Into Death's Arms

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Into Death's Arms Page 19

by Mary Milligan

  I kissed him back. I wanted this. I needed this. Funny how my thoughts reflected his own so perfectly, I arched my body against his I needed to feel every inch of him. I tried to free my hands I wanted to get that shirt off him, but he wasn’t letting go. He held my wrists with one hand the other skimmed down the length of my arm. I gasped into his mouth. His mouth left mine questing down my chin and across my jaw line. Dayton’s hair fell about me in glorious waves, slithering across my bare torso like it had a mind of its own and wanted to touch me just as badly as he did. His hand had finally reached my breast; he closed his warm hand around, cupping me. Again, I arched. This was amazing, why had I stopped him before? I couldn’t remember.

  His warm lips came in contact with my neck and I flashed back to the moment a few days ago when he’d bitten me. I wanted him to do it again. “Dayton,” I gasped. Suddenly oxygen felt like a commodity I couldn’t afford. His tongue slid along my throat along my jugular, up to that spot just behind my ear. He nipped my earlobe.

  “MMM…” he growled coasting that hot mouth back down laving the hollow of my throat. I whimpered and just as I was about to beg him to sink his fangs into me he did.

  “Dayton,” I screamed falling through space in a pleasure driven haze. I think I might have even blacked out for a moment. He pinched my nipple a little harder than I had done. I cried out trying desperately to get my mouth on him. His throat was so close to mine but I couldn’t quiet reach it with his fangs in me. I was completely helpless a prisoner to his desire. His hand left my breast and inched down across my ribs. “Dayton…” I whispered urgently.

  He took a deep draw at my vein and I forgot how to speak momentarily. “Please, I want to touch you.” My voice sounded soft sultry, the voice I’d wanted earlier I’d somehow acquired in the last few minutes. I tried to free my hands again. He held fast. His other hand slid across my belly. My AoD tattoo glowed brightly under his touch. I thrashed beneath him.

  He released my throat, sliding his tongue along the tiny wounds he’d made. “I’m going to take you, Macyn.” He whispered his breath hot against my ear. I nodded enthusiastically.

  His hand slipped beneath my little white lace panties. I whimpered and thrashed. He still held me fast. He was still completely dressed well he had a few buttons undone but I wanted more. I wanted to run my hands across that soft smooth skin. I groaned. I wanted to feel his skin against mine.

  Then his hand skated across my pubic bone and my legs seemed to go numb. I blinked several times as his hand cupped between my legs. This was going to kill me. It was too much, too good. He ran his forefinger along the slit between my lips. I whimpered. “So wet, for me, my love,” it was a question. Well, who the hell else did he think it could be for? I was breathing too hard for speech not that I was having a lot of luck with my word usage anyway.

  “Let my arms go.” I begged, “I want to touch you.” I was desperate to get my hands on him. My body writhed beneath him soft needy sounds were escaping my mouth; I couldn’t seem to stop them from getting out.

  He considered my request with half-closed eyes. Then slowly shook his head no. “I like you just the way you are.” He rumbled against my ear then slid his finger into my sex. I gasped, then convulsed. “Do you not like this my sweet,” he asked softly tormenting me with that finger. I shook the pleasure was so great.

  His mouth came to mine again. I could taste my blood on his lips. His tongue penetrated me moving in time with his wicked fingers. I saw stars. When he slid a second finger into me I came screaming his name as I found a release greater than anything I’d ever felt before.

  He let go of my hands. They shot up of their own accord and tore his shirt from his body. Buttons shot through the room like little plastic ballistics. I ran my hands over the smooth muscles of his torso down the hard planes of his belly. He was so hot. He smelled so good. I wanted to touch him, everywhere.

  I wanted him to feel like I’d just felt. Still kissing him with every ounce of passion in my body, I worked at his belt the damn leather thing kept sticking I couldn’t seem to work it. I made a small sound of frustration into his mouth.

  He chuckled softly at me. “So eager,” he murmured against my lips. I wanted to cry with frustration.

  “Help me get the God damned thing off,” I snarled. He chuckled again but his cool hands pushed mine away and he slid the belt from his waist in one smooth motion. Damn, well practiced Vampire, I suppressed a surge of jealously. How many times had he performed that little move for other women? I decided I didn’t want to know. Serial killer so wouldn’t look good on me. “Show off,” I growled and popped the button on his pants.

  He opened his mouth to say something but I tore down his zipper and took his hard length into my hand. I had to love a man that went commando. Whatever had been on his mind slipped away. He was so hot, so hard. I hadn’t expected that the rest of his flesh was usually so cool to the touch but come to think of it, his whole body seemed to burn tonight. He was big and thick. I licked at his lips.

  Suddenly I was just a little scared. I mean I knew the first time was supposed to hurt but, how badly? That’s one of those things a girl just can’t ask her dad. He must have seen it in my eyes because he moaned, “You’re going to stop me again aren’t you?” I looked into his eyes; I was surprised he’d noticed in his frenzied lust. At this point, he could have set the room on fire and I’m not sure I would have noticed as long as he kept touching me. He nodded once and began to move away from me but I didn’t let go of him. I wanted to wrap my legs around him but they were still trapped beneath both of our bodies.

  He shuddered as I stroked him. His eyes closed his head fell back. I loved seeing him like that. He was supposedly the most powerful Vampire in the world and with my little hands; I had him in complete surrender. Oh the power, “You’ll go slow right?” I asked sharing my fear instead of hiding behind it. That was how a relationship was supposed to work right?

  His brow creased in confusion. No doubt, he was confused. I’d been frenzied, begging him to let me touch him now suddenly I was nervous and scared. “I would never hurt you Macyn.” He answered solemnly almost as if I’d hurt his feelings. Maybe I had. Lord knows I’d pushed him away so violently before, so many times, and I hadn’t been very nice to him.

  I stroked him again. His eyes shuddered closed. “I know it’s supposed to hurt the first time Dayton, I won’t blame you for…”

  His eyes shot open. “The first time,” he interrupted me. Shock was apparent in his features. His glow even dulled a little.

  I was suddenly very uncomfortable I moved my hands away from his body. “Yeah,” I whispered turning my head away a little. I felt sick. I didn’t want Dayton to know other men didn’t find me attractive. Especially not, right now. I was so close to having more than I’d ever dreamed of.

  He pulled away from me, just a little so he could look down and see my face clearly. I would not cry. I would not cry. I told myself. The hell I would not cry. I felt tears prick my eyes. I know it was silly after all the time he’d invested, he wasn’t going to reject me now, but fear isn’t always a rational thing. “How,” he asked, his tone just a little confused and just a little awed?

  I shrugged and struggled to sit up. It was hard to move because he was still covering my body with his own. “It’s easy you just don’t have sex with anyone then when you do it’s your first time,” I snapped. This was not a conversation I ever thought I’d be having. I thought I would do this like I’d done everything else in my life. Crash in headlong and see what came of it. I found that I couldn’t and I was upset with myself for not seeing this coming. I wrapped my arms around my chest feeling cold.

  Then as if somebody had hit the high beams behind his eyes, his glow lit up the room. “This is why you kept rejecting me,” he asked in wonderment. His eyes boring into mine like he could look into my soul if he just stared hard enough, hell with all his mental mojo maybe he could. “Not because you did not want me,” the light in hi
s eyes changed, now he watched me with that predatory gleam.

  “Mostly,” I answered in a whisper. “How could I not want you, Dayton? All the women in North America and most of Europe want you.” He had really thought I hadn’t wanted him. Yeah, when? When I was panting the first time, he grabbed me even though I had thought he was going to kill me? Or, when he showed up in my bedroom and I couldn’t keep my hands off his skin? No, I know when I jumped him here in this very bed. Was he mental or something?

  He let out a long sigh like he’d been holding his breath for a very long time. “But now you’re sure,” he asked he couldn’t quiet keep the longing from his voice.

  “Yes…” his mouth covered mine again, before I could finish getting the word out.

  “I love you, Macyn.” He whispered reverently when he pulled away. Allowing me to move my calves out from underneath our bodies, which was good because they’d been going numb. He pushed his pants down his long legs, kicking them to the floor. He surged back up my body. Then he kissed his way down my throat, across my belly. He traced my AoD tattoo with his tongue. I whimpered again. Attaining that thing had hurt so damn much his tongue gliding along it made every second worth it. His mouth seared a trail of heated sensation.

  “Of course you do,” I answered him. “You are my AoLi I would be disappointed if you didn’t,” I gasped. I felt his breath on the most intimate part of my body and my mind seemed to shut down for a minute. I had imagined this. Hell I’d even dreamed of Dayton doing this but reality oh, God, reality was so much better. My mind flared back to life as his tongue slid along those lower lips. I nearly sprang from the bed. He made an animalistic sound and fell upon me. Licking, teasing, tasting I writhed beneath him unable to breath past the sounds coming involuntarily from my mouth. I thought his bite had been pleasure. I had thought his fingers pumping into me had been pleasure. I bit my lower lip drawing blood as I came against his hot mouth.

  He surged upward toward my mouth, positioning his body over mine. His hair fell about me like a curtain. Cool silk on my fevered skin. He licked the blood I’d drawn from my lips. His broad crown slid against my sex. I thrashed. He chuckled and stroked me again, his burning erection against my sensitive moist skin. “Don’t tease it isn’t nice.” I informed him my breath escaping me in short bursts.

  He smiled a wicked grin at me, “Was I teasing,” he thrust forward. I gasped and tensed. It hurt, but not like, I was expecting. It was more like being pinched. Yeah, pinched hard, in a place you don’t want to be pinched. He paused. He closed his eyes. The bright amber light increased around him for a moment. Just as suddenly, as it had come the pain was gone. “Better,” he asked. Damn if the Vamp hadn’t just healed me mid-coitus. Yeah, I wasn’t letting him go, ever. I wrapped my long legs around his body.

  “Oh, yeah,” I whispered. He groaned and thrust again, filling me completely. God, I loved this Vampire. He sought my mouth again. I moaned into his mouth and twisted my pelvis trying to meet his thrusts. His tongue filled me, his sex filled me, I was utterly filled by Dayton.

  This was perfect.

  He was perfect.

  Once again, his thoughts penetrated me I could feel his satisfaction flowing over me. I felt it blend with my own. We became one breathing, moving, feeling entity and I have to say this entity was ecstatic. Then for one blinding moment even our powers combined, the room sizzled like electricity, making our flesh more sensitive. His head reared back throwing that delightful hair across my skin. I came screaming beneath him, my body so overwhelmed by the sensation that I saw stars honest to God shiny stars. He roared. Thrusting once more and stilling above me as he too found paradise.

  The silent room was punctuated only with our sharp breaths. He looked down at me again; such wonder filled his eyes, my heart almost stopped within my chest. Dayton Tameron was something along the lines of five centuries old but looking down at me like this was his very first experience with anything good. I could feel it pulsing around me through my mind. I put my hand to his cheek. “I love you,” I said softly. He buried his head in my hair, crushing my smaller body against him.

  “Good I couldn’t bear it if you didn’t,” he said roughly against my neck.

  Dayton and I lay tangled together. My legs wrapped around his but most of our bodies lay side by side. We had been talking softly about nothing for quite some time. He sat up and leaned on one elbow looking down at me. His hair spread across the pillows and tickled my arm. “Why did you wait?” Okay guess it was time for serious conversation.

  I pretended not to understand him. “Your secretary didn’t want me to disturb you,” I shrugged.

  His lips pursed together. “That is not what I meant and you know it.” He growled. “Tell me, trust me,” He sighed as his hand skimmed across my flat belly. No fair cheating, I couldn’t think with him doing that let alone come up with a viable lie. I bit the bullet.

  “No one ever wanted me.” I turned to my side facing away from him. He wouldn’t even want me if not for some mystical connection that made him need me.

  He gripped my hip hard and turned me back toward him. “I don’t believe that. You are beautiful.” It was hard to doubt him with his voice filled with conviction like that but maybe the Ao power that made us soul mates made him see me differently than other people.

  I shrugged again. “One boy tried to kiss me once. I broke his nose. After that no one tried again.”

  A slow smile spread across his lips. “You know it’s a good thing you had no lovers before me, it would be difficult to explain all those bodies to the police,” He growled.

  I laughed. How could I not? He made me feel so damn special in a psycho killer kind of way but after all, he is a Vampire. Speaking of killers, “Did they ever figure out who killed that girl at Deception,” I asked.

  He blinked a couple of times probably due to my swift change of subject. “No but they found some kind of metal residue in the wounds so certainly not a Vamp unless he had some serious dental work.” He leaned down and kissed my hip. I rolled closer to him. “You taste like heaven,” He slid his tongue along the place he’d just kissed.

  “I’m going to take you again.” He growled as his body hardened against me.

  My eyes lit up. I wasn’t thinking about killers anymore. “You are,” I asked. I scrunched up my nose. “I don’t think so.” I shook my head at him.

  He paused and looked up at me in confusion. I crawled forward. “I think it’s my turn to do the taking.” I growled lowly at him. I watched him, my eyes intent on where I was going to put my mouth. I licked my lips a slow glide across my pink mouth. He watched me, the predator made prey. I crawled to his hips and lowered my mouth so he could feel my hot breath on his body. “Yes, definitely my turn,” I whispered allowing my hot breath to caress him.

  He moaned. I licked his broad head. His eyes widened and he fell back on the bed. He reached for me. I pulled away. “Hands down,” I demanded. He took a deep breath and fisted the sheets on either side of him. I flicked my tongue across him.

  He gnashed his teeth. “Who was complaining about teasing,” he asked roughly.

  I made an innocent face at him. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I lapped his entire length. His fangs lengthened. “Is that normal? Do your fangs always do that when you’re aroused?” I asked making little designs on his shaft with my tongue. He nodded; he seemed to be having trouble with speech. Like I had, I liked that. “Do you want me to take you into my mouth?” I allowed my lips to brush against him. Again, with the nodding, I laughed and took him into my mouth slowly. That way I could savor the feel of his smooth hard skin as he slid along my tongue. I closed my mouth tightly around him and sucked hard. His torso lifted off the bed. He rent the sheets to ribbons with his claws. Control much? I asked mentally as my mouth was deliciously full. He punished me for my insolence. Even though in this position it was anatomically impossible, I felt his hot mouth on my sex. I felt his tongue flick my clit hard.

had to reevaluate my stance on Vampire mind control it wasn’t always such a bad thing. I moaned around his thick length. I jerked back and sucked in his length again. Stop that I’m taking you remember? I hissed as I worked his body slowly increasing in rhythm, as I grew accustomed to his size in my throat. He moaned. His hands reached for me again. This time I let him. He laid a hand on either side of my head forcing me to look up at his face. He lifted his head showing me those beautiful amber eyes. The moment our eyes touched, he came violently. The room lit up with light, white Ao light filled the room, touching and warming everything in its path. He fell back against the pillows pulling me up the length of his body.

  “I know you feel it is your duty to kill me Macyn but good God what a way to go.” He whispered in my ear. I laughed, I felt powerful. It wasn’t the kind of power one associates with being an Ao it was the power of being a woman. I liked this new feeling. I fell asleep reveling in my power over this gorgeous and terrifying Vampire.

  Chapter 17

  I woke screaming and not in a good way. Dayton’s hands shot out to steady me. “Laurna…” I whimpered.

  Dayton’s expression froze for a moment then hardened. “Donovan says she is dying we must go immediately.” He threw back the comforter and was out of the bed before I’d finished registering what he’d said. He threw a shirt at me as he pulled up his pants. I punched my arms through the armholes and tried to button the buttons with fingers that just weren’t working. Dayton buttoned his own shirt quickly; his hands were steady while he worked.


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