Jock's Baby

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Jock's Baby Page 21

by Roxeanne Rolling

  “So basically we just drive out the way we came in?”

  He nods.

  “Wow, couldn’t have figured that out without you, Eugene. Good thing you had all those maps.”

  He gives me a blank stare.

  “That was sarcasm…”

  “Oh, very good, sir… I mean, Lucas. I think you’re really picking up on the American usage of English in away that I could never grasp myself.”


  “Is everything OK?”

  Wow, this guy can’t take anything personally.

  “Yeah, fine,” I say.

  “What happened with that young woman, Rebecca?”

  “Same thing that happens with them all.”

  Eugene nods but doesn’t say anything.

  “Well, time to get the fuck out of here,” I say, speaking loudly enough to wake up the RV’s royal guests.

  “What’s going on?” says some chick, emerging from the back, wearing one of my old t-shirts, rubbing her bleary eyes.

  “Getting out of here,” I say, curtly, as I crank the engine and put the RV into gear.

  We’ve got to move fast, since the sound might wake up the paparazzi. Although, now I remember what Rebecca said, that sending the topless women as a diversion probably already created a press scandal of its own. I don’t need to personally be in the pictures for a bad story to run about me.

  Maybe I’m just acting out of habit, making an excuse to run away from the girl I just slept with? Is that possible?


  I mean, maybe I don’t need to drive away from the paparazzi.

  I have to be doing something bad, after all, for them to catch me doing something. It’s just that I haven’t let up doing something bad (or against the rules or whatever) since I got to the States.

  Whatever. No time to think about this now.

  “What’s going on, man?” says Sebastian, emerging behind the girl, and immediately starting to feel her up.

  “Get off me,” she says, and he takes his hands off her. “I’ve had enough of you today.”

  “Jeez,” he says. “Give me a break.”

  “Shut up,” I say. “I’ve got to concentrate.”

  “I thought we were going to stay and have some fun here.”

  “Shut the fuck up,” I yell at him. “Can’t you see I’m trying to concentrate?”

  “Hey, man, just because you’re some foreign prince doesn’t mean you can talk to me like that.”

  “Yeah,” says the girl. I guess she’s getting tired of me too. That makes sense, since she hasn’t gotten to taste the royal dick she’s been wanting all along.

  “Look,” I say, in my meanest tones. “I’ve got to get us out of here.”

  “Don’t talk to us like that,” says Sebastian.

  I jump up from the driver’s seat.

  I give Sebastian a shove in the chest, and he shoves me right back.

  “Fucking princely asshole,” he says, snarling the words at me.

  “You’re just an American drunk,” I say.

  He swings at me, and I duck down and dodge under it, coming at him with an uppercut to the stomach.

  The girls are all there now, and they’re all screaming, although I can distinctly hear one of them yelling “Get ‘em, Sebastian.” I guess I’m no longer as popular as I thought on the royal RV.

  Eugene’s hanging off to the side, unsure what to do.

  My vision is a tunnel. It’s slowly focusing in on Sebastian. All I care about is beating the crap out of him. I hit him on the top of the head with my elbow and he goes down.

  “You had enough??” I ask him, as he lays gasping for breath.

  He nods slowly, but at the last minute, he grabs me by the ankle. Was he faking? Is this how the Americans play? They don’t have any honor when they fight, apparently. Pulling a stunt like this back in Liseria is considered the lowest of the low, something only dogs might do. And probably dogs don’t even act that way. They understand hierarchy and authority.

  Sebastian pulls me hard and I fall down on top of him. Now we’re wrestling on the ground, and Eugene’s somewhere above, trying to grab one or both of us. He falls to the side as someone’s punch connects with his right cheek.

  I pull away from Sebastian and get to my feet, and he does the same.

  He’s standing with his arms in front of him, his hands in fists. The RV door is behind him.

  I let out a tremendous roar and charge at him, not even swinging my fists, but my shoulder is pointed down at him. I collide with his solar plexus and I hear the breath leave his lungs for a moment.

  I was a little too full of rage, and didn’t really calculate the move properly. That’s what a bunch of American bar fights will do to even a prince, I guess—I’ve become more hot headed and less cold and calculating during fights, unlike when I was practicing back at the palace with my military tutors.

  We go flying together into the door, both of us screaming. The RV door burst open and we fall onto the ground outside the RV. Again, it’s sweltering hot outside, a huge change from the AC in the RV.

  “Get off me, asshole,” says Sebastian, as he tries to bite my ear. He’s kicking at me with his knees, and I’m using my elbows for some close-quarters blows.

  “The press is going to wake up,” whispers Eugene from somewhere.

  “Get that fucking prince! Fuck him up!” It’s the girls, crowding around, all of them shouting, all of them apparently against me now.

  We’re on the ground wrestling and hitting each other for a full minute before I see the first camera flash. Fuck, it’s the paparazzi.

  Now they’ve really got something to sink their teeth into: Prince brawling with local in Texas Wilderness. I can see the headlines now, and I can hear my father’s voice on the phone as he admonishes me and threatens to take everything away yet again. Shit.

  But that’s not going to stop me from getting one more good blow in, right to Sebastian’s jaw, before getting up.

  He’s lying panting on the ground, yelling something at me, and yelling at the reporters too.

  “He’s a fucking asshole drunk,” he’s yelling at them, and I can see them holding out their audio recorders, some of them jotting quotes or notes down in their little journalist pads.

  The paparazzi are crowding around now, swarming us. I just want to fucking fight them, attack them all at once, using nothing but my brute strength and royal training. What right do they have to follow me around like this, to hound me like I’m a fox during a hunt? Don’t they have lives, better things to do with their time?

  I’m shaking and sweating and my teeth are clenched together. My hands are still tightened into fists.

  “Come on, sir,” says Eugene, putting a hand on my back, trying to guide me back into the RV. He’s speaking in the gentle tones that an animal trainer might use on a wild frothing animal.

  I push him off, but realize he’s got a point: I’ve got to get back into the RV before this gets really out of hand.

  Eugene and I rush in together, slamming the door behind us.

  Someone’s pounding on the door. It’s the girls. “Let us in!” they’re screaming.

  “Let them in?” I say to Eugene. “They wanted Sebastian to beat the shit of out of me just a minute ago.”

  Eugene just nods silently.

  “Fuck them,” I say, locking both locks on the door. “Let’s try to get some sleep.”

  “What about leaving the RV park?” says Eugene.

  “Look, man, the shit’s already hit the fan.” Despite the situation, I silently congratulate myself on these Americanisms that I seem to be using so fluently. “They’ve already got their story. Prince beats local to a pulp in wilderness. There’s no point in leaving now.”

  “I guess you’ve got a point, sir,” says Eugene, but he still looks worried. I know he’s going to be taking the brunt of this fallout just as much as I am. Sometime
s I wonder if he even gets it worse than I do. His job, after all, is to protect me and keep me out of shit like this.

  “Sorry, Eugene,” I say.

  He just nods. Shit, I haven’t seen him looking this sullen in years.

  “It’ll be fine,” I say. “Just another one of the prince’s many debacles in America and abroad. They should all be used to it by now, don’t you think?”

  “I see your point,” says Eugene, talking slightly above the sounds of the paparazzi, not to mention the deafening banging of the girls on the RV door. “But do you ever think that maybe it’s time to leave this lifestyle behind? And I’m talking not just about as a prince, but just as a regular human. Don’t you get tired of this?”

  “It’s the only thing I know,” I say, before heading off to bed, where I lie in the dark and look at the ceiling.

  I wonder what’s going to happen to Sebastian. Aside from Eugene, who’s really just my employee, Sebastian was the only friend I had.



  I wake up and yawn, stretching my arms out. I half expect to find Luke lying beside me, before remembering clearly what happened the night before.

  Shit, why did I fall for the rich sexy prince? I guess I should have known, or already knew that he was going to run off first thing in the morning. Or literally right after sex, which is what he did. He fucked me and ran off, with some lame excuses about paparazzi.

  Come on, I really doubt the paparazzi is so bad he really had to drive his RV off in the middle of the night.

  I sigh as I get up. There’s no point in just lying around. I guess I should get on with my trip. Sure, I was planning on spending some more time here at this particular campground, but maybe it’d be better for me emotionally to move on somewhere else.

  As I’m packing up, I see his card sitting on my bag. Well, at least he left his number. But who knows if it’s even a real number. Maybe it’s just some joke message service he’s set up to see how many girls he can get to call and leave messages. Maybe he gets a good kick with his buddies to listen to all the girl’s he’s conquered leaving heart felt messages. He probably listens to it with a bunch of beers.

  It doesn’t take me long to pack up my tent, and soon my bag is sitting neat and tidy on against a big boulder. I sit down for a moment to finish the last of my cowboy style coffee before I pack up the cup too and get on the move. My car’s parked back in the main parking lot, and it’s maybe a mile walk up to there.

  The fresh air and clear sunlight are refreshing, but I’m not finding the peace in it like I did yesterday.

  My anxiety’s returning too. It’s really apparent now that it’s returned that somehow it was greatly diminished, if not totally absent, when I was with Luke.

  There’s someone crashing through the bushes. Or something. My pulse kicks into high gear, heart pounding, my fingers sweaty.

  I fish around in the pocket quickly and frantically, before finally finding my mace. I pull it out, and get down into a squatting position, partially hiding behind the boulder. I don’t know why I’m freaking out so much, but I have a bad feeling, especially after last night, with Luke running out on me.

  It’s a human, a man. He calls out. “Rebecca? Rebecca are you there?”

  I can tell from his voice. It’s Luke!

  But I don’t know what to think. I’ve just spent the entire morning being furious wit him.

  I let him call out my name a few times before I stand up, without saying anything. He’s spinning on his feet, turning around, looking for me all around. His face falls as he finally sees the spot where my tent was yesterday.

  Then he sees me. His face lights up.


  “Wow, seems like your princely training needs some work. You didn’t see me for like a full minute, even though you apparently studied animal tracking.”

  “How’s that snake bite, anyway?”

  “Fine, not that you helped with it at all.”

  “I didn’t?”

  “I was up last night after you left cleaning the wound and putting on band aids.”

  “Look, I’m sorry about that…”

  “So what happened? You didn’t leave? You’re actually in love with me, the poor American girl? And you’re going to promise me the palace?”

  “That’s sarcasm?”

  I nod my head.

  “Because I never said anything about…”

  I laugh, because he seems legitimately concerned that I might actually want all that.

  “Fuck all that stuff,” I say. “I don’t need no palace.”

  “I really love the way you Americans talk.”

  “I can tell,” Is ay. “You’re always trying to sound like an American.”

  “How am I doing with it, with the slang?”

  “Surprisingly well. You must have watched a lot of American TV,” I say.

  He nods.

  “So what happened?”

  He tells me about the fight he had with Sebastian, about the girls, about the paparazzi.

  “So shit really hit the fan, then?”

  “That’s exactly what I said last night to Eugene!”

  “Why are you so excited about it,” I say, my voice still pretty cold. I have to admit though that seeing his body, seeing his muscles before me, his chiseled face, is starting to…warm me up a little.

  “I got the expression right!”

  I laugh, despite the cold demeanor I’m trying to present.

  “You’re a pretty weird guy,” I say. “I feel like I can’t put you into any category I’ve ever known. You’re just different from everyone I’ve ever met…And before you congratulate yourself, that’s not totally a good thing.”

  “That’s what those American friends were always telling me.”

  “You mean those girls? What ever happened to them anyway?”

  “I dunno,” he says, shrugging his shoulders. “The last thing I remember is they were all yelling at Sebastian for him to beat the living shit out of me. Then I slammed the door in their face.”

  “So is that how you treat all the women you sleep with?”

  “Sleep with? What? I never touched them. They were fucking Sebastian’s brains out.”

  “Uh-huh,” I say, still skeptical.

  “That doesn’t mean there weren’t…well, plenty of American women on this trip before them. But by the time I picked up those girls, I was too tired of their type.”

  “Their type?”

  “They just want the royal jewels, the wealth.”

  “They want the royal cock, is that it?” I say, my face breaking out into a smile.

  He laughs. “I guess so.”

  Luke seems a little more humble this morning. At times, it seems to me like he’s a couple different people all rolled together in the same incredibly sexy package. Last night he was the asshole jerk, running out on me. Before that, he was the calm prince. He’s also the party animal on vacation, the rich spoiled party animal, to be more exact.

  “So what are you still doing here? Even if you already cause a scene with the press…you could still move on to greener pastures, if you’re going to continue your US tour?”

  “I wanted to stay for you,” he says this completely serious. For once, his accent seems to be coming through stronger than normal. It sounds sexy as fuck.

  He moves over to me calmly, putting his hand on my back, standing right in front of me, before pushing his body against mine.

  I can’t take it. He’s too fucking sexy. I lean in and he kisses me deeply on the mouth, caressing my hair with his hands.

  I can’t help it, my hands are all over him right away.

  Before I realize what it is I’m doing, I shove my hands down his pants, grabbing his thick bulging cock, already rock hard.

  “You’re feisty today,” he growls, gripping my thighs, one with each hand.

  “I guess I can’t stay away from that roya
l cock.”

  He laughs, and I laugh.

  But the lust overtakes us a moment later, and we’re going at it hard and fucking heavy.

  “Where are we going to do it?” I say.

  He looks around. “What about your tent? Where is it?”

  I point to my backpack. “It’s already packed up.”

  “Fuck it. Let’s do it here.”

  “Out in the open?”

  “Yes,” he says this with such confidence it convinces me right there on the spot.

  So in the early morning sunlight, we flop down on the long wild grass of the campsite. I figure there are enough trees, rocks, boulders and cactus to protect us from any prying eyes. Anyway, it’s not like the tent provided much noise protection anyway.

  “I need to have you,” he growls in my ear.

  “I need you too,” I say. “Give me that royal cock. Let’s see what you can do with it this time.”

  “You’re getting better at bad talk.”

  “You mean dirty talk, right?”


  “Your accent gets stronger when you’re turned on. And you forget all your good American slang you’ve been working so long to learn.”

  “I guess all my brain blood is in my cock,” he says.

  “It sure is,” I say, giving his cock a healthy squeeze.

  He’s behind me now, on top of me. The grass is all up around me. I feel his heavy weight on my back and ass, on my legs, pushing me down.

  He’s pushing his cock gently against my clit, rubbing along my wet lips.

  “You’re so fucking damp,” he says.

  I start laughing uncontrollably. That just sounds so weird.

  “Why are you laughing?”

  “The phrase is ‘wet.’ Anything else just sounds…strange.”

  “You’re wet,” he says. “I knew that.”

  But he could say anything he wants right now. I wouldn’t care in the least bit. I just want his cock.

  “I need you in my mouth I say.”

  “I’ll just put it in for a moment. My cock just needs a little taste.”

  “OK,” I say, secretly eager, anticipating his cock inside me with passing moment.


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