Soulmates 2.5

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Soulmates 2.5 Page 2

by Sienna Grant

  “MMMMMM.” she growls. “That’s why you’re marrying a fireman now, SHUT UP!” she grinds out through a contraction. I keep my dirty thoughts to myself for the rest of the ride, be a dutiful best friend and let her squeeze all the blood from my hand from the pain she’s in. We pull up and within minutes we’re bursting through the doors of the maternity wing.

  Chapter Two


  I’ve been pacing the floor of the station for the last half an hour and he’s still not back. I know what it’s like when you’re on a call though, it could be five minutes, it could five hours, it depends on what type of call it is. I can’t drink no more coffee, I’ve had two already. I throw the empty cup in the bin and look at my phone again but nothing. Not even a text from Taylor. Fucks sake!

  I call Ryan’s number again but it rings out - letting it go to voicemail, I leave a message.

  “Hey bud, when you get your thousand missed calls and this message you need to call me back as soon as. See you later.”

  Clicking the speed dial for Taylor, I lift it to my ear and wait for her to answer.

  “Hey babe.”

  “What’s happening?” I ask anxiously.

  “She’s being examined now to see how far she’s dilated. Her waters broke just before we rang the ambulance. What about Ryan?”

  “He’s not back yet.” I stress, pushing my fingers through my hair in frustration. “I can’t get hold of him you know what it’s like. I’ll get him there as soon as I can.”

  “Okay, if he’s not here, I’ll be there with her. Oh, the doctor’s coming out now so I’m going back in. See you soon.”

  The phone clicks off before I can answer her. Back to pacing I suppose. Five minutes later I receive a message from Taylor.

  Taylor: Just to let you know she’s fully dilated. She told the doctor she’s been having niggly pains for two days. He said she’s been in slow labour. So, when Ryan gets back tell him to get his arse here because she’s panicking he’s going to miss it.

  Another hour passes and I’m starting to think he won’t make it at all. I try him again, it rings a few times and as I’m starting to give up hope; he answers.

  “Dude what’s up?!”

  “Where are you?”

  “About ten minutes from the station why?

  “Because your girlfriends in labour that’s why! Just get to the hospital, you haven’t got much time, she’s ready to give birth. Taylor’s just text me.”

  “Fuck! Okay, erm, what about my car at the station.” I hear him tell the captain to get him to the hospital and I hear the sirens sound.

  “I’ll meet you there pal.” The phone clicks off again and I jump back in the car. I get to the hospital quite quick considering it almost four pm and rush hour traffic is starting to build up.

  After finding a parking space I run straight into the waiting room of the maternity wing, looking around and seeing Taylor pacing, I make my way over to her. “Hey gorgeous. Has she had it yet?”

  “No, the doctor’s in there with her but she was pushing by the time Ryan got here, so I’d say it won’t be too long now.” All we’ve done today is rush around or wait for one thing or another. I rush around less at work and I’m a fireman how does that work. I hang my head back and close my eyes, when a thought comes to me…

  “Tay, has she told her parents yet?

  “Not as far as I know. Has Ryan told his?”

  “Ryan won’t tell his but I was thinking more about Ash.” I turn my head to face her.

  “I don’t think so, after that huge argument they’ll be lucky to get a photo of the baby let alone meet him or her.” She states and I agree. Ryan’s dad is a complete tool, always has been. He managed to leave when he was seventeen, he’d given him one beating too many when Ryan turned it around on him and smacked the fucker in the face breaking his nose.

  Taylor rests her head on my shoulder. She moves slightly as I lift my arm then she rests her cheek against my chest while we wait on some news.

  “Do you want kids, Chris?” Taylor asks quietly.

  “Where did this come from?”

  “Hmm, well funnily enough two of your brothers are having babies and our best friends are in that room right now waiting on one, so you know, the thought just crossed my mind…”

  “Snarky. Thanks for that.”

  “Well, ask a stupid question.” She replies poker faced. Looking down at her I poke my tongue out playfully at her as I kiss the tip of her nose softly. “So, answer the question.”

  “I’d like to eventually.” I shift to the side so I can see her reaction. She looks up at me, I know this is a hard subject for her. My hand cups the side of her head as my thumb strokes her the rise of her cheekbone. “How about you?”

  “I... I don’t…” She gets cut off by a door bursting open and the sound of a baby crying. Taylor jumps up, halting the conversation until I can get her in the mood where we can discuss it again

  “It’s a girl!” Ryan shouts. Taylor runs towards Ryan and flings her arms around him.

  “Can I go in?”

  “Yeah go for it!” Ryan excitedly tells her. Taylor goes into Ash as I walk towards Ryan. Shaking his hand, I pull him in for a man hug, slapping him on the back.

  “Congratulations mate. You deserve it.”

  “Thanks. Come and meet her.” Ash is lying in bed with her daughter lying against her chest, Taylor is sitting by the bed holding Ash’s hand looking at the baby. She has dark hair like her parents and she’s tiny.

  “Can I hold her?” I ask. Nodding, Ryan lifts the tiny bundle from Ash and places her in my arms. “Hello little one, I’m your Uncle Chris and that lady there is your Aunty Taylor.”

  “Did you just call me a lady Christopher?” She smiles as I raise my eyes from the baby to roll my eyes at her.

  “What have you named her or can you still not agree?”

  “Still not agreed yet.” Taylor’s head shakes as she stands and walks towards me, she looks at her closely.

  “So cute.” Taylor kisses her cheek. We need to talk about this at some point. I kiss her head and hand her back to Ryan. Once we’ve met the baby and made sure the parents are fine, we get ready to leave.

  “We’re going to make a move. Ring me later when you need to get your car and I’ll come and pick you up.”

  “Thanks for everything today, both of you.” Ryan says as Taylor kisses all three of them and we walk from room arm in arm.


  Toeing off my trainers, I leave them by the front door and flop into the armchair with a heavy sigh. Chris drops his car keys on the table by the door and sits down, looking at me with a peculiar expression. “What’s wrong?”

  “We didn’t finish our conversation, which to be quite honest Tay, I didn’t think we would, you always find a way of diverting the subject.” Picking up a magazine and concentrate on an article, I haven’t got a clue what it’s talking about though. “Taylor?” He sighs again then leans forward and takes the magazine from my hands.

  “What?” Matching his sigh, I ask.

  “You can’t ignore this sunshine.”

  “No?” I look at him. He moves from the chair and joins me on the settee.

  “Are you frightened? You can tell me…”

  “Yes, Chris.” I cut him off. “I’m scared. I’m frightened to death of being the same kind of woman my mother was.” He turns my face slightly to look at me. A barely there kiss, touches my lips. “What if it’s in the genes or something?” Cradling my head on his chest he kisses the top of my head tenderly.

  “I don’t think it works like that, baby.” He sighs heavily. “Okay, what were you thinking today when you saw Ash in labour?”

  “Lots of pain.” I cringe. Tipping my head back, he kisses me again only a little firmer this time.

  “I thought it was amazing! That’s a baby Tays. A tiny little baby to love and cherish, a gorgeous little girl maybe that could be just like you.” He moves slightly until he’s
pushing me into the sofa, “I love you Taylor. Very soon you’re going to be my wife, so, yes, I’d like there to be at least one baby in our future, but right now - I want to make love to you. Right here, right now.” He kisses me deeply, his hands caressing every inch of me until he’s taken off my clothes, one item at a time. He strips himself in no time at all as his lips meet mine, his hands kneading my breasts as he sinks into me, slow and tender. All conversation and agitation diverted for a little longer.

  “Taylor, are you okay?” Darcy asks concerned. We’ve been walking around the store for an hour already browsing the baby stuff.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  “Of course you can.”

  “If you hadn’t got pregnant the way you did, would you have had kids?” She frowns as she glances at me.

  “Yeah, I would’ve done at some point. I’ll be honest I wouldn’t have done it yet though if the choice hadn’t been taken out of my hands.”

  Nodding, “Okay, did you actually want kids?”

  “Taylor what’s going on? You can tell me it won’t go any further - I promise.”

  “Chris wants kids.” I blurt out. “I don’t know whether I do.”

  “Oh!” Grabbing the trolley, I take it from Darcy and carry on walking.

  “Have you talked about this with Chris yet?” Darcy asks as she catches up with me.

  “Not yet.”

  “Taylor, maybe you should. Look, I only know what Adam’s told me and what you told me a while ago. I don’t want to pry because that’s not me and I’m sure it’s hard, but this is a decision you both have to make.” She’s right I know she is, we do need to discuss it but it’s not my greatest forte, talking about feelings.

  I was doing so well then Ash goes and has her baby and Chris gets all mushy. Don’t get me wrong I love babies but what kind of mother could I be really, with the mother I had? I didn’t exactly inherit maternal genes.

  “I’m done. I don’t think I can get anything else, we’re way too limited on space.” Darcy says as she walks back towards me.

  “Come on then let’s go.” with my mood subdued more than it was earlier, Darcy knows I’m overthinking.

  “Taylor. Talk to him.” She says sadly. I don’t think it’s going to be that easy but I nod at Darcy all the same.

  Chapter Three


  It’s six weeks until Christmas, the only way we’re going to get a date set is if I do it myself. I know she’s preoccupied with something, she thinks I haven’t noticed. She also forgets that I know her better than anyone. She’s scared which is why it’s been three months since we got engaged and still nothing. She’s slowly reverting back to her old ways of bottling shit up and I can’t let her do that - not again.

  Opening the lid of the laptop, pressing the power button I wait for it to load up and click on the browser bar in Google, typing in wedding venues in the U.K. I set about looking for the perfect place for our wedding. If Taylor isn’t going to do it then I will. I spend the next couple of hours scrolling through pages upon pages of countryside, hotels - looking for a romantic setting to take my future wife to but not just anywhere, I want somewhere special. Ok, let’s do this. Scotland. I’ve heard it’s nice up there, so I type wedding venues in Scotland instead.

  A number of hotels, castles and chapels come up in the search. I scroll down until just one catches my eye and I know it’s just perfect - now I need to make the arrangements. I don’t know how I’m going to do this, maybe I’ll make it a surprise.

  I click on the ‘contact us’ section and type an email asking them if the dates I want are available. I want it as close to Christmas as I can get, but I also want it to be a break for her and what better way than to spend it with the people who love her.

  Picking up my phone I create a group message and add everyone but Taylor. The only people I might need to go and see is my parents and Taylor’s dad to make the arrangements with them.

  I’m lying on the couch flicking through the channels on the telly when Taylor walks in. Her bag drops on the floor with a thud as I see her rounding the corner towards me. “Ugh, what a day.”

  “What’s up sunshine.” I hold my arms out to her. “Come and tell me all about it.” She lies down on top of me and lays her head against my chest.

  “It’s just been one of those days. Back to back meetings and staff who don’t know their arse from their elbows. How they even get the jobs, I don’t know.” She sighs.

  “Didn’t you hire them?”

  “No, I didn’t. They’re not in my department.” she frowns, but I wink to show her I’m just joking. She slaps me on the chest before resting her head back down. Taylor was recently made head of the department for the Graphics Design part of the company, so she has her own team usually but not on this job she’s doing.

  “You need a break, we both need a break.” She lifts her head back up slightly so she can look at me.

  “You aren’t kidding. That would be nice, I don’t think I’d get the time off though.”

  “Tay, you’re owed holiday surely, you haven’t taken it all this year and if we got married surely he’d have to give you the time off.”

  “Chris, not this again…” She groans. She starts to lift up but I hold her in place.

  “Is it that bad that I actually want to marry you and start a family maybe. I love you, sunshine. I just want you to be mine officially that’s all. The sooner the better for me, I know you, but Taylor, I’m not going to wait forever.” I can see the worry in her eyes as I tell her, she should know that I wouldn’t give up on her, if that was the case I would have done it a while back.

  “Can we order in for dinner I’m exhausted?” And there she is the Queen of avoidance.

  “Of course we can. Decide what you want and I’ll order.”

  “Thanks babe. I’m going for a shower.” She softly kisses my lips before standing, then walks away.

  Stepping into the shower cubicle, I stand behind Taylor, our bodies barely touching. Her muscles are tense as my hands cup the back of her neck as I begin to massage her, my palms brush across to her shoulders with just enough pressure to make her groan. I squeeze the muscles that run from her neck on both sides, as the pad of my thumbs run up the back of her neck into her hairline and back down, kneading, trying to ease the tension from her body. Her head tips forward and rolls as my fingers work their magic into her tired body. She begins to relax almost instantly under my palms as she leans her head back against my chest.

  “Hmm, this is one of the reasons why I love you, you always know what I need.”

  “Yeah I do.” I whisper against her ear. “So instead of arguing with me why don’t you listen to me.” I breathe. Grazing her cheek lightly with barely there kisses, I brush my lips down towards her neck and move us both forward until we’re both standing under the water. My palms slide over her smooth, wet skin, my cock aching to touch her.

  “You know I only have your best interests at heart. Everything I do, I do for you, Sunshine - and always will.” Spinning her around to face me, my fingers tangle into her wet hair, my lips connect with hers as I kiss her, adding more pressure as the kiss gets deeper. Trailing my hand down her body until I get to the place where I want to be, my fingers find her opening and slide inside her, her leg wrapping around my hip as the water cascades over us. Replacing my fingers with my aching cock, I slip inside her as she groans out, my lips skim her wet skin as I thrust in and out slowly.

  Lifting her other leg, she wraps that one around me to meet the other one and locks her ankles, leaning her against the cold tiles, I thrust deeper and deeper. Her lips attach to my neck, sucking and biting. “Ah, Taylor!” My dick gets harder with every thrust, “I’m gonna come!”

  “Oh God, Chris. Make me come.” On her request, I relentlessly pound into her until she is shouting out through her orgasm and I’m closely following her.

  Her forehead rests on my shoulder as she pants. Gently pulling out, I drop her legs so sh
e can stand. “I love you, Chris. I’m sorry. It’s just so hard!” My fingertips smooth the wet hair from her face and I kiss her again.

  “Don’t apologise, there’s no need to, but I thought we agreed - no more bottling shit up?”

  “I’m trying.”

  “Don’t I know that you’re trying.” I smirk. She pushes my shoulder playfully. I take hold of the shampoo and squirt some into my hand and look after my girl.

  She smirks. “You wouldn’t have me any other way.”


  The bridal magazine hits the table with a huff, I’ve been browsing constantly for weeks and nothing is catching my eye. I want something to wow me but I don’t know what I’m looking for, they’re either too puffy or too straight, I don’t like the neckline either - ugh, why does it have to be so hard.

  “Why can’t I find what I want, Ash?” I whine.

  “Cause you’re too fussy, maybe?” she answers with a raised eyebrow. “Why don’t we go on a hunt? We could go wedding dress shopping?”

  “You hate shopping…”

  “Are you crazy, this is different! This is wedding dresses.” Oh Jesus, that’s it I’m done for - I forget just how much of a romantic Ash really is and with the tone of her voice - I know she’s serious. They’re not discussing marriage just yet from what I can tell... I thought out of the two of us she would get married first. I suppose with a baby they haven’t got the time.

  My wandering gaze finds the sleeping pink bundle in the swinging crib. She looks so peaceful, all wrapped up in a blanket. It’s weird because some days, I find myself asking what it would be like to be a mummy, then it gets shut down because I know I’d be useless... yeah for a few hours I’d be great but full time - I doubt it very much.

  “Do you want to hold her?” Ash looks across at me hopeful.


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