Passion's Fury (The Doms of Passion Lake Book 2)

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Passion's Fury (The Doms of Passion Lake Book 2) Page 9

by Julie Shelton

  Arching into him with a groan, Kylie threw her arms around his neck and returned the ardent pressure of his kiss, letting her tongue creep into his mouth, cautiously at first, then becoming bolder, exploring all of his tastes and textures. She’d never been kissed like this before. Not with tongues. Okay, that wasn’t quite true. Brad had tried, the one and only time he’d kissed her at all. Only it hadn’t seemed like a kiss. More like an assault. And when he’d tried to shove his tongue into her mouth, she’d jerked her head back and pushed him away in disgust. He’d never kissed her again.

  She didn’t want to push Caleb away. His kiss was a seduction, not an assault, holding her in thrall, transporting her to a place where only the two of them existed. And she never wanted it to stop.

  He explored her freely, thoroughly, not just with his mouth, but with his hands roaming up and down her back, her arms, finally moving to her head, holding it still for his plundering assault. Laying claim to each and every inch of her as surely as an explorer lays claim to undiscovered territory. Finally, with one last, heart-wrenchingly gentle touch of his lips against hers, Caleb raised his head, holding hers between his hands, and looked down at her through slitted eyes that glittered with fiery need. Hers were also at half-mast, dark, slumberous and filled with a hunger that matched his own. Her breath was coming in short, harsh pants. His was equally ragged. His erection was a hard ridge against her thigh. Holy fuck!

  “Jesus, Kylie.” That was Ash, whose breathing was just as harsh as hers and Caleb’s. Simon, too, was struggling to drag enough oxygen into his lungs.

  So enthralled had she been by the seductive power of Caleb’s kiss, she hadn’t even noticed that Simon had scooted closer. Nor had she noticed that Ash had resumed his seat on the couch or that her legs were now resting on his lap. Both men had added their hands to Caleb’s, and were now stroking her legs, her back and arms while Caleb swiped the tears from her cheeks with the heels of his hands. Ash had parted her legs and was now exploring the satin-smooth skin of her inner thighs. She was so aroused, both her panties and shorts were drenched with her feminine cream. The pungent scent of her arousal perfumed the air around them.

  “How can this work?” She was sobbing now, totally confused. “There are three of you and only one of me. What if I only fall in love with one of you? Or two of you? What happens then? Does the third one leave and go find his own woman? What if I wind up not loving any of you? What if, after I do fall in love with you, you all decide I’m not the right one after all?”

  “Don’t cry, sugar, don’t cry,” Caleb murmured over and over again, kissing away each fresh new tear. “It’ll all work out. You don’t have to worry about any of that. We’ll just let things happen as they happen, okay? When Simon sent us your photo, we didn’t realize you were so…untried. But it’s all right. Just trust us, sugar, we’ll look after your heart. We won’t hurt you, honest. We would never hurt you.”

  “N-no.” She managed a jerky little shake of her head. “That’s not it. I’m not—that was—” She took a deep, steadying breath, trying to reel in her raging emotions. “I-It’s just that—no one has ever kissed me like that before. With so much…emotion. And passion. It was…unexpected, that’s all.”

  Simon’s hand stopped moving against her arm. “How many boyfriends have you had, darlin’?”

  “Three. Counting Brad. Except one of them doesn’t really count, I guess because we were in high school and we never even got to the kissing stage. So I guess that would be two. Darryl Mason and Brad Sullivan. Unless you mean the number of guys I’ve actually…um…” Her cheeks turned fiery red and she lifted one shoulder in what she hoped was a nonchalant shrug, “umm…had sex with and that would be…okay, just one. Just Brad.” God, could I be any more pathetic?

  The three men exchanged a glance that said more than a thirty-volume encyclopedia. Then Caleb looked back down at Kylie, pinning her gaze with his. “I’m beginning to think all the guys in Philadelphia are morons,” he said quietly.

  “Well, Brad sure is,” Simon agreed.

  “Brad’s a dick,” Ash echoed.

  Caleb gave her a kiss on each cheek and released her head. He sagged back against the back of the sofa and pulled the side of her upper body down against his torso, tucking her head beneath his chin.

  Ash frowned. “So, what’re you sayin’, baby? That Brad took your virginity?”

  She nodded.

  “You’re, what, twenty-eight? And you’ve only been having sex for two months?” Ash clarified.

  Another furious blush heated her cheeks as she compressed her lips between her teeth. God, she couldn’t tell them she hadn’t been “having sex,” as they had phrased it, for two months. How could she possibly tell them she’d had it only that one time and two others? She gave another short nod.

  Caleb groaned. “Oh, God, Kylie, please tell us he at least tried to make it good for you.”

  “It hurt,” she confided. “H-he didn’t prepare me and he was shocked that I was a virgin. He got angry at me for not telling him. Said he couldn’t trust me anymore. He became distant and cold after that. The other two times we…had sex, it was just as painful. But he seemed satisfied. He went right to sleep afterwards.”

  Caleb grabbed her shoulders and pushed her back far enough to look into her eyes. “Sugar, are you telling us that you’ve only had sex three times in your entire life?”

  Mutely she nodded.

  “Have you ever had an orgasm?”

  The blank expression on her flushed face was the only answer he needed.

  “You’ve never masturbated?” Ash asked in disbelief.

  One shoulder lifted in a shrug. “I tried, once or twice. I must not have been doing it right because nothing happened. I couldn’t understand what all the hullabaloo was about. As far as I was concerned, sex was highly over-rated. Besides, the whole time I was doing it I kept hearing my father’s voice in my head railing against what he called ‘the sins of the flesh’. I guess that kinda put a damper on the proceedings.”

  “Oh, baby, we have got to get that voice outta your head,” Ash murmured. He exchanged a glance with his brothers and they all nodded. He stood, bent down, and scooped Kylie up off of Caleb’s lap. “Come on, sweet thing.”

  “Where are we going,” she asked, sudden panic making her voice shrill.

  “Upstairs. We are gonna give you your very first orgasms.”

  “—gasms?” she asked, shocked. “Plural? As in more than one?”

  “As in as many as you can handle,” Ash affirmed.

  “And the only voices in your head will be ours,” Simon promised, lifting her hand to his lips as Ash turned and carried her out of the room, followed by his brothers.


  Oh, my God! These men are going to—oh, my God! Her stomach churned with a heady mix of anticipation, arousal, and sheer terror. Simon, Ash and Caleb Rafferty were on a mission. And the mission was her!

  When they got to the top of the stairs, Ash turned left. Simon reached around his brother and opened a door and they entered a massive Victorian-style bedroom. The bed was large enough to hold five or six people. There were three identical, antique dressers, all with clean, masculine lines, and a fourth with lighter, more feminine lines, including decorative scrollwork and embellishments. Through a partially open door, Kylie saw a bathroom that was as big as her father’s entire house. There was a Jacuzzi tub large enough for half a dozen people, as well as a shower equally as large. Against the back wall there were two L-shaped counters, each with two sinks. This was obviously the master bedroom. The bedroom the three of them had built with the intention of sharing it with the woman they ultimately took into their hearts and their home. The woman they believed her to be.

  Ash bent down and deposited her gently on the enormous bed. Then he straightened and stood looking down at her, before confirming what she already suspected. “We’ve never used this room before, Kylie. When we built this house, we agreed that this room was o
nly gonna be used after we found our one true love. The more we find out about you, the more we believe you’re it.”

  Caleb moved to stand beside his brother. “Sugar, Simon is gonna undress you. Then we’re gonna take turns pleasurin’ you. Are you on any form of birth control?”

  “The Pill. Oh!” A look of alarm crossed her face. “They’re—they—were in my bathroom.”

  He nodded. “Okay.” He pulled out his cell phone and pressed a number. “What brand?” he asked Kylie. “Luc? We need you to write a prescription for…”Kylie supplied the brand name…“for Kylie. Is the antibiotic you gave her gonna mess with those? Good. Thanks, man.” Without missing a beat he pocketed his phone and continued talking as though he hadn’t been interrupted. “Because, even though we’ve never gone without condoms before, we don’t want to wear them with you. We want to feel your heat. We want to feel your honey coating our cocks when we fuck you. And we are gonna fuck you, Kylie, have no illusions about that. Slow and sweet, hard and fast, and everything in between. But not right now. Right now we’re just gonna give you more pleasure than you ever thought possible.”

  Her belly rolled and her breathing came to a screeching halt. All three men were looking at her like they wanted to eat her for lunch. Holy shit!

  “Would you like a safe word?” Caleb asked.

  Huh? Kylie stared up at him, perplexed. “A safe word?”

  “It’s a word you say if anything we’re doin’ to you is too much for you to handle,” Ash explained.

  “Usually a word like ice cream or pistachio, or…Snodgrass.”

  Kylie smiled and some of the tension left her expression.

  “Something you wouldn’t normally say when you’re in an intense sexual situation,” Simon added. “Which is why ‘stop’ or ‘no’ are not good safe words. Because many people say them even when they don’t actually mean them. But we will honor stop and no for this particular scene if that’s what you would prefer to use.”

  “You think I might really need them?”

  Caleb’s eyes bore into hers. “BDSM scenes are usually very intense. We will be doing things to you. Things that give us pleasure. Things that give you pleasure. Wicked things. Powerful things. Things that will make you feel totally out of control. Things that might overwhelm or even frighten you.”

  Holy shit! Kylie just stared up at him, her mouth so dry, her tongue was stuck to the roof of her mouth.

  Caleb lifted his hand to palm the side of her face. “But you need never fear us, sugar,” he added tenderly. “ Because we are always in control. All you have to do is say your safe word, and everything will stop. And we’ll hold you and comfort you and talk you through your fears, whatever they are. We will always keep you safe. That is our primary responsibility as your Doms and we take our responsibilities very seriously.” He gave her a swift kiss and released her, noting her heightened color, her owl-like stare, her ragged breathing. “Don’t overthink this, sugar.” He smiled down at her. “It’s all good, I promise. Trust us to look after you.”

  “Okay,” she said, giving him an answering smile.

  “Good girl.”

  Simon sat on the bed and reached for the waistband of her shorts. “”Okay, darlin’. Right now, we need to get down to business.” He slid the button through the buttonhole and lowered her zipper. “Lift your hips, darlin’.” He pulled both the shorts and her panties down and off at the same time. The scent of her arousal wafted up to his nostrils, hitting him like a narcotic, hardening his cock so fast, if he’d been standing, he would have keeled over.

  Ash grabbed the hem of her knit shirt and pulled it up. “Lift your shoulders, baby.” He pulled the tee off over her head, quickly reached behind her and unhooked her bra.

  And just like that, she was naked with three pairs of appreciative male eyes roaming over every inch of her lush, curvy body. Her arms twitched. Her first instinct was to cover herself, but somehow she resisted the urge and managed to lie perfectly still as they looked their fill. Her entire body blushed the most delightful shade of pink from the top of her head to the tips of her toes.

  Ash crawled up onto the mattress and knelt against her left side, nudging one knee gently against her ribs. “Scoot over, baby, toward the middle of the bed.”

  While she did so, Caleb walked around the bed and crawled up onto the mattress to kneel against her right side, facing his brother Ash. Smiling, he bent down and placed a quick kiss on Kylie’s lips. “You’re beautiful, sugar, both inside and out. The most beautiful woman we’ve ever known and we are gonna enjoy the hell out of watchin’ you accept and embrace your sexuality.”

  As Simon crawled up the mattress from the foot of the bed, Caleb and Ash each grabbed one of Kylie’s ankles and slowly began to slide her legs apart, revealing her wet, pink folds to Simon’s heated gaze. Kylie never took her eyes off of him, nearly coming out of her skin with nervous anticipation, watching as he crawled toward her between her spread legs. The urge to close them was nearly overpowering.

  “Umm.” She bit her lip, watching with trepidation as he lowered his ass to his calves and sat, just staring at her glistening pink flesh, covered with crisp, curly brown hair.


  “Don’t be shy, darlin’. You’re beautiful. And we’re fully prepared to spend the rest of our lives tellin’ you that over and over until you believe us.” He reached out his hand and speared his fingers through her wet curls, dark and slippery from her arousal, tugging on them slightly.

  “These are beautiful, too,” he mused, almost to himself. “But they’re definitely gonna have to go.

  “What?” It was a stark whisper.

  “Your pussy hair.”

  “My—”She’d never heard it called that before. Brad had never called it anything. In fact he’d never referred to any of their sex parts at all. He had been mostly silent during their three love-making sessions.

  Simon palmed her mound. “This is your pussy, Kylie. Say it.”

  “My p-pussy.”

  “Good girl. We love these words and we use them. We’ll expect you to use them, too. Say it again.” When she hesitated, he tightened his fingers. “What is this?”

  “My pussy.”

  “Good girl.” His broad smile was so filled with pride, she couldn’t help but smile back, ecstatic that she had pleased him. “Now, we’re very particular about our pussy, Kylie. We like it to be completely hairless. So these,” again he tugged on her curls, “will have to go. You’ll be amazed at how much more sensitive your skin will feel after they’re gone.”

  Holy shit! He was talking about shaving her! Down there! She swallowed hard, trying to control the rush of excitement that swept through her. Along with the unwanted and familiar rush of shame that usually accompanied it. If her father—No! I will not think of that man. I will not think of him ever! He ruined my childhood. I will not allow him to ruin this, too. I am stronger than that.

  Simon saw the determination creep into her eyes and knew exactly what she was thinking. “That man is not permitted in our bedroom, darlin’. So do whatever you have to, but keep him out of your head. You are no longer that cowed young girl. You are a beautiful young woman who is about to discover pleasure beyond your wildest dreams. Pleasure your body was made for. We will not allow anything to dim that pleasure one iota. Now.” He smiled. “Shall we continue with our anatomy lesson?”

  She smiled back. “By all means.”

  He slid his fingers through her dripping slit and found her entrance. After lubricating two fingers in her slippery juice, he rimmed her portal and thrust his index finger into her vagina. She arched up off the mattress, her back rigid as a bow. Oh, my God! How could I not have known how delicious that would feel?

  Because your father would have had you kneeling in the corner on uncooked rice while he whipped your backside and prayed for your eternal salvation.

  “This is your vagina.” Simon’s voice broke in on her inner dialogue. “Say it.”

; “My vagina.”

  “Another word for it is cunt. We like that word. And we will use it. Often.”

  God, the words he used. They felt so…dirty. So deliciously sinful. So raw and carnal and sexy.

  “And this,” he tapped his finger against a spot that practically sent her through the roof. “Is your clit. Short for clitoris. Say it.”

  “My clit.”

  “The clit is the most sensitive and responsive part of a woman’s body, the center of her sexual pleasure. And that pleasure starts right now.” He bent forward between her outstretched legs, rising up on his knees, then sliding his legs straight back behind him, dropping down onto his elbows, with his head at the apex of her sex. “I’m gonna eat this beautiful little pussy.”

  Wait. What? Her eyes widened. Holy fuck! He’s going to—her mouth dried up and she suddenly couldn’t breathe. She’d never heard of anything like this before! She had no idea people did this! But the sight of Simon’s dark head positioned at the juncture of her thighs was so lascivious, so carnal, so…hot, every nerve in her body began to sizzle. Her heartbeat thundered in her ears, shutting out all other sounds except her father’s voice thundering from the pulpit against the sins of the flesh. A voice that vanished in a puff of smoke the instant the tip of Simon’s nose touched her clit.

  “Oh! My! God!” Her back arched. Her entire body shook and a long groan shuddered from her lungs at the exquisite sensations stirred just by that one simple touch.

  “Shit, darlin’, you smell so fuckin’ good.” His hoarse voice grated over her nerve endings like sandpaper, making her tingle from head to toe. He settled more deeply between her legs, parting her labia with his right hand to reveal her tiny pink pearl peeking out from beneath its swollen pink hood. Sticking out his tongue, he sent the tip flicking across her clit, making her hips writhe in pleasure as a series of trilling little cries erupted from her throat. By the time he backed off, she was gasping for every breath, like there suddenly wasn’t enough oxygen in the world to fill her lungs.


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