by Camilla Gibb
WITH LOVE AND THANKS to Heather Conway, Hà Qung Phng, Trn Th Lan, Drew Harris and Sherifah Mazwari for the shared experiences in Hanoi.
With gratitude to Maya Mavjee, Nita Pronovost, Jane Fleming, Martha Kanya-Forstner, Anne McDermid and Martha Magor for the editorial guidance and interest throughout the course of writing this book, and to the Canada Council for the Arts for support.
With thanks to Kris Risk for encouraging me to change directions and Chris Kelly for unfailing friendship and the occasional space in which to write. Thanks to the staff of Hanoi 3 Seasons, Kim’s Café and Mimi’s on Gerrard Street East for the ph and to Anh of Hidden Hanoi for sharing recipes and stories.
And to Sir Edward Fennessy (1912–2009) for always being my grandpa.
Copyright © 2010 Camilla Gibb
All rights reserved. The use of any part of this publication, reproduced, transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, or stored in a retrieval system without the prior written consent of the publisher—or in the case of photocopying or other reprographic copying, license from the Canadian Copyright Licensing agency—is an infringement of the copyright law.
Doubleday Canada and colophon are registered trademarks
Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Gibb, Camilla,1968-
The beauty of humanity movement / Camilla Gibb.
eISBN: 978-0-307-37446-2
I. Title.
PS8563.I2437B42 2010 C813′.54 C2010-902487-7
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
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Table of Contents
Other Books by this Author
Title Page
Chapter 1 - A Note of Grace
Chapter 2 - A Seam Between Worlds
Chapter 3 - New Dawn
Chapter 4 - The Beauty of Humanity
Chapter 5 - Whole Fruit
Chapter 6 - The Quiet Inside
Chapter 7 - An Inverted World
Chapter 8 - Dandy Peacocks
Chapter 9 - Propaganda and Political Education
Chapter 10 - Shit on a Canvas
Chapter 11 - Our Place in Buddha’s Universe
Chapter 12 - The Memory of Taste
Chapter 13 - The Campaign to Rectify Errors
Chapter 14 - The Real Vietnam
Chapter 15 - A Proper Friend
Chapter 16 - The Walls
Chapter 17 - An Emotional Vocabulary
Chapter 18 - Bright Star
Chapter 19 - The Lady Next Door
Chapter 20 - The Rainbow That Fell to Earth
Chapter 21 - Community Service
Chapter 22 - A Note Hangs in Mid-Air
Chapter 23 - Voices of the Dead
Chapter 24 - A Stone in His Heart
Chapter 25 - Provenance
Chapter 26 - An Old Man’s Destiny
Chapter 27 - The Afterlife
Chapter 28 - Ph Nhân Vãn
Author’s Note