A Rescued Heart (Rescued Heart Romance)

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A Rescued Heart (Rescued Heart Romance) Page 21

by Replogle, Natalie

  “You’re right, sorry if I’ve been a grouch lately. I do appreciate your support and encouragement. I couldn’t do this without you. Thank you for putting up with me.”

  “That’s what I’m here for.” She grabbed his plate and stood up. “I’m also, and unfortunate for you, here to feed you. Let me go make you another sandwich.”

  Ava progressed halfway to the kitchen when she remembered her call from Josh earlier this morning. “Oh, by the way, Josh called and wants to hang out with me tonight. I didn’t think we had any prominent plans, so I said yes. Is that okay?” She enjoyed her Saturday nights with Matt, but she couldn’t pass up spending some time with her brother.

  “Actually, that works out great. I thought about going out with some friends tonight.” He smiled casually. “What does Josh want to do?”

  “He said something about taking me out for dinner.” She shrugged her shoulders. “I guess he just wants some quality time with his favorite sister.” She put her finger up to her lips. “Shhh, don’t tell Lucy.”

  Ava brought him out a new sandwich and grudgingly returned to the kitchen to clean up and wash the dishes. It looked as if he hadn’t touched anything since she was here last. The afternoon sleepiness started to rear its pesky head. If she wanted to fit in a nap before tonight, she needed to work quickly.

  School had been back in full swing for the past two weeks and she held the exhaustion again of being around kids all day. It was good to be back and Ava enjoyed her new class, but the last month had been overwhelmingly hectic.

  The first week after the confrontation with Ray had been stressful between getting her class ready for the open house, the start of school, and Matt recovering. He had spiked a high fever and the doctors wanted to keep him in the hospital a couple extra days to monitor him.

  Ava had been so blessed by her colleagues that week. A few of them came in extra hours to help with the finishing touches on her classroom and the other kindergarten teachers helped prepare some lesson plans. Thanks to them, she was able to spend her evenings at the hospital.

  Matt’s first week at home went as expected by spending his time either sleeping or at physical therapy. His pain had increased in the first stages of therapy and he just wanted to take it easy. A few of his friends from the department would come and go, checking in on him throughout the day. Ava noticed how his mood improved when he spent time with them but after they left it just frustrated him that he was stuck at home.

  By last week he’d hit rock bottom. He walked around depressed and quiet, dispositions she had never seen in him before. Matt went down to the station to talk with the chief about when he could return to active duty and didn’t get the answer he hoped for. He understood the time frame of returning to work and the mandatory evaluation, but became upset when they told him he would have to do desk duties for a couple weeks.

  This week had gone much better for both of them. Matt received a good report on his therapy, which improved his mood. Just knowing each day got him closer to taking the sling off encouraged him. Ava’s class finally adjusted to being at school all day and they had worked out some rough edges in matters of obedience. Matt came and surprised her after school one day and kept her company while she prepared the next day’s activities.

  Last night Matt took her out on their first date since he had been shot, to the restaurant they went to on their official first date. It had been fun talking about that night and how they each had felt. Afterwards he took her to a movie that she had mentioned wanting to see. The last month had been a whirlwind of different emotions and frustrations. She welcomed their lives getting back to normal once again.

  And then she ran into Tim today. She needed to tell Matt, and soon so he wouldn’t think she was hiding anything. He already sat perched on the edge, would this push him over? She took a deep breath and headed back to Matt. There was only one way to find out …

  Matt watched as Ava staggered back into the living room exhausted. She was such a trooper and hadn’t complained about having to clean up after him. He hadn’t been pleasant to be around the last few weeks. Ava had put up with a lot, more than she should have to. Lately he’d had a temper and she could light his fuse often without even meaning to.

  His bad mood started when he got the news that he couldn’t return to active duty for another month. That also happened to be the first day of school for Ava. She had a rough day with a little girl who had cried all day and her nerves were shot. She had come over that night to keep him company and had gotten an earful from him too. He snapped at her a few times, they argued, and then she left crying. He was a jerk and he knew it. He showed up at her door fifteen minutes later, full of remorse. She gave all she could to love and encourage him and he’d acted unappreciative too many times.

  That would change tonight.

  Ava flopped down on the couch in great exaggeration and threw her arm across her forehead. “I must really love you. I just spent almost an hour in the kitchen. I think I’ve reached my quota for the month.” The sound of her giggling was therapeutic to his soul.

  “Poor baby, would you like some cheese with that whine?”

  She made a face at him. “No, but I would like a nap.”

  “I can get you a blanket.”

  Ava sat up, checking the time. “I should probably go soon. I thought about stopping at Kim’s place on the way home. I’ll be pressed for time getting ready if I take a break.”

  “I think you look great.”

  “Oh, I see, you go for the no shower, greasy hair look.”

  “I thought I smelled something.”

  Ava rolled her eyes but let a grin escape. He had missed their playful side over the stressful last month.

  He was so in love with this woman.

  She made him feel alive. It went deeper than her beauty and kind nature. Ava merged as neurotic and funny all rolled into one. She was the type of person who couldn’t enter through a doorway if it had an exit sign on it because it didn’t feel right. She could tell if her stapler on her school desk had moved over an inch, but at her home desk you were lucky to find her stapler.

  Ava yawned. Matt made another attempt on her behalf, “Ava, why don’t you go now. You can see Kim and if you get ready quick, you’ll still have time for a short nap.”

  “Are you trying to get rid of me?”

  “No, but I’m sure Josh would appreciate you not falling asleep on him at dinner.”

  “True. Point taken.” She compelled herself to stand up and went to collect her things. Matt didn’t want to see her go, but he needed time to get his plan in action. He met her at the door, his free arm outstretched, anticipating her hug.

  Something in her demeanor made him hesitate and stop midmotion. “What’s wrong?”

  She cleared her throat. “I ran into Tim today.”

  Matt unconsciously stepped back trying to judge this bombshell announcement as a good or bad thing. And of all days, of course the guy would walk back into her lifetoday. “Are you okay?”

  She closed the distance between them. “I’m better than okay. It put me one more step further in my healing process. Our conversation was a little uncomfortable, but needed … at least for him. I actually feel bad for Tim. He moved back here when Cara left him. He seems to be really broken.”

  Tim lived in Rockford again. Running a hand through his hair he battled his inner protectiveness of her. “Did you tell him about us?”

  “Yes. When he asked to meet up sometime I told him no because I was with someone.”

  Why did his blood pressure spike from her response? His red blood quickly turned green. A chill settled over his body at the thought of her returning to Tim. He’d been a mess for the last month, uptight and more often rude than kind. It shouldn’t surprise him if Ava would at some point want a chance to talk more with Tim.

  “Be honest Ava, did you want to meet back up with him?” He heard the words as they were spoken. Why did he think so speciously? It was silly really, but he ha
d to know.

  “Are you jealous?”

  “Should I be?”

  Her frustration toward him almost came out as a scream. “No!”

  “You told him no because of me, not becauseyou didn’t want too.” Why did he have to be so petty and childish? It was as though all rational thinking left when his life with Ava became threatened. It gave him a glimpse at what she must have felt the day at the café with Amber.

  She threw her bags down on the floor and shoved her fists onto her hips. Frustration seeped from her words. “Don’t you get it? Haven’t you heard a thing I’ve said? I feel bad for the way his life has turned out, but that’s it. After all we’ve been through, you really think I would leave you for him?” Her eyes softened as she placed a hand against the side of his face. “Tim isn’t even half the man you are, Matt. There is not an ounce of me that wants him. Get it through that thick head of yours, Thompson, you’re stuck with me.”

  Grabbing her hand he pulled her into his chest without any resistance. “Where’s the white flag? I surrender.” Smoothing her hair down with his free hand he spoke in a soft whisper. “I’m sorry. I just … I just haven’t been myself lately. And Tim showing up in your life again just took me by surprise.

  “That makes two of us.”

  “So you are better than okay, huh?” He tipped up her chin, finding the peace he should have had when this conversation very first started.

  “Yes, especially since you’re not being ridiculous anymore.” Her smirk could have brought him to his knees right then and there, but instead he brushed his lips against hers.

  “Wow, Kim, you look great!” Ava hugged her friend and stepped back, admiring the change in Kim’s appearance. It had been a month since Ray had attacked her and the only signs from that horrific day were her arm in a hard cast, her leg in a walking cast, and the glasses she now had to wear from the vision she’d lost.

  “I feel great!” Kim’s smile brightened the room as she ushered Ava into the living room so they could sit and talk. Kim held a new confidence in herself. Once released from the hospital she was able to come home and finally heal without the fear of Ray in her life. The greatest healing came when Kim had accepted the Lord in her heart.

  Kim had come back to the support group a week after her attack and there in the meeting she found the love she had always been seeking for, in God. Ava had missed that meeting because she was at the hospital with Matt, but Kim called her that evening to share the good news.

  Huge decisions came out of that meeting and Ava shared her happiness with Kim for the positive steps she took for her and Tessa. Kim had decided that it was time for a fresh start. Since she and her sister had made amends, they had agreed it would be best if she and Tessa would move into her place until Kim could find a job. She already had her résumé out to a few businesses in her sister’s town. A new home, a new job, a new beginning.

  “Have you gotten any interest in your house yet?” One of the members on the leadership team for the support group was a realtor and she had offered to put Kim’s house on the market and help sell it for no commission.

  “I think so. Wendy called yesterday and said that she had two couples inquire about it and we plan to have the showings sometime early next week before I start packing to move.” Kim glanced around the room. “This was a good house, but I’m happy to be leaving the memories it holds behind.”

  Ava glanced toward the stairs in remembrance of the memories this place held for her too. “I think a fresh start is a great idea, Kim. I am so happy and excited for you.”

  “Thanks, Ava, I don’t think any of this would have been possible without you. Actually, I’m not even sure I would still be alive if you hadn’t taken it upon yourself to help me. I will be forever grateful.”

  The friends hugged again, laughing while they each grabbed a tissue to wipe away their tears. Little feet ran down the stairs. Tessa came into view, running full speed into her lap. “Hi, Miss Ava! Did mommy tell you my special news?” The sweet girl looked back and forth between the women.

  “No, I didn’t.” Kim answered for her. “I thought you’d like to tell her.”

  Ava scooted Tessa further down on her lap so she was able to look at her without their noses touching. “Last night I asked Jesus into my heart.”

  Ava wrapped her arms around her, sharing in her joy. “Tessa, that is great!

  “Thanks. How is Matt?” Tessa had grown very fond of Matt in the last few months and their sweet bond was proof of what a wonderful father he would make some day.

  “He is doing really well. His sling is coming off soon.” Ava grinned thinking about the lone autograph proudly displayed on Matt’s sling. When Tessa came to visit him the first time since the shooting, he had asked her to sign it. “He told me to tell you thank you for the colored picture you sent him. I saw it today and it is hanging on his refrigerator door.”

  Tessa’s smile beamed. “I think I’ll go make him another one. Don’t leave until I’m done.” Ava didn’t have a chance to answer that she would wait. Tessa scurried up the stairs to her room.

  The women chuckled at the small child’s enthusiasm. “How does Tessa feel about moving?” Ava asked, already missing the child.

  Kim looked down at her hands, wringing them. “She is sad to leave her friends, and you and Matt of course, but she says she is excited for us to go live with Aunt Stephanie.” Kim sighed. “She is such a tough little girl. I still can’t believe the horrible life I created for her when Ray lived with us.”

  Kim stood and walked toward the window. It was good to see the curtains pulled back, exposing the light that filtered in after months of them living in darkness. Ava gave her a moment to collect her emotions. “Kim, the past is the past. You can’t change it, but you can learn from it. You are a new woman in Christ. The old is gone. The new has come. You are a good mom and Tessa loves you.”

  Kim turned toward her. “You are right. I didn’t get this far to fall into the pit of guilt.” Kim was a stronger woman than she gave herself credit for.

  “So you are moving next weekend?” Ava asked, making sure she had it correct on her calendar.

  “Yes. The moving truck gets here Saturday at eight in the morning. I already have a few boxes filled with items and clothes that we don’t need for the upcoming week. I think later in the week I’ll start packing up my kitchen.” If Ava had been the one moving she would have been able to pack the kitchen first. Those were the items she didn’t need.

  “Give me a call when you start packing and some evening I can come and help,” Ava offered.

  “Okay, thanks. My arm and leg are better, but still weak. I won’t turn away any help.”

  “Do you have enough help with moving?”

  “More than enough. The church made a sign-up list to come help me move and the page is full. They have even offered to drive to my sisters and unload everything for me.” Kim grabbed a tissue and blotted her eyes. “I am just so overwhelmed by everyone’s kindness.”

  They walked around the house and pointed out things they could pack first and discussed how to pack as organized as they could. Every box would be labeled by room and what the items were inside. Ava offered to stop at a local business to pick up more moving boxes for her.

  Tessa came down shortly after showing off her new masterpiece for Matt. Ava figured that before she moved, Matt’s refrigerator would be covered in pictures of flowers, butterflies, and rainbows.

  Ava and Josh had a quiet environment to talk since the Mexican restaurant seemed slow for a Saturday night. It had been too long since just the two of them hung out and it was nice to catch up on each other’s lives.

  Ava updated him on how the new school year had started and how wonderful it was between her and Matt. She even filled him in on her unexpected run-in with Tim. Josh took on the older brother protective stance, but kept his cool and agreed she handled the situation the best she could. They changed the subject and talked about Ray and how she was copin
g in the aftermath, along with her concerns about how Matt was handling it.

  “How’s Kim doing?” Josh asked. Her family had been so good at keeping updated on Kim’s situation.

  “She’s doing well and looking forward to moving next weekend. I hope she is able to sell her house soon and gets her asking price. She could really use the money.”

  “I signed up to help her move next weekend. Jake wanted to, but he is covering that toxic spill the next county over and thinks it will keep him busy until after next weekend.” She was so proud of her brothers and their giving spirits.

  “It sounds like a lot of men can help, so getting her moved should go quickly.”

  The young waitress brought out their food and refilled their drinks. Ava had already reached her food capacity with the chips and salsa, but she was confident she could find some room for the burrito that sat before her. Clapping sounded off behind them and a group of waiters and waitresses gathered around a table in the back, wishing a little boy a happy birthday. His cheeks turned red as they placed a sombrero on top of his head.

  “So … how are you and Valerie doing?” Ava had hoped he would bring up his relationship before she had to, but she grew impatient. A few weeks ago Josh had finally asked out a single mom that attended their church. Ava had met Valerie a few times and she seemed like a good fit for her brother.

  Josh laughed at her face that begged for some insight. “It took you longer to ask than I thought it would.”

  “Quit mocking me and just give me some details.”

  “It’s going well. I really like her.”

  “That’s all I get?”

  “For now.”

  The waitress interrupted and gave them their checks. “Speaking of dating, did you hear about Jake?” Josh asked casually.


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