Into Death's Arms

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Into Death's Arms Page 22

by Mary Milligan

  “Macyn,” he asked his voice like sandpaper.

  I let go of the Dream-walker and touched his face. “Yeah, we’re here to get you,” I said softly.

  He sighed roughly, “trap Kinsley knew you’d come… gonna use you,” he coughed up blood, “use you to get at Caden.”

  “Dad came with me. I’m gonna cut this rope.” I looked at the Dream-walker. “You don’t want me to find somewhere with florescent lighting to lock you up in for the next say fifty years I suggest you catch him.” Nikissos nodded enthusiastically. I had to remember they were actually friends it was weird to have someone you loved be friends with someone you considered an enemy. I cut the ropes Laith fell forward. The Dream-walker caught him. “The others,” I asked.

  Nikissos had turned Laith over so he was lying across the Dream-walkers lap. The widening of his eyes warned me the other wolf had finally decided to make his move. I whipped to the left. His hands closed around my upper arm instead of my throat. I was thankful, as it was I was going to have one hell of a bruise. He jerked me toward him and bit at me. I lodged my right forearm into his mouth. Unfortunately, my sword was in that arm. His teeth tore through tendon, muscle, and bone. He had both my arms and still had one arm free. This was going to suck, except we were close to that bonfire. I punched my body forward using every ounce of my supernatural strength to force him closer to that blaze. We both pitched into the fire. He went up fast. The Shadow-born aren’t real good with fire. I on the other hand was also on fire. But, fire is light right? I am of the lightborn light didn’t hurt me right? I took a deep breath and let the flame move around me, through me. I walked out of the inferno unscathed. Damn if I wasn’t the lucky one.

  Dayton was standing there when I walked out, his hand out toward the fire. A look of utter despair etched into his features. I stepped out. Light shone off me as if I were a beacon in the dark as if I had absorbed some of the fire into my very being. Dayton’s eyes widened. Then he threw himself at me. He caught me up in his arms and crushed me to his body. “You will never… never frighten me like that again do you understand me,” he shook me hard. I nodded marveling at the depth of feeling I’d seen laid bare in his eyes.

  My brother had struggled to his feet and he wrapped us both in his arms. Tears etched his face as he buried it in my hair. Hunh, my brother was taller than Dayton. I wouldn’t have guessed but Dayton had always seemed so much larger than life.

  The rest of the Shifters on this side of the fire gave us a wide berth. I cut the other two Shifters free at Laith’s request. Turned out they’d gotten themselves into their current predicament by trying to protect their former pack mate. This made me like them a hell of a lot. Anyone willing to take on that kind of suffering for a member of my family got my okay.

  We moved around the edge of the fire. My father and Kinsley no longer fought. Kinsley fought Donovan, while my father battled a tiger Shifter in mid-form.

  Kinsley tore into Donovan with his claws sending the big Vampire reeling back. Another Shifter entered the fray and Kinsley moved back toward my father. Shit, my father already sported claw marks along his left leg he limped as he fought.

  Other Shifters closed around us. Not Lowell’s crew but the rest of the Shifters were slowly creeping toward us. There were too many. Nikissos grabbed my arm. “Challenge him, blood rite you are related via Laith he has to answer, which means safety for the others until the challenge has been decided,” he rasped. I didn’t really have to think about it for long. My father, my brother, and my love were in danger.

  I stepped up and shouted over the din. “Kinsley, I challenge you.”

  The wolf King turned his massive head toward me. “You have no right.” I noticed the other Shifters had backed off waiting to see how this would play out.

  I shook my head regretfully. “Through Laith my brother by blood, I do.” I saw several of the others begin to nod. Lowell was nodding like he had a spring in his neck and smiling like a serial killer. Which was creepy, so very creepy.

  “Fine,” he spat then pointed at Dayton, “You cannot interfere!” He gave my sweetie a look of pure malice.

  Dayton smiled benevolently at him. “I would not dream of it.” He kissed me softly. Several Shifters cleared and marked a large circle. The tiger had jumped away from my father who was barreling toward us.

  My dad grabbed my arm, “You can’t do this.” He growled at me.

  I sighed, “You can’t interfere either dad. You can’t do it because you’re not technically related to Laith or any other Shifter related to the King. It’s me or Laith and,” I handed Laith off to Dayton, “he can’t even hold himself up. I am an AoD I can do this.” I looked him levelly in the eyes. He closed his eyes like he was in pain.

  “I don’t want you to do this. You are my baby.” He said softly, insistently.

  I sighed, “If I don’t we are all going to die look at all of them.” I pointed at the Shifters surrounding us, “there are too many.” He looked around.

  Then to my surprise, he nodded firmly once, “I got him in the ribs once he should be weak there,” he said. Then he went to help Dayton with Laith. “Your brother and I will be waiting here for you.”

  I stepped into the circle my heart pounding wildly in my chest. I took a deep breath. I think I can, I think I can. “Leave the blade and gun outside the circle AoD as the one challenged I have the right to chose the weapons used and unfortunately for you AoD I chose claws and teeth.” He watched me closely expecting me to try to back out.

  I shrugged easily and tossed my sword and gun outside the circle. I had just walked through fire. I could feel Dayton’s Vampiric power flowing through me. “K,” I answered him.

  His dark eyebrows crinkled together. I smiled benevolently like I’d seen Dayton do when he was trying to be scary. It always scared the crap out of me. Kinsley looked even more confused. He took one side of the circle. The Shifters had all gathered to watch.

  A very happy Lowell stepped forward. If he looked any more cheerful, he’d be whistling. “The challenge has been given and answered. Weapons have been chosen. The first to leave this circle physically or through death has lost. The remaining combatant will have rite of blood to rule over all the American Shifters.” He winked at me letting me know his little rule spiel there had been all about warning me as all the Shifters already knew the rules. Note to self thank Lowell later.

  “You will die girl,” Kinsley announced.

  I took one last deep breath, “Yeah, someday,” I agreed. He flashed his claws attempting to intimidate me. I mimicked his stance and called on that power Dayton had given me. I wasn’t sure what to expect but if I could feel power, I should be able to use it. However, what happened next was not what I expected. White Vampire claws slid forth from the tips of my fingers. Long fangs formed in my mouth. I had not only accessed Dayton’s power but his abilities as well. I rocked! I held my hand up so all those gathered could see them. “Pretty huh?” I said loudly.

  I heard Dayton chuckle, “That’s my girl.” Kinsley roared and barreled across the circle at me. I dodged.

  He had to stop abruptly to keep from blasting across the edge of the circle. I took advantage of his abrupt stop and slammed my elbow into his back. He fell to his knees I wished I could see his face. I turned so I was facing him. He popped to his feet and turned. It was frightening to behold. His big furry body turning his claws out and ready his teeth flashing. I must have lost my damn mind because I found myself smiling. He leapt at me.

  I threw myself forward while falling to my knees. I raked my claws along his torso as he flew over me. He hissed sucking in a deep breath. He rolled over me. He got back to his feet and looked down at the long tears through his abdomen. He blinked as if surprised. He should be surprised, hell, I was surprised and I had done it.

  I crouched down waiting for him again. He was more cautious this time. He moved in slowly. His reach was much longer than mine was. He clawed at me. I just barely escaped him. When he tried wi
th the opposite arm, I threw myself at his massive body digging my claws deep into his chest. He screamed and peeled me off, throwing me about ten feet. I landed on my ass but had a big chunk of flesh in either hand. I hadn’t let go he’d had to rip me free. He was bleeding profusely. I was only breathing hard. Okay so my butt was bruised but I could have been a lot worse for wear.

  He growled a low menacing sound. Then in a burst of speed I wouldn’t have believed if I hadn’t seen it, he charged me. I didn’t have time to move. He hit me head on, biting into my shoulder. He shook me like a rag doll. I was desperately trying to grab on to anything so he couldn’t shake me anymore. I could feel my shoulder tearing. I grasped at him.

  I wrapped my legs around his massive torso. The shaking stopped. He tore his mouth free. I screamed, it hurt, when his mouth tore free his head shot back exposing his throat. I dove my claws into that exposed expanse and leapt away from him. Blood sprayed me and a good expanse behind me too, like one of those horror flicks. The crowd had gone silent. Kinsley gurgled and fell back. I waited. Slowly he fell to his knees, then face first into the dirt.

  Still I waited. My shoulder was in agony. He didn’t move. He didn’t breath. It was over. I turned and stumbled away from the body. Dayton was there within moments.

  The other Shifters gathered around their King’s fallen form. Donovan rejoined us in our small group. He was covered in blood but very little of it seemed to be his own. He moved next to Dayton. The Shifters were discussing something rather animatedly. Finally, Lowell stepped forward, “Macyn you have won the right to rule us.” The other Shifters didn’t look to terribly happy about that.

  I laughed aloud I mean really an AoD ruling the Shifters. I crooked my finger at Lowell he followed me as I walked away from the crowd. “Tell me what to do?” I asked.

  He smiled and suddenly I was liking him. “Abdicate in Laith’s favor. He is one of us. He can appoint a council to help him or rule on his own. That’s up to him,” I nodded.

  “That’ll be okay with the others?” God my shoulder hurt I wanted this done with so I could fall into Dayton’s waiting arms.

  He nodded. “They have expected him to take his father’s place for some time. He could have done it too; he needs to work on his confidence.”

  I raised an eyebrow at him, “and why are you helping us?” I was suspicious of the man.

  He smiled a very wolf like grin. “I’ve got a daughter your brother’s age. I want her to be his primo-amator.”

  I spoke Latin so I could understand mass? Primo being first and amator being lover, umm, “You’ll have to ask him about that. I’m not making any promises when it comes to my brother’s love life.” He nodded; he was okay with that too.

  “I just want him to remember me when he’s ready to pick a new harem. I want the very best for my little girl.” He held up his hands and walked away. Well I understood that and I would discuss it with my brother when he was feeling better.

  I walked back over to my family. “I abdicate in favor of my brother.” I said loudly, “but right now we’re going home.”

  Dayton scooped me into his arms. “I refuse to allow you to wander around in that shape any longer.” I smiled up at him.

  Laith looked at me like I’d grown a second head. He shook his head frantically. I shrugged at him. Laith and Lowell spoke at length while Dayton healed my dad. I wouldn’t let him heal me first; honestly, I was afraid he wouldn’t have anything left for the others. He didn’t bother to heal Donovan because though he’d fought Kinsley he was barely injured.

  While Dayton healed me, my father went to Laith’s side. Lowell seemed to be arguing with Laith about something. Suddenly my father bellowed, “Enough! I am taking MY children home.” He emphasized the word my and slid his arm around Laith. Laith’s head snapped up as he looked at him with such surprise in his eyes.

  My father leaned in. “She should have told me boy. I would never have let her leave you behind. She was my AoLi she promised that all that was hers was mine and I promised the same. That includes you.” Lowell opened his mouth to speak again but was quelled with a look from my father.

  My father turned and led Laith away from the group of Shifters. Laith followed like a child with that same childlike look of wonder on his face. I was so happy at that moment tears formed in my eyes. We walked back to the car. I leaned heavily in Dayton’s arms.

  The Vampires had brought a Bronco that belonged to Donovan; Dayton shoved me into the back seat. I tried to climb out he wasn’t going to let me. I tried to tell him I wanted to ride with my family. He refused to let me out. My father helped Laith into the car. Laith’s pack mates got into the back. We all rode home.

  When we arrived at the house and Dayton helped me out of the car. He helped us get everyone into the house. The sky was just starting to turn pink when we’d all gathered inside. “Macyn I’ve got to go home for bit I’ll be back as soon as I can.” He said as he kissed and stepped into a shadow in the hallway.

  I wanted to learn how to do that, but the truth was very few lightborn could walk through light like Shadow-born could walk through shadows. My father couldn’t even do it.

  I helped get my brother into bed and cleaned all his wounds. They had really worked him over. There was only about an inch or two of flesh that wasn’t bruised. He’d been burned repeatedly in some pretty horrific places. His friends weren’t so bad off. The dark haired one who it turned out was named Revelin helped me.

  While the blond, Rollin stitched up my dad’s leg. He had his MD who would have guessed were-doctors. It sounded like a B movie title. Dayton had healed his leg enough he could walk but it was still nasty. Every once and awhile Revelin would murmur, “Bastards,” under his breath and I knew he’d found another wound I wasn’t going to like.

  Rollin went into the bathroom to shower and take care of his own wounds. I took Revelin’s hand. “I owe you guys for this. For standing up for him,” he smiled a crooked smile at me.

  “He’s our pack. You don’t owe us anything; we owe you for coming for us,” he stated firmly. He chuckled, “Who would have thought we’d have two AoD come in and save our asses? I thought for sure we were toast. Now Laith is King. Go figure.”

  Laith had finally drifted off to sleep and my father was starting to doze in the chair he’d sat in. I gave him my hand and dragged him up. “Come on old man you need some sleep.” He put his arms around me and we stumbled down the hall.

  “I don’t feel safe with all those Shifters in the house.” My father groused. I nodded comfortingly as I rolled him into bed.

  “If they had wanted us dead, killing us out in the park would have been easier and less likely to raise any questions.” I pulled up his comforter.

  “You sure about Dayton baby,” he asked softly. “He is horrifically powerful. Did you see him out there tonight?” I hadn’t much but I knew how powerful he was I could feel it not to mention he tended to share his power with me.

  I sighed and curled up next to him on the outside of his blankets. “Okay out with it. I know you don’t like Vampires. I know you don’t like Dayton but the dislike seems different. He told me you were once very close but he won’t tell me anymore he says it’s your right to tell me or not.” My dad ran his fingers through my hair. He sighed heavily.

  “You know that Dayton and I were raised together. That until his ascension we all assumed he was just like us. His mother was an AoLi so he was an Ao right. Back then we didn’t know an AoLi can breed with just about anything she wants to.”

  “She or he,” I interrupted the Ao society seemed to be sexist to me. Then again, I was one of only five AoD ever born female.

  He smiled at “He or she,” he relented, “anyway so we all thought he was one of us. We were friends, best friends honestly. Inseparable really, anything Dayton did, I did and vice versa. Then he ascended first. He knew right away that something was wrong. He wanted blood but fought the urge; thought if he was strong enough it would go away. Two nights aft
er his ascension he left the church. I followed him. I was curious about what he could possibly be doing out at night so shortly after his ascension. He went toward the village there were a lot of sheep farms in those days and there was this pretty little shepherdess we had often joked about visiting. Well I thought we were joking. At some point, he’d stopped joking and started going to see her. That night she welcomed him with open arms.” Okay maybe I didn’t want to hear this. I was getting mad. My father chuckled, “Look at you glow. You are jealous aren’t you,” I frowned.

  “Yes, and yes I understand that the shepherdess has probably been dead for like four hundred years but still…”

  “She died that night.” He interrupted softly. “Dayton had no control; he tore into her throat, and then went for mine when I pulled him off her. When he realized what he’d done, he took me back to the church. It was too late for the girl. He knew the others would find out. But he took me back anyway.” He sighed heavily. “They tortured him for days. They used his body to discover as much as they could about the Vampires. When I saw him next he was a broken man. I set him free.” He ran his big hands through his hair, “What was I supposed to do he was my best friend but he became something horrifying. The next time I saw him I went for his throat but he’d been living among the Vampires for decades by then and had learned that nifty little shadow-walking trick. I’ve tried to kill him he has never reciprocated. I think,” he looked embarrassed. “I think he’s even saved my ass a time or two.” Knowing Dayton as I now knew him, my dad was probably right. “So which of us is truly the monster? “

  “The AoLi in him detests destruction,” I said softly.

  “I just keep seeing that girls face in my mind. I worry about how many others he has killed. Would he have killed you that first night before he discovered who, what you were,” he asked into the darkness.

  I shook my head. “He never actually hurt me. Remember my throat wasn’t even bruised where he held me. He was as careful as possible while maintaining that big bad I’m a tough Vampire so stay away from my people thing.” I had, had a lot of time to think about it. I didn’t think he was out to hurt me that first day and I knew for a fact Donovan could have killed me that day and hadn’t. “You know I was locked alone in a room with Donovan that night. He offered me tea. He let Laurna go, and even when I beat the tar out of him, he didn’t try to hurt me. After seeing him in action tonight I know he could have made mince meat out of me if he had wanted to.”


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