Blushing Violet

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Blushing Violet Page 10

by Blushing Violet [EC Exotica] (mobi)

  She winced and looked up to find Carlos biting his lip in an effort not to laugh. “It’s not funny! I was traumatized. Blueberries hurt when they come out of your nose.” When she glared at him he made little choking noises until she couldn’t help but giggle. He took that as permission and laughed until he had to grasp the side of the counter to hold himself up.

  After giving him a poke in the ribs, she rescued their steaks before they burned. He certainly wasn’t up for doing much more than sitting on the floor and clutching his sides. He tugged her down into his lap and nuzzled his face into her hair. “I’ve never met anyone that can make me laugh like you do.”

  She grumped but relaxed into his arms and traced the line of his jaw with her fingertip. “What about your best friend? The one that lives in California. You’ve told me lots of stories about the crazy things you guys did when you were in college together.”

  The humor fled from his face and he captured her lips in a hard kiss that left her soft and needy. It was amazing how she could sense the change in him when he went from what she thought of as everyday Carlos, and became Master Carlos. Something in the way he held himself, in the way his essence shifted and became more intense.

  She loved it.

  “We need to hurry up and eat dinner. I-I have a special surprise for you tonight.”

  The spit in her mouth dried up and at the same time her heart raced. The last time he had given her a special surprise she had ended up suspended from the ceiling in some kind of sex swing in his dungeon, almost mindless after a series of orgasms that reduced her to some weird floaty state that had been amazing. Not knowing what was in store for her, but certain she would enjoy it immensely made her damp with need even as she worried about what the surprise was. She said the only thing that she could to try to express her pleasure. “Thank you, Master.”

  “Ah, Violet.” He gave her a soft kiss on the tip of her nose. “If only you knew what that look in your eyes does to a Dom. Trust, need and a hint of fear. Up you go. I want you to be ready when it’s time for your surprise.”

  * * * * *

  With her arms chained over her head and a blindfold covering her eyes, Violet panted as Carlos stroked his hand over her bottom. She was trembling on the edge of orgasm, and had been for what seemed like an eternity. There was enough slack in the chain for her to lower her arms a bit to relieve the pressure, but not enough that she could block his clever fingers.

  “Violet, can you hear me?”

  “Yes, Master.” The words came out in a deeper voice than usual and she groaned as his hand brushed over the little decorative clamps on her nipples.

  “I would like to indulge one of your fantasies tonight. A scene depicted in a photograph in one of our favorite books. One of the images that made your pussy clench when I was fingering you and we were looking at the pictures.”

  The memory of that night spent draped over his lap as he pulled a long and intense orgasm out of her with just his hands made her breath catch. He had asked her to show him the pictures that she liked, then touched her while they looked together. He had said that while her mind might lie, her pussy wouldn’t. She tried to remember all the things they had talked about, all the secret desires she had revealed to him. “Master?”

  “I would like to invite another Master to play with us.” The chains over her head clanged as she startled. “I have known him for years and we will use protection. I trust him implicitly.”

  Her body tightened at the thought of two men touching her, using her and giving her pleasure like she had never imagined. She wet her lips and hesitated. What if Carlos got jealous? What if he thought she was a slut and wouldn’t want anything to do with her after this? Her stomach clenched into a hard ball. If he really liked her, why would he willingly share her with another man?

  “Violet. Tell me what you are thinking.” He removed her blindfold and gave her a moment to adjust to the light. Clad only in a pair of leather pants, his body was a lean and muscled wet dream come to life. A dusting of crisp hair led down to the edge of his leathers where his noticeable erection caught her eye. “Honesty is very important and I promise you that I will always be honest in how I feel. Is this a fantasy you want to explore with me?”

  “I…” She looked away and swallowed before returning her gaze to his. Telling him she was afraid he would call her a whore and run screaming from the room seemed to make sense in her mind, but when she thought of saying it out loud it sounded ridiculous. After all, he was the one who suggested it and Carlos wasn’t the kind of guy to play mind games…at least she didn’t think he was. “I don’t want you to be mad at me.”

  He smiled and the hard look left his eyes. “Violet, the only time I would be disappointed with you is if you let fear rule your life. Nothing that happens in this room will ever change the way I feel about you.” His dark eyes became so intense that her heart skipped a beat before he said, “You are the most precious thing in my world and I want to help you explore every pleasure that interests you.”

  She searched his gaze and it felt as if the floor was caving in beneath her feet. “Yes, please, Master.”

  His shoulders lowered and he let out a soft breath. “Thank you for trusting me.”

  She fidgeted and glanced down at her body. In the subdued lighting of the dungeon she could still see all the softness that he seemed to adore, but she wasn’t sure how another man would react to her less-than-runway-perfect frame. “Master, could you please lower the lights before he comes in?”

  He lifted her breasts so their heavy weight filled his palms. “No, I won’t deprive him of your beauty. Of these fantastic breasts, of the way your chest flushes pink when you orgasm. When you’re in your sub-space you reflect everything you feel in your expression and it’s amazing.” He placed one of his hands between her legs and stroked the wet heat there. “Besides, I want to watch his cock sliding in and out of that pretty mouth. I wish we had done some more ass play,” she made a squeaking sound as his other hand squeezed her bottom, “but I’m afraid it would be more than you’re ready for.”

  The doorbell sounded and her fear skyrocketed. He must have sensed it because he took her face between his hands and searched her expression. “Violet, if it becomes too much for you at any point, use your safe word. I won’t think you’re a coward, or judge you. We’ll stop and then we’ll talk about it when you’re ready. I will be here and I won’t let anything happen to you that won’t end in a screaming orgasm.”

  A sense of security blanketed her and she nodded. He would take care of her, he would make sure nothing bad happened to her. The thought sent liquid heat through her veins and heart, at once arousing her and soothing. It was so nice to just be able to let go and trust him.

  “To make this easier for you, I’m going to put your blindfold back on.” She started to protest and he gave her a stern look that had her shutting her mouth so quickly she almost bit her tongue. “I’m doing this so you won’t be worrying about who he is and what he thinks about you. You will only be able to judge his reactions by his body and his touch. And trust me, when he sees you chained up like this he is going to think he’s died and gone to heaven.”

  After giving him one last searching look, she nodded and closed her eyes. The blindfold slid into place and she tried to peek out from beneath the bottom. She could see a faint hint of light and his legs. He laughed and a scarf of some type was tied over the blindfold. “No peeking.”

  She tightened her lips against the sassy comeback that would earn her a red bottom. The doorbell rang again and he stroked her cheek. “You’re perfect.”

  The door opened and closed, leaving her alone in the dungeon with her body slowly cooling down from the heated state Carlos had worked her into. The ball of fear in her stomach grew larger and she began to tremble. It was hard enough for her to accept the idea that her desires weren’t perverted and wrong with just Carlos or Morgan, but adding another man—a stranger—filled her with shame. She was never one for cas
ual sex and could count the number of partners she’d had on one hand. Now here she was, naked and chained to the ceiling, waiting to be touched by a man she couldn’t even see.

  A flicker of heat flared between her legs as she realized how helpless she was. The men could do anything they wanted to her and she couldn’t stop them. Oh, she could use her safe word and had no doubt that Carlos would honor it, but she didn’t want to disappoint him. She wanted him to be proud of her, to praise her and tell her she was beautiful and amazing. Just the thought of his voice whispering those words in her ear made the blood rush to her pussy.

  On the heels of that rush of desire came another memory of looking at the picture book with him as he traced circles around her clit with the tip of his finger. They had been looking at an image of a woman tied to a spanking bench, sucking one man into her mouth while the man behind gripped her hips. At the time she had deeply envied that woman and wondered what it would be like to be at the center of all that dominant attention. To be pressed between Morgan and Carlos like that.

  Her nipples drew tight and her body flushed with heat. Oh God, to be pressed between Carlos and Morgan at the same time, surrounded by their power. Maybe if she imagined the mystery man was Morgan this would be easier. She felt guilty for thinking about Morgan while she was with Carlos, but the thought of being with a complete stranger really scared her. Besides, Carlos said that she was allowed to think of any fantasy she wanted to while they were together, as long as it still involved him.

  Two male voices came from outside the room and she struggled to make out what they were saying. She couldn’t understand any of the whispered words, only the tone of their conversation. Then Carlos laughed and opened the door. “There she is, my Blushing Violet. Isn’t she beautiful?”

  A low, rumbling voice said, “Yes.”

  She instinctively tried to cover herself but the chains holding her arms restricted her movements. Her heart raced as she struggled and twisted, vainly trying to see beyond the tightly secured blindfold. In an instant Carlos was at her side, his voice soft and soothing. “I’m here. Relax, nothing and no one is going to do anything you don’t want. Do you understand?”

  She nodded and flinched when his hand brushed the clamps on her nipples. They weren’t as tight as the nipple clamps they normally played with, enabling her to wear them for longer periods of time. Still, the sensation of him brushing them stung and she arched her back.

  “I want to hear you say it.”

  Her voice trembled as she said, “Yes, Master, I understand.”

  “Master…Vince and I are going to touch you now.” He emphasized his words by stroking from the indentation of her armpit down her side in a sensation that tickled and felt good.

  She tensed and tried to use all her remaining senses to gain as much information as she could about the other man. The scent of a cedar-based cologne reached her nose and she breathed in deep. It smelled familiar, and she could have sworn she smelled it on Morgan before. The memory of being cuddled against his broad chest while she slowly rode him drew a groan from her throat as fingers slightly rougher than Carlos’ traced the outline of her lips. Her fear melted beneath the thought of it being Morgan touching her like this. Morgan standing there with Carlos. He would have loved the sight of her strung up from the ceiling. Her skin tingled in the wake of his touch and she parted her lips, sucking that finger into her mouth with a small groan.

  Carlos made a sound of approval and dipped his hand between her legs, cupping her with his palm. “So hot and wet. Such a good girl.”

  A large body pressed against her back and his chest hair brushed against her skin. He lifted the heavy mass of her hair out of the way and nibbled down her neck, the gentle touch punctuated here and there by a nip of teeth that made her gasp in pleasure. She rocked her hips into Carlos’ palm, tightening her pussy each time her clit pressed against him.

  Suddenly the men were gone and she moaned in protest. Her whole body was hyperaware, her skin sensitive to the slightest movement of air. Two sets of hands removed the clamps on her nipples at once and she screamed as the blood rushed back to the aching tips. Immideatly two different mouths descended on her and gently sucked her throbbing tips.

  It felt so damn good. Her head rolled back on her shoulders as she tried to assimilate the sensations, each man different in his approach but just as amazing.

  Her imagination offered her the mental picture of Morgan’s blond head next to Carlos’ dark one as they licked and stroked her body. She held on to that image, sounds of rough pleasure coming from deep in her throat. Carlos, at least she thought it was Carlos, moved beside her and turned her face toward him. When his lips brushed against hers she knew it was him, the way he kissed her was as unique as his taste.

  While he plundered her mouth, Master Vince kissed his way down her stomach, his fingers trailing down her skin with a hint of nails that made her thighs clench. The air felt cool on her still wet nipples as she hungrily returned Carlos’ kiss, seeking the proof of his approval. As long as he continued to kiss her, to touch her, she knew he was enjoying this as much as she was.

  She almost lost her balance when Carlos stepped back and the chain holding her to the ceiling chimed as her arms were lowered enough so she could hold them at her waist. Master Vince knocked her legs apart so she had to stand wide open before him, the wet secrets of her body exposed to his gaze.

  A dull ache tightened the muscles of her shoulders and upper back as her body adjusted to the return of movement after being held aloft for so long. With only Master Vince’s hands on her calves anchoring her to the earth, she felt floaty…like that time in college she had tried marijuana. She attempted to reach down to touch the other man, but he pulled back and left her grasping at air.

  Being denied the pleasure of touching him made her shift forward to try to reach him. She wanted to feel what he was like, to know if the silk of his hair would meet her fingers or a smooth, shaved head. From behind, Carlos slapped her butt hard. “Keep those legs open.”

  Her knees turned to water and she tried to comply with his order, but her body seemed to be moving in slow motion. She felt liquid with pleasure. Hoping that he would be pleased with her effort, she tilted her hips toward Master Vince and exposed herself further to his gaze. His indrawn breath was its own reward. For as much power as they had over her, she still had power over them, the power to give them all the pleasure her body had to offer. She wanted to make them feel good, needed to know that they found her attractive, that they wanted her.

  Unable to express herself, to put those deep thoughts into words, she simply said, “Please, Sir.”

  Carlos pressed against her back, his frame just as hard but not as bulky as Master Vince’s. “What do you want?”

  “To make you happy, Master.”

  Carlos placed a gentle kiss on her cheek and began to rub her shoulders. His thumbs felt like heaven as they pressed into the knotted flesh where her neck and back met and she arched into his touch. “You make me very happy. You’ve been so brave, so trusting. You are a wonderful sub and I am a very lucky Master.”

  A warm tongue slid up her inner thigh and Carlos moved away from her back. “I’m going to flog you now. You are forbidden to orgasm without my permission.” Teeth bit into the skin of her thigh hard enough to sting and that pain sent an ache straight to her pussy and seemed to settle into her clit. “Master Vince is going to do everything he can to make you orgasm.”

  Fear of disappointing him coursed through her and she struggled to turn toward Carlos’ voice while Master Vince held her legs as securely as shackles. “Oh no, Master, please—”

  Out of nowhere the soft leather of a flogger smacked across her bottom hard enough to sting. “Silence.”

  She pressed her lips together and had to grit her teeth to keep from begging his forgiveness. The flogger brushed over her back, a series of soft kisses of leather that woke up the nerve endings in her body, making her hypersensitive. She tried to r
elax into the blows, not tense before they hit her skin. It was an almost impossible task made all the more difficult by Master Vince’s mouth steadily working closer to her pussy.

  Using his thumbs, Master Vince spread open the wet lips of her labia and made a deep rumble of approval. She relaxed slightly at that primal male noise, happy that he was pleased by her body. When his broad tongue licked the very tip of her clit she gasped. Morgan liked to do that to her and she sank back into her fantasy of it being Morgan between her legs. His big hands holding her securely, his delicious body framed between her thighs.

  The flogger hit her breasts and she jerked at the sting. All the blood in her body seemed to rush to either her pussy or her breasts, making her lightheaded as she struggled to remain standing. The sensations were overwhelming and she panted as Master Vince pushed a thick finger inside her.

  Master Vince made a low sound of pleasure. A second finger joined the first and he held still while she rocked her hips on his fingers. The pleasure from his touch shook her self-control and she tried to remain unmoving as the pressure built. Carlos worked his way around the side of her body now, the kiss of the flogger making her jerk and shudder against Master Vince’s hand.

  She made little moaning noises, wanting so badly to thrust her pussy into Master Vince’s mouth, to grind herself against his face until she ograsmed against his lips. Morgan loved that, loved it when she came undone against him. He would draw the orgasm out, nips and sucks on her clit that extended it almost to pain.

  She was so involved in what was happening to her body that she scarcely noticed when Carlos stopped flogging. A thin sheen of sweat covered her and every lick and suck between her legs had her crying out. The urge to orgasm had progressed to a need and she hunched over in an effort to keep her body from betraying her and disappointing her Master.


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