Fake Marriage Act

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Fake Marriage Act Page 24

by Lulu Pratt

  “Yeah,” she says, still trying to lead me out of the building.

  “Listen, I’ve been thinking,” I say as I turn back on her, halting our exit. “I don’t think that one night will be enough. In fact, I would be shocked if it were. While you are ovulating, I think it would be best if you stay at my place.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean that we’re going to have to fuck a lot, and I think you should stay at my house permanently until you have conceived. What do you think?”

  As I ask I notice her trying her hardest not to smile. She is really fighting against it. “Sure, I’d like that,” she finally says. “I’ll just grab some more stuff. I’ll be quick, okay?”

  She hurries away, throwing her overnight bag onto her bed as she begins to grab more clothes from her closet. As she does this, I remain where I am, looking around the apartment. The inside is exactly as I thought it would be. It only confirms what I know to be true, that my baby can’t be born within these walls.

  That’s the biggest reason for asking her to stay with me. Sure, I would like her to be around while her fertility window is open so there is more of a chance of conception. But if this all goes well, I imagine that I will be asking her to stay while she is with child. But that’s a conversation for a later date.

  “Finished,” she exclaims, catching me off guard. I’m still looking around the apartment as she sidles up to me, bulging suitcase in her hand.

  “Let me.” I take the suitcase from her hand and lead her out the front door to my car.

  “I always forget how nice this car is,” she says as she climbs in the passenger seat. “Like seriously, I think it costs more than my apartment.”

  “It better,” I quip as I jump in the driver’s seat and start up the engine. “Otherwise, I need to get a better one.”

  “Hey,” she exclaims jokingly as she whacks my arm. “My place isn’t that bad, is it?”

  “I’m kidding,” I say, pulling the Aston Martin onto the main road. “But still, I am happy that you agreed to come and stay with me.”

  “Yeah, me too,” she says, giving me a warm smile. As she does, she reaches out and squeezes my arm.

  It feels good, and for a moment there, I almost forget to keep my eyes on the road as I return the smile.

  “So, tell me about your day. What have you been doing?”

  “Do you really care?”

  “What? Of course, I do. Listen, Carrie, I don’t want you to think that I’m only using you for this baby thing. I still like you. A lot actually. Even if we weren’t doing this, I imagine we would be in a pretty similar position to now. Only without a signed contract.”

  “Oh, you don’t usually make your girlfriends sign lawyer-drafted documents?” She quips, raising an eyebrow at me.

  “Not the ones I like,” I shoot back.

  She offers me a warm smile again. “Okay, let’s see then. Today, I worked on my book actually.”

  “Really? That’s interesting. What’s it about? Or is that a secret?”

  “It’s not a secret. It’s a romance novel, and that’s all you’re getting out of me.” She smiles slyly.

  “Okay, I’ll take that for now. But I guarantee that you’ll tell me more, soon. In fact, I predict that you will be begging to tell me more.”

  “Do you think so?”

  “Oh, I know so,” I shoot back, returning her smile.

  As I do, I reach out with my hand and take hers in mine. I give it a squeeze, and she returns the squeeze with enthusiasm. I can’t help but feel that however this whole thing turns out, I’ve made the right choice in Carrie. There is something about her that I find impossibly alluring. A deep connection that I am sure she feels.

  “So, is your house as impressive as your car? Or did you blow your wad on the wheels?”

  “I’m going to have to let you decide on that one.”

  “I will,” she responds. “And you will be the very first to know what I think.”

  “I hold my breath for your review.”

  I pull the Aston Martin onto the freeway, gunning it down the road and to my house. I smile knowingly to myself as I do. Something tells me that she is going to be just a little impressed.

  Chapter 18


  His house is huge. Well, house is probably the wrong term to use. It’s a mansion.

  An extraordinary mansion. It’s the kind of place I gaze openly at as I drive through Beverly Hills. It’s the kind of place that tourists take photos of when they go on street tours of L.A., if they can get that close.

  His home is mind-blowing. As Blake navigates his car down his long driveway to the garage, I can’t believe that I am going to spend the next few days here.

  “You like it?” He asks knowingly, smiling to himself as he notices my mouth hanging open.

  “Just a bit,” I say, not even bothering to hide my awe. “How do you afford this? I thought you said you produced small, independent films?”

  “I do,” he assures me. “But that doesn’t mean they don’t pay well. Plus, I made a few smart investments when I was younger.”

  “Like what?”

  “Property,” he says, nodding to the house.

  This one gets a laugh out of me, and I don’t even care that my defenses are down slightly. I was worried about him earlier, and whether or not I am doing the right thing. But now, as he pulls his car into a garage that’s as big as my apartment, I can’t help think that I’m on the right track.

  Once the car is parked, he jumps from the driver’s side and hustles his way across to the trunk to collect my bag. He’s there before I even have my seat belt off, and as I reach for the door handle, he beats me to it and opens the door for me.

  “May I?” He asks, holding out his hand for me to take.

  “You may,” I reply, offering him a bemused smile. The whole thing is a little over the top, and yet, I can’t help but be impressed by it. It’s impossibly romantic.

  He opens the door to the house, leading me inside. As I step through the door and into the foyer, I don’t know what to gape at first. The inside of the house is as breathtaking as the outside. Modern everything is the theme. It’s spacious, warm and inviting.

  I want to live here. I want this to be mine.

  Not only does the house impress the hell out of me, but I am also blown away by the reception itself. Standing by the door, waiting to greet us, is who I assume to be the housekeeper. She holds two glasses of Champagne, one in each hand.

  “Would you like a drink?” Blake asks as he steps inside. “I figure you may as well take advantage of it now, while you can.”

  “True. And I’ve never been one to say no to a free drink.”

  Once we both have our glasses, Blake takes my hand and leads me to the living room. Again, I gasp openly when I see what he has waiting for me. There are dozens of roses spread out on the floor. He walks forward and picks up one.

  “I didn’t know what your favorite flower was. So I deigned to get you the most beautiful one, instead. For no other reason than to match your beauty.”

  I blush heavily as I take the rose from his hand. It’s real, too. I can’t believe the effort he has gone through.

  “That’s got to be it right? No more surprises?” I let out an exaggerated sigh, as if the whole ordeal has tired me out.

  “Well,” he begins, a smirk on his face.

  “What is it?” I ask.

  He takes my hand and leads me through a small hallway to what I instantly guess to be the kitchen. I guess this because the smell hits me as soon as I step foot in the hallway. And as I walk down the hallway, the smell gets stronger and stronger.

  “My God!” I exclaim, taking a deep whiff. “What is that?”

  We walk into the kitchen. It’s a small kitchen, but a busy one. There are two chefs, hard at work. Seeing us, they offer a brief nod before going back to work. I look over their shoulders, trying, but failing, to guess what they are making me.

bsp; “It’s grilled salmon,” Blake says, seeing my curiosity. “With avocado mango salad, coconut rice, a side salad and, for dessert, chocolate cake.”

  My eyes bulge as he rattles off what we are going to be eating. “Seriously, Blake you didn’t have to.”

  “Yeah, I did,” he smirks. “Are you hungry?”

  “Suddenly, I am. I can’t imagine why?”

  “Boys, how long?” He asks the two chefs.

  “Five minutes,” one of them replies.

  “Perfect!” Blake smiles. “Shall we?”

  He holds his hand out for me. I take it without hesitation, and he leads me from the kitchen to the dining room.

  The dining room table is already set, with a glass of Champagne waiting for me. I haven’t even touched the one currently clutched in my hand. I’ve been far too mesmerized by the night. I quickly drink it, finishing it before I reach the table. This allows for me to scoop up the next one.

  “Professional,” Blake jokes as he watches me.

  “Preparing for an upcoming dry spell,” I reply as I take a seat.

  Blake joins me, and we engage in some light-hearted, not-too-serious banter as we wait for our food. The conversation is, as always, free flowing and natural. If it wasn’t for the fact that it is my first night in the house, I would assume that I was a regular.

  The food is served exactly five minutes after we sit down, and it tastes just as good as it smells. In fact, I have to work hard to control myself from guzzling down everything put in front of me. So instead, I take small portions, allowing the flavors to work over my tongue. Never filling up, but always satisfied.

  This is helped by the Champagne, too. I have one more glass before the food arrives and then another before I take my first bite. It is as I’m about to dig into the dessert that I suddenly become aware of how tipsy I am feeling.

  It’s not on purpose. It’s just that in the moment, because of how nice the food and drink is, I have gotten a little carried away.

  The only reassurance is that Blake appears to be feeling it as well, albeit, not as much as I am. Truth be told, I am feeling a little nervous. Tonight is the night that Blake and I are finally going to have sex. Although I have been looking forward to it with relish and desire, I am obviously a little nervous. Who wouldn’t be?

  Hence, why I am drinking so freely. But either way, as I dig into the cake, trying not to moan over the taste as I finish it, I become aware of the way that Blake is looking at me. It’s a look of desire and temptation, and it can only mean one thing. He wants me.

  Chapter 19


  I may have overdone it slightly. I want to impress her and make her see what living here is going to be like. But I could see as soon as we walked through the door that I caught her by surprise.

  Even before that, when we pulled up to the house, her mouth was hanging open in pure shock. I sometimes forget how intimidating this house and the gardens can be. I know I was like that when I first bought it.

  But Carrie has cooled off significantly since then. I watch her pour herself another glass to drink, her cheeks flushing red and her smile increasing in warmth. She has clearly come around to the idea of staying here. She is far more comfortable now.

  “So, tell me,” I say as I take a sip of my Champagne. “How was the food? The chefs will be hounding me later so I’d like some feedback for them.”

  “Are you kidding?” She says excitedly. “It was incredible. Do you always eat like that?”

  “Not always,” I say, smirking. “Only when I have company. Special company. I figured that you fit into the category nicely.”

  “That’s what I wanted to hear,” she smiles to herself. “I suppose you don’t actually live here either, do you? You’ve just rented it out to try to impress me.”

  “Shit,” I exclaim, and I slap my hand on the table. “You caught me. I really thought I had you fooled.”

  “I’m not like other girls,” she says as she tilts her glass to me. “You have to get up pretty early to fool me.”

  “I’ll remember that.”

  “Well.” She takes a final sip of her drink, draining the glass. She looks much more relaxed now. I like that. “If we only have the one night in this gorgeous place, you better show me the rest of it. You know, before we have to leave tomorrow.”

  “Good point. We need to get the most out of it while we can.” I push out my chair and stand. “Shall we?”

  I hold out my hand for her and she takes it, standing slowly. She is tipsy. I can tell from the way she pushes herself up from the table. But she isn’t drunk, and that is important.

  She keeps a firm grip of my hand as I lead her through the house to the guest room. I have the guest room already made up for her, just in case. Although I assume that she will be staying with me, I don’t want to make her uncomfortable and just imply it.

  “This is where you will be staying,” I say as I lead her into the room. It’s the size of her apartment, and I can see her eyes bulge as she looks around it.

  “Not bad,” she says dismissively. “I’ve never slept in such a beautiful room before.”

  “Is that right?” I chuckle. “I guess you’d be more comfortable sharing, then?”

  “I think so.” She nods as she bites her lip. “If you’re okay with that?”

  I don’t answer. Instead, I take her hand in mine. I lead her from the guest room to my own. My room is even bigger than the guest room. The bed is California king-sized, while the adjoining bathroom is as large as her whole apartment.

  “This is more like it,” she says as we enter. “The other room was a little small for me.”

  “Oh, I’d hate for you to be uncomfortable,” I joke as I let go of her hand.

  As I do, she steps further into the room, and as she does that, I turn around and close the bedroom door.

  The door clicks shut, and she spins around, looking from the closed door to me. I can feel the tension rise in the room as the implication of the closed door dawns on her. It’s thick and rife with sexuality.

  I can see her mind stirring. She contemplates another sarcastic comment, but to my relief, she doesn’t make a joke.

  She walks up to me with a knowing smile on her face. She reaches me, and I slide my hand across her back and pull her in closer. Our bodies collide, and we kiss. It’s a kiss that I have been looking forward to all night. But not only the kiss.

  Our tongues dance. I feel myself getting hard as all the blood in my body rushes to my cock. I have wanted her for days now. I have thought about her every night before sleeping and every morning as I wake up.

  I can tell that she is on the same page as me. As we kiss, the passion rises. Her hand runs to the back of my head. She grabs onto my hair and pulls it. I grip her back and squeeze her. I push my cock into her. I grab her sweet ass and let her know that this time, I am not going anywhere.

  She wears a simple pair of yoga pants and a tank-top. When I picked her up, I was going to ask her to put on something more appropriate for dinner. Now I’m glad that I didn’t. In the yoga pants, her ass looks and feels amazing. And in the tank top, her breasts look spectacular.

  I quickly remove her top, meeting zero resistance. She does the same to me, pulling off my shirt. Before I realize it, her hands are at my belt, and she takes off that too, dropping my pants to the ground. I wear a pair of boxers, and they struggle to contain what I have waiting for her.

  I chalk it up to her tipsy state, the tenacity with which she undresses me. She is eager and can’t seem to control herself. Her hand finds my bulge. She squeezes it, and I feel myself getting even harder for her.

  My hands are still wrapped on her ass. I can’t take them off. It feels so good. It’s only by pure force of will that I manage. The moment I release her, she drops to her knees. I smile as I realize what she is up to.

  Her hands find the waistband to my boxers, and she pulls them down. As she does, I make sure to lean back a little so my dick doesn’t hit her
in the face. It’s big, and she probably isn’t expecting it.

  It comes out, sticking up straight. As soon as my cock is released, she grips it in her hand and squeezes it again. She moans in anticipation and what I am sure is relief at the size of it.

  “That’s it, Carrie. Play with me,” I whisper roughly. The look on her pretty face says she likes what she hears, what she sees. Good. Hopefully she enjoys the taste too.

  I run my hand through her hair, gripping her by the top of her head. I then push her head forward and over my cock.

  She swallows it in one go. Her tongue runs over the tip, slicking it as her mouth slides down the entire shaft. I moan in pleasure and grip her head even tighter.

  Back and forth, she moves on my cock, licking and sucking it. She moves to the shaft, running her tongue over it, before swallowing the entire thing again. I groan again.

  I want her to stay down there all night. I want her to taste my cum as I finish inside her mouth. But I also want to be inside of her.

  Chapter 20


  He tastes so good. On my knees, I can’t stop sucking his big cock. I am in awe of its size. I run my mouth over it, and I can’t stop thinking about how it is going to feel inside of me.

  I want to stay down here and keep going. I would love nothing more than to swallow his load. But I also want to feel him inside me.

  With some difficulty, I pull my mouth from his cock and stand up. As I stand, I push him back onto the bed. He falls willingly. His erection lies straight as he is on his back. I smile down at him as I slowly drop my yoga pants and panties.

  “Wow,” he says as he admires my body.

  I don’t say anything. I just smile as I slowly walk to him. I run my hand down to my mound, stroking myself as I climb on the bed. I’m soaking wet. My fingers are dripping in my juices. As I climb on Blake, I give him my hand. He sucks my fingers, licking them clean.

  I grip his cock in my hand, climb on top and position myself over him. I have never fucked a man with such a large cock and I am a little nervous. I hold his cock between my hands and slowly let it slide into me. Moaning as it goes inside, I struggle to take the whole thing. It’s bigger than anything I have ever had and it feels different. My shaking body and quivering thighs betray this.


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