Bourbon & Blood: A Crime Fiction Novel (Bill Conlin Thriller)

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Bourbon & Blood: A Crime Fiction Novel (Bill Conlin Thriller) Page 16

by Garrard Hayes

  “I understand. Well, whenever you’re ready you’ll have a job in our organization. I’ll hold your payment. You’ve proven that you can be counted on in the last few days. Be on alert, our contacts say a Latino FBI agent has a real hard on for you.”

  “I will, sir,” I said, and ended the call.

  I went into the bathroom and striped off my clothes. Inside the bathroom a clean tub was closed off by a colorful striped patterned shower curtain and plastic liner. I peeked in, berry shampoo and lime-scented body wash sat against the white tiled back corner. After turning on the hot and cold water, the pipes made a high pitched whining sound. The room filled quickly with hot steam. I pulled the curtain back and stepped in, then sat on the tub floor. Letting the hot water hit the back of my head was the relief I sought. The fruity shampoo and body wash added a refreshing surprise to the shower. When I was finished, I used clean towels that were stacked neatly under the sink.

  The night was uneventful and I searched the apartment for some beer or alcohol, but found none. Instead I settling down on the couch to watch some TV and quickly fell asleep.

  In the morning Jimmy called and startled me awake. “Hey, what's up?”

  “I'll be by with some coffee and egg sandwiches in a little bit. How did you hold up last night?” he asked.

  “Just fine. Please tell Tracy how much I appreciate the use of her apartment.”

  “I will. And I'll see you shortly.”

  Jimmy arrived a few minutes later and we sat in silence, eating the sandwiches and drinking coffee. It wasn't the best breakfast, but the kindness went a long way.

  “I've put in a call to this guy I know,” Jimmy said. “Blake Miller. He works on the docks in Brooklyn and Newark. He knows someone that can help and he’ll tell us next steps tomorrow.”

  “I still have some loose ends to take care of first,” I said.

  “What the fuck Bill? You can't just walk around. The cops will pick you up.”

  “Even you couldn't recognize me yesterday. And you're my cousin,” I said.

  “That's true, but it just makes me nervous. I'm sticking my neck out pretty far, but do what you have to,” Jimmy said.

  “Believe me, getting shot or going to jail is not on my list.”

  “I'll come back tonight with more food, cigarettes, and bourbon. Whatever you do, don't get followed back here. I’ll see ya later and good luck,” Jimmy said. He walked out, slamming the door behind him.

  I finished the coffee and got dressed. Needing some exercise, I strolled down to Bryant Park hoping to see Dana. There were cops everywhere, but none recognized me with my new look. The business crowd and tourists rushed around on the street so I was able to use them for cover.

  When I arrived at Bryant Park I sat on a bench and watched people having lunch. Sitting there brought back memories from a different life, when things were simpler. Before I started working for Sullivan and lost Dana.

  I decided that I needed proof that Dana and I were finished. I headed into the restaurant and asked the host about Dana.

  “She’s working the second shift tonight” he said.

  I could tell that he really wasn’t sure giving out her information was a good idea. “Please tell her Bill came by,” I said, and I left.

  The sun was now dead center in the sky. Small white puffy clouds slowly changed shape as they moved south.

  Since I had the information that Dana was still in town and working, it was time to stakeout her apartment. If I could catch a glimpse of Kenny I might be able to close up a big loose end.

  An hour later I was on Dana’s block, looking in the window of a mobile phone store when I saw Kenny come out of her building. He looked around, his senses on high alert. I followed him from the opposite side of the street as he walked towards the park. He turned the corner onto Central Park West and walked toward his grey Mercury parked on the street. I came up fast, as he took out his keys to unlock the driver side door. He accidentally dropped his keys; bending down to pick them up off the pavement and that was all the time I needed.

  I shoved my gun hard into his back, “Hey, remember me?” I said.

  He let out a grunt. “Yeah, I thought you might come looking for me, but I did leave you alive at McKenzie’s. Remember?”

  Reaching into his jacket, I grabbed his gun. “You won't need that. We have a few old debts to settle. Now get into the car, or I’ll shoot you here,” I growled.

  Kenny lowered himself into the front seat. I opened the back door and climbed in behind him. I pressed the gun to the back of his neck. “Start the engine. We’re going for a little ride,” I said.

  He did as he was told and I leaned back in the seat, the gun pointed at the back of his seat.

  “Is this about money?” he asked.

  “No, this is about how you ruined my life and stole my girl.”

  “You can’t kill me. I’m an undercover FBI agent. If I’m found dead there’s nowhere in the world for you to hide,” he said, brimming with confidence.

  “There won’t be a body. Now, let’s go,” I said, with a sneer.

  He put the car in gear and turned the steering wheel. Suddenly he bolted out of the car. As he rushed out I squeezed off two quick shots clipping him in the shoulder. Blood sprayed onto the dash and window, but it didn’t stop or slow him down. The car rolled a couple of feet and bumped into the parked car in front, then stopped.

  He ran across the street towards Central Park and was hit by a passing car in the opposite lane. He bounced onto the hood, his body shattering the windshield. He rolled off the other side and kept running.

  I jumped out of the car, and went after him, but couldn’t get a clear shot with all the people standing around the crashed car. Kenny ran to the waist-high grey brick wall that surrounded this section of Central Park, and hurdled over the wall down into the woods. When I reached the wall and looked down Kenny was rolling and skidding down the tree-studded hill, deep into the park. I stopped to gather myself and looked down, a trail of blood led to where Kenny had hopped over the wall. I had to go after him, but not now. With my legs aching, I could never catch him.

  I got into Kenny’s car and drove off around the block. Parking Kenny’s car a few blocks away, I walked back to Dana’s to tell her the truth about Kenny, and his web of lies that had ruined my life.

  I arrived at the front door to Dana’s building and pressed the button to her apartment. When no one responded I stood there and wondered what my options were and then tried again. There still was no response. Finally a young couple came out and I was able to hold the door. I don’t know why, but they let me in without question. Didn’t anyone in this building care about safety?

  I went up the stairs to Dana’s apartment and knocked on the door. Dana opened the door her hair wrapped in a towel.

  “What did you forget your keys again? Oh sorry, can I help you?” Dana said a little embarrassed.

  “It’s Bill. I know I look different, but can we talk for a few minutes?

  “Bill? Oh my God! What do you want?” she asked.

  “I wanted to tell you the truth. Can I please come in?” I asked.

  “Okay, just make it fast. I’m expecting someone,” she said.

  I sat on her couch and she went into the bedroom.

  “Give me a couple of minutes to get dressed and I’ll be right out,” she shouted from the other room.

  After a few minutes she came out and sat next to me on the couch. “So what’s up? I don’t have much time, before I have to get ready for work,” she said.

  I looked into her beautiful green eyes. “I worked with a guy when we first met, and he sold me out to some bad people. They kidnapped me, and beat me so bad I was in a coma for months. After rehab I was able to get back on my feet. I thought of you the whole time, I thought they had grabbed you too. That guy is Kenny, and you’re living with him now. He’s a crooked FBI agent and I’m here to tell you that…”

  She cut me off, her face changing to a sour
, angry expression.

  “Listen Bill, you made up these crazy stories about people chasing you, and then you disappeared. Even when we were together you were unreliable and now you’re stalking me. I don’t even know a Kenny.”

  “The guy you’re with is my old partner Kenny. I don’t know what name he’s using now. He’s ruined my life by double-crossing me several times. He’s dangerous, a dirty informant for the FBI and a con man. He plays games with everyone he comes in contact with. You have to believe me.”

  “I’m not listening to this nonsense anymore. You need to leave now.”

  “Dana, I’m not making this up. You have to get away from him. The Irish Mob is looking for him. He helped a rival gang try to kill their Boss, Please listen.”

  She stared at me, her face filled with pity and disgust. “I don’t believe you. I don’t want to hear anymore. Now get out.” “But, Dana please, everything I’ve done over the last year has been to come back to you. You have to listen. You’re in danger.” She stood up, with a frightened look and screamed, “Get out! Get out or I’ll call the police!”

  “Okay I’ll leave, but check things out for yourself and you’ll find things don’t add up.” I turned to look at her one last time before leaving. “I’m sorry Dana. I wish this made sense. It is a crazy story and it’s what my life has become. I hope you can find your own truth,” I said, and turned away.

  I headed down the stairs, a heavy cloud of sorrow hanging over my head. I couldn’t expect a normal person to believe events that only happened in the movies. Dana closed the door behind me and she didn’t say another word. The door closed with a quiet click and the sound of deadbolts being turned only added to the closure. I continued out into the cruel city that brought me to this devastating moment.


  I walked back downtown towards my hiding place. After a few blocks the sky became gray and overcast. A low rumble of thunder followed by cold rain that soaked me to the bone.

  The gloom of the day’s events was only compounded by the dreary weather. I cursed at the sky, letting out a primal scream filled with anger and pain. The rain continued splashing my face as large drops mingled with tears. I swore to myself that Kenny and Viktor would pay for what they had done.

  When I got back to Tracy’s apartment, I was completely soaked. I dried off, changed, and sank into the couch. Time slowed to a crawl and I stared at a muted TV, mind blank, listening to the rhythm of my breathing. A bottomless depression left me rattled and turned my stomach. I wanted to puke, but I was empty.

  When I was recovering from my injuries I thought that everything would be all right. I dreamed of a day when I could rescue Dana and start over.

  Dana never knew what had happened to me. Was it really so unbelievable that a dangerous con man had ruined my life?

  I awoke to the sound of someone knocking at the door. Looking through the peephole, I saw Jimmy standing in the rain holding bags of groceries. He came in soaked and went right into the kitchen, unloading the bags on the counter.

  After a few minutes making noise in the kitchen, Jimmy came over and handed me an opened bottle of Knob Creek.

  “You’re watching TV with no sound?” he asked.

  I looked at Jimmy, then at the bottle. I took a long swig, coughed, and put it on the coffee table, pushing Kenny’s gun to the side. Not a word was traded between us as I continued to stare at the muted TV.

  Jimmy lit up a cigarette and sat next to me on the couch. He picked up the bourbon and poured three fingers worth into two empty glasses.

  Taking a hard drag on his cigarette, he blew out the smoke and then began nervously picking at his left thumbnails. “I spoke to Blake, the guy I told you about from the docks. He said there’s a cargo ship coming in from St. Petersburg, Russia in a few days. You might be able to buy your way on it. He also gave me a phone number of a guy who does new identities. Let’s take a picture of you before I leave tonight and I’ll email it to him so he can get the ball rolling. I’ll come back with a new passport, credit cards, social security card, and driver’s license.”

  “How much is it all going to cost?” I asked.

  "Blake said it would be around ten grand, plus or minus, and another ten for the ship’s captain. That should grease enough palms to get you out safely. You'll be able to travel without anyone bothering you. That is unless you go back to your old style,” Jimmy replied.

  "Whose identity will I have?" I asked.

  "Probably some dead guy’s would be my guess."

  "Better not be some wanted dead guy."

  "Don't worry about it. This guy does high-quality work for the Italian Mob. He wouldn't be alive for very long if he sucked at his job," Jimmy countered.

  "Yeah, I hope so because if the FBI grabs me I'll never be free again." I took another sip.

  “Are you really sure they’re after you?”

  “I don’t know. Depends how much that undercover Latino agent knows,” I replied.

  Jimmy stood up and pulled out his phone. It vibrated in his hand as he looked down to see who it was. He sighed and immediately answered it. "Hey. Yeah I'm leaving now. I will. Okay I'll get some on the way back."

  He put the phone away, shrugged. "My old lady wants me to hurry up and stop by the store. I gotta go. Let's get that picture for your passport. Stand against that wall over there."

  "Okay ready," I said.

  He pulled out his phone and took some pictures. "Come on, Bill. You look like your dog just died."

  Jimmy tried to make it sound like a joke, but the truth was that my heart died earlier that day.

  Jimmy took a few more pictures with his phone, and looked down, thumbing through the pictures on his phone. "One of these will have to do. I gotta run, I'll call you tomorrow and give you an update."

  He finished his glass of bourbon and left. The silence in the apartment only added to my dismal mood. I sat, lit another cig, and stared again at the muted TV, then drifted deep inside my mind.

  There’s something about the first drag on a cig when you light it. The same rings true for the first sip of bourbon. After the first sip the flavor fades and the buzz takes over. I continued to smoke and drink like a machine trying to push the pain away. I lit cigarette after cigarette, filling the ashtray. I poured glass after glass of bourbon, watching the amber liquid ebb from the bottle. I felt filled to the brim with sorrow and hollow inside at the same time. How could I free myself of this sadness? Revenge was the only answer that had any hope of satisfaction.

  A rhythmic sound filled my head, far away at first, off in the distance, slowly coming closer. The sound was very close now, right next to me. It came closer still, whispered in my ear, then sleep covered me like a warm blanket.

  A dream invaded my drunken stupor. I found myself on a mountaintop high above sea level. I stepped carefully over rocks that twisted my ankles. My legs shuttered in pain with every step. Suddenly, I lost my balance and slipped down the steep incline. I tumbled down the hill, building up speed. My body spun around and I raced down on my butt like a sleigh ride, the wind blasting my face. Fear gripped me when I realized I was unable to steer or slow down, and continued my descent with increasing acceleration.

  I glanced to the right and saw a huge drop. All of a sudden I crashed to a stop, now covered in deep snow. Without looking behind me to see how far I fell, I started climbing the snowy mountain in front of me. After a few steps I fell through the snow and found myself in an ice tunnel. I fought and clawed my way up through the tunnel of ice and snow surrounded me. I continued up the tube toward a bright white light at the top of the tunnel. When I reached the light I exploded out of the snow tunnel and found myself at the summit. I glazed at a glorious vista, encircled by mountain peaks and valleys. It left me feeling energized and triumphant.

  I awoke sitting up. The only sound was my own breathing. The mountain top vista was etched in my mind. All I had was hope that I could escape alive, destroy my tormentors and reclaim my life. D
ragging myself off the couch, I stumbled to the bedroom, exhausted, with a dry sour taste in my mouth. I flopped face down on the bed. Sleep swallowed me in its gaping maw, dark and silent.

  My phone began vibrating and woke me from my drunken stupor. I went into the living room, but missed the call. It was two-thirty. Then the phone started buzzing again. I didn’t recognize the number but answered out of pure stupidity.

  “Yeah what do you want?”

  “I want to end this game of trying to kill each other. Meet me and I’ll give you back the ransom money. I want you to leave me and Dana alone,” Kenny said.

  “It’s pretty fucking horrible when you’re on the receiving end, ain’t it?” I asked, smugly.

  “Things just got out of hand. You know Viktor’s a hot head and screwed it all up. It was never supposed to go down that way,” Kenny said.

  “Well it did and I guess with me in the hospital, Dana was free to date.”

  “You were in a fucking coma for months. I never thought you’d be coming back,” he said.

  “So I survived and you led me to believe that Dana was being held. Then had the Russians try to kill me for my money. C’mon man, quit with this bullshit already.” I was getting irritated.

  “You’re right, okay? At that point everything was totally screwed up with the Russian’s feud. Dmitry was still able to save your life that night. Yes, Viktor tortured you, but that just kicked off the war between them. Dmitry couldn’t control Viktor or his crew. It was a blood bath, and then you had to wake up and recover, still holding a torch for Dana.” I couldn’t believe he was trying to justify his actions.

  “I tried to talk to her. She thought I was an insane maniac and at this point that’s probably what I am.”

  “Meet me and I’ll give you the money. Let’s settle this with no more shooting or games. The short time you spent with Dana is not gonna matter in the long run. She’s not even interested in you anymore,” Kenny said.

  “Alright, I’ll meet you. Just shut the fuck up already. I want double what you owe me for the time I lost. If I smell any heat, I’ll shoot you before they get near me. I know all about your friend Paco and his black suited friends,” I said.


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