by David Loyn
Hamad, Jalil
Hamilton, Lee
Haq, Abdul
Haqqani, Husain
Haqqani network
Harem Serai
Hashemi, Qais
Hastings, Michael
Hayes, James
HEART 9/11
Hekmatyar, Gulbuddin
Helmand, Haris
Helmand Province
British in
corruption in
McChrystal, S., on
McNeill, D., in
Nicholson, J., and
night operations in
opium poppy in
Taliban in
voting security in
High Peace Council
Hillier, Rick
Hitler, Adolf
Hoar, Joseph
Hodges, Ben
Holbrooke, Richard
corruption and
Karzai, Hamid, and
McChrystal, S., on
Taliban and
Hollande, François
Horner, Nils
Human Rights Watch
Hunter, Duncan
Huntington, Samuel
Hussein, Saddam
I Lost My Love in Baghdad (Hastings)
ICRC. See International Committee of the Red Cross
IEDs. See improvised explosive devices
Ignatius, David
improvised explosive devices (IEDs)
Ingram, Mike
Innocence of Muslims (film)
intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR)
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
International Security Assistance Force (ISAF)
aid workers at
Allen, J., and
green-on-blue attacks and
in Kabul
McKiernan, D., and
McNeill, D., and
media at
NATO and
NGOs and
Nicholson, J., and
warlords and
Iqbal, Muhammad
in Axis of Evil
Bush and
IS in
McKiernan, D., in
Petraeus in
Small Wars Manual in
Iraq Study Group
IS. See Islamic State
ISAF. See International Security Assistance Force
Ishchi, Ahmad
ISI, of Pakistan
Islamic State (IS)
ISR. See intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance
Jalaluddin Haqqani
Jan, Abdul Rahman
Jawad, Said Tayeb
Al Jazeera TV
John Carter (fictional character)
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Jones, James
Jones, Terry
Jouvenal, Peter
Junger, Sebastian
Allen, J., in
apartment blocks in
battle for
CIA in
Dobbins in
Fahim in
Karzai, Hamid, in
Khalizad in
Kratzer in
Lute in
McChrystal, S., in
McKiernan, D., in
9/11 in
Northern Alliance in
Pakistan and
Petraeus in
riots in
Rumsfeld in
Russia and
SAR in
Schroen in
Kabul Bank
Kahlizad, Zalmay
Operation Medusa in
Petraeus and
Taliban in
Kandahar Strike Force
Karimi, Sher Muhammad
Karimi, Zia
Karzai, Ahmed Wali (AWK)
Karzai, Hamid
Allen, J., and
Biden and
BSA and
Bush and
civilian casualties and
corruption and
detention centers and
Eikenberry and
Fahim and
Holbrooke and
McChrystal, S., on
McNeill, D., and
meteor strikes and
Obama and
Pakistan and
Petraeus on
prisoner releases and
Richards and
Taliban and
wedding party bombing and
Karzai, Hekmat
Karzai, Yar Muhammad
Karzai Twelve
Kayani, Ashfaq
Keane, John M. “Jack”
Kearney, Dan
Kelley, Jill
Kelly, Robert
Kennedy, John F.
Kerry, John
Key Terrain Districts
KHAD secret police, of Russia
Khairkhwa, Khairullah
Khakrezwal, Akrem
Khalifa, Umar
Khalilzad, Zalmay
Khan, Bismillah
Khan, Daoud
Khan, Hafiz Saeed
Khan, Hemad
Khan, Ismail
Khar, Hina Rabbani
Khogyani, Abdul Majid
al-Khurasani, Abu Muslim
Khyber, Iqbal
Kilcullen, David
Kirk, Mark
Kissinger, Henry
Knowlton, William A.
Korengal Valley
Koster, Sam
Kratzer, David E.
Krulak, Victor C.
Kuehn, Felix
Kunar Province
Kunduz hospital
Langan, Sean
Lartéguy, Jean
Lavoie, Omer
Lavrov, Sergey
Lawrence, T. E.
Lessons in Disaster (Bundy)
Levin, Carl
Lincoln, Abraham
Local Defense Initiative
Lockhart, Clare
Lodin, Azizullah
Loftis, John Darin
Logan, Lara
Longuet, Gérard
Loya Jirga tent
of Ghani, Ashraf
Taliban and
Ludin, Mullah Attaullah
Lute, Doug
MAAWS. See Money as a Weapons System
MacArthur, Douglas
magic carpet (Five Pillars)
“Magnificent Seven”
Maiwand Battery
Maiwandi, Schah-Zaman
Malkasian, Carter
Malmstrom, Eric
Mangal, Muhammad Gulab
Manning, Chelsea (Bradley)
Mansour, Mullah Akhtar
Mao Zedong
The March of Folly (Tuchman)
Marchanti, Robert
Marine Task Force 58
Marshall, George
Marshall Plan
Martin, Mike
Mashal, Mujib
Massive ordinance Air Blast (MOAB)
Massoud, Ahmed Shah
Mattis, Jim
Mauladad, Haji
McCaffrey, Barry
McCain, John
McCarthy, Pat
McChrystal, Annie
McChrystal, Herbert J., Jr.
McChrystal, Stanley A.
COIN and
corruption and
detention centers and
fitness regime of
Gates and
Ghani, Ashraf, and
Hastings and
Helmand Province and
in Iraq
Karzai, Hamid, and
Obama and
Operation Mostarak and
Petraeus on
population-centered counterinsurgency of
PRT and
resignation of
Special Forces and
an and
McColl, John
McDonough, Denis
McDonough, John
McKiernan, David
COIN and
end of career of
Flournoy and
Gates and
in Iraq
ISAF and
in Kabul
Obama and
opium poppy and
Pakistan and
wedding party bombing and
McKiernan, Michael
McMaster, H. R.
McNamara, Robert
McNeill, Clarence “Boone”
McNeill, Dan
Bush and
COIN and
in Helmand Province
Karzai, Hamid, and
Musa Qala and
NATO and
Pakistan and
wedding party bombing and
McRaven, Bill
Médecins sans Frontières (MSF)
Medley, Dominic
Mehsud, Hakeemullah
Mehsud, Latif
Mendenhall, Joseph
Metcalfe, Daniel T.
meteor strikes
Military Operations Other Than War
Miller, Austin Scott
Miller, Stephen
Milley, Mark
mine-resistant vehicles (MRAPs)
MOAB. See Massive ordinance Air Blast
Mohammad, Haji
Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh
Mohib, Hamdullah
Mojaddedi, Sibghatullah
Molinie, Guilhem
Money as a Weapons System (MAAWS)
money burning
Mr. Pink
Mr. White
MRAPs. See mine-resistant vehicles
Muhammad, Din
Muhammad, Haji Nazar
Muhaqiq, Muhammad
Karzai, Hamid, and
Russia and
Mullen, Mike
Murdoch, Rupert
Murphy, Brett
Musa Qala
Musharraf, Pervez
Muslim Brotherhood
Muttawakil, Wakil Ahmed
“mutually hurting stalemate”
My Lai massacre
Najibullah, Mohammad
Nangarhar Province
Naqib, Mullah
National Directorate for Security (NDS)
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
National Security Council (NSC)
National Solidarity Program
aid from
British and
Dunford, J., and
Freedom’s Sentinel and
green-on-blue attacks and
ISAF and
Joint Force Command of
Karzai, Hamid, and
McNeill, D., and
nation-building by
9/11 and
Operation Mostarak and
Petraeus and
Taliban and
Trump and
Natsios, Andrew
Navy SEALs
NDS. See National Directorate for Security
Nelson, Brendan
Neumann, Ron
New Ansari
New Zealand
NGA. See National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
NGOs. See nongovernmental organizations
Nicholson, John W. “Mick”
battle for Kabul and
Helmand Province and
IS and
“mutually hurting stalemate” and
on 9/11
Obama and
Pakistan and
Trump and
Nicholson, Larry
night operations
Authorization for Use of Military Force and
Bush and
CIA after
disinformation campaign after
first responders at
in Kabul
NATO and
Nicholson, J., on
Pentagon building on
revenge for
warlords and
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)
Noorzai, Daud
Noorzai, Haji Bashir
Norgrove, Linda
North Korea
Northern Alliance
NSC. See National Security Council
nuclear weapons, of Pakistan
Nuland, Victoria
Nur, Atta Muhammad
Nuristani, Muhammad Tamim
Obaidullah, Mullah
Obama, Barack
Agha and
Allen, J., and
Anaconda strategy and
at Bagram Air Base
Bergdahl and
Campbell and
CIA and
COIN and
CT and
Dunford, J., and
Gates and
Holbrooke and
Jones, J., and
Karzai, Hamid, and
Lute and
Mansour and
McChrystal, S., and
McKiernan, D., and
National Security Council and
Nicholson, J., and
Nobel Peace Prize to
NSC and
Omar and
Pakistan and
Petraeus and
Powell and
al-Qaeda and
redeployments by
responsible end of
surge of troops from
Taliban and
Obama’s Wars (Woodward)
OEF. See Operation Enduring Freedom
Omar, Mullah
opcon (operational control)
Operation Anaconda
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF)
to Freedom’s Sentinel
Gates and
Operation Jawbreaker
Operation Lariat Advance
Operation Medusa
Operation Moshtarak
Operation Mountain Thrust
Operation Panther’s Claw
operational control (opcon)
opium poppy
O’Rourke, Kevin
Osman, Borhan
Ostlund, William B.
Owens, Kevin
PAG. See policy action group
Allen, J., and
bin Laden in
British and
Bush and
CIA in
drones in
Ghani, Ashraf, and
Haqqani network and
Holbrooke and
ISI of
Islamic State and
Kabul and
Karzai, Hamid, and
McKiernan, D., and
McNeill, D., and
Nicholson, J., and
Northern Alliance and
nuclear weapons of
Obama and
Pashtun and
refugees and
Richards and
Special Forces and
Taliban and
Trump and
Paktia Province
Panetta, Leon
Parhamovich, Andi
Parker, Nick
Parwan Detention Facility
corruption of
in Kandahar
Omar and bin Laden and
Pakistan and
Taliban of
warlords of
Pearl, Daniel
Pech Valley
Pentagon building, on 9/11
Pentagon Papers
Perle, Richard
Peshawar Accord
Petraeus, David
ALP and
Anaconda strategy of
Big M of
bin Laden and
Broadwell and
Carter, N., and
CIA and
COIN and
corruption, on
secure districts plan of
family of
on fragile and reversible
Gates and
in Helmand Province
image of
in Iraq
IS and
in Kabul
Kandahar and
Karzai, Hamid, and
as Malik D.
Mattis and
McChrystal, S., and
NATO and
Obama and
political ambitions of
Vietnam and
Pickering, Thomas
policy action group (PAG)
“Pottery Barn Rule”
Powell, Colin
prisoner releases
A Promised Land (Obama)
provincial reconstruction team (PRT)
Pry, Benjamin
Public Protection Police
Pul-e-Charkhi jail
Putin, Vladimir
Qadir, Haji
“bear hunting” of
Bush and
Dunford, J., and
Obama and
OEF and
in Paktia Province
safe havens for
Taliban and
in Tora Bora cave complex
training camp of
Quetta Shura
burning of
knife in
Rabbani, Burhanuddin
Rahimi, Abdul Salam
Rahman, Amir Abdur
Ramms, Egon
Ramslien, Alf Arne
Rassoul, Zalmay
Raziq, Abdul
Red Mosque
Red Team report
Reid, John
Resolute Support
Restrepo, Juan “Doc”
“Revolt of the Generals”
Revolutionary United Front (RUF), in Sierra Leone
Rice, Condoleezza
Rice, Susan
Richards, David
criticisms by
Karzai, Hamid, and
McNeill, D., and
Musa Qala and
Operation Medusa and
PAG and
Pakistan and
Ricks, Tom
Ridgway, Matthew
Riedel, Bruce
Rivera, Geraldo
Rivera, Richard
Robertson, George
Rodriguez, David “Rod”
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Rubin, Barnett “Barney”
RUF. See Revolutionary United Front
Ruggiero, Frank
Rumsfeld, Donald
airpower and
COIN and
Iraq and
in Kabul
light-footprint plan of
NATO and
“Revolt of the Generals” and
Russell, Terrence
Bagram Air Base and
IS and
Kabul and
KHAD secret police of
McKiernan, D., and
mujahideen and
Stinger antiaircraft missiles and
Taliban and
warlords and
Rutherford, Colin
SACEUR. See Supreme Allied Commander Europe
Saeed, Hafiz
Sageman, Marc
Saleh, Amrullah
Salehi, Muhammad Zia
Salt Pit
SAR. See situational awareness room
Sarkozy, Nicolas
SAS. See Special Air Service
Saudi Arabia
Sayyaf, Abdul Rasul
Scheffer, Jaap de Hoop
Schoomaker, Peter
Schröder, Gerhard
Schroen, Gary