The Reaper 0f The Rio Sangre: Special Edition HBH Version (Half Breed Haven Book 10)

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The Reaper 0f The Rio Sangre: Special Edition HBH Version (Half Breed Haven Book 10) Page 19

by A. M. Van Dorn

  "Leave my home, my father, my brothers, the sisters that I love more than life? Never!" she said without hesitation, and fire flared in her eyes at the very thought.

  "I will make you a fair exchange. If you feel guilty about leaving them, I will share with you the secret that lies beneath their very noses. That will make them richer than they could ever dream of being now. Tell them in exchange for them letting you go freely," he offered, but his brow furrowed as her reaction was to sneer.

  “Nobody is goin’ to let me do anythin’! I make my own choices in life, Victor. Enough with this secret business, Cedar Ledge has no secrets!” she admonished.

  “This is your Uncle Hector’s doing. I can see why he never told you. He never believed it himself even though it is his own family, his own legacy! Ah, but your grandfather was a cagey one. At first, I thought him mad, letting that land out of the family, but if Mercedes were married to your father, a Corderro would have a claim on it but no one foresaw her death. I can prove what I say too. Ask your father if after her death, if your grandfather came to him, trying to buy back the land." He paused for a moment as if he was looking directly back into a past only he could see.

  “Miguel must have gone to his grave knowing you were the only hope to keep the Corderro claim on those riches alive, what with my lovely Mercedes murdered and long in her grave. All because she went off to marry that gringo!”

  He looked down a moment at Cassandra who was slowly coming too but still woozy and weak. “I see nothing of him in you and see everything of him in her face. You were right before … I cannot use this gun on you, but she is another story!” he cried and swung his gun downward towards Cassandra. Catalina screamed in frustration as she fired. The bullet struck him squarely in the chest, lifting him off his feet.

  "Damn you, why did you make me have to do that?" her voice was little more than a strangled whimper as she fought back the tears while moving to kneel next to her sister. Catalina reached down and touched her face. She opened her eyes and groggily looked around. With a clasp of her hands, the little sister helped her big sister sit up.

  “My head feels like the morning after an all-night bender at Gabriella’s Cantina,” she said.

  “Are you gonna be alright?” Cattie asked while Cassandra looked around.

  “I reckon so. Though I hate to think of the teasing I’m going to get from Lijuan when she finds out I got my derrière handed to me by El Segador,” she said, looking over to the man on the ground and back to Catalina with compassion in her eyes.

  “You were right. Victor was El Segador,” the defeat in Catalina’s voice made Cassandra’s heart squeeze, knowing the hurt she had to be going through. Motion caught her eye, and then she saw Victor reaching weakly towards Catalina who gave Cassandra a squeeze of her hand before she went to the dying man’s side.

  "There … is not … time … I must tell … you, I lied," he said softly. Beneath him, there was a trail of blood running away from his body from where the bullet had exited his back. She took the hand that was still reaching for her.

  “About a secret?” she asked him, leaning over to hear his weakening voice.

  “No, about last night. I was … trying to … loosen your inhibitions with the wine. I wanted … to feel your body … in my arms. I wanted to make … love to you as I … have always dreamed of my beloved Mercedes,” he gasped out.

  “I’m not ...” she began.

  “One … night, with you … would have been worth more than all the riches … that lie buried on Cedar Ledge,” he managed to get out before coughing up blood. Cassandra was rubbing her temples and looking over at the two.

  “What is he saying?” she asked confused by their Spanish. Catalina waved her off far more forcibly than she had intended.

  “What do you mean?” she asked leaning closer to his face. His voice was growing weaker. She knew he would be dead soon. Catalina had seen her share of that, all the sisters had.

  “The secret, the long-lost treasure … of Montezuma, it lies buried somewhere on the land … now known as … Cedar Ledge. Please … one kiss, Mercedes. I have longed to feel your lips my entire life …” he said, and his voice trailed off. Catalina was losing her battle to keep her tears at bay.

  "Goodbye, Victor," she said and leaned down and kissed him as he faded away. She lay his head down on the ground.

  “What did he say to you?” she asked. “What was that kiss about?”

  Catalina ignored her but not on purpose; her words just couldn't cut through the pain that was sending her reeling. Cassandra slid herself across the ground to her sister and put a hand on her shoulder.

  “Cat, he was a murderer,” she said.

  “I know Cassandra, I know,” she said wiping away her tears.

  “So, you don’t need to waste any tears over him,” she said, her voice even, her features hard.

  “Stop! Cassie, just stop! It’s over. El Segador won’t be threatenin’ this valley ever again, and I don’t need you to tell me how to feel!” she raged with anger and grief. Cassandra could count on one hand the times Catalina had been cross with her. She was taken back and could only guess what kind of chord Victor had struck within her. It was far more profound than she ever imagined. Catalina rose and helped Cassandra to her feet.

  “I’m sorry Cassie. I don't know if it was me or my mamacita he loved, but I can tell you this … Victor brought out a connection between my Mercedes and me. His…his love for her was so intense; it was like a thing alive. It tells me what a woman she must really, truly have been, Cassie. I've always wished to have known her but through his love. I felt her … I felt her in a way I just can't explain. Let's get outta of here," her cracking voice managed to say.

  Cassandra not knowing any words that could ease her sister’s pain remained silent and with Catalina's support, the two made their way out of the ancient Indian village leaving El Segador behind in the stillness of death.




  “We will be forever grateful to you, Señorita Cassandra! We did not suspect El Segador was one of us. Yet you tell us he admitted it was jealousy that drove him to it,” Juan said to Cassandra as they walked out the front door of his villa into the morning light. Catalina was waiting by the horses. Canizarra and the other heads of old families stood nearby to see them off.

  “Once again a man’s ego leads him down the path of dishonor,” she told Juan.

  "It seems my friends and I bear a degree of responsibility. Perhaps if we had been more aware of how he felt … but the past cannot be changed. Thanks again, Cassandra."

  “You are most welcome. We were happy to help this valley know peace once again,” she said.

  She stepped up next to Catalina, and her sister was still subdued as she mounted her horse.

  “I hope whoever is the weakest and smallest in the valley now won’t get the same treatment as Victor. Good day to you gentlemen. Come on, Cassie, we gotta go round up that rented wagon. Lijuan will have a fit if the family has to pay out a bill for losin’ it,” she said and urged her horse into a trot. Juan approached before she could mount Lily.

  “Is Señorita Catalina alright?” he asked, taking her hands.

  “She’ll be okay eventually. She is just having a hard time separating the man who was Victor from the murderer who was The Reaper,” she told him.

  “As are we all. The families of the Rio Sangre Valley are in your debt. Never hesitate to call in that debt. I shall be there at the ready,” he said graciously. The other men off to the side echoed his sentiments.

  Then he kissed her and helped her mount. She knew that men liked to feel like that was necessary when it really wasn’t. After giving a wave to the men of the old families of the Rio Sangre she put her Missouri Trotter into motion and rode off to catch up with Catalina who had been looking back. Her dark eyes were beginning to sparkle with the old Cattie carefree shine.

  "You really are fixin' to lay wi
th him again someday, ain'tcha?" she asked with a smile. Cassandra chuckled and smiled back at her.

  “As we say. A Wilde woman always gets her man, one way or another but nobody ever said it had to be just once with the same man,” she said, and they laughed as they rode off towards the edge of the valley.

  The siblings talked of many things through the next few hours as they headed for the Verde Abundante Valley. Everything except The Reaper as it was. As they stopped under a tree to give the horses a rest in the shade, their conversation turned to the party they had aborted midway through it.

  "By the way, I've meant to ask you … did you flirt with that redheaded banker? What's her name? Annabelle? Because if you did, don't bother ever wasting your time on her again. Sorry to tell you but she was badmouthing you, and I felt like giving her a good thumping. She's a nasty piece of work … definitely not worth flirting with," Cassandra said as she rubbed the top of Lily's head.

  Catalina's mouth twisted into a humorous grin. "Did I flirt with her? As I remember it, Cassie, we did a whole hell of a lot more than that!" Cassandra's eyebrows shot up as she tilted her head down in an expression that begged for details. Catalina, joyful to think of anything besides Victor's death was more than happy to oblige.


  She had seen her first. The girl was a redhead, and she had come out and took a place behind the barn holding the dance. Thinking back, she remembered having seen her in passing outside of the bank one day a month or so earlier and she had caught her interest, now here she was. Cattie was in the shadows by the woodpile and observed with some mirth as the redhead leaned against one of the walls near her and lit up a cigarette. After a long drag, she flicked the burning match away.

  There, there, Cattie thought to herself. It's a new barn, and some pretty little thing is already thinkin' of burnin' it to the ground.

  Catalina emerged from the shadows, scaring the girl some but smiled as she crushed the match out with her boot. “Now you don’t wanna go burnin’ down my family’s new barn and all, do you? Lijuan paid a pretty penny out of our savin’s to build it,” she teased.

  The girl had her wide eyes on Catalina. “Oh, I didn’t mean any harm at all. Just craving my smoke is all I was thinking about.”

  Well, there was no harm done I reckon,” Cattie drawled. She noticed that the girl was now staring interestedly at the flask in her hand. She held it up questioningly.

  She accepted it after a moment. “Thank you,” she said as she took a long gulp.

  Catalina leaned against the wall beside her. “Want a smoke?” the girl asked, holding out her cigarette. “Non,” Catalina declined, unconsciously switching to Spanish. The girl shrugged and took another drink.

  “What are you doing out here while your father is throwing such a big party?” the girl asked suddenly.

  "I had a mind to go back in then you showed up. I only came out here in the first place to make my daily toast." She knew she was going to ask before the words fell from her beautiful lips.

  “What is that?” the redhead inquired.

  “Every day I drink a toast of remembrance to my mamacita with wine from her family vineyard when I have it with me. But then, I gotta do it away from Papacito; he doesn’t like to see me drink at all. The man gives us all a great deal of latitude in our carryin’s on, but when it comes to drinkin’, he wouldn’t have none of it near him from me. Papacito fusses about me because he’s all worried I’ll end up abusin’ the stuff just because the Corderro family has an abundance of it and can’t seem to stay away from our own wine. Nonsense, in my book mind you, but there’s no arguin’ with the judge once he sets his mind on a thought.”

  The beautiful little thing nodded her head. "I understand how it is. I would never be caught dead smoking in front of my father, but unlike you're your father, it is not because mine gives a hoot about my wellbeing." The last was said with a hint of pain, but she continued, murmuring bitterly, "Now that I am made the vice-president of the bank, I've got an image to uphold now." She raised her cigarette, took a drag and said, "But for him, it is only business as usual, he's been controlling everything about me my whole life. What does he care if I drink or smoke—as long as I'm not doing it where anybody sees it?"

  Catalina listened to the grouse with interest. Without much hassle, she could tell who this bright thing was, but she wasn’t thinking about her pedigree or anything. She was enchanted by the fierceness of her red hair which shone in the moonlight. She wondered if it felt as silky to touch as it seemed.

  “Oh, look at me going on and on about myself when we have not even introduced each other. Father would cringe at my manners—or lack of them!”

  Catalina grinned broadly. As she had thought she really could tell who or what this woman was. She truly was a daddy’s girl through and through just like Honor Elizabeth, even though she didn’t like her papa, whereas Honor worshipped theirs.

  “I am Annabelle, Annabelle Detweiller.”

  “Catalina,” she returned. “But you can call me Cattie or Peppercorn if you like … everybody else sure does no matter how many times I tell them not to you might as well, too!”

  Catalina liked how the girl peered into her face and nodded as if it was all good to her. Her bright eyes were beautiful, causing Cattie to imagine just how they would light up like damn firecrackers if she got her hands on her sleek body. Now, come to think of it, a redhead was one type of woman Cattie never had before. Wouldn't this one be a right dandy choice for her first?

  The object of her fascination had found her way back to what Cattie realized must be her favorite subject—her father. Through her complaints, she painted a picture of life under her father's thumb. Catalina's breath picked up speed as she imagined what it would take to crack daddy's little girl. She figured it was a good start to keep her talking. She was almost done with her cigarette, and it would be a shame to see her go so soon.

  “You must have been so angry,” she murmured in compassion, referring to the girl’s rant about her father dictating what to wear to a party.

  “You have no idea,” said Annabelle. “He tells me how to dress, walk, and talk! And all the while, my sister keeps running from home, doing all these daring things, yet he can do nothing about her. Somehow, she is beyond his control, so it is always me he’s controlled, always me.”

  “Don’t you wish you could run away too, do wild things?” Cattie asked, watching her closely. Annabelle laughed the sound a very bitter caricature of what true good humor sounded like.

  “Oh, Peppercorn, believe me, I wish I could!” came the reply. Cattie doubted the girl knew what she called her. “There are times when I want to do something completely wanton and reckless, something completely out of character. But Daddy is always watching, he always is.”

  Yeah, Cattie thought. That was the spirit she was looking for. They always had it in them, all of them; they only needed a bit of prodding. And don’t Cattie Wilde know just how to be fannin’ them flames!

  “Well, Daddy sure isn’t watchin’ now, is he?” she said quietly.

  Annabelle looked around as if to be sure. “Maybe not now at this moment,” she said in a little voice. “But what can happen at a barn party?” she said miserably.

  “A lot can happen,” Cattie argued. “You should do somethin’ right now, somethin’ so crazy you’re gonna feel it down to your bones. You be needin’ it if it’s like you all said. Do it tonight, now.”

  A look of desperation mixed with excitement entered her eyes. “Like what?” Annabelle asked, stamping out the end of her cigarette against the wall.

  Ah, she was getting there.

  Coyly, Catalina said, “I dunno. Let me be thinkin’ now …” Slowly, she shifted her weight and faced Annabelle. She then placed her hands on each side of Annabelle’s face. “I got somethin’! Ya’ll ever done kissed another woman before?”

  Annabelle’s eyes widened in genuine shock; it was a thought that she must not have considered before. The banker seeme
d too shocked for words. Well, Cattie fancied she saw some interest in those eyes and wouldn’t it be a shame not to see where that interest led? Cattie moved to kiss her, but Annabelle suddenly grabbed her wrists and pulled her hands away from her.

  “Stop!” she cried and then instantly looked around in alarm, frantic someone else might be around, but they were alone. There was true panic in her eyes now—and yeah, there definitely was a lot of curiosity in those eyes, too. Cattie always knows, she thought jubilantly as she laughed, “Have it your way then, Annie Bee!”

  “Don’t call me that!” she protested faintly.

  “Have it your way then, Annie Bee!” Catalina repeated. “I’m guessin’ your papacito’s got you so beat down you are never gonna be able to open yourself up to doin’ anythin’ crazy like! Guess I’ll be seein’ you around … my sisters are probably missin’ me by now.” With that, she started to walk away but she could not because Annabelle was still holding on to both her wrists.

  “Wait.” The command was very quiet.

  Before Catalina could grin in victory, Annabelle pulled her back and smashed her lips against hers in a very deep kiss that spoke of passion and frustration. It was all Cattie thought it would be, and more. Daddy's little girl has got some fire in her after all, and that fire singed and burned Cattie's lips. The hold on her wrists never loosened but it was all good, the kiss was so consuming anyway. Cattie gave as good as she got, the plan was to make sure the little thing never forgot what it felt like. With Annabelle still gripping her wrists, Cattie maneuvered her hands in front of the woman's breasts and gave each a healthy squeeze. Somewhere in Annabelle's throat she moaned and seemed to thrust her tongue deeper into Cattie's mouth. The kiss went on seemingly forever as Catalina's hands explored.

  Finally, Annabelle broke the kiss. Her breath came in huge gulps as she stared down into Catalina's eyes in horror. Cattie smacked her lips, "I knew you had it in you all along. Just needed a little coaxin' is a-"


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