Mating Song (Eternal Flames Book 14)

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Mating Song (Eternal Flames Book 14) Page 12

by Cree Storm

  Deja let out a loud breath. “So what do we do now? I don’t want anyone getting hurt because of me.”

  Jagger sat back in his chair and met Deja’s gaze. “I had already talked with Shadow about taking over my security detail at the club during your shows. This changes things up a bit.”

  Hearing Shadow’s low growl, Deja grasped his mate’s hand and squeezed, calmly asking, “What do you mean?”

  “I think the safest place for you to be is where you are now. It means that I’m hoping Shadow will become head of my security for the club in all aspects,” Jagger stated, turning to Shadow, “My offer to have as many guards as you deem necessary stands, and this way Deja will have guards around at all times who you are in complete charge of. If he needs to leave the building, you can accompany him, or have one or more guards go with him who you trust, to maintain his safety.”

  Deja opened his mouth to argue, but Jagger turned to him saying, “Your safety is of the utmost importance, Deja. It is no different than if you were a superstar. JLo, Shakira, Madonna… They always have multiple bodyguards surrounding them to keep fans back.”

  Closing his mouth, Deja sighed. “True, but you all are forgetting that Shadow has a life in Crystal. He’s on their police force. He…”

  Shadow took his mate’s hand and brought him up and close to his body. “I hate being a cop, Deja. I respect what they do, but I just told Snake how I wished to stop and do something else. I just hadn’t decided what that was. I think this opportunity might just be what I have been looking for. Besides, I can’t think of anything better than guarding your body day and night.”

  Smiling, Deja felt his cock harden and was thankful Shadow’s body was blocking his hard-on from the others. With his workout pants on, the bulge would be impossible for him to hide. “Well I can think of a few things.”

  Destrain laughed, as did Jagger. Shadow turned his head in Jagger’s direction, “I accept your job offer and I think we need to get started on hiring as soon as possible.”

  Destrain quickly replied, “I have some Griffions and Pixies that I think would be very interested.”

  Jagger nodded. “And I bet if we asked Kerrick he might have some elves interested as well, and I know a couple of vampires who were talking about coming to Maddox soon.”

  Nodding, Shadow replied, “Good, I’d like to set things up as soon as possible.” Looking at Deja, Shadow leaned in, and Deja gladly met his mate halfway for a kiss. It started out to be quick and then morphed into something far more, with tongues, teeth, and grinding.

  The sound of coughs and chuckles had Deja reluctantly pulling back. Deja watched as Shadow licked his lips, then heard the soft growl coming from the man. “Damn, that is so sexy.”

  Shadow’s forehead touched Deja’s. It was sweet and comforting. Then Shadow softly said, “As much as I would like to take this back upstairs, I have to go and talk to Wade and the others to see if any of them would like to help out with security. You have that Karaoke thing tomorrow and I want to have as much security in place as I can before then.”

  “I should meet with the guys and see how much rehearsal time we can get in,” Deja replied.

  Nodding, Shadow turned to Destrain. “Thank you for your insight on this matter. As much as I would have liked to continue getting to know my mate as intimately as possible, I also knew we needed answers. Maybe this was one of those enhanced things you were talking about. I always had great instincts, but this time it was something… more.”

  Nodding, Destrain looked at Deja. “If you can stay for just a little while longer, I can show you some ways to control your energy.”

  Nodding, Deja replied, “I can do that. Just let me talk to my guys and see how long they can stay. With the bar being closed on Mondays and Tuesdays, it is the most time we get to rehearse for our shows.”

  Walking towards his bandmates, Deja felt a chill run over him. Stopping, he looked around but didn’t see anyone out of the ordinary. “Jeez, Deja, pull your shit together. The boogeyman isn’t waiting to pounce.”


  Deja finished the song, smiling as Benji and his friends clapped and whistled, just as they had done for the past forty-five minutes since they first came in. Well, all except for the one smaller guy who had taken off with Savage.

  The way those two were all over each other and then rushing off to the bathroom made Deja realize he needed to pull back on his energy like Destrain had shown him. He thought he had done everything Destrain had told him to do, but from the way Savage and his mate had reacted, it might be better if he went and spoke to the king before he left the club.

  Feeling sweat slithering down his face and neck, and not wanting to be yucky when meeting with Destrain, Deja looked around for another towel. Not seeing one, he called out, “I’m going to get a towel.”

  “Sure thing, sweetie, we can wait. Go take care of what you need to,” Orchid said as he sat on the floor at the back of the stage, stretching out his legs.

  “Thanks. Oh, wait, did you guys find my notes from last night? I left them in the dressing room,” Deja asked.

  “Sorry, sugar, I didn’t see them when I was in there. Where did you put them?” Barker asked.

  “They were on the vanity table. Hold on, I’ll go get them, so you all can start looking them over and make a few of your own while I finish up with the pixie king,” Deja responded, then turned and headed backstage.

  Walking into the dressing room Deja looked toward the vanity and found it empty. He searched the other tables in the room, then the couch and chairs, but still nothing. “Maybe it fell and slid underneath?” Deja went back to the vanity and got down on his knees, then crawled under the vanity. He smiled when he saw the piece of paper sticking out from under the back. Deja grabbed the page and slid it out then backed up and stood. Just as he straightened his gaze landed on the mirror before him and Deja gasped as his eyes went wide. Jackson, the security guard who Blake told him had been fired, was standing right behind him and had a demented smile on his face.

  “Well, hello, Precious, miss me?” Jackson asked, then took a step forward and wrapped one arm around Deja’s waist at the same time as he placed a hand over his mouth.

  * * * *

  “We do have some men who I’m sure would be interested in the job, Shadow,” Jagger said.

  “I was thinking of asking Wade and the guys, and maybe some of Suneth’s guys, but that’s probably not the best idea. Each of them already has enough on their plates with watching over Crystal, so yeah, I’ll check them out. As long as they can do their job and follow my orders they should work out,” Shadow replied.

  Destrain returned and took his seat, then smiled at Shadow and Jagger. “I just got off the phone with Dain, he said he would send over a few of the Griffian’s and Kerrick has some elves that would love to get back to work. I also called Ezra, he told me the other day that he had a couple of vampires that were looking into moving to Maddox. They’re not ready to live with a coven. They’ve spent most of their lives without one. Anyway, he said they would be contacting me for work, so I told him to send them along today. He swears they would be perfect for the job. They’ll all be coming any minute, so you can start interviewing them.”

  “Are you familiar with them?” Shadow asked.

  “Except for the vampires, yes, actually and I think the ones they are sending would be perfect for the job, but I think you need to flesh them out and be comfortable with them and trust that they will do what they are being tasked with. Ensuring the safety of your mate.”

  “I think having a few vampires would be a good idea as well. They live in the night, so the day guards can go home, have time off, and the vampires could be there when we go home,” Shadow replied.

  “I agree. Where will you be living now that you’ve claimed Deja?” Jagger asked.

  Shadow turned his attention to Jagger. “We haven’t really discussed it, but I did get the feeling that my mate loves living in the loft upstairs. Y
ou wouldn’t mind if we made that our home, would you?”

  Jagger smiled. “Of course not. I was hoping you would say that. I know how much Deja loves the place. Nick and I did too, but we’ve been talking about starting a family, so we wanted a little more room. It’s a great place and I think you’ll both be happy there. Besides, like I told you both earlier, I think the club is the best way to keep Deja safe.”

  “I couldn’t agree more. Plus, with just the elevator and the stairs going up there, it will be much easier to post guards,” Shadow replied.

  A portal opened a few feet away and Shadow watched as ten large men walked through, led by Pelt, one of Destrain’s Griffians.

  “Your Highness, we have come on Master Dain and King Kerrick’s behalf,” Pelt said as he bowed his head at Destrain.

  “Good timing, Pelt, we were just talking about you.”

  Jagger looked to the group and asked, “Is anyone hungry?”

  Pelt looked to the others and most shook their heads but a few nodded. Pelt turned back to face Jagger. “I could eat.”

  Jagger and Destrain laughed. “I’m sure you could, seeing as my mother-in-law watches after you like a hawk. You must be starving.”

  “That’s no joke, Dolly is a sweet lady and I appreciate all her care and concern, but, I’m a big boy and need my calories,” Pelt replied with a chuckle.

  “Well, you’re in luck,” Jagger said as he stood and motioned for them to follow him. “My chef, Blake made up a few trays of food for our meeting earlier and there is plenty of food left, so help yourselves. If there is anything else you may need or want that’s not here, just let me know. We’ll call you over one at a time when Shadow is ready and if you’re in the middle of eating, bring it with you.”

  “Thanks, Jagger,” Pelt replied, ten turned toward the table and grabbed a plate.

  Jagger turned and headed back to their table, then sat. “So who should we start with?”

  “How about the vampires?” Shadow replied.

  “Excuse me,” Lon asked as he approached.

  Shadow turned to face him. “What’s up?”

  Lon looked really uncomfortable as he looked at anything but Shadow and rubbed the back of his neck. “Did I hear right? Are you looking for guards for the club and for personal protection for my brother?”

  “Yes. I don’t want him or anyone else on that stage vulnerable to what happened last night, and now with our new knowledge of what Deja is, he’ll need personal guards whenever I’m not with him. Why do you have someone in mind?” Shadow asked.

  Lon finally met his gaze and Shadow could see the confusion. “I didn’t want to seem like I was eavesdropping but it’s true? Deja is one of these Nymphs?”

  “Yes,” Destrain and Jagger replied together.

  “So he’s in a lot of danger then huh?”

  “Yes, he is. Who do you have in mind to help with his protection, Lon?”

  Keeping his gaze locked with Lon, Shadow saw the answer before the dragon shifter even answered. “Me.”

  Shadow stared at him for a moment. He wanted to be mad at Lon for all the crap he said to him for the past few weeks, but he really couldn’t fault the man, he was only looking out for his brother. “Can you do this job with me in charge? Can you follow my orders and not let your personal feelings about either me or Deja get in your way or cloud your judgement and actions?”

  “I know I’ve been a right prick to you, man, but―”

  Shadow held up his hand, interrupting Lon as he said, “I’m not concerned with that. I don’t blame you, Lon, you were only watching your brothers back, but I need to know that your love for Deja won’t be a hinderance. I don’t believe it will be and I know you would die to protect my mate, but sometimes when we’re too close to a person that can be a problem not a help.”

  “I would never let anything happen to any of my brothers. Not if I can help it,” Lon replied.

  “Good answer.”

  “And…I could really use the job,” Lon said uncomfortable.

  Shadow stared at him silently for another moment, then said, “The job is yours. Can you start now?”

  Lon smiled, but it quickly dropped from his face. “I would say yes, but I need to get Vano home.”

  Shadow gave him a small smile. “Somehow, I think Bull may want to do that from the look he’s giving Vano over there, but if you need to take him, then when he’s ready, get him home safe then come back. You’re on the clock starting right now.”

  Lon smiled. “Thanks, man,” he said with a nod, then walked away toward where Bull and Vano were having another heated discussion.

  Shadow wondered what was up with that and figured he would ask Bull about it later. Right now, he had interviews to get to. “So,” he said turning his attention back to Jagger and Destrain. “Let’s start with those vamp…” Shadow stopped mid word and concentrated on the strange feeling inside him. Suddenly fear raced through him for no reason.

  “Shadow, what’s up?” Jagger asked in concern.

  “I’m not sure. Suddenly I feel…terrified, but I don’t know…Shit! Deja!”

  Shadow jumped from his seat, knocking it over, but he paid it no attention as he turned and let his gaze roam over the stage where Deja and the band were supposed to be having a meeting, but Deja wasn’t there.

  “Where’s Deja?” he yelled at the men on stage.

  “He went into the back to get something, but he’s been gone for a while,” the cutie with a bow tie answered.

  Shadow immediately ran for the side entrance to the back of the stage and smashed the door open. The wood splintered and broke into pieces. Shit, he would replace that later, right now he needed to get to his mate. Fear like he had never known before rocked his soul and he knew it was not only Deja’s fear, but his own. He had to get to Deja.

  * * * *

  “I’ll go check on him,” Blake said as he stood from behind his drum kit. He gave one last glance at his brother and saw that Shadow looked intense and in deep in conversation with Jagger and the pixie king. They were most likely talking about Deja’s protection.

  Blake shook his head as he thought about what was said about his new friend being a Nymph and what that would mean for Deja. They weren’t kidding when they said Deja would be in danger now. Blake didn’t know much, but he remembered stories he had heard about other paranormal trying to get their hands on the breed for their powers or something.

  He walked down the hall toward to the dressing room and as he stepped in he froze in shock for a moment at the scene before him, but Blake quickly composed himself as anger filled him.

  Jackson, the asshole had Deja in a tight hold as he tried to get a squirming, fighting Deja under control. “You sing only for me!”

  The bastard had a hand over Deja’s mouth and Blake wasn’t sure his friend could even breathe. He quickly ran across the room, throwing himself against Jackson, taking him by surprise and knocking the three of them to the floor. Just as Blake hit Jackson and wrapped his arms around both he and Deja, Blake heard a deadly roar, and instantly knew who it was. Shadow had arrived, and he was pissed.

  Blake knew Shadow wouldn’t hurt Deja, and he was sure his brother wouldn’t hurt him, but Blake didn’t want to get either of them caught in the crossfire when Shadow got his hands on Jackson.

  He grabbed Deja, and ripped him from Jackson’s hold, then wrapped his arms around Deja as he rolled them both away and under the rack filled with their show clothes. Blake closed his eyes tight when he saw Shadow shift into his panther and pounce.

  * * * *

  He couldn’t believe the sight before him as he stepped into the room. He had just seen Blake disappear inside and he was only a few seconds behind him, but when he entered, Shadow saw Blake tackled Jackson as the fucking dead man held his mate. A quick glance in the mirror to Deja’s eyes, showed Shadow that his mate was terror filled. No one was ever going to put that look in his man’s eyes again.

  Shadow let the rage take him and
he shifted quickly. Just as his panther took over, he spotted Blake roll away from Jackson with Deja in his arms. His brother had gotten his mate away from the psychotic asshole and to safety out of the way. He would thank his brother later for that. In that moment, he had a piece of shit to kill.

  Shadow attacked, jumping in the air and pouncing on Jackson just as the man rolled to his back. When he went to sit up, Jackson suddenly had a large two-hundred- and fifty-pound panther on his chest, pushing him back down as sharp claws slashed his sides and chest and Jackson screamed out. Shadow growled loudly in Jackson’s face, spittle flying everywhere, then he leaned in and wrapped his powerful jaws around the man’s throat.

  Shadow bit down and heard the pop of flesh as his teeth penetrated skin and he bit down with all his strength. The scream that began to come from Jackson’s lips turned into a wet, gurgling sound as the body beneath his thrashed and fought, but Shadow didn’t let go. He only clamped his jaws tighter as his mouth was flooded with vile tasting blood.

  The body beneath him convulsed a few times, then went limp and Shadow heard the last wet breath leave his mouth. He released the man’s throat and pulled back, hacking out the blood from his mouth.

  “Jackson,” Jagger whispered from behind him and Shadow spun around, growling as he backed up to put his body between Jagger and his mate and brother.

  Jagger put his hands up as he moved slowly into the room with Destrain, Lon, Bull, and Pelt following.

  “You definatly stopped him, man. Come on now, shift back and check on your mate,” Bull said in his familiar brotherly way.

  Shadow instantly shifted and straightened, then spun to look for Deja.

  Blake and Deja crawled out from under the wardrobe and once Deja was standing he threw himself against Shadow’s chest and wrapped his arms around his neck. Shadow lifted Deja up off his feet and held him tight.


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