The Caged Countess

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by Joanna Fulford

  ‘I also have a house in London,’ she went on, ‘although I spend only part of the year there.’

  Again he experienced the sensation of buried memories stirring. ‘You stay for the Season?’


  Duval mentally rebuked himself again. All of fashionable society went to London for that purpose and many of them owned a house there. Her being among their number should come as no surprise. Such a woman would blend effortlessly into the social scene. His work had accustomed him to making connections between seemingly unrelated pieces of information, but now he was seeing coincidence where there wasn’t any. He had to admit that she aroused his curiosity; indeed she had aroused a lot more than that. He had never met anyone quite like her. Being wed to his career, his experience of women was limited, but those he had met were decorative creatures with quiet and biddable natures. Claudine was undoubtedly decorative, but she was also argumentative and difficult, in short the most troublesome female of his acquaintance. It was just as well that his connection with the little baggage was to be of short duration.

  ‘I should have thought that the Season would have offered plenty in the way of entertainment,’ he said.

  ‘Up to a point, but after a while it becomes dull and repetitive.’

  ‘I can see how it might. All the same, it seems a fitter setting for a young woman of means and beauty.’

  ‘Fit in whose eyes?’

  The words were quietly spoken but, once again, he heard the challenge beneath. It prompted him to play devil’s advocate.

  ‘Your husband’s perhaps?’

  ‘His opinion is of no interest. He forfeited all right to express any views on the subject long since.’

  ‘The law would say otherwise.’

  ‘The law can say what it likes,’ she replied. ‘I will never let any man treat me as a chattel again.’

  Duval was intrigued. The passion he had just glimpsed was not only genuine, it ran deep.

  ‘He hurt you badly, didn’t he?’

  ‘It hurt at first, but, as time went on, less and less. Now I scarcely think of him at all.’ Claudine summoned a smile and changed the subject. ‘Will you stay in London awhile when we reach England?’

  ‘For a while I imagine.’

  ‘Will you visit your family?’

  ‘I would not be welcome.’

  She glanced up at him. ‘Time can change things.’

  ‘It can also widen the gulf.’ He sighed. ‘I will not pretend that my conduct has been blameless; far from it. Perhaps if I had gone back before it might have been possible to heal the breach. Now...I doubt it.’

  ‘May I ask how long you have been absent?’

  ‘Eight years.’

  ‘Oh.’ She paused. ‘That is a long time.’ If anyone should know about that it was she.

  ‘Too long.’

  ‘Still, it’s said that blood is thicker than water.’

  ‘You think so?’

  She smiled wryly. ‘Well, the prodigal son was welcomed back, wasn’t he?’

  ‘The prodigal son perhaps; not the prodigal husband.’

  Claudine froze, rendered temporarily speechless as her mind struggled to assimilate what he had just said. What followed was a flood of conflicting emotions.

  ‘I see.’ She was surprised to discover how steady her voice sounded.

  He had not missed her initial response. ‘The situation is not as it may first appear. My wife and I have long been estranged.’

  ‘I’m sorry to hear it.’

  ‘Our marriage was arranged by our respective families and neither of us had any say in the matter. It was a disaster from the outset. As a result we live quite separate lives.’

  She drew in a deep breath, trying to gather her scattered wits. She had made assumptions about this man that had no foundation in anything, except perhaps wishful thinking. It shouldn’t have hurt but it did.

  ‘And so you are free to amuse yourself elsewhere,’ she replied. ‘That must be convenient.’

  His brows drew together. ‘My career has taken the place of marriage and has been a most demanding mistress. Even if I’d felt so inclined, I have had little time to amuse myself elsewhere, and certainly would not do so with you.’

  ‘Just how gullible do you think I am, Duval?’

  ‘What happened in Paris was unavoidable, in the circumstances.’

  ‘What happened was indefensible, in the circumstances.’

  His gaze locked with hers. ‘I’m not going to pretend I didn’t want you, Claudine. What red-blooded man would not?’ He made a vague gesture with his hand. ‘Nevertheless, I never intended things to go so far. It’s just that I got somewhat carried away by your charms. If you were offended then I apologise.’

  There were so many things she could have said in reply, but none of them would have sounded in the least convincing. It horrified her now to think how close she had come to disaster with this man; a man who clearly regarded her as a whore. Gathering every last shred of self-control she faced him.

  ‘The situation that occurred in Paris was unfortunate. I wish it had never happened, but the past cannot be changed. All I want is to forget it.’

  He winced inwardly. ‘In that case I will do nothing that might cause you to remember.’

  She nodded. ‘Thank you.’

  He made no reply but turned away towards the window instead. It was an unstudied gesture but it unwittingly presented the unmarred side of his face. Claudine caught her breath. His profile was as strong and clear as a piece of marble statuary. The thought of Apollo returned unbidden. As she stared the buried memory stirred again. This had nothing to do with Paris. It was much older; a memory of another face in another place and time. Her heart beat a little faster in response. Who? Where? When? She frowned, trying to grasp the information, but, as before, it slid away from her leaving in its wake a sense of vague disquiet.

  Chapter Four

  The conversation had given Duval a great deal to think about over the next few days, not least the matter of his private life. It was a confounded mess but, much as he dreaded the thought, fate was dragging him back to England and he was going to have to address it. Could he return after so long an absence and expect to assume the mantle of husband? The law said he could. Legally his wife belonged to him still. He could compel her to live with him if he chose; could compel her to share his bed, bear his children and obey his every command. Legally his power was absolute.

  In reality, he had no idea what he was going to do about the situation, only that he did have a responsibility. At the very least he must ascertain that his wife was still well and ensure that his financial obligations were being met. More than that, they needed to have a serious discussion. He had no more wish to live with her than she with him. It was entirely possible that she had found consolation elsewhere; that she might ask for an annulment. Then they would both be free to move on with their lives. And if he were free, what then? Involuntarily he glanced at his companion and sighed inwardly. Before he could put his life in order he had first to fulfil his present obligation to Claudine. After that they would go their separate ways and he would be able to concentrate unhindered on the problem of his future. He might have resumed his career in the army had not Napoleon been sent to Elba. As it was, thousands of British soldiers had been demobilised so that door was closed. Although it was far from ideal, espionage looked to be the only other option at present. There were loose ends to tie up as well, and he couldn’t do that now until he’d dealt with personal matters.

  It was therefore with considerable relief that he caught his first glimpse of the sea. The distant expanse of grey-green water represented safety. Once on English soil, Claudine would be beyond the reach of Fouché and his agents. That much was sincerely pleasing. The thought of her, or indeed any
woman, in such hands was repellent. However, the sea also brought parting much closer. Duval guessed she would not be sorry. Her manner of late, though correct and courteous, was also distant. He understood why. For both of them the imminent separation would be welcome. Once he had resolved the issues surrounding his personal life, he would ask for another posting. Work would provide the means to keep his mind occupied. He suspected that Claudine would be hard to forget, but he meant to try all the same. For all sorts of reasons he too would be glad to reach England.

  * * *

  The passage to St Helier was arranged without undue difficulty. The owner of the boat was quite willing to undertake the journey for the fee that was offered. Claudine eyed him dubiously. The man, who gave his name as Pierre, was a rough-looking individual whose swarthy face and dark beard wouldn’t have seemed out of place on a pirate sloop. She said as much to Duval when they were out of earshot.

  ‘Pierre is trustworthy,’ he said. ‘He and I have worked together before.’

  ‘Now why doesn’t that surprise me?’ she replied.

  ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’

  ‘You both have a piratical air about you.’

  Duval’s good eye glinted. ‘Be thankful I’m not a pirate, my sweet.’

  ‘You would make me walk the plank, I have no doubt.’

  ‘Tempting, I admit, but pirates don’t throw money away like that; not when you would fetch such a handsome profit in any slave market in the Mediterranean. You would be an ornament in any man’s harem.’

  She glared at him. ‘That is a vile thing to say.’

  ‘It’s the truth.’ He paused. ‘Of course, I might decide to keep you instead.’

  ‘What, and lose a handsome profit?’

  ‘There would be other compensations.’

  The implications of that outrageous remark rendered her temporarily speechless. No doubt it had been made with the intention of provoking her into an unguarded reply that he could exploit to his advantage. However, she had no intention of obliging him. The conversation was already in dangerous waters and he was probably enjoying the fact. She darted another look his way, but his expression remained inscrutable.

  * * *

  The passage to St Helier was chilly but uneventful. Claudine was so eager to reach their destination that the discomforts of a small fishing boat were rendered negligible in comparison. She spoke little to her companion on the journey, partly because it wasn’t practical to move around in the limited space, and partly because she was too preoccupied to wish for speech. Duval too seemed preoccupied, when he wasn’t engaged in private conversation with Matthieu or Pierre. He barely even glanced her way. Their earlier conversation might never have happened. No doubt such teasing came easily to him, but it had resurrected memories that she would have preferred not to revisit. Moreover, it seemed that he had not forgotten either. His words were a further demonstration of how he regarded her. If she were to give him the least bit of encouragement...

  For a moment her treacherous thoughts returned to the intimacy they had shared and the touch of his hands on her body, and in spite of the chill she felt hot inside. You could take a lover. Was it himself he had meant? Probably not, in the light of what had occurred between them. I prefer my women willing. No doubt there were many such, but she wasn’t one of them. She had got carried away for a while, that was all. When she got home she could put all this behind her. She glanced in Duval’s direction but his attention was apparently focused on the horizon. No question but he was looking forward to the end of their journey as much as she was.

  * * *

  On arrival at their destination they bade farewell to Pierre and then repaired to a quayside inn. Hot food and a cheerful fire acted as restoratives against the chill and counteracted the effects of the voyage. It was replaced by a feeling of well-being in which relief played no small part. She was safe; the chances of anything untoward happening now were minimal. It occurred to her again how much she owed to her companion. He might be a rogue, but, having stood between her and disaster, he had risked much on her account. That realisation did much to dampen the anger she had felt earlier. It had come as a shock to discover that he was married but it shouldn’t have. He had always been forbidden fruit. When they reached England and said their goodbyes she would never have to see him again.

  Sensing himself observed Duval looked up and then found his gaze lingering. The view across the table was very agreeable indeed. Warmth had brought a delightful flush of colour to her cheeks and lips and enhanced the beauty of those huge dark eyes. Tendrils of hair had escaped from the confining ribbon. They curled about her face and neck in a manner that was both artless and damnably alluring.

  Under that intense scrutiny Claudine was more than ever aware of her dishevelled appearance. Apart from wearing the same clothes for days she had been able to make only the most basic toilette at each of the inns where they had stopped. She returned a wry smile.

  ‘I know. I look like a gypsy.’

  ‘Not the word I was thinking of,’ he replied with perfect truth.

  ‘I won’t ask what that is.’ She glanced with distaste at her gown. ‘The first thing I shall do when I get back to Oakley Court is to take a leisurely bath.’

  Duval was suddenly very still. ‘Oakley Court?’

  ‘My Sussex.’ She looked up and saw his expression. ‘Do you know it?’

  ‘I know of a house of that name.’

  Claudine nodded. ‘Of course, I remember you saying that you were familiar with the area.’

  ‘The house I speak of belonged to the Earls of Ulverdale.’

  ‘That’s right. It still does.’

  He strove to keep his voice level. ‘Then...I think that Claudine may be an assumed name.’

  When she saw his expression some of her cheerfulness faded. ‘I would have said something earlier only...well, you never asked so I assumed you didn’t want to know.’

  Duval mentally cursed himself. ‘I’m asking now.’

  ‘My real name is Claudia...Claudia Brudenell, Countess of Ulverdale.’

  His heart seemed to miss several beats and suddenly all the apparently unconnected pieces fell into place with appalling clarity. As the memory of their previous conversations returned, all the small coincidences rose up to taunt him: the houses in Sussex and London, the estate in the north and, of course, the estranged soldier husband. Only a prize idiot could have failed to make the connections.

  Mistaking his silence entirely Claudia experienced a twinge of guilt. ‘Forgive me, I should have told you...’

  ‘It’s not your fault,’ he replied.

  ‘Surely it doesn’t make any difference now.’

  The blue gaze locked with hers. ‘I rather think it does.’ He rose from the table. ‘Now, if you will excuse me, I must go and see about our passage to England.’

  Claudia rose too. ‘Of course.’

  He headed for the door, his face unwontedly grim.

  ‘Duval, please don’t be angry with me.’

  He paused on the threshold and turned, surveying her in silence for a moment. Then the blue gaze lost a little of its hard glint. ‘I’m not angry with you.’

  With that he was gone leaving her staring at the closed door. Claudia frowned. In spite of that parting reassurance she knew that he was angry, and it sat ill with her to have incurred his displeasure in that way. It had never occurred to her that he might wish to know her real name; in their line of work it was something people didn’t ask. His reaction to the truth had been totally unexpected. Perhaps he had been genuinely shocked to discover a lady of rank so far embroiled in such a shady business.

  The more she thought about it the likelier that seemed. Everything he knew about her now must only serve to confirm his first opinion of her. It was an oddly lowering thought.
  * * *

  It took less than an hour for Duval to arrange the next passage to England, but the boat wouldn’t leave for a while yet and he was in no mood to go back to the inn just then. Needing time to put his thoughts in order he went for a walk instead. For a long time he stood by the sea wall staring out at the white-capped water, but in truth he saw nothing. As he had told Claudia, the revelation of her identity made a great deal of difference. It was just that he had no idea what he was going to do about it. Each possible course of action seemed more unsatisfactory than the last. Perhaps he should have spoken up when she told him who she was. A part of him had wanted to, but another part of his mind recalled what she had said before: The past cannot be changed. All I want is to forget it. And he had given his assurance that he would not do anything to remind her of it. He sighed. Could he now go back on that? In the light of the morning’s revelation how could he not go back on it? Whatever he did next was going to cause hurt.

  * * *

  The remainder of their journey was memorably uncomfortable: the crossing was rougher this time and most of the other passengers on the little packet boat succumbed to sea-sickness. Conversation was reduced to what was absolutely necessary. In spite of the poor weather conditions, Duval remained above deck with Matthieu for much of the time, returning only occasionally, so Claudia wrapped herself in her cloak and tried to sleep. However, her troubled mind refused to allow it. Ever since he had returned to the inn Duval’s manner had been different. She couldn’t identify exactly what had changed but knew instinctively that there had been a fundamental shift which could never be reversed.

  She wasn’t in the least bit sorry when they reached dry land again. Moreover, it was English soil this time. The knowledge gladdened her immeasurably.

  Duval accurately surmised the source of her smile. ‘I think you will be glad to see your home again.’

  ‘Yes, although there were times when I thought I might not.’ She looked up at him. ‘But for you that would have been a self-fulfilling prophecy. I owe you much.’

  He guessed that it hadn’t been easy for her to say, and yet the tone was sincere. It took him by surprise.


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