Passion's Fury (The Doms of Passion Lake Book 2)

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Passion's Fury (The Doms of Passion Lake Book 2) Page 12

by Julie Shelton

  “Right,” Simon agreed. “And the way she reacted to the orgasms we gave her earlier gives me hope that she’ll be good with the idea of the three of us at once.” His phone vibrated against his thigh. Fishing it out of his pocket, he glanced at the screen. “Okay. Gotta go. Helen and her husband are at the airfield to take me up on their sightseein’ tour. I’ll be back later.”

  “I can do it if you’d rather,” Ash said.

  “No, I’m good. Stay here with Caleb and look after our woman.” With a grin, he headed for the living room.

  “Where you goin’?” Caleb smirked, pointing. “Door’s that way.”

  “Gotta collect my good-bye kiss.”

  When he returned, some five minutes later, his hard-on was so big, it interfered with his walking. And he had a shit-eating grin on his face. “Okay, Caleb, bein’ the oldest, you’re our de facto leader, so I’m in with whatever you decide,” he said, “as long as it means we’re goin’ full steam ahead. I want the whole package. Because she’s the whole package. Anything short of that will cheat all of us.” He swaggered out the back door.

  Ash and Caleb exchanged a look before returning to the living room. “Hey, sweet thing,” Ash said, going over to her chair and dropping a kiss on top of her bent head. “Any questions?”

  She looked up, her eyes both troubled and slumberous with arousal. “I-This—this stuff is—are you going to want to do these things to me?”

  Ash frowned. “What things, baby?”

  “Whipping? Flogging?” She looked down at the computer screen. “C-caning?”

  Ash’s fingers curved around her chin, lifting her gaze up to his. “We will only do what you allow us to do,” he assured her.

  “But—aren’t I the submissive?” Her puzzled look made him smile. “How can I tell you what to do? I don’t have any power.”

  Caleb chuckled. “Sugar, you have all the power. Your safe words give you that power. The instant you say yellow or red, it stops us in our tracks.”

  “And, just FYI,” Ash added, “we would never whip or cane you. Those activities hold no appeal for us.” He gave her a wicked smile. “On the other hand, we will definitely spank you, possibly even flog you. But, baby, we guarantee that you will love both of those activities.”

  “Sez you,” she replied, trying to give him a small smile in response and failing miserably. Instead she bit her lip and looked away. “My father used to spank me. He beat me with his belt. How is what you’re planning to do to me any different from what he did to me?”

  ‘Did your father stop when you asked him to?”

  “N-no. Not even when I begged him to.”

  “There you go. Your safe words will stop us every time. Our spankings are meant to enhance pleasure, not to impart pain.”

  “But how can something so painful bring pleasure?”

  His grin was wicked and full of promise. “When your body is aroused, it transmutes pain into pure pleasure. You’ll see. And since spanking seems to be a sore point with you”—he laughed at the smirk she made—“we’ll have to find other, more inventive ways to punish you when you disobey.”

  “Like what?”

  “Oh, we’ll think of something suitably diabolical, I’m sure.” He winked at her, then nodded toward the computer in her lap. “Are you learnin’ anything?”

  “I didn’t realize—there’s so much—”she spread her hands helplessly. “It’s all so—”

  Caleb laughed. “Well put. Are you feelin’ a little overwhelmed, sugar?”

  Overwhelmed, hell! Aroused was more like it. These scenes were hot! The intensity of the emotional connections between these men and women—it was something she could hardly wait to experience. Something she felt her body needed on some deep, fundamental level. “Um…”She gave him a sheepish look.

  “We chose these sites so you could see what some scenes look like and familiarize yourself with some of the terminology and tools of the trade,” Caleb said. “When you’re done, we’ll discuss the kinds of things we want to do with you and you can tell us which things you know you would like to do, things you would be willing to consider trying and things you absolutely will not do under any circumstances. We’ll help you with that and we’ll discuss everything so you can make informed decisions.”

  “Where’s Simon?” she asked, looking around him.

  “He went to take Mr. and Mrs. Voorhees on their sightseein’ tour.”

  “Oh, I know they’ll enjoy that. I would enjoy that, too,” she added, almost wistfully.

  “Don’t worry, sugar, you’ll have your turn.”

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to sound like I was begging. You guys have been so amazing, I—”

  “That’s because we have ulterior motives,” Ash reminded her. “We’re tryin’ to convince you to stay in Passion Lake, at least for a while. Hopefully longer.” He reached down and took her hand. “We want you to give this a chance. Give us a chance.”

  “Don’t apologize, Kylie,” Caleb added. “If there’s something you want or need from any of us, you have only to ask. It’s not beggin’. It’s lettin’ us know what you want. After all, we’re not mind readers. We can’t give you what you want if you don’t tell us what it is."

  The logic of that was inescapable.

  “Well…”she took her lower lip between her teeth, as if considering. Then she released it. “Okay, I guess I do have a few questions. I mean…” Now that she’d started she couldn’t stop. The words just came tumbling out of her, like water through a sudden breach in a dam. “How is this going to work? Are we all going to sleep together in that big bed upstairs? Are you going to-to…make love to me one after the other? Are you going to each take different nights? If I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed, are you going to be willing to leave me alone in there and go sleep in your own rooms? Is that big bedroom mine? Will I have another bedroom of my own, like you have yours, when I need to be,” she shrugged, “you know, private? What if I don’t want sex, but just want to cuddle? How is that going to work? Or if, occasionally, I only want one of you, what are the other two going to do? And how can you keep from being jealous? And if—“”

  “Whoa. Whoa.” Ash laughed, making frantic time-out gestures with his hands. “Not so fast, darlin’. One at a time. Yes, we are all gonna sleep together in that big bed upstairs. Does that bother you?”

  She grinned. “Only in a hot and bothered kind of way.”

  The tension in Caleb’s shoulders seemed to ease slightly. “Sometimes we will make love to you,” he assured her, “slow and sweet and sensual. And sometimes we will fuck you, hard and fast and rough. At first, we will take turns, but not by each of us takin’ a different night. We will all be right there with you. Those of us who aren’t doin’ will be watchin’.”

  Oh, my God! How hot is that? Kylie’s breath hitched at the dark promise in Caleb’s words.

  “Now I have a question for you. Have you ever taken a man’s cock in your ass?”

  She couldn’t suppress her sudden whimper, but shook her head no.

  “You will take ours. Have you ever taken a man’s cock in your mouth?”

  Holy shit! She squeezed her legs together in a futile attempt to stem the flow of cream from her pussy. His words were…Oh, God, his words were…Another whimper stumbled out into the room and just lay there.

  “You will take ours. So, yes, we will take you one at a time. At first. But, in the meantime, we will be preparin’ you to take us in all your openin’s, so that eventually we will all take you at once. One in your cunt, one in your ass, one in your mouth.” He looked at her, his eyes so dark the pupils seemed to have swallowed up the irises. No blue was showing, just black. Dark and endless and glittering with lust. “Does that scare you?”

  God help her, it didn’t. Okay, that was a lie. Actually it terrified her. But it also made her so aroused she couldn’t catch her breath. The very room seemed to have run out of air. She was going to be…fucked…for want of a better term, by three extremely
sexy, virile men. All at the same time, no less. She’d never heard of anything like it before, yet the kinky websites she’d just been reading made it seem acceptable, even normal. How did anyone possibly survive such a thing?

  “A little.” She cleared her throat. “Would you, you know, ever want to make me wear one of those balls in my mouth?”

  “A ball gag? Why do you ask?”

  “I-it’s just that I, um, I have allergies and a deviated septum and can’t always breathe through my nose. Just the thought of being gagged terrifies me.”

  “Then we will only use breathable gags on you. What else scares you, sugar?”

  “Just...everything,” she admitted.

  “Yet, it also arouses you,” Caleb said.

  ‘How—how do you know that?”

  He shrugged. “Your pupils are dilated, your color is heightened, and you seem to be havin’ trouble breathin’. Those are all signs of arousal, not fear.”

  She had no answer to that. Biting her lip, she averted her gaze lest he realize exactly how aroused she really was.

  “The thought of bein’ taken by three men excites you,” Caleb pressed.

  “Not just three random ‘men’,” she corrected. “You three men. Even you have to admit you’re pretty formidable.” She lifted her gaze back to his, stunned by the hot possession she saw in his eyes. “You say that the minute you saw me you just sort of ‘knew’ that I was the one you’d been looking for? Well, the minute I saw Simon I just sort of ‘knew’ the same thing. It was more than just mere attraction, although that was certainly part of it.” She licked her lips. “The inevitability of it was crushing. Like my entire life had been leading me to this place and you three men. Considering my upbringing, I’ve never paid much attention to men. Mostly I’ve avoided them. Even in high school after I was adopted by the Goodmans, I found social interaction difficult. I wasn’t popular. But it never bothered me, because I lived, breathed, and ate ballet. Brad was a total aberration. Certainly one I was determined never to repeat. And yet, there was Simon, knocking on my car window, so sweet, so handsome, so…God. Damned. Sexy!”

  She broke off, giving a little shake of her head. “It was like I recognized him or something. Like on some deep, secret level, I already knew him. He touched something inside of me and I knew we were fated to meet.”

  She smiled wistfully. “That’s something else my father didn’t believe in. Fate. Oh, he believed in God’s will. And he believed in Heaven, but his version of Heaven was a horrible place, where everyone who was there was sort of a spiritual slave, yoked together by false piety and self-righteousness. All he believed in was condemnation, judgment, and retribution.

  “By the time Janelle came into my life, I knew that my father’s belief system was never going to be mine and I was already looking for something different. I wanted to be happy. I deserved to be happy. The more he beat me, the more determined I was never to be like him.”

  “You’re not, angel,” Ash reassured her, reaching down to take the laptop from her lap. After handing it to Caleb, he scooped her up in his arms and carried her over to the couch. He sat at one end with her sideways across his lap so she could lean back against the overstuffed arm. Caleb sat beside him, lifting her legs across his lap.

  “You have a beautiful soul, baby,” Ash continued. “Bright and shining with love and goodness. You’re right. You do deserve happiness. And we would consider it our honor and privilege if you would let us be the ones to give it to you. To show you who you truly are. The woman who was put on this earth for us to love and cherish.”

  Wow. She swallowed hard. How could she resist these men when they talked to her like that? The simple answer was, she couldn’t. She didn’t want to. And, in spite of her misgivings, she wasn’t going to. “A girl could get used to being treated like she hung the moon,” she murmured.

  “You mean you didn’t?” Ash asked, making them all laugh.

  Kylie let herself relax against the arm of the couch, nestling her ass against the hard muscle of Ash’s unmistakable erection. She lifted her hand to his chest. The rhythmic beat of his heart beneath her palm soothed her. “Okay, I’ve told you all my dark, dirty little secrets. Your turn. Did you grow up here?”

  “No. Highland Park, Illinois, a suburb north of Chicago. One dad is a pediatrician, the other owns his own construction business. He helped us restore this house.”

  “You all did a beautiful job,” Kylie said. “The house is magnificent. How about your mom?”

  “She’s magnificent, too,” Ash teased, making Kylie laugh. “She was a high school music teacher, but now she just gives piano lessons to the neighborhood children. She tried her best to teach us.”

  “Oh, you play piano?” She didn’t remember seeing one in the house.

  “I played trumpet in our high school band. Simon plays bass guitar. He and some buddies of ours have a country/rock band called the Midnight Riders. They’re regular performers at Nik and Jay’s bar.” At her puzzled look, he explained. “Nik Rostov and Jay Gillespie, more buddies of ours. They own the Passion Lake Lodge. The main buildin’ has a bar and grill that features live music on the weekends. Rock on Friday nights, country on Saturday nights, with lots of dancin’. They’re playin’ this weekend, so we’ll definitely go hear them.” Ash grinned. “We’ll have to get you properly outfitted in some cowgirl boots and teach you the Texas two-step. Can’t two-step properly without the boots.”

  “Oh, my God, that sounds like so much fun.” Kylie tugged her lower lip between her teeth. “Do you think I’ll be walking by then? I can’t wait to dance with you guys.” She turned her head to look up at Caleb. “So what do you play?”

  “The radio.”

  Kylie laughed.

  “Actually, I play a pretty mean fiddle, so I’ll be up there with the band on Saturday night.”

  Kylie looked at Ash. “Not much call for a trumpet in a country/western band,” she observed.

  “Nope. But I’m good. I have the best job of all.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Bein’ with you. Teachin’ you how to dance.” His eyes darkened, holding her captive in their ocean blue depths. He bent toward her. His hand came up to the side of her face. Threading his fingers through her hair to shape the back of her head, he palmed her cheek, brushing his thumb gently back and forth across it. Slowly he pulled her head up from where it was resting against the arm of the sofa, slanting his and opening his mouth to claim her lips in a kiss that squeezed her heart until she feared it would stop beating. His tongue came out to trace the seam of her lips, and when they parted, it surged inside to explore every inch of her cavern.

  Her own tongue sought his in a passionate duel that sent her stomach plummeting and liquid heat gushing between her legs. God, she loved kissing these men. It would be so easy to fall in love with them.

  She felt Caleb’s hand close around hers, lifting it and turning it over to press a kiss to her palm before placing it against his cheek and just holding it there. The connection sent sparks effervescing through her veins. When Ash’s kiss finally ended, her heart was hammering so hard, she feared it would burst.

  Ash released her mouth, but not her head. Still holding her gaze with his, he leaned back away from her and relaxed back against the cushions, continuing to brush his thumb across her cheek, his eyes glittering. His smile heated her blood, sending it simmering through her veins. “Wow,” was all he said.

  “Yeah. Wow”. She stared up at him, a dazed expression on her face, swallowing hard as hunger raced through her. These men made her feel things she had never felt before. Things that excited the hell out of her. Things she wanted to feel again and again. “Um.” Her mind was a total blank.

  Caleb chuckled, placing another quick kiss against her palm. “Lose your place, sugar?”

  She seized on the first thought that strayed into the void. “Um. How often do you see your family?”

  Both Caleb and Ash laughed. “A few times a year. Christ
mas, Thanksgiving, that sort of thing. They always make a big deal out of our birthday. Of course, while Dad was helping us with the house, he just lived here and went home on weekends, so we saw a lot more of him then. Do you see much of the Goodmans?”

  “Janelle is in London, dancing with the Royal Ballet, so I don’t see her much. We email and call once a week, though. Up until all this shit happened, I saw mom and dad—oh, my God!” She jerked upright. “Mom and dad! They probably think I’m dead! I’ve got to call them! Oh, my God, how could I have been so thoughtless?” She tried to shove herself off of Ash’s lap, but he held her firmly in place.

  “Take it easy, sugar,” Caleb said, fishing his cell phone out of his pocket. “Give me the number and I’ll call them.”

  She hesitated. “Is it safe? Do you suppose their calls are being monitored?”

  “Even if they are, this is a sat phone. It’s untraceable.”

  Kylie gave him the Goodmans’ number. As soon as he dialed it and pressed speaker, a woman answered. “Hello? Hello?”


  “Kylie? Oh, my God, Kylie, is that you? James, it’s Kylie! She’s alive!”

  “Kylie!” A man’s voice, tight with worry. “Where are you, honey, what happened? We’ve been so worried about you. Your house blew up! Were you in it? Are you hurt?”

  Kylie’s hand flew to her mouth as she burst into gulping, choking sobs at the familiar, beloved sound of her adoptive parents’ voices. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry—”

  While she struggled to get herself under control, Caleb leaned forward. “Mr. and Mrs. Goodman, my name is Caleb. I’m the sheriff of a small town. I don’t want to alarm you, but your phones may be bugged. So, for security reasons, I won’t tell you my last name or the name of the town. But I want to reassure you that Kylie is fine and she’s safe. She’ll tell you that herself in just a minute.” He stole a glance at her. Ash was rubbing his hand up and down her back in a calming gesture, as she struggled to gulp down her sobs.

  “Is she crying?” Dorothy Goodman asked. “Kylie, honey, are you crying?”


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