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Nasty Page 13

by R. L. Kenderson


  “So, to answer your question, yes, women really talk like that. I don’t think men know that women can be just as nasty as guys. And just as sexual.”

  Nate shrugged. “Well, I knew that part.”

  She wrinkled up her nose. “But do you? I mean, I know you have women that you”—she didn’t know if she should say have sex with or had sex with; she didn’t want to insinuate anything, like she thought he was only sleeping with her now—“have sex with, and that’s all you do, but do you realize that they are more than sexual beings?”

  Nate didn’t reply right away, and she had to give him points for honestly thinking about the question.

  “Yes, but I didn’t really think about it until you said something. I see what you’re saying.”

  She smiled. “That’s good. Because, sometimes, the sweetest girls can be the naughtiest.”

  “Like you?”

  She mock gasped, putting a hand on her chest. “Moi? I do not think so.”

  Nate laughed. “So, you’re telling me that your friends didn’t ask any details about the two of us having sex?”

  Piper moved her head back to his chest. “I plead the fifth.”

  Simone, Lainey, and Kayla had asked her every possible question about her Friday night with Nate.

  “Does he look as good with clothes off as he does on?”


  “Is he hung like a horse?”


  “Is he amazing in bed?”


  “Did he make you come?”

  “Yes, yes, and yes.”

  She wasn’t about to tell him all that though. It would go straight to his head, and Nate didn’t need any help with his ego.

  Thankfully, Nate laughed and didn’t interrogate her on what had been said about him.

  She moved her head to his shoulder again. “My turn for a question.”


  “Your penis.”

  Nate chuckled. “Okay. What about it?”

  “I noticed earlier that the uncircumcised topic might be a bit of an issue.”

  He sighed. “You noticed that, huh?”

  She rubbed his smooth chest with her hand. “Yes. What’s that about?”

  He shrugged as if it were no big deal, but the seriousness of his face said otherwise. “Growing up, I was pretty much the only guy in the locker room who was uncut.” Piper knew that Nate had played football all the way through high school. “When you’re a kid, you know how any little difference can make you stick out.”

  Oh, Nate.

  “Were kids horrible to you?”

  “Some, but I learned to hide myself pretty quickly. Thankfully, by the time high school came around, I wasn’t the only one, and nobody really cared anymore. But middle school was the worst. Middle schoolers are brutal.”

  “Hey, I always thought the same thing. At my middle school, everyone had to wear the right clothes and have the right hair. When I got to high school, no one cared as much, and it was much less cliquey.” She rubbed her finger along his hard jaw. “I’m sorry they were so mean to you.”

  He took a deep breath. “Yeah, well, it’s nothing like taking your clothes off in front of a girl and having her tell you that you’re gross.”

  Piper sat up, furious for Nate. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

  He laughed and squeezed her arm.

  “What a bitch! Please tell me it only happened once.”

  “Yes, and no. I was only told by one girl I was gross. That was in high school. But I did date a few who refused to go down on me because they said it made them uncomfortable.”

  “I’m sorry, Nate. No one should ever be told their body is gross. This is the way you were born. This is how God made you.” Her heart hurt for Nate. Even though he was strong and confident, she couldn’t imagine what it would be like to be in high school, naked in front of the opposite sex, and be told something like that. If it had happened to her, she probably would never have gotten naked again.

  He squeezed her arm again. “You don’t have to apologize. You didn’t say it.”

  “I know. And, if it makes you feel better, there are more and more guys out there like you.”

  “There are?”

  “Yes. More and more parents are choosing to leave their boys intact.”

  He raised his eyebrow. “How do you know all this?”

  She laughed. “Coworkers. I have several who are part of Facebook groups where they talk about all this stuff.”


  An idea came to Piper, and she smiled.

  “Why do you look like the Cheshire cat all of a sudden?”

  She licked her lips and flipped the blanket off of them. She went straight for Nate’s dick, wrapping her fingers around it. He was soft, which was understandable from the conversation they’d just had, but it didn’t take long before he was hard and thick. A bead of pre-cum leaked from his tip.

  She looked into his eyes. He looked like he was holding his breath, just waiting to see what she would do.

  “What are you hoping will happen right now?” she asked him.

  “I’m praying to every known god I can think of that you put me in your fucking mouth.”

  Piper threw her head back and laughed. But only for a second. Because then she swiftly moved down his body and enveloped his cock with her mouth.

  “Mmm,” she hummed around him. Piper loved giving head. She’d almost forgotten how much.

  Apparently, Nate liked it, too, because he jerked in her mouth, and she tasted him at the back of her throat. She pushed him as far in as he could go, touching her nose to his belly and enjoying the noises he made above her.

  She grabbed the base of him and pulled his shaft from her mouth. “Grab my hair,” she told him. “Show me what you like.”

  “Damn, you are a walking wet dream, Piper,” Nate said. He took her hair into a makeshift ponytail in his hand. “You sure?”

  “Show me, Nate,” she whispered.

  He guided her head down to him. “Open.”

  She parted her lips.

  “Take all of me. Like you did before.”

  She took him to the back of her throat, sucking and massaging him with her tongue as she went. He held her there until her eyes began to water, and then he pulled her away. She liked that he was paying attention to her and watching for any signs of her being uncomfortable. She didn’t mind a few tears in her eyes though.

  Nate did this a few more times and then gave her some of the control back. She enjoyed doing her own thing, but she really liked it when Nate told her what to do.

  She could tell he was getting closer to coming by the way his breathing quickened and his hips rotated on the couch.

  He grasped her hair in his hand and said, “Put me in your mouth again. Just the head.”

  A tingle shot between her legs at his words, and she did as he’d said.

  “Suck me.”

  Again, she did what he’d told her, gripping the base of him as she did so.

  His eyes closed, and his head fell back. “I’m going to come. Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”

  She wanted to tell him, Never, but that would require stopping.

  When he climaxed, his cum hit the back of her mouth, and she swallowed him down. After several seconds, his grip loosened on her hair, and his body collapsed.

  She sat up, kneeling between his legs. “Just to be clear, I find you anything but gross.”

  One week later, Piper heard a knock at her front door just before Nate opened it and stepped inside.

  “Hey, stranger,” she said with a smile.

  She hadn’t seen Nate since last Wednesday when she sent him home with a smile on his face. He’d had to leave town from Friday to Tuesday for work, and even though they’d texted while he was gone, she’d been surprised by how much she missed him.

as a friend though. She’d missed him only as a friend.

  “Hey,” he said. “Are you ready to go?”

  She looked at her kitchen counter. “I think so.” She began ticking her items off her list. “Salad, dessert, plasticware, wine…I don’t think I forgot anything.”

  Nate came to stand beside her. “I think you forgot the kitchen sink.”

  Piper turned to him. “I told Elise I would bring a couple of things. I wanted to do my share for the barbeque.”

  “I think you did more than your share. There’s only going to be, like, eight of us at Luke and Elise’s.”

  “I know. But my mother always says, ‘It’s better to have more food than not enough.’”

  “Smart woman.”

  Piper chuckled. “I’ll tell her you said that.” She grabbed the pasta salad and the forks and knives. “Can you grab the other two?”


  “What did you bring?” she asked Nate as they carried the stuff to his truck.

  “I brought brats and beef for hamburgers. I got them from the local meat market, so you know it’ll be good.”

  “Sounds delicious.”

  They loaded everything into the backseat of Nate’s truck, and Piper went inside to get her purse and to lock up.

  When she came back, he was leaning against the vehicle. When she reached him, he made no move to get in his vehicle.

  “I’m ready if you are.”

  Nate grabbed the front of her summer dress and pulled her close to him. “In case I forget to tell you, you look very sexy today,” he said against her mouth and kissed her.

  Woo. She almost fanned herself.

  The man could kiss. So much so that she momentarily forgot about her nosy neighbor.

  Piper pulled back just enough to look him in the eye. “Thanks. I just threw my outfit together.”

  She was lying, of course, and Nate probably knew it, but he didn’t call her out. She’d purposely picked her hottest summer dress, wanting to look appropriate for the Fourth of July barbecue with friends while also wanting Nate to know what he’d missed when he was away. She’d also thought of him when she put her hair up and makeup on.

  She tugged on his form-fitting light-blue T-shirt. “You don’t look too bad yourself.”

  His tee looked great against his skin, and it made his blue eyes pop. He paired it with gray shorts and sandals because it was way too hot to wear pants.

  He grinned at her. “We’d better get going before we’re late.”

  She stepped back and walked around to the passenger side. “You should’ve come over earlier.”

  “Hey, you wouldn’t let me.”

  Piper laughed to herself. “I know.” She had something else planned for later.

  She opened the truck door and got in.

  Piper and Nate pulled up to Luke and Elise’s home. They unloaded all the food and brought it into the house. Elise greeted them at the door and gave Piper a hug. Piper embraced Elise back the best she could with items in her hands.

  She had to admit that she was really starting to enjoy her new friendships with her coworkers and Elise. It felt nice to have some women friends again. After Jordan had passed away, she’d lost touch with most of her friends since they lived far away.

  “You can bring everything out back unless it needs to go in the fridge,” Elise told them. “Everyone is already here.”

  As they walked through the house, stopping in the kitchen to put away food, and out to the backyard, Piper wondered who everyone was. Outside, she only took a quick glance around while Nate said a few hellos, paying more attention to setting the food down and putting everything in a good place among the other items.

  Once that was done, Elise pulled her close and first introduced her to a shorter couple. The guy had blond hair, and the woman had light-brown hair. They were both petite, and they looked very cute together.

  “Piper, this is Sean and Rachel. Sean and Rachel, this is Piper. And you already know Nate.”

  Piper shook their hands, recognizing their names. She had heard Elise and Luke talk about them a few times. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  Next, Elise brought her over to a redheaded couple. “Piper, this is Joe and Shelly. Shelly is a teacher with Rachel. Joe and Shelly, this is Piper. And you two have met Nate once or twice, right?”

  “Nice to meet you, Piper,” Shelly said. “Yes, we met Nate at your wedding.”

  “Duh.” Elise smacked her palm against her forehead, and everyone laughed.

  “I was forgetful about things like that when I was pregnant, too,” Shelly said.

  “Shelly and Joe have an eleven-month-old at home,” Elise told Piper.

  “Yes, who just started sleeping through the night about a month ago. Elise, I’m so jealous that you’re married to the baby whisperer.”

  “Baby whisperer?” Nate asked as he pointed to Luke with a look of skepticism on his face. “This guy?”

  “Yes, he’s the one who got Virginia to stop crying in the hospital,” Joe said.

  Nate looked at Luke like he was the one who was pregnant.

  Luke shrugged. “What can I say? The ladies love me.”

  Nate snorted. “In your dreams.”

  Everyone laughed again.

  Elise took their drink requests while Piper and Nate took a seat around the patio table. She looked at Rachel and Sean, then Shelly and Joe, and lastly, Elise and Luke. They were all married. And then it was her and Nate.

  They weren’t even dating.

  Piper looked around again and stopped when she reached Nate. She wondered if he realized that everyone else here was a couple, except for them. Did he feel weird or feel any pressure about it now that they had slept together?

  Nate smiled at something someone had said. He certainly didn’t look uncomfortable, which was a relief.

  Piper grabbed her wineglass and took a long drink. She didn’t know why she was so worried about it anyway. She didn’t want to be in a relationship either. That was why she had picked Nate. She shouldn’t worry that Nate would feel unnecessary pressure to be an item—at least, not from her.

  “I’d like to make a toast,” Elise said, pulling Piper’s thoughts away. “Today is my and Luke’s one-year anniversary.” She tilted her head back and forth. “Kind of. It’s a long story.”

  Luke laughed, and Elise swatted him in the chest.

  “Anyway, I want to say, happy anniversary, Luke. I promise not to spill any drinks on your head this year.”

  Luke and Elise kissed, and then everyone clinked their glasses together and took a drink.

  A round of congratulations made their way around the table, and that was when the words hit Piper. She knew they’d just gotten married in March, so Elise wasn’t talking about their wedding anniversary.

  “Wait, you two have been together only a year?” She swirled her finger around in a circle. “Like, together, together? But you just got married.” After she said it, she realized how that sounded. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make that sound judgy or anything. I just had no idea.”

  Everyone was smiling, and Elise laughed, putting Piper at ease.

  “No, that’s a good question. We only really started hanging out recently, so it’s understandable you didn’t know,” she said, setting her glass of water down. “Yes, Luke and I haven’t been together very long. We wanted to get married and try to start a family as soon as possible due to my father’s diminishing health.”

  Piper knew about Elise’s father having cancer, but she hadn’t known it was so serious. She immediately sympathized with Elise, having lost her own father. “I understand that.” She was very grateful her dad had gotten to see her get married. “I’m sorry to hear about your dad. How is he doing?”

  “He’s doing okay. He got to walk me down the aisle, and he should still be around when this little one is born,” she said, rubbing her belly. She grabbed Luke’s hand. “Right now, I c
ouldn’t ask for more.”

  Piper could feel the beginnings of melancholy come over her at seeing how content Elise was with Luke. She hadn’t felt that real deep sadness for a couple of weeks now, and she didn’t want to start crying here of all places.

  “Barf. You two make me sick,” Rachel said teasingly.

  Thankfully, it was enough to bring Piper back from the edge.

  Elise rolled her eyes. “Please. I remember, last year, I had to leave the kitchen because you and Sean practically started dry-humping each other.”

  “We did not.”

  “Ha,” Luke said. “You did more than that. I caught the both of you coming out of the bedroom with messy hair. You’re just as nasty as we are.”

  Elise swung her gaze to Luke. “We’re not nasty.”

  Luke shrugged. “You know what I mean.”

  Rachel and Sean laughed at the two of them while Shelly and Joe clinked their glasses together.

  “To being the old married couple and not gross newlyweds,” Joe said.

  Piper raised her glass to Nate. He tapped his to hers.

  “To not being married at all,” she told him. She leaned close to him and lowered her voice. “And to being the nastiest of them all.”

  Nate smiled. “I will drink to that.”

  Nate was relaxing in his seat, making small talk with Luke and Joe, when his phone buzzed in his pocket.

  Piper: What are you doing?

  He looked up and around the backyard. Everyone else was outside but no Piper.

  Nate: Sitting here. What are you doing?

  Piper: I’m in the house. I need your help.

  Intrigued, Nate excused himself and walked into the house, making sure to close the door behind him.

  “Piper,” he called out.

  “Psst. Over here,” she yelled in a loud whisper.

  He looked over to see Piper peeking from around the corner by the front door.

  Because of her tone, he naturally searched his surroundings to see if anyone else was around, but they were alone.

  When he reached the spot she’d talked to him from, she was gone.

  Suddenly, an arm reached out from the coat closet and pulled him inside. Nate ran right into Piper, and she burst out laughing.


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