Bad For Me (My Forbidden Rockstar)

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Bad For Me (My Forbidden Rockstar) Page 14

by Bowman, Dara

  Christ. I’ve turned into a fucking girl.

  Annie is still quiet and maybe I’ve said too much or maybe not enough. Maybe I can’t say anything to take back what has happened.

  “Alright, I’m going to go,” I sigh. Annie’s looking down at her feet, and I still have some pride left, so I turn and head back to the bus.

  “Wait!” she calls.

  I turn back and she runs up to me. Her voice is softer, but she’s still upset.

  “You are a complete and total asshole.”

  “I know.”

  “You treated me like a shit.”

  “I know.”

  “I deserve better.”

  “I know.”

  “I haven’t forgiven you.”

  “I know.”

  Annie pauses, biting her lip, and toying with her hair.

  “Do you want to meet my mom in New York?”


  I don’t respond; I just stare at her.

  “I don’t understand.”

  “If you want another chance, then maybe you should come to brunch with me and my mom tomorrow morning.”

  Holy shit. Annie’s offering me another chance. I don’t deserve it one bit, but hell, if I’m not going to take it.

  “I can do brunch,” I say grinning.

  Annie gives me a tentative smile and I pull her into my arms. I bury my head in her hair and inhale her intoxicating scent.

  Lemons and Mint.

  “Fuck, Annie, I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry,” I murmur.

  She hugs me back and then pulls away to look up at me.

  “Don’t do it again,” she says fiercely.

  “I won’t baby, I promise.”

  I pull her behind a dark van nearby, and once we’re out of sight of both buses, I embrace her, kissing her everywhere – her lips, nose, chin, neck. I can’t get enough of her.

  She claws her hands up my back, pulling herself tighter to me and kisses me hard on the mouth.

  “When are we going to finish what we started the other day?” she breathes.

  And I know exactly what she means. Hell, I’m tempted to drag her right back to the bus now and have my way with her, but I know she deserves better. I need to make it up to her this time. And it’s not like I want the guys walking in on us.

  “Soon,” I promise, “Soon.” I pry myself away from her, and hold her at arms’ length to look at her. “I want to do it right. You deserve better than the tour bus bedroom.”

  Annie’s eyes cloud over and I know she’s probably thinking of all the other women that have come through that bus.

  “I’ll get us a hotel room in New York tomorrow night. Something classy.”

  Annie smiles seductively. “I like the sound of that,” she purrs.

  And Christ, she’s all over me again, pressing her soft body into mine and running her tongue along my teeth.

  “Fuck! What the hell are you doing to me?” I gasp, as my dick hardens in my pants.

  She smiles up at me, her eyes liquid blue and smoldering hot. She cups my dick through my pants, and rubs it softly.

  Holy. Fuck.

  “I guess you’ll just have to wait till tomorrow,” she says in a sexy-as-hell prim and proper voice.

  “I guess so,” I croak.

  Annie kisses me one last time long and hard on the mouth and then pulls away.

  “We should be getting back to the buses.”

  She’s right, but I don’t want to leave her. Now that I’ve had a taste of her, I’m not going to be able to get her off my mind. Not like she was off my mind before, but Annie is like crack, and I’m going to need my fix again soon.

  I walk her back to her bus and give her another long kiss before she gets on.

  The door opens and I see Liz glaring at me from the top of the steps again.

  Liz obviously needs to get laid.

  I roll my eyes at her, and watch Annie get on the bus.

  The door closes and I can hear Liz’s shrill voice.

  “What the hell, Annie? Have you lost your mind?”

  Fuck her.

  Whistling to myself, I cross the parking lot back to the band’s bus.

  Chapter Twenty


  I wake up and rub at my tired eyes. I look around the small, dark compartment and I remember that I’m on a tour bus. I’m on tour with Diesel, the biggest rock band on the planet. I think of Dom. Did yesterday really happen? Did I really tell him off in the middle of a crowded restaurant? Did Dom actually come back and beg for my forgiveness?

  I’m in that strange limbo of reality between consciousnesses and I’m struggling to remember if it was all only a dream.

  I dig out my phone from under my pillow. There’s a text.

  I miss you already, baby. Can’t wait to see you at brunch. J.

  Holy crap, it did happen. I sit up quickly and nearly knock my head on the ceiling, and pull back the curtains of my bed. My phone says it’s almost eight in the morning, and I promised my mother I would meet her for brunch at ten. I look over and see Mel’s curtains are still drawn, but it looks like Liz’s bunk beneath me is empty.

  I hop down and make my way out into the kitchen and find Liz frying some eggs. I can hear the sounds of the city around me, and we appear to be parked in a cramped lot. I’m assuming that we’re on the premises of Madison Square Garden.

  “Hey,” Liz says smiling, “Hungry?”

  I guess she’s already forgiven me for giving Dom a second chance.

  “No thanks. I’m going to see my mom for brunch in a couple hours.”

  I yank open one of the cabinets and find a box of Frosted Flakes. I pour some into a bowl and eat them dry. This should be enough to hold me over until ten.

  “That’s right,” Mel says, sitting down with me at the table. “Are you taking Dom?” She’s trying to be conversational, but I can hear the edge in her tone. I had to all but beg her for Dom’s cell number the night before, so I doubt she actually wants to talk about him.

  “Yes,” I say carefully. “I’d like him to meet my mom.”

  Liz raises her eyebrows.

  I shrug and stuff a big spoonful of cereal into my mouth so I can’t talk.

  Liz doesn’t seem to notice that I'm in no mood for conversation.

  “Just be careful, Annie." She says, staring out of the windows at Diesel's tour bus, "I saw Dom go through a ton of girls on the last tour. It was a new girl every night and sometimes more than one girl in the same night.”

  I swallow hard. I know this about Dom. He never tried to hide who he was. I have to trust that Dom doesn’t want that anymore.

  “I really appreciate you looking out for me,” I say evenly, “but I’m a big girl and I have to make my own choices. If I get hurt, I’ll take full blame.”

  “But you have been hurt,” Liz argues.

  I want to smack myself for sharing so much with Liz. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but I never imagined that Dom and I might make up afterwards.

  “I know, and I have to trust that Dom is true to his word now. He apologized and explained. People can change, and they deserve second chances.”

  “Okay, if you say so.”

  She finishes her eggs and rinses her plate off in the sink.

  “Do you want the bathroom first?” she asks.

  “Sure. Thank you."

  I shovel in the last two bites and dump my bowl in the sink. I grab one of my nicer outfits, as well as my toiletries bag and take them into the bathroom. Forty minutes later, I emerge, freshly showered and dressed. Mel’s bunk is empty and I hear her on the phone in the other room. It sounds like she’s arguing with someone. Last I heard she and Sid had broken up after she discovered who Ammara is, thanks to me. It didn’t make me jealous that Mel had been dating Sid; instead it just made me feel sick that he was still taking advantage of girls.

  I finish up my makeup and then pull out my phone to text Dom.

  I’ll be ready in 10 min. Is that OK?

>   I start switching out my purse to a small clutch when the text comes through.

  Sounds perfect. See you in 10. xx

  It's only 9AM and I'm already Swooning. I stand up and check myself in the mirror. I don’t recognize the name of the restaurant where we’re having brunch, but knowing my mother it’s sure to be a classy place. I’m wearing a sleeveless peach sheath dress, and I’ve twisted my hair into a low knot at the nape of my neck. I switched out my black leather purse to a demure gold clutch and paired the ensemble with gold sandals. Hopefully, I look respectable enough.

  There’s not much else I can do and I head out into the living space on the bus. Mel is still in a heated conversation, but Liz is lying on the couch, her nose buried in a book.

  “Wow! You look gorgeous!” she exclaims.

  “Thanks." I say, "And thanks for letting me get in the bathroom first.”

  “No problem. Have fun. I think I’m going to get ready to go out and explore the city with Avery.”

  “Oh,” I say, caught off-guard. I’ve never really seen Liz and Avery talk.

  She gives me a little shrug, but I can see she’s excited.

  I grin. “Have fun!”

  “Thanks! You too!”

  I hurry off the bus and see Dom making his way towards me. The sight of him takes my breath away. He’s dressed in well-cut tan pants, with a long-sleeve button up black shirt. His wild hair is slicked back, and he’s freshly shaven. He looks like he has walked off the cover of a JCrew ad.

  “You look amazing,” I stutter. I can’t get over how different he looks with his hair slicked back. I still prefer his bad boy rocker look, but this look is almost as drool-worthy.

  He doesn’t respond, and I catch him ogling me.

  “You’re a fucking knock out,” he breathes.

  I beam and then throw myself in his arms. Dom doesn’t miss a beat - he pulls me in towards him and plants a big kiss on my lips. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer because I need more, after the past few days it feels good to be this close to him again. After a minute or so, Dom pulls away and chuckles darkly.

  “You are going to be the death of me,” he jokes. “Let’s get in the car before I start undressing you right here.”

  I giggle and let Dom lead me towards the discreet black car that’s parked to the side. We climb in and Dom repeats the name of the restaurant to the driver. We make two turns and then pull out into the busy Manhattan streets.

  “I love New York,” Dom sighs as he looks out the window.

  “Me too,” I say, "I forgot how much I loved this vibrant city. I have only been here a few times, but it's always an adventure."

  We speed towards the Upper West side, and soon we pull up in front of the restaurant. Dom hops out of the car and runs around to help me out. His grip is warm and strong which sends my mind spinning in a thousand naughty directions. Somehow I'm going to have to make it through all of today's events, brunch with my mom, and the concert later, before I can indulge in Dom again.

  Dom leads me into the bright restaurant and I hear my mother before I see her.

  “Annie!” she squeals, and I look around to see my mother waving wildly from a private booth. She looks radiant, and I almost forgot how gorgeous she is. I smile broadly as she pulls me into a tight embrace.

  “Annie! I’ve missed you so much! My sweet girl, it’s so good to see you!”

  I hug my mom tightly, and inhale her familiar scent of floral perfume. I pull away to get a better look at her. She’s dressed in cream slacks and a pink blouse, and she looks more trim than I have seen her in years. Her hair is no longer light brown, she's dyed it blonde and the effect is youthful. Her bright blue eyes are the same as mine, and they compliment her youthful looks.

  It isn’t until after I have taken in her appearance that I notice the man standing next to her. He’s tall and wiry, with thinning salt and pepper hair. While he isn’t exactly handsome, he is certainly striking with his high cheekbones and strong jaw line.

  “I nearly forgot! Annie, meet Sheldon! Sheldon, my daughter, Annie.”

  I shake Sheldon’s hand and he smiles broadly.

  “So nice to finally meet you, Annie.”

  I then remember that Dom is standing behind me.

  “Right! This is Dom! Dom, this is my mother Lilly and Sheldon.”

  “So nice to meet you,” Dom says graciously, shaking both their hands. My mother was not expecting me to bring a boy, but she is as warm and welcoming as ever, though I can see a million questions swimming in her eyes. I’ll be able to explain more after brunch. Dom is only staying for the meal, and then he’s allowing my mother and I some alone time to bond and catch up.

  Brunch passes quickly, and the conversation is light and fun. Dom is witty and sharp, and I can tell my mom and Sheldon enjoy his company immensely. I, too, am caught up in Dom’s allure and from my mother’s glances, I can tell she picks up on my rapture.

  Sheldon is pleasant and kind, and I can tell that he loves my mother. Though Sheldon doesn’t speak much, when he does, it’s always to share a loving anecdote of my mother or to compliment her in some way. No wonder my mother is so enamored with him. He adores her and worships the ground she walks on. In a way, my mother is like a child, desperately craving attention and love. I’m glad that she’s finally found someone like Sheldon; he’s nothing like the jerks she used to date.

  After a few hours, countless Mimosas, and plates full of delicious food, we rise to leave the restaurant. My mother hugs Dom and says how nice it was to meet him. He says likewise and shakes Sheldon’s hand. Sheldon goes to shake my hand but I lean in to hug him instead.

  “We’re family now,” I whisper and I catch him smile. Sheldon gets into a waiting car and heads towards his office to catch up on some business. I don’t quite understand what he does, but he owns some type of investment company.

  My mother takes a few steps away to give Dom and I some privacy.

  “Thank you for coming,” I whisper as Dom embraces me. “My mother loves you. I can tell.”

  “I’m glad,” he says, kissing me. I kiss him back, but keeping myself in check because I know my mother is only a few feet away. I force myself to pull away and the unbridled lust burning in Dom’s eyes nearly brings me to my knees.

  “See you on stage,” he promises.

  “Yes,” I squeak, still reeling from his smoldering gaze.

  “And you can pack light for our stay tonight,” he says referring to the mysterious hotel room that he’s booked. “You’re not going to need any clothes.”

  I bite my lip to keep myself from moaning right there on the busy New York street. My sex aches, and my nipples harden at the thought, and I take a deep breath of air to clear my head.

  Dom licks his lips and winks before he ducks back into the car we arrived in earlier. I wave as it pulls out in traffic, and then I turn towards my mother.

  “Alright, missy. You better explain yourself,” she says, taking my arm to walk up the block with me.

  “That’s Dom,” I say lamely.

  My mom lets out a peal of laughter. “Yes, I gathered that much from brunch. I wanted to know why he was with you.” She’s only half-joking, but I can tell that she’s worried.

  “I know he seems like the exact kind of guy that I should stay away from, but I don’t know, Mom, he’s different once I got to know him.” How could I explain to my mom the strange feelings that I had for Dom, or the bizarre way we had gone back and forth? I’m not sure she would understand. But there was one thing that I did have to tell her.

  “So, do you want to know how I met Dom?” I ask tentatively, as we walk up a quieter tree-lined street.

  “Sure,” she says, “I figured you just met him when you got the job.”

  “Well, yes, but it was Dom himself who offered me the job.”

  “Oh, how exciting! How did he hear you sing?”

  I clear my throat, I haven't really thought about how to tell my mom. I’m not sure
how she will respond. Obviously, she didn’t know much about Dom, and she had somehow missed the YouTube sensation of the past twenty-four hours in which I’m telling Dom off in Nashville.

  “His mother is marrying Daddy.”

  My mother stops dead in her tracks, and I nearly trip as we come to a halt.

  “What did you say?” Her voice is too high.

  “I met Dom when I went over to Daddy’s house to meet his fiancé. Dom was there too because he hadn’t met Daddy yet.”

  My mom takes a deep breath. “So, Dom’s mother is marrying your father?”

  I nod.

  “Which would make you step-brother and step-sister?”

  “Mom!” I exclaim. “It’s not like we’re really related! And we’re not little kids that will grow up together living in the same house! Sheesh!”

  Is that her concern?

  “Sweetheart,” she says gravely, “The media is going to have a field day with that one. It will ruin the band's reputation. It will ruin your reputation, forever!”

  My heart plummets. I didn’t think about that. And maybe the media had already discovered it since Dom and I were all over YouTube now.

  “What happens if you break up though?” My mom presses, “Won’t that be awkward?”

  “Well, we’re not really labeling ourselves,” I explain. Suddenly I want to talk about anything else. “And yes, if it happens, it will be awkward, but we will just have to deal with it. I wouldn’t have to see him that much.”

  “Well, as long as your happy, Annie. I learned a long time ago that you’re going to do whatever you want, and the best thing I can do is to let you know that I’m here for you.”


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