A Test

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A Test Page 4

by Kristine Williams


  "Okay, okay. Up there." Blair smiled again, getting up slowly and making his way leisurely up the steps. "I dunno Jim, maybe we should go over this a few more times. Make sure it took hold...?"

  "Hurry up, Sandburg." Jim replied. "I'll be late for work."

  Blair stopped halfway up the steps. "Jim, it's Monday. Three day weekend, remember?"

  This time it was Jim's turn to smile, "That was yesterday, Chief. Today's Tuesday." He laughed lightly at Blair's surprise. "You slept, more or less, all the way through."

  Blair reached the top of the steps, shaking his head in wonder. He didn't remember anything after leaving the hospital, and yet he had been home for over a day. And Jim had slept in the chair in his room. Whether out of guilt, or friendship, Blair didn't know. But either way, Jim had obviously cared for him, even if he could never admit it. He found the keys on the night stand and grabbed them, turning back to make his way gingerly down the stairs. For a moment, as he descended, he felt a little guilty about the reaction he had suggested to Jim. He knew at some point in his friend's life, he would hear that tone again, and burst into uncontrolled laughter for no apparent reason. It could prove embarrassing. It could cause some questions. Maybe he should do it again?


  "Here," Blair uncuffed Jim's right hand, then gave him the keys. "I have to get dressed."

  "Hold on there Chief, you're not going anywhere."

  Blair turned, ready for an argument, but Jim held up a hand.

  "I promised the doctor, you stay home and rest for a week." Blair had opened his mouth to protest but Jim stood, placing a hand on his shoulder. "No arguments." he said, tossing the handcuffs to the coffee table. "If anything exciting happens, I'll call you. I promise." He smiled. "You're my partner, remember?"

  Blair stopped the protest forming on his lips.

  "Besides, how am I supposed to explain that?" Jim lightly touched the blackened mark on Blair's cheek.

  Blair smiled sheepishly. "Oh, yeah." he admitted. "Okay, I'll stay. Maybe I can get some work done. This subliminal stuff is fantastic. I'm gonna have to think it over awhile, but it's fantastic."

  Jim laughed at the younger man's enthusiastic response to paperwork as he put on his coat.

  Blair picked up the tape recorder and another cup of coffee on his way back down the hall. As he heard the door shut behind Jim he was popping the tape out of the machine, ready to toss it in the wastebasket.

  He smiled, and put the tape back in. "Nah, I think I'll just hold on to you for awhile." he said. After all, if Jim was going to make him stay home all week, the least he could do, was enjoy his evenings.





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