The Billionaire From Boston: A BWWM Billionaire Romance (United States Of Billionaires Book 11)

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The Billionaire From Boston: A BWWM Billionaire Romance (United States Of Billionaires Book 11) Page 15

by Simply BWWM

  Chanel blanched and her jaw fell open. “What? What are you talking about?”

  “She had an affair. Right after we were engaged, I had to leave town for a few months to take care of some business overseas, and when I came back from my trip, she left me. I thought it was over, but then she showed back up and told me that she was pregnant, and that it was my baby, and I believed her.

  The only thing was that she would only have been seven months along right now if the baby was mine, because I had been gone so long. She had the baby, and I found out that she was full term, in fact over full term. She got pregnant while I was away, and she lied to me.” He was angry about it, and she could see that clearly in his eyes.

  “But… I saw the newspaper. You married her, didn’t you?” Chanel asked in breathless horror.

  “I did marry her. I shouldn’t have, because no one should ever get married because of a baby. I should only have married her if I was in love with her and wanted to spend the rest of my life with her, but I wasn’t. I was in love with you. I’m still in love with you. I had the marriage annulled, so that’s been undone.” He blinked away tears and a smile began to form over his face.

  “I had to find you, and it took three detectives, but I found you, and I’m here to ask you, to beg you to come back to me. I can’t live without you. I love you so much, sweet Chanel. You know that night I had you come over for dinner… the night that Monica showed up. I was going to give you something that night. It was going to be the most beautiful night of our relationship. I was going to give you this…” He reached into his pocket and pulled out the blue box, opening it to show her the diamond ring inside of it.

  Chanel gasped and stared wide eyed at it in disbelief before she slowly raised her eyes back up to his and watched him as he sank down onto both of his knees.

  “I can’t expect you to forgive me for hurting you so terribly, and I won’t ask you to, but I love you more than anyone in the world. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and build a family with you and no one but you. Marry me, please, Chanel, and give me the rest of your life to show you every single day just how much you mean to me and how much I love you. I will always make you so glad you said yes, if you’ll have me.” His eyes were locked on hers in desperation and in love, and her heart swelled so much that it felt too big for her body.

  “Yes!” she gasped as she reached for him and pulled him to his feet, wrapping her arms around him and lifting her mouth to kiss him. “Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. Forever, yes!” She kissed him again and again, and they laughed through tears as he kissed her in return.

  When they finally let each other go, he slid the ring onto her finger and held her in his arms, and they both knew that it was going to last a lifetime.


  This book is part of a bestselling series called “United States Of Billionaires”.

  Every book features a different billionaire in a different city and very soon we could be coming to your home town!

  Below are all the books currently available, is a city you love in there? Download now and check it out. (Be warned, all these books are extra STEAMY!)

  Book 1 – The Billionaire From San Diego

  Book 2 – The Billionaire From Atlanta

  Book 3 – The Billionaire From Dallas

  Book 4 – The Billionaire From New York City

  Book 5 – The Billionaire From San Francisco

  Book 6 – The Billionaire From Chicago

  Book 7 – The Billionaire From Miami

  Book 8 – The Billionaire From Hawaii

  Collect the whole series!

  Peace, love and high heels!

  Lena & The Simply BWWM Team

  Or if you already have all the above books then just turn the page to start enjoying a special BONUS book I put in as a surprise for you :)




  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places or events are entirely coincidental.

  Copyright 2016 KIMMY LOVE

  All Rights Reserved To KIMMY LOVE


  Having known billionaire Edward Kinkade ever since she was young, up-and-coming attorney Nevaeh always felt comfortable around him.

  She felt so comfortable around him that she did not mind letting him into her life for some no-strings attached sexual fun from time to time.

  However, when it seemed that Nevaeh has somehow become pregnant by him, Edward did the honorable thing and asked her to marry him right away.

  But can the billionaire and his pregnant bride make it down the aisle before the hand of fate intervenes?


  Chapter One

  “Nevaeh, you’ll never guess what I just heard!”

  I was startled from my work by my very loud and over excited best friend, Julia. I was a little irritated at the interruption, because I was in the middle of reading through the Ferguson Prenup. The Fergusons were multi-billionaires and working their divorce was going to be the job of the year. Luckily, Mr. Jones, of Jones, Hanks, and Associates law firm, had asked me to prep him for his first initial contact with the soon-to-be-ex Mrs. Ferguson.

  Sure, being a divorce attorney wasn’t exactly what I wanted when I was a little girl. I grew up watching shows like Law and Order that my mother obsessed over. I was sure I was going to change the world in the courtroom.

  But as you grow, things change. I didn’t care so much to be the famous defense attorney anymore. I just wanted a steady job that gave me a good living. Sometimes, mostly when doing the prenup cases, I fantasied I was a matchmaker helping couples into their blissful lives. Sure, it would be a little disappointing when they would return in the not-too-distant future for a divorce.

  Our clientele was Seattle’s elite. That being said, we had quite a few regulars. Maybe marriage wasn’t what it used to be, my parents were living proof of that, but I still held on to my girlish fantasies of Prince Charmings and love at first sight.

  Julia was dancing in front of me, waiting for me to ask what was so amazing that she had just heard. Becoming a lawyer wasn’t a profession of choice for her, she was more or like forced into in her father’s footsteps, and she didn’t take it all too seriously.

  Sure, she had gone to law school, passed the bar, and all that, but sometimes I wondered how much her family connections had to do with it. She spend most her time fluttering around the office picking up on any and every bit of gossip. Gossip wasn’t really my thing, but she was my best friend, so I usually humored her.

  “Wait, let me stop my important work so that you can tell me the latest on Melissa and the hot new receptionist.” He was temping and modeling part-time. Totally hot too; I didn’t judge Melissa at all for banging him.

  “No, I got nothing on them today, it’s all about you, babe!”

  “Me? What could I have possibly done to warrant gossip?”

  “I hear Mr. Jones is taking you off the Ferguson case.”

  “What?” I was more than irritated about this, I was downright pissed. I worked my ass off to climb the freaking ladder here and I earned the right to assist on this case. “What silver spoon am I getting kicked off for?”

  “Well, me, actually.” I felt bad. Sometimes I forgot Julia was one of those snotty privileged brats. It was hard to remember—she never acted like one. “But, it’s because you’re going to be handling your own case!”

  “What? Seriously?”

  “Yeah, Mr. Jones just spoke to me and told me to take over all your work. He said that he had another big fish coming in and he was too tied up with Ferguson to take it on himself. So he’s giving it to you!”

  “You have got to be freaking kidding me! Seriously? Oh my gosh, this is the big break I’ve been waiting for.”

  “Please, you’re an awesome lawyer. You had to know this was coming. You work the hardest of everyone here. It won’t be long befor
e we see Jones, Hanks, Lookhart, and Associates on the door.”

  “Shut up!” Yes I worked hard to get to where I am. I worked two jobs all through college and law school. Even with that, I was still fighting my way through student loans. I never got my life handed to me on a silver platter, but that wasn’t going to stop me from my dreams, and that was a good easy life for me and my mama.

  She deserved nothing less. That still didn’t mean I liked it when people told me stuff like that. My mother being half-Japanese, modesty was almost required in her nature. It had been passed down to me. It would probably kill me to accept a compliment.

  “Yeah, Mr. Jones knows we are good pals, so he just gave your case file to me. You will never guess who it is.”

  “I take it you already read it then?”

  “Heck yeah! I wanted to see what kind of awesome job you were getting for your big break. Trust me, it didn’t disappoint.” She said this excitedly as she handed over the paperwork.

  It only took me a second to see what the excitement was about. James Simons, player for the Seahawks, and his playboy bunny wife, Amanda Moore. I don’t think their marriage lasted more than three years.

  I would be representing Mr. Simons. My heart sank a bit at the reason for the negotiations: child custody. That wasn’t going to be an easy one for me. I pushed back my own childhood scars on this matter to scope out who would be representing the bunny.

  If my heart could have sunk any lower, it would have fallen all seventy levels of this office building. Edward Kinkade. Of all the flipping people in the world, why did it have to be freaking Edward Kinkade?

  Julia was leaning over me as I read through it. “Did you see it? It’s not enough that you’re representing a freaking hot shot like James Simons, your opposing council is Edward Kinkade.” Her excitement level was just about equal to my disappointment.

  “Yeah. Oh joy,” I said sarcastically.

  “Are you kidding me? He is so hot. I could have an orgasm just from looking at him.”

  I didn’t disagree with her on that point, but we had a history. A very complicated history. So complicated in fact, I was seriously considering walking out right then and there and giving up the last five years of hard work, just so I wouldn’t have to see him.

  “Hot, yes, but also biggest prick in the world.”

  “Are you saying you know him?”

  “Yeah, we went to law school together, I guess you could say we were kinda close. We studied together and stuff. But he’s a tool. A freaking hypocritical asshole!”

  “Whoa, you seem pretty passionate about that. You guys screw and it turned out bad or something? Cuz, lemme tell ya, I am totally willing to overlook asshole tendencies for a hottie like that.”

  “Well, then I’ll make sure to fix you up,” I said with a sarcastic smirk.


  It was a long day and I was beat. I slowly made my way up my apartment stairs to the third floor, wishing I could just erase it all. But I couldn’t. I had to see freaking Edward Kinkade tomorrow. I needed time to prepare myself for what might come flooding back to me.

  I hadn’t been completely honest with Julia. No, we had never screwed, but we also weren’t just friends, well at least I wasn’t. We met our first year of law school and hit it off instantly. He didn’t care that I wasn’t rich like all the other preps did, and I didn’t mind that he was.

  We just got along so well all that societal crap just didn’t matter. He was more than just hot, he was wet-my-panties sexy. On top of that, he was funny and charming and just about perfect in every way possible. The only thing is nobody is perfect. Maybe it was my own fault for putting him up so high in my mind. I left him no choice but to come crashing down.

  I was meeting him in the library for a study group when I found him in the stacks with another girl. At first, I didn’t think anything of it, she was in our study group too, until I got closer and heard what they were saying.

  “So I hear you and Neveah are together now, what a pity,” she said as she twirled her hair like a dumb blonde bimbo. She could pull it off pretty well.

  “Naw, I mean we’re friends and stuff, but nothing like that.”

  “Are you sure? A boy like you, seems like you might have a taste for gold diggers.”

  “Hey, I’m not going to say I wouldn’t mind tasting the fair Neveah, but I’m not stupid enough to get tangled up with a girl like that. She has trophy wife written across her face. I’m not an idiot. I mean, come on, my dad has one of the largest divorce firms in the area. You think I’m stupid enough to get myself mixed up with the same exact crap I’ll be dealing with every day, once I go to work for him?”

  “Hmm, okay, if you say so,” she said, not sure if she believed him or not. “Then, maybe you won’t mind meeting me a little later tonight back at my place.”

  “Sure,” he answered enthusiastically.

  I wasn’t sure if I was more sickened, mortified, or pissed off. I thought I was going to stick with pissed off. We just spent the last year and a half practically attached at the hips and he thought I was a gold digger? He didn’t know me at all.

  Was this all just a game to get in my pants for some fun? Worse though, how many other girls was he meeting up with? I mean, it’s not like we screwed yet, but we’d gotten pretty close. I thought we were pretty serious. Guess that just goes to show that’s what I got for falling for a rich boy. All they cared about was themselves.

  I never went back to that study group, nor did I ever speak to him again. I didn’t care how many times he called or banged on my dorm room door, I refused to even look into those deep blue eyes ever again.

  So what was I going to do now? Tomorrow morning, I would be sitting across a conference table from the insatiably hot, asinine Edward Kinkade. I hoped he had gotten fat and bald since last I saw him. What would I do if he asked me why I just left him high and dry? I wasn’t willing to give him the satisfaction of knowing what I’d overheard. I hope he spent the rest of his life wondering why I just up and ditched his ass.

  Chapter 2

  It was the morning of my first meeting with Edward. I needed to make sure I was looking hot. I straightened my hair till it lay perfectly on my shoulders. Thank goodness, I had just refreshed my Brazilian blowout; my hair was smooth and sleek. You would think a quarter Japanese blood would help relax my African hair, but no, it just made it more stubborn. Whoever invented these blowout things needed a Nobel Prize.

  I was wearing my grey pencil skirt with soft pink lace top under the blazer. I liked how it highlighted my cheekbones. I kept my make-up to a minimum. I was going for the “I’m so effing hot and I don’t even try” look. It only took two hours to achieve. Sometimes it sucked being a girl, but if it got Kinkade all hot and bothered, it was totally worth waking up early for it.

  We were having our first meeting at Kinkade and Associates. I would’ve rather had home field advantage, but honestly, it wasn’t looking great for my client, anyway. Moms always had the skinny on child custody and I couldn’t really argue with that. I’d already reviewed Mr. Simons’ preliminary contacts with Mr. Jones and, unless there was some damning evidence about the bunny he had kept to himself, his chances of sole custody were slim.

  I met my client outside the building. He was waiting out front in a Z4 BMW. Mr. Simons was polite, noting more to add to what he had already said. We had a quick brief and headed up to meet our opponents.

  The receptionist ushered us into the empty conference room. Damn, I hated being first. I would have preferred strutting in to see his jaw drop. As far as I knew, he didn’t know the change in Mr. Simons’ representation. We waited patiently as my client nibbled on the breakfast tray set before us. I guess linebackers had to keep the beef up somehow. Just as Simons was finishing his third jumbo muffin, I was beginning to grow impatient. I gave a long sigh, not one to hide my emotions.

  “It’s her,” Simons stated bluntly.

  “I’m sorry?”

  “Amanda, she’s
always late to everything. I probably spent at least a year of our marriage just waiting for her.”

  Waiting for others wasn’t really my thing. I was a busy woman, I didn’t need to waste my time sitting around waiting for someone else to bless me with their good graces. I stifled my irritation down. Remember, I told myself, this is your big break.

  Finally, I saw Princess Bunny herself walking around the corner through the glass walls of the conference room. Not far behind, guiding her with his hand on her back, was the fucker himself. Damn, not bald or fat. Edward noticed through the glass that I was not the elderly Mr. Jones and it only took him a half a second longer to realize who I was. His rich brown eyes locked onto mine for half a second before I looked away. Frick, was I blushing?

  If it was even possible, Edward was hotter then I remembered. He was wearing a well-tailored charcoal suit that thinned and enhanced in all the right places. His hair was a little shorter than the shag he wore in college. It was cropped up over his ears but still long enough to show his sandy blond waves. He wore a beard now too, close cropped, a little darker than his hair.

  He looked confused for a moment, and I reveled in it, but then he flashed me a “I’m sexy as fuck” smile and my confidence wavered. Simons and I stood at their entry. Edward greeted my client politely, never taking his eyes off me. I did my best not to look at him at all. I had no choice at the sound of my name on his lips.

  “Nevaeh, it’s been a long time.”

  “Yeah.” I wasn’t willing to give him more than a one-word answer.

  “About three years, right?”


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