The Reaper 0f The Rio Sangre: Special Edition HBH Version (Half Breed Haven Book 10)

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The Reaper 0f The Rio Sangre: Special Edition HBH Version (Half Breed Haven Book 10) Page 16

by A. M. Van Dorn

  Next, she took his hands and slipped them around to her back, and he clumsily worked to unfasten her bra but was failing mightily. With a devious smile, she grabbed hold of the material and pulled it down and then off freeing her boobs that jiggled for a moment as they swung free sparking excitement in his eyes. Like one of the ranch's cowhands responding to the dinner bell his mouth immediately fell on her left tit with gusto while one of his hands felt her erect nipple on her right breast. He had become eager now, and she moaned in his ear.

  "That's it, cowboy, oh yes, like that." She cried softly as his tongue traced over her large areola. Gently she grabbed his hair and pulled him up, so they kissed while his hands still toyed with her breasts. Deftly she moved her hips over his and felt his ready member under her. She let him stay that way as she became more and more aroused by the feeling of him squirming beneath her.

  Lijuan loved the wildness of the young man and gave herself to it. She groaned, holding him tight against her. His lips were moving over her neck and breasts to her great delight. When his lips returned to her nipples, she gasped and was now ready to push things to the next level. Breaking apart she slowly stood and reached for the waist of his jeans. A moment later she had pulled them and his underwear off from leaving him naked.

  With a smile, she licked her lips and took his sizable hard as a rock cock in her hands. He was uncut, so she gently rolled his skin back and began to tug on it. Her strokes were slow and long as she looked up at him with her almond eyes. His muscular chest was rising and falling, and he was sweating like a summer storm as bit by bit she was slowly stripping away his virginity. What a surprise this must be for him, certainly not how he would have expected to end such a trying day. He deserved this she thought, and she was more than happy to help.

  The surprise suddenly became hers as without warning he cried out and began almost hyperventilating. She watched as his dick jerked in her hand and released several long white ropes that splashed on her breasts. He couldn’t meet her eyes again. Already? Had that just happened? Jeffrey really was a virgin, wasn't he? She thought.

  “I…I couldn’t help it ma’am-Lijuan…you’re just so dang pretty.”

  This softened her, and she knew she didn’t want to say anything that would make him feel worse than he already did about him being premature.

  "It's okay. It's okay. I got something for you to do to keep you busy until you…build up some more steam. You're going to like it."

  She lay back on the bed and slid her short legs open wide. With her hand, she reached out to him, and he took it. Lijuan guided him close and then used her other hand to steer his head between her thighs.

  “It’s okay…you can taste.”

  That was all the invitation he needed. Soon she felt his tongue everywhere, exploring, probing all the while she felt a tingling spreading through her body. For his first time doing this, he was quite good at it. The longer he went, the more she was the one squirming now. Her petite hips bucked up, and she felt the roughness of a day or two's worth of beard scrape against her silky inner thighs. The pressure was building now, she would give him another minute or two, but she needed him inside her.

  When she was ready, she pulled his head away and sat up and once more raised her hips above his, happy to see his rod had more than recovered. Without any further thought she lowered herself down on it, and as he entered her moist pussy, Jeffrey gasped and stiffened underneath her. As she moved her hips, his own began matching her movements his throat now issuing unintelligible grunts of pleasure

  Lijuan was dripping wet now knowing she got that way herself with men of his look…she couldn't help herself. His hair was that particular shade of blond, and his eyes were such a sparkling blue that they swallowed her up as she looked down into them. They were both slick with sweat, and her hips began thrusting with a greater urgency that he continued to match until with a final thrust she brought them together in a glorious explosion of release.

  Well versed in the look and sounds of a man when he had reached his edge she bucked her hips off from him, and she felt his warm release splash into her triangular tangle of black hair and on the lower part of her flat stomach. Her tension from the day seemed to melt away, and she gasped and laughed happily as she fell on the bed next to him. Lijuan then curled up half on top of him with his arms around her, stroking her long dark hair. She felt content and relaxed at last.

  "My Lord did that … did that really just happen to me?" Jeffery asked in an awed voice. She giggled softly and grinned while nuzzling his neck.

  It sure enough did. You like it, Jeffery?” she asked. It was not a question she ever asked, but since it was his first time she wanted to check, even though she already knew.

  “Do you even have to ask? Best night of my life though I know I should feel guilty enjoying such pleasures while my Pa sits in a jail cell,” he said sounding a little guilty. She hushed that sort of talk.

  "Don't worry. He's being well looked after by my brother. In fact, I should be on my way. It's late enough now that I can carry out my plan. I have to stop at our blacksmith shop and then be on my way," she told him and began getting out of the bed. He grabbed her by the wrist.

  "Hold on now, can't we do that again?" he asked with some neediness in his voice. In a lightning move, she flipped around and was straddling him, pinning his arms to his side.

  “You learn quickly. Like most men though, once you get a taste of the honey, all you can think about is more. I’m a Wilde, Jeffery, and we decide when and who we lay with. I’m not someone you want to try to stop from getting out of this bed,” she told him firmly.

  "I am sorry, ma'am, I mean, Miss Lijuan!" he stammered. She climbed off him, then and leaned down to kiss him.

  “That’s better, and maybe I’ll consider giving you more of an education in the ways of pleasuring women folk when I get back, maybe.” Lijuan cleaned up and pulled on her clothes and then headed for the door with a content smile on her face.


  Spooner and Dunovan should be asleep by now,” Lijuan thought to herself as she stood on Kong’s back. She reached above her head and grabbed the gutter on the roof of the Alamieda Inn and pulled herself up onto the roof of the porch that ran all the way around the building. Lijuan tiptoed along until she found the window she knew she was looking for. A golden eagle bribe to the night clerk had easily conjured up the information earlier as to what room the men would be in.

  Lijuan watched as a breeze blew the curtains outward and then back into the room, leaving her very happy they had conveniently left it open. She smiled as she heard snoring coming from within. Men and their snoring, she thought with some amusement, and for a giddy moment, she wondered if Jeffery snored. She glanced into the room and in the shadows; she could see the two beds on either side of the room and the pair of men sleeping in them. Most importantly she could make out their gun belts hanging by the door. She smiled and climbed stealthily through the window and went to work. So far so good, she thought happily as she went about her plan. Cassandra was going to love this trick, she knew.

  Morning in Alamieda had found Lijuan out in front of her father’s office, holding in a smile as Spooner and Dunovan took possession of Ben Bradley. They had a horse obtained at the livery for him and helped him up onto it.

  "He's your prisoner now. But you are responsible to see that he gets to Clearwater safely for a fair trial," the judge told the men.

  “Don’t worry, Judge. He’ll get exactly what is coming to him!” Spooner assured them in quite a cheerful mood. “Let’s go, Bradley,” he then said, and the three men rode off down the main street. Her father, Marisol, and Jeffery stood together with her watching as they disappeared around a corner.

  “There goes step two of your plan, Lijuan,” the judge said looking at her. Lijuan smiled and mounted Kong.

  "Yep, but the third step is the tricky one, Father," she said putting her heels to Kong, and they rode off. She chose a trail that ran parallel to the road
so she would be able to observe and not be seen.

  “Will Pa be alright, Judge?” Jeffery asked him as Lijuan vanished down a side street.

  “Lijuan will be watching him, Jeffery. She won’t let anyone harm him,” he assured the young man. “Any man that underestimates her is a damn fool.”


  Lijuan continued following the men discreetly on the parallel course until they were some distance beyond the outskirts of Alamieda. When she saw them turn into a blind canyon, she knew it was time to see what would happen because she knew this chasm didn’t lead anywhere. She moved Kong closer, slowly, keeping to the cover along the side of the canyon before dismounting. The three men slowed, and she managed to get quite close on foot. Lijuan positioned herself so she could peek around the sagebrush and watch the drama unfold.

  “Why are we stopping?” Ben asked. “We’ve barely left Alamieda behind.”

  "Here's where we are holding your trial, and we find you guilty of murder and sentence you to death!" Spooner told Ben. Lijuan froze, she needed to hear them admit to their evil ways. She hoped Ben could get them to do it.

  “Before you shoot, maybe you’d tell me why you’re doing this?” Ben asked, sounding afraid. Spooner and Dunovan chuckled.

  “Sure. Drake and I had a good thing going back in Palomino with those road tolls, but you spoiled it by running to the sheriff. He tried to stop us. We didn’t like being taken off the gravy train! After we plugged him, we found a deputy’s badge in his pocket. It was easy from there,” Spooner told Ben with a grin. Lijuan nodded to herself. That was what they needed to hear.

  “So, I’m gonna die for the murder you committed?” Ben asked with a shocked expression on his face.

  "Now you know everything, not that it will do you any good!" Spooner announced and drew both his guns and fired at Ben. Ben flinched but Lijuan's trick worked as the firearms discharged loudly, yet no bullets came out. Ben remained in the saddle and seemed to relax when he saw the plan was working.

  “Fire again!” Drake said to Spooner, both looking thunderstruck.

  "Drake, use your guns!" Spooner shouted when his weapon failed to work again. Ben spurred his horse forward as Drake began firing and Ben leaped from his saddle at Spooner, taking him off his horse. Lijuan sprang forward then ready to finish it.

  “You got Dunovan, Spooner is mine!” Lijuan shouted as Spooner’s horse was circling around.

  She jumped up and grabbed his collar, yanking him off his horse with glee even as she lost her balance. They had got them! Then as they hit the ground, Spooner swung at her and grazed her jaw making her roll to the side. She hurled herself to her feet, and as he struggled up, she kicked out and connected with his shoulder. Spooner rolled with the force of the kick and Lijuan followed, not wanting to let him get up.

  He lunged upward, and she did a spin kick knocking him back. He grunted and cursed as he rolled further away from her to get to his feet. He got up swinging, and Lijuan jumped back to avoid getting hit again. He rushed, and she sidestepped, using a stiff arm to direct his movement as she had been taught by old Mr. Chow long ago. He stumbled forward, and she could strike him on the back as he went by. He fell forward onto his face and then he rolled as she jumped on top of him. She could hear Ben and Drake fighting off to the side.

  "This gun ought to work!" he cried as he robbed her gun from its holster. As she felt the gun’s weight vanish her hand automatically pulled her hammer from her belt and swung it across, knocking it out of Spooner's hand, breaking some of his fingers in the process as he shouted in angry rage. Then she raised the hammer, and his eyes widened in fear. She liked seeing that in his eyes as he stopped struggling. She had him. Over her shoulder, she could hear Ben ordering Drake to stay still or get shot. The fight was over.


  “According to Ben here, those wadded blanks we had the blacksmith make using the equipment from Dutch’s old bullet making hobby that you put into their guns worked great, Lijuan,” Whip congratulated her back at his office.

  "Thank you; I may not be Cassandra," Lijuan waved her hands in the air. "Ex Pinkerton, special agent of the governor, but I do have my moments on occasion," she said humbly having let Bradley tell the group how it had gone down, yet she still loved the praise.

  "Indeed, you do, Lijuan!" her father said hugging her.

  “So, what happens next?” Marisol questioned.

  "The men I sent for at the ranch should be here any minute with the buckboard. They will accompany the Bradleys and me on horseback with the prisoners. We will take them back to Palomino County to clear the whole thing up and assure Ben and Jeffery's freedom. Here they are now," the judge explained.

  Three men on horseback came riding up to the group along with a buckboard with Blue River at the reins. The prisoners were hastily put into the back. Spooner glared at Lijuan, bruised, angry, and nursing his shattered hand. Drake Dunovan also was looking on in pure white hatred. Judge Wilde hopped up on the driver’s bench along with Ben who took the reins. Blue River handed Jeffery a shotgun, and the young man climbed into the back, training the gun on the bad men.

  “Are you sure you don’t want your coach?” Lijuan asked her father, knowing it would be more comfortable.

  “Thank you, sweetheart, but no, I promised you and Blue River you could use it for the Mexico trip. Besides, it’s not practical. We’d have to strap the prisoners on the roof,” he said and laughed merrily.

  “Given what they tried to do, baking on the roof would serve them right!” she said humorously.

  “I imagine you folks will be moving on after Judge Wilde gets you cleared with the authorities,” Marisol said to Ben as she drew near to the wagon.

  "No, I believe we will be coming back to Alamieda afterward. I think we've found a place to settle. We like Alamieda and especially the folks here don't we Jeffery?" Ben answered with a genuine smile.

  “We sure do, Pa! It’s a great place, and I can honestly say I have seen things here that I’ve never seen before,” Jeffery said. No one noticed Lijuan turn away blushing. She couldn’t help the smile though.

  “Let’s be on our way,” the judge said and tipped his hat at Marisol who smiled.

  Ben cracked the reins and the wagon moved off. Lijuan looked at Blue River and he nodded his head towards Whip's coach. They had a long ride ahead of them with a full itinerary. They were making in-person payments to three different ranches, the Twin Rivers ranch, another in Brandywine, and their final stop on this side of the border would be in Horseshoe. Lijuan was not the most sociable person by far, but she was a shrewd businesswoman and liked to make payments of this size in person to maintain good relationships with other ranchers. As a Chinese woman, it had been an uphill battle to gain respect, but she had earned it from her fellow ranchers and intended to keep it.

  Once all the payments were made, they would conclude their journey by going into Mexico to make a collection in San Lupe Pedro at old man Garcia's ranch. It was to be a fairly straightforward journey, cut and dried, but unknown to Blue River and Lijuan, it would be anything but when one of their destinations threatened to become a town of no return.

  The following day saw Cassandra riding with Catalina through the valley warmed by the glow of the sunlight, searching for the evil man’s hideout. They rode quietly for a time, consumed by thoughts of the previous evening. Cassandra knew her sister had something on her mind, but she didn’t want to intrude on her thoughts if she was not ready to share.

  “Señor Canizarra was telling me a little about the banners and family colors of the old houses in the valley. It was interesting,” Cassandra said to start up a new conversation as they searched.

  "Yeah, there is a great history behind this valley. More reason why we gotta stop El Segador," Catalina responded. Cassandra agreed, and they spoke then of the countryside, stopping to check out the lay of the land and possible places a large group of men could hide. Later in the day, they took a break on the banks of the swiftly flowing Rio
Sangre, not having found any signs of what they were looking for.

  “This is frustrating, Catalina. They could be literally anywhere,” Cassandra said with a sigh.

  “I know. We have followed every earth pattern we could find, but no hidden pathways,” Catalina said with a similar sigh. “We done traced this river and followed the bloodroot too, but nothing,” She finished as she knelt at the water’s edge dipping one of their canteens into the rushing water for a refill. Cassandra got up from the rock she had been sitting on and moved to her horse Lily.

  "Well, we just have to keep searching, sister mine," Cassandra said as she opened her saddlebag intent on retrieving a couple of sandwiches Juan had packed for them by Señora Sucre who insisted on doing so before being taken to a doctor to have her burns looked at. Cassandra had been amused that she had the same stubborn streak that Mrs. Chow back at Cedar Ledge was known for.

  Each woman, occupied with her own tasks, failed to see the man sneaking up behind some bushes along the river. With the speed of a viper he rushed out and gave Catalina the lightest of shoves, but it was enough for her to lose her equilibrium and send her plunging into the rushing water with a shriek. As her head emerged above water, she gasped but was already being sucked downstream by the current. Just before she was borne around a bend in the river, the last thing she saw was two men emerging from the bushes to join a third man who she knew must have been the one to push her. Swept around a bend and now out of sight of the ambush, she heard gunshots.

  It had all been a blur for Cassandra from the moment Catalina's cry slammed against her ears. Her head snapped up from where she was rummaging around in the saddlebag in time to see her sister being swept away and a man standing at the water's edge. For a split second, she tried to process what had just occurred. Had Cat and the man struggled, and she'd fallen in or worse had the man knifed her? As the tentacles of panic set in for her concern for her sister, she fought them and sprang into action because two more men were coming onto the scene.


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