxation crept through her with each rub of Ren’s palm and flex of his hand as he worked out all the tension.

  She’d gotten a massage before but never like this, and never from someone she wanted to have sex with. Ren ran his hands over her buttocks, squeezing the mounds with strong, sure ministrations before sliding up her back, his thumbs tracing along her spine. Small murmurs and sighs were drawn from her with each bit of pressure he used on her. She was liquid, floating on air and drifting in a warm sea.

  “You know,” she slurred. “You really don’t have to do this. We could get to the sex now. If you keep this up, I won’t remember my name, much less why I’m here. I may even fall asleep.”

  “Then go to sleep. I’ll wake you up,” he whispered.

  The words sent a ripple of desire up from her toes to the top of her head. She could only imagine how he would do it. Would he start off with kisses, or maybe go straight for her pussy?

  “Mmmmm…” There were no other words.

  She felt the ghost of his kiss on her instep. The touch didn’t stop there—it trailed up, along the side of her calf, her knee and her outer thigh. Each press of his lips on her skin set off ripples of heat that slipped straight to her belly. She closed her eyes and savored the contact. He took his time with kisses and nips. The closer he got to her pussy, the more she squirmed closer, trying to move toward his mouth. The ache between her thighs grew. Liquid heat filled her core and dripped onto her thighs. She moaned and writhed closer to him. His hands gripped her thighs, holding her in place. All she could do was lay there and pray he would end the growing need.

  “Ren, please, kiss me,” she moaned as she felt his tongue slide along her inner thigh.

  “Where? Here?” He began to move down, away from her sex.

  She let out a torn cry and tried to get out of his hold. The pressure of his hands increased as he moved back towards her vagina.

  Arousal spiked the closer he got. Her desire coiled in the pit of her stomach in a tight spiral that made her writhe against the bed. She wanted to reach down and move things along. Her clit ached, throbbing for attention. “My pussy, God, just give me something, please,” she pleaded.

  He chuckled. “Something? Fine.”

  That single word sent a wave of relief and impatience through her. Seconds drew on and on and still no relief. He didn’t make a single move. Not toward her sex or away from it. His breath misted her skin. Sweat beaded on her brow. Her heart thudded heavily against her ribcage. She bit her bottom lip and tried to lift her hips. He pushed her down and pulled her toward the end of the bed.

  “Naughty, naughty.”

  The first slap on her bottom stung. She jerked, crying out at the hit. The pain died away, leaving a wake of heat that spread through her lower half. He repeated the action on the other butt cheek. Again and again, striking her buttocks. Pain faded away, leaving only heat and need. Her vaginal walls quivered as her orgasm grew. Her sex was soaked.

  “Ren, please.” She wasn’t sure how else to say it.

  She felt the first flick against her clit and broke apart on a cry. He feasted on her sex with flicks and nips, sucking and rolling her clit in his mouth, driving her back to the precipice over and over again. She was lost in a cloud of heat, sweat and desire. When he stopped eating her out, she was sure that now he’d fill her with his cock.

  “Not done yet.” He gave her a sound smack on her butt. She heard him walk away and then return. Larissa didn’t have the energy to lift her head and look to see what he was up to now. She was worn out from his ministrations. Her muscles were relaxed, and she was floating on a golden cloud of bliss.

  Her butt cheeks parted, and she felt cool lube against her back entrance. Pleasure quaked through her at the thought of being taken there. She pushed her hips back at him, giving him no protest. Relaxing her back passage, she waited for him to sheath his cock and push his way in. She didn’t hear a tearing sound but felt something press against her sphincter.


  He cut off any protests. “Vibrator. Relax.”

  She grinned and settled down, giving him no resistance. The sex toy pushed pasted the first ring and the second, stretching her. A burning sensation started, but no pain. Sighing, she waited for him to fill her pussy. Instead, Ren rolled her over onto her back and climbed up her body. He planted kisses along her stomach, between her breasts.

  Ren paused to flick her nipples, setting off sparks that shot straight to her pussy. He sucked one turgid peak into his mouth. With strong pulls, he shot bolts of electricity to her sex, starting the need all over again. Another orgasm began to build. With each tug, she was drawn closer and closer to the edge. Vibrations began in her back passage. Her pleasure spiked as she writhed underneath him. He released her nipple and switched to the other, giving it the same treatment. He covered her mouth with his, eating her cries as he pushed against her dripping entrance.

  Ren pushed into her slowly, filling her inch by each. Once he was halfway inside, he pulled back and shoved forward, sheathing himself inside her completely before withdrawing and rocking into her. She hooked her legs around his waist and rocked against him, meeting each of his thrusts. Pressure built inside her. Fire danced through her veins—the pleasure was so overwhelming, almost to the point of pain.

  She was tipped over to the side, falling into an abyss as white-hot desire filled her. He pulled his head back as he thrust into her, pounding her pussy. She felt him expand inside her before he came on a wolfish howl. The sound echoed off the walls and filled the room. His eyes flashed to a molten gold before returning to hazel. The scent of sweat, sex, and musk filled the air.

  “My mate, Larissa.” He nuzzled her neck, his breath coming out in pants.

  She ran a hand through his damp hair and sighed. For the moment she felt at peace. As if nothing in the world could affect her as long as he was with her. Larissa could really see this mate thing working out.

  * * *

  Ren stretched. A warm body lay curled around his, her arms draped around his chest, one leg thrown over his hip and another caught between his legs. Larissa’s breath fanned against the flesh between his shoulders as her breasts pressed against his back. He could feel her tight nipples pressing into his skin. He let out a growl as his wolf awoke, and along with it the need. Blood pooled in his groin as his cock thickened and lengthened.

  “Morning,” Larissa murmured, her body sliding against his in a tempting glide that made him ache.

  “Morning, beautiful.” He wanted to ask her if she regretted anything they’d done. If she wanted to continue exploring their attraction and getting to know each other. Now that things were progressing, he didn’t want there to be anything stopping them.

  “Don’t start. No regrets, and you better have a something planned for today. I don’t intend to spend it in bed. I’m human—I need time to recover.” She moved away from him, leaving him feeling cold but not lonely or unhappy. “Get moving, wolfie. I’m going to take a shower, and you better have breakfast started.”

  He rolled over and watched her walk toward the bathroom. Ren took a moment to enjoy the sway of her hips and the smooth gait of her walk. The morning light made her rich brown skin look smoother and bathed in gold. “Breakfast. Chop. Chop,” she called over her shoulder.

  The door slammed shut, and he couldn’t help but laugh. After a quic
k shower he started on a pancake batter mix and took out some bacon and eggs. He already knew what he wanted to do today. He’d start off by pampering her and making sure she didn’t lift a finger unless she had to, and then they’d have a picnic on the beach. And if everything went well they’d do a repeat of last night only out in the open. She’d trusted him, and that meant everything to him. Now to take things further.

  He finished cooking breakfast and set the table. After a few minutes, she still hadn’t come down. Perplexed, he went upstairs to see if there was something wrong. In her room, the windows were open, and the French doors were ajar. The scent of salt, earth, sea and sunshine floated on the air. He could hear the patter of water on tiles. The bathroom door was open a crack. Steam floated out of the gap.

  A flash of her in the nude, water sliding over her skin in small rivers, dipping between her butt cheeks and riding along her curves appeared in his mind. He could just picture her with her head tilted back, eyes closed, body completely relaxed. Shuffling forward, he pushed open the door just a bit and peeked in to see if his imagination was right.

  It was. She stood under a waterfall—all the showerheads were going. Steam fogged up the windows and the mirrors and fixtures. Soap bubbles slid along her skin as she scrubbed herself clean. Turning around, she arched her back and stood under the spray. He was mesmerized by the way the water slid over her breasts, down her stomach and between her thighs. His cock stirred, pressing against his pants.

  Frozen on the spot, he just admired her, wanting to join her but not want to interrupt the moment. She opened her eyes and looked at him. A secretive smile curved her lips. She ran a hand over her curves, cupped her breasts and gave them a squeeze, pinched her nipples and then allowed her fingertips to drift down to her mound. Spreading her legs, she gave him an easy view of her sex. She parted her nether lips, and he watched as she rubbed her clit with her thumb and sunk two fingers into her pussy. With her other hand she squeezed and plumped her breast.


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