Blushing Violet

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by Blushing Violet [EC Exotica] (mobi)

  She was on her knees with her ass facing him before he had a chance to open the condom. Spreading her legs wide, she arched her back and offered herself to him. Later she would burn with mortification at the thought of how eager she had been, but right now she would do anything to have him inside her.

  Positioning himself behind her, he wrapped his fist in her hair and pulled her up until she was arched uncomfortably, balancing on the tips of her fingers. “I love your hair. It’s like holding a handful of silken fire.”

  He rubbed his cock between her legs and she bucked against his grip, trying to shift her hips and fit him inside where she hurt the most. More teasing strokes through her slick folds until she began to make a sound that was somewhere between pleading and a scream of frustration.

  His grip tightened and he pulled his hips back, leaving her cold and empty for a heartbreaking eternity before slamming into her with such force that she fought against his hold on her hair. Too big, he was too big to fit inside her. The brutal width of his cock shoved into her body, seeming to open a path where there wasn’t one before. He pressed her face down to the carpet using her hair as a handle but left her bottom up in the air. This angle was a little better but she still felt stuffed full of cock. He stretched her, pushing more and more until she was panting. When he was fully seated inside her, he reached beneath the curve of her hips and began to circle her clit.

  Just like that too much became just enough as her arousal shot back up to the unbearable level. He must have sensed the change because he began to move, short jerks of his hips that sent sparks racing through her blood. “So fucking hot. Your pussy is perfect.”

  She moaned in response, spread wide open as he began to move inside her in earnest. The pressure built and built until her body buzzed with endorphins and energy. Giving her clit a hard pinch he said, “Come for me.”

  The keening moan seemed to start deep in her stomach and force its way out of her throat as she trembled on the edge of her orgasm. One more pinch on her swollen clit and the world flashed white before her pounding heart obliterated every other noise. The contractions ripped through her and he had to hold on to her hips with both hands as she bucked beneath him. So good, he moved in time with the ripples of her body until she couldn’t stand it. He just kept drawing her orgasm out. She thought she was done then he would move inside her and another tensing and releasing of her inner muscles would have her fisting her hands against the carpet.

  Holding her hips so tight she couldn’t move, he made this raw, sexy noise deep in his throat and slammed into her so deep she could feel the crisp hairs of his pubic area pressing against her bottom. The small pulses of his cock jerking inside her as he ograsmed felt like heaven. She floated in bliss, her body rewarding her with a numbing pleasure that reduced her to a puddle of twitching nerves.

  They both groaned when he pulled out and all she could do was curl onto her side on the carpet and try to remember how to breathe. A few minutes later he came back and scooped her up into his arms, carrying her back to the fire. After laying her down in front of the embers, he pulled a burnished gold blanket off the back of the couch and tucked it around her.

  Opening her eyes a slit, she stared at him in wonder. The smile that curved his lips warmed her to her toes and when he pulled back the blanket to clean her with a warm washcloth she blushed.

  His laugh startled her and she looked up even as she squirmed beneath his touch. Her pussy was hypersensitive and his efficient cleaning was at once too much and just right.

  “What’s so funny?” she grumbled and pulled the blanket around her.

  “I find it amazing that during sex you can be utterly uninhibited, but afterward you blush just as heavily as if I’d never seen you impaled on my cock.”

  Much to her chagrin, she felt another blush burn her cheeks and cursed her pale skin. It wasn’t fair. If he blushed she would never be able to tell because of his natural bronze coloring. And such lovely skin it was, dark and smooth. Now that she thought about it, she really hadn’t gotten to see much of his skin at all. He’d kept his clothes on, only pulling down his pants enough to stuff his erection into her. She would love to see the total package.

  He tossed the washcloth on the hearth and leaned over, giving her a kiss of such gentle intensity that she felt like purring. The warmth of the fire at her back was nothing compared to the warmth of his body. They lay there like that for a long time, just looking at each other and occasionally reaching out to touch one another. She felt more relaxed than she had in a long time. The top of his shirt gaped open, revealing a tantalizing hint of bare bronze chest.

  She frowned up at him and he arched his brow. “I never got to see you naked,” she said with a small pout.

  He reclined on his side next to her, idly twirling a strand of her hair. Oh God, her hair. She reached her hand up and groaned at the feeling of it sticking up all over the place. There wasn’t a gel or hairspray strong enough in the world to keep her curls under control. She must look like an electrified poodle.

  He chuckled again and she glared at him while trying to smooth her hair down and keep hold of the blanket. “How am I supposed to convince you to have a second date with me if I didn’t have something to tempt you back with?”

  She stared at him. Was he serious? Nothing to lure her back with? For the love of God, he just gave the most amazing orgasm of her life, ate toasted marshmallows with her, and rocked her to the core of her soul and he wondered if she would want a second date.

  The tip of his finger was cool over her mouth as he outlined her lips. “Don’t look so shocked. You are a rare and amazing woman. So full of quiet strength and purpose.”

  At once embarrassed and pleased, she pushed his hand away and sat up, tugging the blanket securely around her chest. “You don’t know me very well.”

  “You’re right, I don’t.” He traced his finger along the edge of the blanket over her chest and her skin erupted in goose bumps. Despite having had an orgasm to end all orgasms not ten minutes ago, her body heated as his pupils dilated. “Tell me about yourself.”

  “Uh,” she tugged the blanket up higher and leaned back, “well, I’m a massage therapist at the Volun’s Spa. In fact, I have to be there at seven a.m. tomorrow to open.” He continued to watch her with that focused intensity that made her all too aware of being naked beneath the blanket. Nervous energy had her babbling again. “I have a dog named Adam who has issues about going to the bathroom alone. Speaking of which, I should probably get home before he takes out his displeasure on my rug. I mean he has a doggy door but he just won’t go poop outside unless I’m there. Can dogs be anal retentive?” She closed her mouth so quickly she almost amputated her tongue. Which, judging by what she had just babbled out, would have been a blessing. Shit, did she really just tell this gorgeous sex god that her dog was anal retentive?

  His lips twitched and he coughed into his hand, clearly trying to hide the fact he was laughing at her. That did nothing for her self-esteem and she suddenly felt very vulnerable with just the blanket around her.

  Glancing at the clock behind him, she jumped to her feet and tugged the edge of the fabric up almost to her chin. “Damn, I had no idea it was so late. I’ll be lucky if I get four hours of sleep before I have to get up for work.”

  His full lips firmed into a line, but he let her scurry off to try to find her clothes. She managed to locate her dress, but her thong was nowhere to be seen. A quick glance over her shoulder showed Carlos watching her. Even across the enormous room she swore she could feel the heat of his gaze. If she didn’t get out of here right now she may never leave. The thought of facing him first thing in the morning, with the bright light of the sun and no makeup put an extra urgency in her step. No way she was letting him see her without makeup. When she wasn’t wearing mascara her eyelashes all but disappeared and she looked like an albino.

  After slipping the dress over her head, she quickly located her shoes by the front door. She was so engros
sed with jamming her foot into the cute sling-back heel that she didn’t notice Carlos was standing next to her until she stood and narrowly avoided bashing him in the face with the top of her head.

  “Oh!” She jumped back and wacked her elbow on the door handle. “Shit!”

  “I’m sorry, are you all right?” When she tried to pull her arm away he gave her that look that she had come to associate with his Dom side and she meekly let him examine her.

  “I’m fine. It’s my fault. I’m sorry I’m so clumsy. You should have seen me when my mom tried to make me take ballet in the tenth grade. I ended up at the back of the class by myself because I kept kicking other girls. Not that I really liked the class anyway, I mean I would have rather taken karate but my mom said it wasn’t ladylike. As if walking around in a leotard with a class full of camel toes was ladylike.” His eyes glittered with suppressed mirth and she forced her chattering mouth to shut.

  When she was nervous there was no such thing as TMI.

  He made a little choking sound as she brushed past him to retrieve her purse. By the time she returned his face was once again schooled into his usual handsome self, but she could still see his lips twitching. “Thank you for the lovely evening, Carlos.”

  Pulling a jacket over her shoulders, he slipped on a black leather trench coat that fit his body perfectly and probably cost more than her entire living room set. “I’m walking you to your car.” His tone left no room for argument and she swallowed her automatic refusal to accept help. It was one a.m. in downtown Detroit. No matter how posh this section of the city was, she’d be an idiot to walk to her car alone.

  As they strolled down the hallway, he slipped his hand into hers and rubbed his thumb over her knuckles. Her insides turned to goo and she had to bite back a happy giggle. This man had some powerful mojo. He managed to fuck her silly.

  The doorman followed them out and watched them walk down the street together to the parking garage. Carlos moved with a confident grace that she wished she could emulate. Even if she wasn’t prancing in heels, she would never be able to pull off a walk like that. He moved as if he owned the world, and he probably did.

  Hunching her shoulders against the wind that iced up her skirt and reminded her she wasn’t wearing any underwear, she hustled after him then slowed down as she realized he would see her car. Her faithful automobile hadn’t seen a showroom floor in twelve years and had the rust spots to prove it. No car got through close to a dozen Michigan winters without some salt damage and hers had more than its fair share.

  They entered the parking garage and she tried to think of some way to ditch him before he saw her car. She could afford a new one, but she tried to pay for everything with cash. Her parents had lived above their means on credit for most of their lives and had the bills to prove it. It was through their hard lesson that she learned to budget and save for a rainy day.

  She was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she didn’t notice that he had stopped walking until he tugged at her hand. Turning to him with a questioning look, he pulled her into his arms. Even in the harsh fluorescent lights of the parking garage he looked too handsome for words. His dark hair was mussed, but instead of looking messy he looked like a sultry cover model for a men’s magazine. The soft brush of his lips over hers tingled all the way through her body and seemed to infuse her with heat.

  His hand slipped from hers and he captured her wrists. The feeling of being restrained by him made her pussy clench and a little trickle of moisture wet her inner thighs. He opened her mouth with the press of his tongue and gave her a deep kiss, which stole the breath from her body. She literally forgot to breathe, deemed it unimportant, as he kissed her.

  Nipping at her lower lip hard enough to sting, he pulled back and released her hands. “There, that’s how I like to see you.”


  “You were worrying about something so hard you were going to give yourself a headache. I like you like this.” His fingertips trailed along her face, leaving a path of warm fire in their wake. “Soft and open to me without negative thoughts shadowing those beautiful eyes.”

  She ducked her head and slipped her hand back into his, leading him down the rows to her car. Maybe he was right. Maybe she did spend too much time wrapped up in her own head. But how in the world was she supposed to break a bad habit that was as much a part of her as her red hair and her freckles?

  They reached the rear bumper of her white Cavalier and Carlos laughed.

  Stung, she hunched her shoulders and said, “What’s so funny?”

  “This.” He spun her around and pointed at her bumper sticker. In sparkly pink letters against a black background it read “Come to the Dark Side. We have cookies.” with a picture of Darth Vader in an apron holding a tray of cookies.

  Shaking her head, she couldn’t help but grin. “That would be Bethany, my best friend. She keeps trying to get me in touch with my dark side.”

  His grin grew bigger. “Really?” He slowly licked his lower lip and tugged her against him. The press of his erection against her made all the blood in her body rush to her clit in a womb-clenching throb. “What a coincidence, I want to help you get in touch with your dark side too.” The leering wiggle of his eyebrows made her laugh despite the sexual heat he was putting off.

  “Should I start calling you Sith Lord Carlos?”

  A predatory gleam came to his eyes as he dug his fingers into her hips. It didn’t hurt, but it made her aware of how much stronger he was than her. “I like that idea.” He nuzzled his cheek against her neck. “Oh the deliciously bad things I am going to do to you. By the time I’m done you’re going to be begging to join the Dark Side.”

  She was saved from embarrassing herself by throwing him down on the ground and ripping his clothes off by someone’s car alarm going off a few rows over. They jumped back from each other and Carlos ran his hand through his hair while giving her a wicked grin.

  She fiddled with her car alarm and disabled it with a perky chirp. “Well, thanks for the…uh…everything.”

  “Thank you.” He put his hands into his pockets and gave her a look filled with heat. “Did anyone ever tell you your eyes are the color of high-quality jade?”

  His remark was so unexpected that she paused halfway into her car and stared at him. “No. They’re nothing special.”

  “Whoever told you that was obviously jealous. You’re eyes are amazingly beautiful.” He gave her a wink and wave as he walked back toward the parking lot entrance.

  Turning on her car, she stared at her stunned reflection in the rearview mirror as the engine warmed up. A hint of pink still colored her cheeks and her makeup had smudged a bit. The lipstick that she had so carefully applied was long gone and a faint hint of beard burn colored her jaw. Looking into her eyes, she tried to see what Carlos had seen. Her sister had always called her eyes the color of split pea soup or dirty dish water.

  Could he be right? Could Penny have been jealous? The thought was so foreign, so outside of how she saw the world that it seemed impossible. Penny was perfect, the head cheerleader, the stunning prom queen, the president of her sorority. She had married the perfect man, lived in the perfect house, and drove her perfect Mercedes. There was no way Penny ever envied anything about her.

  Turning on the stereo, she carefully checked her mirrors before pulling out. The last thing she wanted to do was run over the one man in the world that made her feel alive.

  Chapter Five

  At the ungodly hour of nine a.m., Morgan pounded on the door to Carlos’ apartment. When no answer came, he juggled the coffee and bag of doughnuts he brought as a bribe and leaned his elbow onto the doorbell.

  And kept it there.

  His gut clenched at the thought of Violet answering the door, but he had to know what happened between them last night.

  Two minutes later, a very bleary-eyed Carlos clad only in a pair of black boxers answered the door with a snarl. “What!”

  Bumping past Carlos, Morgan s
trolled into the apartment and dumped the insulated cups and doughnuts on the dark granite countertop of the island in the kitchen. Carlos followed not too far behind, lured by the scent of fresh coffee from the café downstairs. Handing him his cup, Morgan took a seat on the counter and ignored Carlos’ grumble.

  “So, how was your date?” All night he had been distracted by thoughts of Carlos and Violet together. No matter what he tried to do to get his mind off them, he couldn’t help but imagine what they were doing while he was trying to finish up a project. His gut would clench when he thought of Carlos touching her, then his cock would get hard as he imagined her reaction. When he found himself painting Violet into a piece of commercial work he was doing for a car company, he gave up and went to bed where he proceeded to masturbate to fantasies about her more than once.

  Despite his rampant curiosity, and a healthy dose of jealousy, he had managed to keep from banging on Carlos’ door at the crack of dawn.

  Carlos closed his eyes and let out a long, slow breath. “She is…amazing.”

  He waited for Carlos to continue, but his best friend chose to dig through the bag of doughnuts instead. “And?”

  “A gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell.” Carlos tossed a blueberry doughnut at him and took a chocolate one for himself.

  Morgan snorted and said from around a mouthful of doughnut, “Since when has anyone accused you of being a gentleman?”

  Carlos narrowed his eyes and shook his chocolate-glazed doughnut at Morgan. “You just want to know so you can use the information on your date tonight.”

  A weight lifted from his heart. “You think she still wants to see me?”

  Carlos gave him a glare. “She didn’t cancel her date with you when she got home, did she?”

  “Nope, and I checked my email right before I came to see your pretty face.”

  Giving him a snarl, Carlos mumbled something that didn’t sound like a compliment from around a mouthful of doughnut. Good, maybe Carlos could get a taste of the jealousy that was eating him all last night. He immediately felt bad for wishing foul things on his best friend, but at the same time couldn’t argue with how much knowing she still wanted to see him filled him with pleasure. Despite Carlos’ way with women, and his ability as a Master, she still wanted to see what he had to offer and that meant he still had a chance.


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