Into Death's Arms

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Into Death's Arms Page 3

by Mary Milligan

  Finally, she was gone I actually sighed with relief. The office was secluded but it had a huge one-sided window overlooking the dance floor. I looked out over the dance floor; it was just as crowded as it had been before Tameron’s announcement, did people have no sense at all? I wondered if they had no sense of self-preservation. I made a disgusted noise in my throat and turned back to watch the giant Vampire who held me prisoner.

  Bouncer-Vamp seemed to have shaken off his attraction to Laurna long enough to be confused by the anomaly I presented, he looked puzzled. “I thought the Ao were raised by the church?” He frowned down at me from his lofty height. I smiled; I didn’t have anything to say so I kept my mouth shut. He shrugged. “Tameron will be here soon. You will answer his questions.” His tone was self-assured, like no one could resist Tameron. Yeah, you sure about that buddy, I may not be an Ao yet but I do have the resistance to mind control. I was happy about that at least. Question was could I resist Tameron? The most powerful Vampire I’d ever seen. The Vampire who’d effected me and about a hundred other people that I’d seen, through a television set. Somehow, I just didn’t think so. “Tea,” he asked politely as he poured himself a cup of the steaming brew from a coffee pot in the office. Great an enormous Emily Post held me captive.

  “No I’m cutting back,” I said. Like I was going to drink anything, a Vamp made. I could just imagine what was in it. I shuddered again. I looked at my watch. He drank the tea.

  He raised an eyebrow at me. “You have somewhere you’re supposed to be Ms?” He let that Ms. dangle like a question. Yeah, wasn’t giving him my name either.

  I shrugged again. He sat on a leather couch and sipped his tea. The other Vamps started to file out, I obviously wasn’t gonna be a problem. Good Vamps, I thought go find something else to do, with one of them I might have a chance, with all four of them, I’d be toast. I wanted them all gone.

  Bouncer-Vamp glared at me again he was getting annoyed with me. “What are you doing? Ms…” he did the dangle thing again. “You don’t actually think you’re going somewhere do you?”

  This time when I shrugged my green eyes lit up. I wish they had glowed with holy light like a real Ao but, not yet. “I was thinking I would go home,” I said still smiling. I walked toward the door. I was a little delirious by that point. My only coherent thought was I so didn’t want to be trapped in this office when Tameron got here. Bouncer-Vamp of course got up and stepped in front of the door. Once again, I’d like to mention just how big this guy was. Mountainous, yeah, that was a word that described him. I chuckled a little. I was either going to escape or he was going to kill me but I wasn’t going to wait around for Dayton Tameron. All I had to do was get in one good shot, just hurt him bad enough I could get away. That was all it was going to take.

  I didn’t have to kill him, just hurt him. I’d have to kill him later because if I didn’t he was going to hurt Laurna. I would kill him to protect her. Hell I would die to protect her; I was just hoping I wasn’t going to have to. When I got close enough I kicked one of his knees hard enough it bent the wrong way, and he howled like an unholy thing, which was funny because he was an unholy thing.

  His brain kicked on the high beams in his eyes and they glowed like a flashlight, an involuntary showing of power. One of the ways you can tell a Vamp even when he is wearing his human suit. Hurt him and his eyes glow. “Not possible,” he hissed, snapping toward me with his fangs. Yikes, I moved to the side so he wouldn’t get lucky and take a bite out of me. I still bled like a human and didn’t heal so good on my own.

  “Yeah, I know,” I said as I brought the flat of my palm down hard on his nose. He crumpled, I didn’t have time to finish him. Killing a Vamp is a messy business involving decapitation and/or the removal of the heart. Messy, like I said and time was running out. Tameron was on his way. I took my gun from where he’d stashed it, on is person and I started to count. One Mississippi, I opened the door and checked the hall. It was painted black and smelled like new carpet. Empty, thank God, two Mississippi. I slid into the darkness, three Mississippi. I held the Sig out in front of me ready to shoot somebody if I had to. It wouldn’t kill any Vamps, but like I told my dad, it would slow them down. Have to move faster, I told myself, four Mississippi. I moved quietly, amazed I could do it with these silly high-heeled boots on. I made it to the employee stairwell and my foot hit the first step, five Mississippi.

  “Ao, where are you going?” came that silky voice I’d heard earlier coming from the TV. Only now it was coming from behind me. He stressed the ‘where’ and the ‘are’ to make his point. I turned slowly trying to prepare myself for what I was going to face. I could do this. I didn’t have any other choice.

  Sure enough, Dayton Tameron stood directly behind me. I had to blink twice and remind myself his good looks helped him hunt his prey, me! His hair fell over his shoulders like a midnight waterfall. Stands clung to his suit like spider webs. I was tempted to touch it. Again, I wondered if it felt like silk too. My fingers twitched a little.

  When playing at being human, his eyes were like liquid amber but they still glowed, like the monster inside was trying hard to get out. He was the only Vamp I’d ever seen who glowed ever so slightly even when he was in his human suit, and it scared me. He smelled good I wasn’t sure what it was, but I had to fight not to lean in and get a better whiff. Lavender and…shit what was I doing sniffing Vampires? Run, stupid, run! I didn’t think anymore. I planted my Sig in his chest and pulled the trigger until the clip was empty, ruining that beautiful blue silk shirt. I spun back toward the stairs and took them three at a time.

  I fled.

  I didn’t stop to see if he was down. I didn’t worry about breaking my neck on the stairs, just plain flight. One Mississippi, two Mississippi, I changed out the clip. Good thing it was automatic. I’m not sure I could have thought to do it otherwise. I heard a soft moan behind me. He was up there healing; I had to move faster. Three Mississippi, I hit the exit door at full speed; I shot out and slammed against the opposite wall, making a loud bang, four Mississippi. I stepped into the night; it was cool and felt like heaven, for about half a second.

  Then something hard closed around my throat. Tameron leaned in close. His breath hot like fire against my face. His amber eyes glowing with that ever so slight light and filled with contempt. “Five one thousand,” he whispered huskily.

  No, I thought. Not possible. Was I repeating Bouncer-Vamps words now? But this wasn’t the way it was supposed to work; if you shot a Vamp, you got ten seconds to run.

  That was the rule.

  I guessed he didn’t know the rules. He lifted and I had no choice but to go up to my toes. He was quite a bit taller than I was and lifting me wasn’t a problem for him.

  “Surprise,” he breathed. I nodded like an idiot; because I was surprised. This was not how it was supposed to work. I mean, he was breaking all the rules.

  “You’re, you’re, not supposed…” I gasped helplessly. He smiled a very seductive smile and leaned his hard body in against mine. He still smelled good even with that slight overlay of blood from the nine holes I’d pumped into him. He had made himself look human again and his human form was gorgeous. His lips a perfect bow even without the contrast of the fangs they were lovely.

  I gulped, lack of air mixed with Mr. Gorgeous pressed firmly against me kind of made my brain shut down. I was sorry to say I didn’t have a lot of experience with men despite being raised by one.

  “I’m not supposed to what Ao?” He whispered again as his cold lips brushed my cheek. I fought down a shiver. I told myself I was shivering because I was scared or cold but deep in my heart I knew the truth. I was shivering because the Vampire wanted me to. He wanted me to think he was sexy, so I did. It was that simple. I hated mind control. I also was starting to hate sexy Vampires. I hated the way his big body made me feel so small and helpless. I hated the way his strong arms wrapped around me made me feel utterly trapped. I hated the way his silken hair slid across my
face as the breeze caressed him. I just hoped would survive long enough for that feeling to grow.

  Being pissed gave me a little more control over my reaction to him. After all, you can be pissed and turned on at the same time, but usually one emotion wins out over the other. “You are not supposed to get up that fast.” I slid my finger into one of the nine holes in his dark silk shirt. What was it with the whole dark look thing? Didn’t Vampires have anything better to do than plan gothic ensembles? His skin beneath was smooth and cold. Well of course it was cold. It was 40 degrees out here, and he was wearing a holey silk shirt. The hard muscles flexed beneath my touch. It felt so damn good. Whoa, I did not just think Vampire flesh felt good, did I? Damn I had lost it.

  He smiled and those amber eyes seemed to glow just a little more. He had amped his power up to full force and I was feeling it. “You are not used to Vampires of my caliber little Ao,” he explained. His voice still soft like silk. “I am very powerful.” I had to nod in agreement with him. He was.

  He brushed his soft lips along my jawline kind of like a cat looking for affection. His square jaw brushed along my cheek. He had just the barest hint of stubble, and it stung, in that masculine way that lets you know the person touching you was all man. I gulped audiably. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end. “You smell familiar Ao. Why is that?”

  I shrugged, which is hard to do when someone is holding you by the throat. I had no idea why I smelled familiar; I should smell like gunpowder. Maybe gunpowder was a familiar smell. “I just kicked the hell out of one of your boys upstairs. Maybe I smell like him,” I suggested in my most dismissive tone.

  His eyes seemed to burn a little more and his full lips quirked as if he was trying to suppress a smile. “I would recognize Donovan’s scent. That is not what I smell,” he growled quietly. People watching behind us whispered urgently. His hand convulsed tighter. I couldn’t hear what they were saying but he could. He must have been reading my mind because he answered my thought, “they are discussing whether or not they should help you.” His voice was intimidating as hell, rough and smooth at the same time. He tilted his head as if listening, the light hit his profile highlighting the perfection of his features. His lips rosey and slightly puffy from where he’d been brushing them along my face. His jawline square and even like one of the statues at the museaum. His high cheekbones drawing attention to those golden eyes, and they were gold now glowing with his inner power in a way that made him seem so much more dangerous. I was sure he was considering killing me even with all the witnesses. “Tell them you are fine. We wouldn’t want anyone to get hurt because of you, would we?” His breath brushed my skin like steam. His tone was firm. It was rather distracting and for a moment, I almost did as he asked. Until I had a chance to think about what he had asked me.

  No, I certainly didn’t want that but I thought if I told the witness’ I was okay, I wouldn’t have any chance what so ever. “Put me down. Then they wouldn’t feel the need to try and protect me, Vampire,” I hissed. Man I sounded tough, go me! I was petrified past all reason and still managed to sound solid. It wasn’t as cool as it could have been because I knew he could smell the fear rolling off me, and my heart was beating so hard I was sure it was going to burst through my chest any moment, but hell, I sounded tough, so I was happy.

  He growled, making me tremble again. So much for being tough. But I wasn’t crying. That was good, right? He laughed at me, abruptly. It was a rough laugh like he didn’t do it often. “I’m not letting go any time soon Ao. Tell me your name,” he demanded rather than inquiring.

  I shook my head no. He tightened his grip again. No sound was going to come out of my throat any time soon. In fact, my lips felt a little numb. I bit at them in an attempt to get some of the feeling back. He watched my mouth as if he were trying to decipher what I was saying, but his eyes flared with what could only be described as desire. Yeah, he was probably wondering what my blood type was. Ao, the perfect late night snack. I couldn’t get the air past my lips, so I mouthed the words ‘fuck you’ at him. I was proud of myself.

  Unfortunately, he thought it was funny; he laughed at me again, showing off a set of perfect white teeth. Of course, when your entire existence revolved around your teeth, I guess dental hygiene is a must. “Sweet little Ao…fucking you is the least of what I’ll do to you if I don’t get a straight answer out of you soon.” He gave me a little shake. I felt like a rag doll. I’m not exactly tiny, 5’6”, 130 pounds, all muscle I train daily.

  I shook my head no again. I felt the edges of my red hair brush my face. It’s weird how you focus on little things when the life is being crushed from you. The world was starting to take on a fuzzy haze at the edges.

  I could see the exact moment he realized I was slipping away; his eyes flared like he was pissed. “Don’t pass out on me Ao.” He loosened his grip. Air was suddenly available again. I was thankful. “Name,” he hissed a little angrier this time. I mouthed ‘no’ again. He leaned his face in again and brushed his sultry lips across my throat. “Tell me your name little Ao or I am going to bite you,” he growled, I could feel the vibration of it rumble along my neck. His voice was thick with desire, and I had no doubt he would follow through with his threat. A Vampires bite was supposed to be the most painful thing an Ao could experience. I breathed heavily, trying to keep myself calm. I didn’t want to tell him who I was. “Name,” he hissed again and brushed those hard fangs across my jugular.

  I am ashamed to say I gave it to him. “Macyn,” it was barely audible and my eyes were tearing up. I was terrified at this point. Where the hell were all those spectators? Why weren’t they trying to save me now? I was taking short breaths while trying not to burst into frantic tears as the Vampire ran his mouth over my pulse again and again. My body and brain confused the sensation making me tingle all over.

  “Macyn what, Ao?” He breathed heavily against me again. I clamped my lips shut. It was one thing to betray myself, but I wasn’t going to betray my father. I closed my eyes. Maybe if I didn’t think about what was going to happen, it wouldn’t hurt so much. I shuddered when his wet tongue slid across my throat. It wasn’t a scared shudder; damn Vampire was making me like it. I would not betray my father. Do not think about your last name I told myself. If you have ever tried not to think of something when someone is asking you about it, you know it isn’t easy. The crowd still hadn’t made up its damn mind, but one or two fellows looked like they were trying to put together their courage and come to my rescue. I wanted them too, but I really didn’t need that on my conscious.

  I knew it was mind control, but I couldn’t seem to resist. I gasped as his fangs brushed my pulse again, and I nearly shouted it, “Reece, Macyn Reece.”

  He flinched visibly and lost the hold on my mind. Thank God because I was afraid I was about to beg him to bite me. “Reece,” he let out in a gasp as if he found my last name painful. I found myself smiling without his strong grasp on my mind. I remembered I was armed and not completely helpless. I put my gun against his throat and raised an eyebrow. I was ready to shoot should he decide to use his mojo on me again.

  “Yeah, as in Caden Reece’s daughter.” Obviously the Vampire had had at least one run in with my father. I felt a lot better. Like I said before, I might not survive the encounter but vengeance would be sweet. His eyes were really glowing as he searched my face, I guess he was trying to see if he could see any truth to my claim. His other hand flew to my hair, pulling forth several strands. He glared at those red strands, so much like my dads.

  “Drop her Dayton,” a soft growl came from behind the Vamp. Just like that, he dropped his human suit. To my credit, I did not scream. His eyes glowed lighting up the rest of his face. The bright glow made his strong features seem so much more menacing. His his cheeckbones looked gaunt and shadowed behind that bright light. His fangs had fully dropped and I realized the fangs he’d been teasing me with before were just for show. These fangs meant business I was sure he could tear out my w
hole throat with these fangs. The white of those super long fangs made his lips look so much redder like they were perpetually covered in blood. He snarled, his upper lip peeling back to expose all his teeth which had all taken on a sharper appearance. His dark brows drew together in anger. It’s one thing to know what lurked beneath the mask, but it is another entirely to have it close enough to breathe on you. The air around me seemed to thicken. I couldn’t pull in enough oxygen. I smelled that lavender scent that seemed to be exclusively him, but I also smelled the exhaust from the cars around us. That and the concrete and tar the scent that was exclusively parking lot. I drew in a shaky breath.

  “Caden,” he drawled. Something very frightening crawled through his expression. He definitely didn’t like my dad. “You cannot kill me here my old friend,” he waved a hand towads the milling crowd, “there are many witnesses.” I could see the glow of my father’s sword over the Vampire’s shoulder. I resisted the urge to yell, Daddy! How’s that for tough? A short sob of relief escaped me.

  When my father spoke, I could hear the contempt in his voice. They definitely had some kind of a history together. “I’m thinking no jury is gonna convict me, even if you are legal and all now, as you have my daughter by her throat. All I need is a jury of mom’s and dad’s,” he gave a bark of a laugh, “hell, even aunts and uncles will do.” His voice didn’t rise above that gravelly quiet he’d started out in. I’d seen my dad in hunter mode before, but it never failed to amaze me just how frightening he could be. His own eyes glowed with that pure white light that is exclusively Ao. Anger marred his loving features making him seem hard and forbearing. Rage was relected in his very stance. I took a deep breath.

  The glow under Tameron’s skin pulsed blinding me for a moment. Glee seemed to chase that murderous look from his eyes. “Daughter? Ahh, AoD,” he laughed, the sound made me shiver like someone had put ice down my back. It wasn’t a pleasant sound. It was a hateful kind of joy. “You’ve condemned yourself for a child.” He rubbed his face against me again. Taking a deep breath through his nose, he smelled me. I heard my father growl, it almost sounded like the noise the Vampire had made earlier, full of menace. “What Iris and I did or didn’t do is none of your business, bloodsucker.” My father growled at him.


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