Wolf's Surrender

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by Mandy M. Roth



  Wolf's Surrender: Part of the Immortal Ops World (Shadow Agents / PSI-Ops)

  Suggested reading order of books released to date in the Immortal Ops Series world

  Mandy M. Roth, Online

  Mandy M. Roth Featured Books



  Praise for Mandy M. Roth’s Immortal Ops World

  Immortal Ops Series and PSI-Ops Series Helper

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Dear Reader

  Wolf's Surrender: Part of the Immortal Ops World (Shadow Agents / PSI-Ops)


  Mandy M. Roth

  Wolf's Surrender: Part of the Immortal Ops World (Shadow Agents / PSI-Ops)

  © Copyright 2016, Mandy M. Roth

  First Electronic Printing June 2016, Raven Happy Hour LLC

  Trade Paperback Printing June 2016


  All books are copyrighted to the author and may not be resold or given away without written permission from the author, Mandy M. Roth.

  This novel is a work of fiction and intended for mature audiences only. Any and all characters, names, events, places and incidents are used under the umbrella of fiction and are of the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or events or places or locales is merely coincidence.

  Published by Raven Happy Hour LLC

  Oxford, MS USA

  Raven Happy Hour LLC and all affiliate sites and projects are © Copyrighted 2004-2016

  Suggested reading order of books released to date in the

  Immortal Ops Series world

  Immortal Ops

  Critical Intelligence

  Radar Deception

  Strategic Vulnerability

  Tactical Magik

  Act of Mercy

  Administrative Control

  Act of Surrender

  Broken Communication

  Separation Zone

  Act of Submission

  Act of Command

  Wolf’s Surrender

  More to come (check www.mandyroth.com for new releases)

  Mandy M. Roth, Online

  Mandy loves hearing from readers and can be found interacting on social media.

  (copy & paste links into your browser window)

  Website: http://www.MandyRoth.com

  Blog: http://www.MandyRoth.com/blog

  Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/AuthorMandyRoth

  Twitter: @MandyMRoth

  Book Release Newsletter: mandyroth.com/newsletter.htm

  (Newsletters: I do not share emails and only send newsletters when there is a new release/contest/or sales)

  Mandy M. Roth Featured Books

  Immortal Ops Series

  Immortal Ops

  Critical Intelligence

  Radar Deception

  Strategic Vulnerability

  Tactical Magik

  Administrative Control

  Separation Zone

  And more (see Mandy’s website)

  PSI-Ops Series (Part of the Immortal Ops World)

  Act of Mercy

  Act of Surrender

  Act of Submission

  Act of Command

  And more (see Mandy’s website)

  Shadow Agents Series (Part of the Immortal Ops World)

  Wolf’s Surrender

  A Dragon Shifter’s Duty

  And more (see Mandy’s website)

  Immortal Outcasts (Part of the Immortal Ops World)

  Broken Communication

  Damage Report

  Wrecked Intel

  And more (see Mandy’s website)

  Crimson Ops Series (Part of the Immortal Ops World) Coming Soon!

  Wolf’s Surrender: Part of the Immortal Ops World (Shadow Agents / PSI-Ops)

  Book One in the Shadow Agents Series

  Total surrender doesn't come easy to a natural-born alpha. Shape-shifting Special Operative Brad Durant has been held against his will by the enemy for nearly a year. He’s given up hope and is fast giving up his will to survive—that is, until a hot-tempered, redheaded succubus is placed in the cell next to his. She calls to his wolf on a primitive level and he won’t let anyone or anything harm her. Giving his body to the little minx is easy, but guarding his heart is much harder.


  To every reader who has fallen in love with the Immortal Ops World as much as I have over the past thirteen years. Thank you!

  Praise for Mandy M. Roth’s Immortal Ops World

  Silver Star Award—I feel Immortal Ops deserves a Silver Star Award as this book was so flawlessly written with elements of intrigue, suspense and some scorching hot scenes—Aggie Tsirikas—Just Erotic Romance Reviews

  5 Stars—Immortal Ops is a fascinating short story. The characters just seem to jump out at you. Ms. Roth wrote the main and secondary characters with such depth of emotions and heartfelt compassion I found myself really caring for them—Susan Holly—Just Erotic Romance Reviews

  Immortal Ops packs the action of a Hollywood thriller with the smoldering heat that readers can expect from Ms. Roth. Put it on your hot list…and keep it there! —The Road to Romance

  5 Stars—Her characters are so realistic, I find myself wondering about the fine line between fact and fiction...This was one captivating tale that I did not want to end. Just the right touch of humor endeared these characters to me even more—eCataRomance Reviews

  5 Steamy Cups of Coffee—Combining the world of secret government operations with mythical creatures as if they were an everyday thing, she (Ms. Roth) then has the audacity to make you actually believe it and wonder if there could be some truth to it. I know I did. Nora Roberts once told me that there are some people who are good writers and some who are good storytellers, but the best is a combination of both and I believe Ms. Roth is just that. Mandy Roth never fails to surpass herself—coffeetimeromance

  Mandy Roth kicks ass in this story—inthelibraryreview

  Immortal Ops Series and PSI-Ops Series Helper

  (This will be updated in each upcoming book as new characters are introduced.)

  Immortal Ops (I-Ops) Team Members

  Lukian Vlakhusha: Alpha-Dog-One. Team captain, werewolf, King of the Lycans, mated to Peren Matthews (Daughter of Dr. Lakeland Matthews). Book: Immortal Ops (Immortal Ops)

  Geoffroi (Roi) Majors: Alpha-Dog-Two. Second-in-command, werewolf, blood-bound brother to Lukian, mated to Melissa “Missy” Carter-Majors. Book: Critical Intelligence (Immortal Ops)

  Doctor Thaddeus Green: Bravo-Dog-One. Scientist, tech guru, werepanther, mated to Melanie Daly-Green (sister of Eadan Green). Book: Radar Deception (Immortal Ops)

  Jonathon (Jon) Reynell: Bravo-Dog-Two. Sniper, weretiger, mated to Tori Manzo. Book: Separation Zone (Immortal Ops)

  Wilson Rousseau: Bravo-Dog-Three. Resident smart-ass, wererat, mated to Kimberly (Daughter of Culann of the Council) Book: Strategic Vulnerability (Immortal Ops)

  Eadan Daly: Alpha-Dog-Three. PSI-Op and handler on loan to the I-Ops to round out the team, Fae, mated to Inara Nash. Brother of Melanie Daly-Green. Book: Tactical Magik (Immortal Ops)

  Colonel Asher Brooks: Chief of Operations and point person for the Immortal Ops Team. Mated to Jinx, magik, succubus, well-known, well-connected madam to the
underground paranormal community. Book: Administrative Control (Immortal Ops)

  Paranormal Security and Intelligence (PSI) Operatives

  General Jack C. Newman: Director of Operations for PSI North American Division, werelion. Adoptive father of Missy Carter-Majors.

  Duke Marlow: PSI-Operative, werewolf. Mated to Mercy. Book: Act of Mercy (PSI-Ops)

  Doctor James (Jimmy) Hagen: PSI-Operative, werewolf. Took a ten-year hiatus from PSI. Mated to Laney. Book: Act of Surrender (PSI-Ops)

  Striker (Dougal) McCracken: PSI-Operative, werewolf.

  Miles (Boomer) Walsh: PSI-Operative, werepanther. Mated to Haven. Book: Act of Submission (PSI-Ops).

  Captain Corbin Jones: Operations coordinator and captain for PSI-Ops Team Five, werelion. Mated to Mae Bertelot. Book: Act of Command (PSI-Ops)

  Malik (Tut) Nasser: PSI-Operative, (PSI-Ops).

  Colonel Ulric Lovett: Director of Operations, PSI-London Division.

  Immortal Outcasts

  Casey Black: I-Ops test subject, werewolf, mated to Harmony. Book: Broken Communication.

  Weston Carol: I-Ops test subject, werebear, mated to Paisley. Book: Damage Report.

  Bane Antonov: I-Ops test subject, weregorilla.

  Shadow Agents

  Bradley Durant: PSI-Ops: Shadow Agent Division, werewolf. Book: Wolf’s Surrender.

  Ezra: PSI-Ops: Shadow Agent Division, dragonshfiter.

  Caesar: PSI-Ops: Shadow Agent Division, werewolf.


  Culann of the Council: Father to Kimberly (who is mated to Wilson). Badass Fae.

  Pierre Molyneux: Master vampire bent on creating a race of super soldiers. Hides behind being a famous art dealer in order to launder money.

  Gisbert Krauss: Mad scientist who wants to create a master race of supernaturals.

  Walter Helmuth: Head of Seattle’s paranormal underground. In league with Molyneux and Krauss.

  Dr. Lakeland Matthews: Scientist, vital role in the creation of a successful Immortal Ops Team. Father to Peren Matthews.

  Dr. Bertrand: Mad scientist with Donavon Dynamics Corporation (The Corporation).

  Chapter One

  Prologue: Rainforest, South America

  Brad Durant ignored the rivulets of sweat dripping down his spine. The wetness pooled at the top of his ass, which wasn’t exactly a pleasant feeling. The humidity combined with the temperature had left most of his body covered in a sheen of perspiration. He was used to pushing hard, being soaked and exhausted. This was actually a welcome relief from the last time he’d been in the rainforests of South America, cutting his way through the dense vines of the jungle on a hunt for the enemy—whoever his government had deemed the bad guys at the time. That always changed on a dime.

  Now he was just hot.

  Well, hot and bored.

  Bored out of his mind to be exact.

  He’d always excelled at sciences and had truly thought his life’s calling might lie with the study of one, but there was no denying his nature. Underneath it all, he was an animal. He needed more to do than study plant samples or discover and classify new species of animals. While that cause was noble, it didn’t check all his boxes. He craved action and excitement. His animal needed the hunt—more than what he’d been getting since he’d dived headfirst into higher education. At least the move had been paid for by the government. Seemed the least they could do since he’d devoted so much of his life to them already.

  Ironically enough, he’d walked away from a career that held all the danger and excitement he could ever need and more, thinking he wanted to settle down and start a family or something.

  A family?

  He nearly laughed at the idea of it all now. It wasn’t as if something like him—a freak of fucking nature—should have kids. Not without the risk that others would find out what he was or that he’d pass it onto his children. He didn’t even want to think on how he’d explain it to the mother if the kids suddenly turned into wolf pups. Funny enough though, when he had dared to let his mind wander on the subject, he would often picture a dark-haired boy holding the hand of a redheaded little girl—the two clearly siblings and both his. But the idea was foolish, and then there was the whole thing about not even knowing if he could have children. If reproduction was even possible.

  It wasn’t like he’d gotten a handbook when he was in his teens and underwent his first full shift from a human into a wolf. No one magically showed up to walk him through the steps and stages. There was no mentor. No big brother there to lend a guiding hand. There had been fear, pain, more fear, and then shock and awe.

  Nothing else. If he did ever find himself lucky enough to discover a woman who loved him even with his defects, and if they managed to be blessed with little ones, he’d be there for the kids every step of the way. Sure, he’d hope they didn’t get his abilities, but if they did, he’d help guide them. He’d walk them through a full shift. They’d never be alone like he’d been. They’d never be scared as he was once.

  The first time he went through a full shift during the first full moon that occurred during puberty, he’d thought he was dying. That he was being ripped apart from the inside out. It had felt as if every bone in his body had snapped, and he’d believed his skin was going to tear clean off him during it all. The horror of it had made matters worse. Not that the ordeal needed any help. His shifts had gotten easier with age, but his first had been brutal—more so because of his fear and the fact he’d tried to fight it with all he had.

  He hadn’t understood what was going on. He’d been fine one minute and the next he’d fallen to his knees as his bones felt as if they were breaking one by one, his body contorting, his skin shifting. It had seemed like hours, but looking back it had only taken minutes. And when he’d found himself stuck in the form of an animal, terror had gripped him. He hadn’t known if it was permanent and if he was a monster.

  If it hadn’t been for Vic, Brad would have felt completely and utterly alone in the world. Like a monster spawned forth from the great unknown. Something that should have been hunted and put down. Thankfully, like had attracted like and his best friend had undergone the same changes. The same pain. The same fear. The same worry that they were the only ones.

  Until recently, they’d still believed that to be true. They’d managed to go all through school, join the military, serve their country as Navy SEALs and then work on getting degrees, all while thinking they were freaks—totally alone in the world. And all while doing unthinkable things to hide their secrets from others, from humans. But they weren’t the only ones.

  There were others out there.

  Other men and women who could change forms and shift into animals. Stuff he didn’t think could possibly be real was—like vampires and magiks and so much more. He’d learned the truth of it a short time ago and still couldn’t stop thinking about it. Learning they each weren’t alone was a game changer for both Brad and Vic.

  Now, the quest to find a boring career and hide away was no more. The crippling doubt both men had lived with was gone, replaced with hope. They could be part of something finally. Have a family of sorts even—something neither had known in their lives. And soon enough Brad would be back to doing what he’d been trained to do. He’d be back in the field, back doing what he was good at and he’d be done trying to be something he wasn’t.

  A quiet egghead.

  Sighing, he glanced at Vic and lifted a brow as the guide rambled on about the animals who were supposedly known to roam the rainforest area. When the guide got to lions, Brad had to bite his tongue to keep from commenting. The guide was full of shit and seemed to enjoy trying to get one over on his unsuspecting group of tourists.

  Vic had suggested they eat the guide twice already. Neither would. The guide smelled like he’d given up bathing some time ago. Not to mention Brad and his friend didn’t make a habit of eating humans. Though, there had been an incident while they were in the Middle East that they tended not to bring up much anymore. T
he guy over there was a sick bastard who had tortured and killed young girls for sport. Vic had lost his shit, shifted forms and made a midnight snack of the asshole.

  Jerk had it coming.

  “Be careful or the lions will wake and come and kill us all,” the guide said, pulling Brad from his thoughts once more. He groaned, and Vic laughed. Unless there were shapeshifters in the area, the tourists were safe from any roaming lions while in the rainforest.

  “We better be on guard,” joked Vic. “Wait until he finds out there really are wolves here now.”

  That brought a chuckle from Brad. They’d been tempted to shift forms late at night and run through the jungle to blow off steam, but had been worried they might scare the rest of their tour group should they be spotted. For sure they’d make the guide wet himself. That was nearly enough to make them do it.

  The guide in question started in on polar bears being near and Brad couldn’t take it anymore. The few people in the group who were still paying attention to the long-winded man actually snorted and made snide comments. The guide tried his best to convince them the polar bear sightings were legit, but it was then he lost what little remaining credibility he’d had with the group.

  Vic did a rather fake cough while saying the word “bullshit” and then nudged Brad, motioning in the direction of their fellow classmate, Kim. She’d been one of a large part of the group who had stopped listening to the guide’s long talks within the first two days of their arrival. She was currently swatting at another mosquito as she stared miserably around at the wilderness surrounding them. It was plain to see she was not at one with nature, despite her college major being one that would leave her studying plants for life. He snickered as she silently cursed another bug under her breath. He could see a sterile laboratory in her future.


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