Blood Is Thicker A Montague & Strong Detective Novel (Montague & Strong Case Files Book 3)

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Blood Is Thicker A Montague & Strong Detective Novel (Montague & Strong Case Files Book 3) Page 17

by Orlando A. Sanchez

  Several of the Blood Hunters found themselves in this situation, but I couldn’t devote any mental energy to them. The shattering of glass forced me to look up. A giant raven grabbed Chi and fell to the ground, tumbling across the atrium.

  “You did this? How?” Monty said next to me as he took in the utter confusion. “Have I mentioned how fearsome you can be?”

  “I called in a favor,” I said, dodging a sword thrust from a passing Blood Hunter. “Defenses go back up in ten minutes. Until then, you have—”

  I saw him hurl several fireballs as he superheated the air around him. “Go get your vampire,” he said and unleashed several orbs of air, slamming Blood Hunters into the walls.

  I ran to where Michiko and the raven landed, only it wasn’t Herk, it was Dex. I saw she was wearing the Daystrider Armor, but I didn’t see Peaches. When she didn’t move, I feared the worst.

  “She’s still alive, but it doesn’t look good, lad,” Dex said, his voice grim. “They starved and beat her to an inch of her sanity. If she regains consciousness, she’ll be more of a threat than the Blood Hunters.”

  “I need you to get her to the car.” I looked around the fray. Monty was dealing with most of the Blood Hunters. I didn’t see Anastasia or Esti. I handed Dex my flask. “This is Valhalla Brew. Give her a few drops at a time until she stabilizes, but don’t let her regain consciousness. Can you keep her under?”

  Dex nodded. “I can be more help here,” Dex said, looking around the atrium. “I can bring the power.”

  I grabbed him by the arm to get his attention. “Listen to me. The defenses will only be down for a few more minutes,” I said with urgency. “We need to be off this island by then. Help me do that.”

  Dex nodded and scooped up Chi. I touched her cheek one last time before he ran out of the building, with Herk flapping behind him.

  “Where are you, boy?” I said out loud, looking around the atrium for a four-legged agent of destruction. I saw him in the corner as he pounced on a Blood Hunter and launched her into a column, cracking it. She crumpled to the floor and he ran in my direction, barreling down another Blood Hunter in the process.


  “That’s good, boy.” I scanned the atrium and found the side exit Anastasia and Esti must have used. “We need to find a few more. Ready?”

  Peaches barked in response and several panes of glass shattered as I winced. Monty looked in our direction and nodded. He would catch up when he was finished. I ran for the side exit with Peaches next to me.


  THE SIDE EXIT led to another, smaller, atrium. In the center stood Anastasia. She must have sent Esti on ahead. I would catch her later.

  “Kali’s chosen,” Anastasia sneered and drew her other sword, tossing the fake kokutan no ken to one side. I paused in my approach. “Oh yes, I know all about you, immortal.”

  Seriously, the leaks about my condition were getting out of control. “Then you know you should quit now while you’re behind.” Peaches rumbled next to me. “Be careful with her, boy. She’s dangerous.”

  “I don’t know how you managed to disable the defenses, but even now I can feel them returning,” Anastasia said as a black flame enveloped her sword. “I wonder, are you still immortal in the absence of magic?”

  Her sword looked dangerous without the flames. The flames just convinced me that staying away was the best strategy. I pulled Grim Whisper and emptied the magazine. She held the sword in front of her, deflecting all of the rounds.

  “A null sword—totally not fair,” I said and holstered my gun, drawing Ebonsoul. “Are you sure you don’t want to surrender?”

  She slid forward and lunged, faster than I expected. Faster than any human had the right to be. A smile crossed her lips as she circled around me. It was the smile of ‘I know something you don’t and it’s going to get you killed.’ I hated that smile. Sunlight streamed in through the large windows and I realized how bad the situation really was. When Anastasia crossed into the sunlight, her skin turned that black inky color I thought was camouflage paint. It wasn’t paint. The designs etched into her skin were runes.

  She sliced horizontally and I managed to get Ebonsoul up in time to parry. The force of her blow sent me across the floor.

  “I hunt and kill creatures ten times faster than you,” she said and closed the distance. “You’re outclassed, outgunned, and outmatched. Why not surrender and let me end your pitiful existence?”

  “It must really suck to be a vampire hunter and have one of the most powerful vampires escape right in front of your face,” I said as she feinted. “Must make you feel like a rank amateur. A noob, even.”

  “Your vampire didn’t escape.” She slashed down as I barely sidestepped. I unleashed a kick to her midsection, which she blocked with a forearm. Peaches launched himself at her and she swatted him away. He rolled away from the blow and stalked back, growling. “I tasked Esti with ending her. Your vampire should be dead by now.”

  “Not quite,” said a voice from the doorway.

  Esti’s body flew into the center of the atrium and slid across the floor. I could tell right away that both of her arms were broken. Several stiletto blades were buried in her legs and only her ragged breathing gave any indication she was still alive.

  Michiko stepped into the atrium, followed by Dex. I gave him the stink-eye. “I thought I told you to keep her under?”

  He shrugged at me and shook his head. Michiko picked up the fake kokutan no ken, hefted it in her hand, and nodded. “This will be adequate,” Chi said, never taking her eyes off Anastasia. “Simon, I will need assistance with this Blood Hunter. Do you feel up to the task?”

  “Like I have a choice?” I muttered.

  “You don’t,” Chi answered. “If I fall, she will kill you, your mage, your creature, and the old man along with his deranged bird. Together you and I can stop her.”

  “Hey,” Dex said in an offended voice, “I’m not that old.”

  “Go find Monty,” I said, still giving him attitude. “The defenses are coming back up. You can ‘bring the power’ all you want now.”

  He left the way he came, and Anastasia smiled at us. “A vampire and her thrall?” Anastasia said, circling around and keeping us in front of her. “This is insulting. I have eliminated entire clans of vampire filth.”

  Michiko moved then. She slid forward and evaded several thrusts. Anastasia blocked her attack and launched several daggers at me. I parried them away and they exploded when they contacted the wall. Michiko leaped away from a flurry of attacks. I slid in and face-blocked a backfist that slid me across the floor. I was holding back and it was going to get me killed.

  I had to let go and let Ebonsoul take over. I ran at Anastasia and ducked under a swipe from her null sword. I managed to slice across her leg, but her armor protected her from the cut. She spun into a back kick and buried her foot in my ribs, cracking a few, and launched me into a wall.

  Michiko pressed the attack, but I could tell through the haze of pain that she was in trouble. Anastasia was exceptional and Michiko was recovering and fighting during the day. This could only end one way and Anastasia knew it.

  She launched an attack and forced Michiko into a defensive position. It was only a matter of time before Chi made a mistake. Anastasia closed the distance, driving a fist into Michiko’s midsection. Michiko doubled over and immediately reversed direction as Anastasia kneed her in the face, sending Michiko into a wall.

  “Hey,” I said through clenched teeth, “come pick on someone taller.”

  I staggered to my feet and felt my body flush with heat as my ribs reset into place, the pain astounding me into breathlessness. As the agony washed over me, something snapped, and I released the rage. Ebonsoul came alive in my hands. I saw the runes flare to life as Anastasia closed in on me.

  “Impossible,” Anastasia said as she lunged at me. “How did you bond to it? You’re
not worthy. You’re vampire-loving scum. You deserve to die just like the rest of them!”

  I parried her lunge, rotated around her, and slashed across. Ebonsoul cut through her armor, bone, and muscle in one stroke. She fell forward, clutching her throat with a look of surprise as she bled out.

  I collapsed just as Monty and Dex entered the atrium. In the distance, I heard the whirring of helicopters and I knew the NYTF would be all over the scene in minutes. They’d have questions. Questions I couldn’t answer right now, especially with a building full of dead and broken Blood Hunters.

  “We need to go—now.” I stumbled to the exit. Monty held me up as we made it to the car. “No way I’m driving,” I said, lying in the back next to Michiko and Peaches, who refused to give up more than half the back seat, the selfish mutt.

  Monty started the Goat and floored the gas. Two seconds later, we screeched to a stop. I squinted through the windshield and saw a man dressed in a black suit and gold tie standing in the center of the bridge. He held an immense orb of red energy, easily the size of the Goat, over his head.

  “Oliver sends his regards, Tristan,” the man said with a self-satisfied smile.

  “That doesn’t look friendly,” I said and grabbed my mala bracelet. “Is that a Ghost?”

  “Oh, bugger,” Dex said and began gesturing. “This is going to hurt.”

  Monty floored the gas as the man released the orb. We raced across the bridge as the angry red orb of energy crashed into the Goat. For a second, time stood still and held its breath. I looked around the inside of the car. Monty held the steering wheel in a white-knuckle death grip. Dex gestured furiously, as green trails of energy followed his fingers.

  Next to me, Michiko gripped the handle of the door, an expression of controlled fury on her face. Peaches had shifted into ‘pounce and obliterate’ mode and moved closer to me, sensing my agitation. I pressed the main bead on my mala bracelet as the Goat launched backward. The shield materialized and I faced the rear, expecting the worst when we landed. Time exhaled and it was violent.

  The inside of the car was a runic spectrum of color as we sailed back onto Ellis Island. The Goat landed, bounced, and rolled several times before coming to a sudden stop against the main building.

  Pain squeezed my body as we opened the doors and tumbled out. I looked in wonder as the Goat sat there unscratched and intact.

  “How the hell—?” I stumbled to my feet, still dazed from the rough landing.

  “Move, boy!” yelled Dex as he grabbed me and shoved me out of the way. Another orb, this one black, crashed into the Goat, which bubbled and steamed as it started to dissolve.

  “What the hell was that?” I asked, shocked that anything could damage my beloved car. “It’s destroying the Goat.”

  “Ach!” Dex spat. “They sent a dark one. This is going to be nasty. We need to get off this island.”

  “How did he…?” I looked at the rapidly disintegrating car. “He killed the Goat!

  “He overwhelmed the defenses and then exploited the weakness,” Monty said and withdrew the swords from his back—the Sorrows. Dex gripped his staff. In the distance, the man on the bridge began walking toward us at a leisurely pace. Dressed in a dark suit and gold tie, he reminded me of Ian, the recently deceased Arbiter.

  “This is a bad idea.” I looked at Chi, who was wobbly on her feet and having trouble dealing with the sun. The Daystrider Armor protected her, but I could tell she was getting weaker. “She needs medical attention—we all do.”

  “The boy’s right,” Dex said and looked at Monty, who nodded. “We need to slow the bugger down.”

  “I’ll deal with the bridge, you handle our exit,” Monty said and raced to the edge of the bridge. The man, seeing Monty run, picked up his pace and started advancing on us. Dex stepped to the side and slammed his staff into the stone, burying it halfway.

  “This is going to turn your insides out, but it can’t be helped,” he said with a gesture. A large green teleportation circle formed around the staff as he extended an arm. “Herk!”

  The raven swooped in and perched on his arm, digging its talons into his forearm, drawing blood. Dex muttered in concentration under his breath as the blood pooled in the circle.

  I helped Chi into the center of the circle, both of us unsteady. I saw Monty reach the end of the bridge and drive the Sorrows into the ground. A keening wail began to fill the air. I saw Monty slam his hand on the ground and a blue wave of energy raced across the bridge.

  The man on the bridge stopped and crouched. He threw up a shield as the wave washed over him. Monty pulled out the Sorrows and the bridge began to shudder as he raced back to where we were. Shockwaves rocked the bridge as it started to break apart.

  Dropping the shield, the man took several steps toward us and then turned and ran in the opposite direction. The bridge disintegrated behind him until he reached the Jersey side. He turned to face us and formed another large orb of black energy.

  “That looks incredibly painful.” I pointed at the orb sailing our way. “Can we avoid the angry disintegration orb?”

  Monty ran into the circle and looked at the blood. “A blood circle?” he whispered, looking at Dex. “You can’t. The backlash will kill you, Uncle Dex.”

  “It’s a risk.” Dex nodded, pushing on the staff with a grunt. “If I don’t, the lovely orb the magistrate is greeting us with will certainly do it.”

  Monty gestured and a series of orange runes settled over Dex. “Now.” Monty looked up at the incoming orb of death. “Do it now!”

  Dex placed his bloody hand on the staff. “Hold on to your knickers!” Dex yelled and slammed the staff the rest of the way into the ground. A green flash blinded me, and the island slipped away.



  ANDREI BELYAKOV-OLGA’S eyes and ears at The Moscow. He handles the day-to-day affairs of the building and reports to Olga. Has an instinctual self-preserving fear of Peaches.

  Anastasia Anyxia Santiago-Leader of the Blood Hunters known as the most effective, zealous, and ruthless group to hunt down vampires.

  Angel Ramirez-Director of the NYTF and friend to Simon Strong. Cannot believe how much destruction one detective agency can wage in the course of one day.

  Claude-An accomplished mage and world-class assassin trained personally by Julien

  Connor Montague-Father to Tristan and Elder of the Golden Circle.

  Dex Montague-Uncle to Tristan, brother to Connor. One of the most powerful mages in the Golden Circle.

  Erik Rothsfeld- Director of the Hellfire Club in NYC. Sitting Mage Representative on the Dark Council.

  Estilete(Esti) Second in command to Anastasia Anyxia Santiago, leader of the Blood Hunters.

  Gideon the Envoy-messengers sent to escort rogue mages back to the Sanctuary

  The Hack-Cybercriminal, security expert, and friend of Simon. He is feared and hunted by every three-letter agency on the planet. If it’s digital it’s at risk.

  Hades-Ruler of the Underworld. Rules the dead and is generally seen around funerals and wakes. Favorite song by the Eagles is ‘Hotel California’-especially that part about checking out, but never leaving.

  Ian Macintyre-Arbiter. Similar to Mage Police, which means they are some of the most powerful mages. When sent on a recovery, they are judge, jury, and executioner.

  Julien Durant-Arch Mage of the Fleur de Lis. Owner and overseer of the Foundry-which exists as a de facto sovereign state within the city.

  Ken Nakatomi-Michiko’s brother and elite assassin for the Dark Council. If you’re his target and you see him-it’s the last thing you ever see.

  Kali-(AKA Divine Mother) goddess of Time, Creation, Destruction, and Power. Cursed Simon for unspecified reasons and has been known to hold a grudge. She is also one of the most powerful magic-users in existence.

  Karma-The personification of causality, order, and balance. She reaps what you sow. Also known as the mistress of bad
timing. Everyone knows the saying karma is a…some days that saying is true.

  Michiko Nakatomi-(AKA ‘Chi’ if you’ve grown tired of breathing) Vampire leader of the Dark Council. Reputed to be the most powerful vampire in the Council.

  Noh Fan Yat- Martial arts instructor for the Montague & Strong Detective Agency. Teacher to both Simon and Tristan. Known for his bamboo staff of pain and correction.

  Olga Etrechenko-Simon’s landlord and current owner of The Moscow. She has an uncanny ability for tracking Simon down when the rent is due. You never cheat Olga.

  Peaches-(AKA Devildog, Hellhound, Arm Shredder and Destroyer of Limbs) Offspring of Cerberus and given to the Montague & Strong Detective Agency to help with their security. Closely resembles a Cane Corso.

  Piero Roselli-Vampire and owner of Roselli’s-an upscale restaurant and club that caters to the supernatural community. If Piero doesn’t seat you, you aren’t staying.

  Roxanne DeMarco-Director of Haven. Oversees both the Medical and Detention Centers of the facility. Is an accomplished sorceress with formidable skill. Has been known to make Tristan stammer and stutter with merely a touch of his arm.

  Simon Strong-The intelligent (and dashingly handsome) half of the Montague & Strong Detective Agency. Cursed alive into immortality by the goddess Kali.

  Tristan Montague- The civilized (and staggeringly brilliant) half of the Montague & Strong Detective Agency. Mage of the Golden Circle sect and currently on ‘extended leave’ from their ever-watchful supervision.

  William Montague- Brother to Tristan Montague. Reported deceased-location unknown.


  CHRISTYE, BLAHQ, &DOIL-Law firm that shares the same floor with the Montague & Strong Detective Agency. Never seem to be open, but always ready for business.

  New York Task Force-(AKA the NYTF) a quasi-military police force created to deal with any supernatural event occurring in New York City.


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