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Mended Page 15

by Clayborne, By Kimberly M.

  “I heard you saying my name and I thought.” He licked his lips. “That you had gone digital.”

  “Oh you’re such a fucking pig!”

  “I’m a pig? You’re fucking me in your dreams.” He laughed. “There’s a dirty, dirty person here and it’s not just me.”

  Kassie popped him in the arm, making him laugh even harder, and got off the stool starting to the coffeemaker for a cup. Tim scrambled to his feet, grabbing her around the waist and backing her against the refrigerator. He rested his arm on the refrigerator door above her head enclosing her in a warm, delicious smelling shell of his body. Kassie never wanted to leave the decadent space.

  “Stop it Tim.” Kassie put her hands against his chest and gave him a little shove, but her heart wasn’t in it and he knew that too.

  “You were moaning Timothy before. Say it now.” He whispered with teasing seduction.

  Kassie looked up at him. His beautiful blue eyes danced with mischief and desire.

  “Shut up.” She lowered her head in embarrassment, her hair falling against her cheek.

  “Listen.” He hooked her chin raising her eyes to his. “It’s your move Kassie, I’m waiting on you. I’m always ready, have been ready for a while now. If you say no then no it is. If you want it right now then I’ll pop breakfast in the oven and take you upstairs.” He saw the temptation in her eyes and felt himself stirring in response. “It’s all up to you.”

  Kassie closed her eyes and he looked at her beautiful face. She had the longest eyelashes he’d ever seen on anyone; they formed long, thick crescents against her cheeks. Her honey colored skin was flushed with a combination of embarrassment and desire. Her skin smelled light and tropical like pineapple, and it made him yearn to take her clothes off and see if she smelled like pineapple all over.

  Kassie rose on her toes and pressed her lips against his so softly that it caught Tim off guard. He quickly recovered though and deepened the kiss, pushing his body against hers gently. Colors of vibrant fuchsia, deep sexy red and sparkling gold flashed before her eyes as she squeezed them shut. Her body began to feel like Jell-O with wave after wave of nervousness that seemed to grow larger and wilder with every second.

  Kassie broke the kiss, laying her head against his chest weakly as her nerves hit her. She was trembling and her legs felt like spaghetti.

  Tim nuzzled the side of her neck, sending her pulse skittering even wilder. His hands tangled in her hair, tugging her head back. Tim’s eyes were filled with lust as he whispered hoarsely:

  “I’ll wrap up breakfast.” Kassie’s body went into a heated overdrive but she forced it away. They couldn’t do something so deliciously forbidden . . . right? They knew it would feel so damn good but it was wrong in some way.

  “Tim we can’t.” She whispered.

  “You can’t kiss me like that and say no Kass, it’s cruel.” He groaned softly.

  Tim kissed her again, this time full and hungry. She whimpered, pressing against him hard as their tongues stroked each others. Tim wrapped his arms around her waist, grinding their bodies together and she felt his erection pressed against her. Sweet images from her dream ran through her mind intensifying her desire and Kassie felt like she was burning with need.

  Tim moved back to her neck moaning in her ear as he nibbled kisses along her nerve endings. She was clinging to him desperately and felt herself slipping into delicious oblivion with every stroke of his tongue on her skin. Kassie knew she had to end this before it went too far. But that, in itself, was starting to feel impossible when her body screamed for more. She was burning for him, ignited by some insane invisible fire that was quickly turning into an inferno.

  “Timothy, stop.” She whimpered.

  “Please, Kassie.”

  “I don’t want to.”

  “Oh.” He stepped back, breathing hard. “I’m sorry.”

  “No.” Kassie grabbed his shirt moving back into his arms. She looked up into his eyes. “Tim I want you. I have wanted to be with you for a while -,” Her voice trailed off and she shook her head, feeling like a total idiot. He kissed her temple.

  “What?” He whispered against her temple.

  “What if we do and we don’t-,” She bit her lip. “What if we hurt each other? How can we live next to each other, know what we shared and not have each other?” She shook her head, “How would that work?”

  “Stop.”A smile crossed his lips. “Kass you’re projecting and not in a good way. We’re still trying to understand what’s happening between us. I know you’re scared, but let’s just take one step at a time okay.”

  She looked up into his eyes. He was serious. There was no game in his eyes, only total openness.


  Tim kissed her gently, “We’ll give it time, Kassie. I’ll give you time to figure out how you feel about me but I’m losing my mind here wanting you.” Tim said.

  Kassie dropped her eyes. She was losing it too.

  She understood how he felt and she found it odd. With Monroe it was easy to be with him, even with Nick there wasn’t much in the way of apprehension but with Tim, there was potential for something much more powerful than she’d had with any other man.

  Kassie hugged him and he wrapped his arms around her, rubbing her back and laying his chin on her head. I am ready, she realized burying her face in his delicious smelling neck. So what was holding her back?


  Chapter 19

  Kassie made soup and baked bread for dinner that night. She had spent the remainder of the day working in her studio, actually getting a lot more done than she’d expected. Tim had eaten his breakfast and gone out to run errands, check on his place and help some of the older neighbors dig out their cars.

  When he finally came in, Kassie was setting the table for dinner and the house smelled amazing. His stomach growled in appreciation and he ran upstairs to shower and change.

  The soup was hot and delicious, full of chunks of chicken and vegetables, with a rich cumin scented broth. The bread was a masterpiece, warm and yeasty. Tim had slathered two thick slices with butter before he even thought about it. He had seconds of everything and shared neighborhood gossip with her as he wolfed down his food. Kassie smiled watching him eat, for a fit guy he sure could put down some food! Kassie enjoyed watching him; she liked cooking and was happy seeing people eat.

  Monroe used to lick his fingers and the plate. If her grandmother had seen that, she would have slapped his hands for that display of bad manners but Kassie would just laugh. She was happy he thought her food was so delicious and judging by the way that Tim was gobbling up the bread he must have thought so too.

  “Who taught you?” He asked dipping a piece into the soup’s broth.

  “Well when Monroe started to become famous I took a break from illustrating. We were trying to have a baby and I needed to cut back my schedule a little. I ended up having a lot of extra time on my hands to laze around, so I took a few cooking classes.” She said, sipping her wine.

  Tim shook his head. “I could marry you for the bread alone.” He said taking another bite.

  “I’m glad you like it.” She said. “I gave Griffin some of the chicken and veggies in his dry food if that’s ok.” Tim looked over at Griffin; his face was buried in his bowl.

  “He seems to like it.” He said.

  “One favor?” She asked. “Two.”


  “Can you light a fire and make some decaf?” She asked.

  “Anything, after this meal.” He said.

  “Thank you.” She stood and walked to the sink with her bowl sliding it into the soapy water. All of these crazy feelings were in her and she was a little scared.

  Tim finished his meal and went to help her put the food away. There was so much tension between them that you could feel it in the air. A needy, hungry kind of tension that was making Tim on edge with desire.

  “I’m gonna go hop in the shower.” Kassie said softly as she wiped down t
he counter. “I left the bread and butter out in case you want some tonight after you practice.”

  Tim’s eyes fell to her lips. “Thank you.” He said distractedly.

  Kassie felt his gaze on her as she walked out of the kitchen and she almost wanted to turn back around and give in to what they both wanted.


  Kassie slipped into her favorite pink flannel nightgown and a pair of fuzzy slippers. It would keep her warm, but not too hot since it ended at her knee. Anyway she would be sitting by the fireplace with Tim so she didn’t want to be sweating, that was definitely not attractive. They had decided to forgo the heat and light the fireplace tonight. She was so nervous and determined to keep her cool. She wanted to spend time just getting to know him better and was praying to God that she could control her baser instincts and not kiss him . . . not that she would feel too bad if he kissed her.

  Kassie brushed her hair and teeth and turned off her light before going down stairs. Tim smiled at her night clothes in a teasing way when she walked into the living room, and it made her giggle.

  “Shut up.” She smiled sitting beside him on the floor.

  “You look eighty.”

  “It’ll keep me warm.”She said slipping off the slippers and moving them far away from the fire. She could be a clunk sometimes and didn’t want to set them on fire.

  “I can do that too you know.” Tim teased, playfully wiggling his brows.

  “I’m more than certain you can.” She teased back at him.

  He grinned like a Cheshire cat and Kassie couldn’t help but crack up.

  She poured herself some coffee and took a yummy sugar cookie off the plate. Tim had spread a blanket out on the floor in front of the fire place and set up coffee and treats on a little end table. The crackle of the fire was somewhat soothing as they sat close by it. Kassie noticed that they were minus one and was a bit saddened. Griff almost felt like her dog too, she didn’t want him to feel separate from them.

  Tim watched her as she bit into the cookie. Her lips looked so warm and sweet as she chewed. He loved watching her do everything. As far as he was concerned, she could make picking her nose look sexy.

  “That girl, New Year’s night, was she your girlfriend?”

  “No, she was a booty call.” He said honestly.

  “I was jealous.” Kassie said softly.

  “Good, now you know how it feels.” He retorted.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Those guys that came here all buff and young and handsome.” He said.

  Kassie snorted, shaking her head. “That was work!”

  “Nick the dick.”

  “Tim!” She gasped with laughter in her voice.

  “Monroe.” He continued. “He still holds some part of you.”

  “No he doesn’t, not anymore.” She sighed. “He did for a while, but no more. It’s time that I healed and got over it.”

  “Can I help to heal you?” Tim asked.

  Kassie smiled and bit her lip, pretending to think, “I think so, if you want.” She said.

  Tim smiled softly, realizing that she had no clue what she meant to him or that he was obsessed with her in every possible way. She had grown on him in such a way that he could barely stop thinking of her.

  “Was she a serious booty call or just a booty call, booty call?”

  “Nothing serious or permanent. Just a night of sex.” He said, downing a chocolate chip cookie.

  “You do that a lot?”

  “I used to.” He said. “But lately, no.”

  “Why not lately?”

  “Well.” Tim said softly. “For a year there has been this loud mouth, annoying little pain in the ass woman driving me to distraction.”

  Kassie was flattered and smiled prettily.

  “Annoying?” She asked arching a perfectly shaped brow at him.

  “Yes and purposely so I think.” Tim said softly.

  “I wasn’t trying to be difficult. You were rotten to me.” She folded her arms over her bosom like a bratty child but he could see the slight smile lighting her pretty features and had to smile a bit himself.

  “How so?” He objected.

  “Because you were always saying hi and smiling at me.”

  “Being friendly?” He asked incredulously.

  “Well yeah.” Kassie realized how horrible it was that his niceness annoyed her when she first moved into the house and had to explain herself. “My divorce wasn’t even cold yet and I was miserable.” She picked up her cookie and took a bite. “There you were all hot and nice and I just couldn’t take it. Your niceness was like kryptonite for me.” She admitted. “And anyway, you sent that asshole out to mess with me that day and don’t say you didn’t because I know you did.”

  Tim threw his head back and roared with laughter, she giggled too.

  “Brick thought you were hot. I told him you were scary and he didn’t believe me. He got what he got.” He defended, holding up his hands.

  Kassie rolled her eyes at him. “You really think I’m scary.”

  “Not now, but you were then.” He said wiping tears away as he chuckled.

  She looked up at him.

  “I’m sorry.” She whispered and he saw the sincerity in her eyes.

  Tim leaned over on hands and knees and kissed her lightly. Pulling back, he looked into her eyes.

  “I’d rather have you staring me down like an Old West gunfighter than not talking to me at all.” He said.

  Kassie smiled at him and nuzzled his cheek.

  “I couldn’t hold out anymore.” Kassie said. “Plus, I felt you watching me from the window when I would go out.”

  Tim burst into laughter again, falling onto his back and Kassie giggled at the way he was laughing.

  “I was always literally debated with myself on whether to go out and talk to you or stay hidden watching you.” He said softly.

  “I wouldn’t have talked to you. You made the right choice.” She lay beside him on her belly and stared at the fire.

  “Tell me about your dream of us.” He said softly, laying onto his side and brushing her hair behind her ear.

  Kassie looked at him and was lost in his gaze.

  “I was in bed and all of a sudden you were in my room, naked and staring at me, then you were in bed with me and we were having sex. I mean I’ve never done anything like what we did in that dream.” She stopped short, mortified by what she was saying.

  “Oh yeah?” He grinned.

  Kassie nodded, “It was really hot.” She said softly, looking at him under her long lashes. “Tim.” She whispered. He snapped out of his lurid thoughts and looked up at her. “Can we- I mean, I know we’re taking things one step at a time, but will you-” Kassie couldn’t finish, her face was a deep red and Tim couldn’t help but to smile.

  This worldly, beautiful and accomplished woman was having trouble asking for a kiss? He was so happy that he’d said yes to staying here with her. Getting to know the real Kassie had been amazing and he was determined that this relationship would continue, even after this snowbound magic wore off.

  “Why would you even ask me that?” He asked. “Just kiss me woman! You do what you want to do with me Kassie. Just as long as you’re touching me, I don’t care what it is you want.”

  “Really?” She asked. Her eyes were almost black with desire.

  “Yes.” He answered.

  “Where’s Griff?” She asked, inching closer to him.

  “I took him out to do his thing then I locked him up in my room.” Tim said and she pouted a bit. “He’s got his toys.”

  “Okay.” She whispered, before curling up next to him and brushing kisses over his lips.

  Tim lay back down, taking her with him. Her lush breast pushed against his chest and Tim moaned in delight. He was really enjoying the way she kissed him. It was sweeter than any kiss he’d gotten before, more powerful too if he could be honest. It almost felt and tasted like she still held some virginal innocence.<
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  When her tongue swirled softly over his, he nearly ripped that gown off her lovely body.

  “I like that.” He whispered breaking the kiss and she smiled against his lips. She kept kissing him that way, driving him closer and closer to insanity. He was trying so hard to hold on to some sort of control but he was quickly losing it all.


  Kassie shivered as he suckled her lower lip softly. His kiss was so deliciously sweet that she couldn’t get enough of it and whispered for him not to stop. Kissing her felt like heaven and Tim had gone from zero to sixty in a matter of moments.

  He flipped them over and was on top. Kassie’s flannel gown had slid up revealing sexy legs that straddled him in the most delicious hold ever. Tim cupped her breast, finding her nipple through the soft material and worrying it with his thumb. Kassie gasped as her clit reacted to the stroke.

  “Tim.” She whispered. He pinched it tightly and then tugged; all the while his mouth sought hers. Kassie arched her back, whimpering as his tongue tangled with her. Her clit was throbbing now, as if it was jealous of the attention to her nipples.

  Tim gave her tongue one last mind numbing stroke before making a trail of sweet kisses down to her throat. He could feel her pulse pounding and goose pimples on her skin under his tongue.

  “Kassie.” He moaned against her neck. “Kassie baby touch me.”

  She slipped her hands up the back of his neck and into his hair, gripping handfuls of his soft brown hair as she nibbled at his jaw. Tim groaned and brought her lips back to his mouth, giving her a kiss that shook her to the core. Kassie’s hands moved down his chest and she teased his nipples through the fabric of his tee. Tim’s hips surged against her instinctively and he cried out.

  He slid his hand between them.

  “Kass.” He whispered, brushing his fingers along the inside of her thigh until he touched the thin cotton of her underwear. Tim felt her wet heat through the material and stroked her gently.

  Kassie sat up a bit as a jolt of white hot pleasure hit her, her hips pulled back and she buried her face in his throat.

  “Um.” She whimpered. Tim kissed her neck adding a slight amount of sucking pressure. A gasp rippled from her kiss swollen lips and she grew wetter under his finger tips.


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