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Mended Page 21

by Clayborne, By Kimberly M.

  “Don’t worry.” He whispered against her lips. She closed her eyes as he pulled up her dress, sliding the curve hugging fabric up around her waist. Kassie’s skin goose pimpled under his touch and he grinned softly. He got onto the bed next to her staring down into her eyes.

  “Relax.” He whispered looking down at her.

  “That’s easy for you to say, you’re not touching you.” She swallowed hard; he chuckled, flattered. “Other than my ex husband, you’re the only person who’s ever done this to me. I was always scared.” Kassie whispered. “I stayed scared until that night the lights came back on and now I love when you do it too me.”

  “You’re delicious Kassidy.” He whispered.

  Tim kissed her softly, moving to her neck as he cupped her full breast. It fit his palm so perfectly and he longed for her sweet nipple against his tongue.

  “Relax.” He smiled. She did, laying her head back as he went down between her legs. She was wearing pink bikini cut panties almost the same color as her dress.

  Kassie closed her eyes extremely nervous and she didn’t understand why. She really loved when he did this to her.

  “You think too much.” He said and she could hear the smile in his sexy voice.

  She raised her head looking down into his eyes.


  “You think too much. Just let it happen.” He said.

  Kassie swallowed and nodded. “Ok.” She whispered. “Ok.”

  Tim smiled as she laid her head back and he kissed the inside of her thigh. Her skin smelled like vanilla and was so smooth under his lips and tongue. He slowly removed her panties putting them aside. His eyes settled on the mound of curly dark hair and his mind instantly remember the sweetness of burying his face in it. He loved how soft everything on her body was and how sweet she always smelled.

  Tim inhaled her sweet scent as he hooked his arms under her thighs and slowly lowered his mouth to her. Kassie gasped at the first feeling of his warm tongue on her and looked down at him.

  “Oh my God.” She whispered and instantly grew nervous again. He’d tasted her before but every time he did she felt like she was on so sort of high that made her go insane.

  Tim pulled her closer. She was delicious and sweet.

  “Kassie.” He moaned. She arched her back high and whimpered. What he was doing to her felt so good it was unbelievable. He devoured her, moaning at her delectable taste. Kassie gripped his wrist crying his name; her hips moved softly. Tim couldn’t stop. He didn’t want to stop. Her clit was so soft and warm as it trembled under the power of his tongue. He suckled the sweet bud slipping into a semi trance. He tasted her deeper, moaning loudly as his tongue slid into her.

  “Timothy!” She screamed. He grinned against her sweet flesh then devoured her until she screamed again; Kassie was so close to coming that he could taste it.

  Kassie sat up on her elbows looking down at him, her eyes filled with tears. Tim stared at her suckling the button softly, watching the pleasure flood her face. She fell back gripping his sheets and moaning wildly.

  “Timmy.” She whimpered arching her back high and moving her hips faster. With that, she came against his questing tongue. Tim groaned, feeling her clit jump and jolt under his tongue and he knew. He slid his tongue inside of her, claiming his sweet delicious prize. Kassie covered her face, crying his name. He licked every inch of her, making sure he didn’t miss even a drop. Never had a woman tasted so lusciously sweet or melted on his tongue. He wanted to do it more but wasn’t sure if she could handle it.

  Tim climbed over her as she slowly began to come back. Kassie looked up at him gripping his waist. She rose to his lips, kissing him softly, tasting her flavor on his tongue. Tim kissed her deeper as she hungrily kissed him.

  “Please.” She whispered as they broke the kiss. “Please.” She begged spreading her legs wide and he knew what she wanted. Tim grinned as he reached for a condom in his night table draw but stopped himself. Should he really give in to her now or spend the night driving her insane before taking her in the roughest way possible? He loved being rough with her. He loved stealing her love like a thief in the night. She was too sinful.

  “No baby. I have to get dressed.” He said smiling. He kissed her and stood staring down at the warm paradise between her thighs, he wanted more of it. He wanted to watch her in pleasure again; it was so sexy to see her like that.

  “But Tim.” Kassie objected. She was addicted to him and not just to the sensitive, artistic side of him, but the sex was just insane.

  “We don’t know when your friends will get here and once I’m inside of you I don’t want to come out.” He said knowing how badly she wanted him and he wanted her too. He took a shirt out of his closet as Kassie sat up closing her legs. She was still throbbing so ferociously that she had to freeze for a moment. Tim tossed her a quick look watching her blissful expression.

  “You ok?” He knew she wasn’t and the fact that he was the reason for her faintness made him happy. He never wanted her to forget what was always waiting just for her; he could never be this way with any other woman. With Kassie he was so free. He could be sexy, goofy, or just relaxed with her.

  “Yes.” She said. He turned away, trying to compose himself. “I’m just going to head home and get ready.” She stood slowly. Tim walked to her as she picked up her panties. He plucked them from her fingers and kissed her softly.

  “These are mine.” He said kissing her neck.

  Kassie bit her lip closing her eyes.

  “Please Tim.” She begged one last time.

  “No baby.” He bit her earlobe. “If I start now I won’t stop. I’d rather wait until after dinner.” He looked into her eyes. “Then you’ll wish you never wanted me. I plan to pound you for a good long time Kassidy.”

  Kassie closed her eyes, nuzzling his cheek.


  “Mmm-hmm.” He kissed the corner of her lips. “Go home Kassie, right now, before I lose it.”

  She nodded softly. “Ok.” She stood there a moment staring into his eyes. Finally, she pulled her dress back down and started away. Kassie put on her shoes but the expression on her face was lost.

  “Don’t put panties on, I like to imagine what’s waiting for me.” He said softly.

  “O, Ok.” Kassie said in a slightly dazed voice. She opened the door and walked out; Tim closed his eyes.

  Ok, it was official. This woman is a keeper! He really did love her and not because of mind blowing sex. He could get sex whenever and wherever he wanted. But because she was everything he never thought he’d have. She was tough as hell but there was still this innocence about her. He wanted to be everything she had missed in her life. All of the love and happiness, he wanted to give her all of it. He was determined to do that for her and for him.


  Kassie leaned against her door exhaling hard and clutching her chest. She barely made it home. Every time she took a step, she felt a shockwave of pleasure; her clit was so super sensitive. She could still feel his tongue sliding over it.

  Kassie sighed again, realizing how love filled and heavy her sighs had become whenever she was thinking of Tim. She had to blush to herself for a bit. Falling for him had come so much easier than she thought. Tossing a look at the clock, she realized that she had thirty minute before Rose and Paul got there. It gave her time to wash up really quick.

  Kassie neatened up but she couldn’t do the no panties thing so she slipped on a pair and rushed down to put the food in the oven and prepare for Rosie and Paul. Kassie still couldn’t stop thinking of him. It felt so good being with him even for that short while. She had grown accustomed to seeing Tim, accustomed to laughing and joking and simply talking to him. Tim filled her thoughts and made her imagine tomorrows filled with happiness. And then it hit her like a wave, hard enough to knock her off her feet. She really, truly was in love with him. It wasn’t the love she was used to having in her life. With Monroe it was more like she loved him because he loved
her but with Tim it was just there.

  Kassie had to sit down, clutching the edge of the table as panic gripped her heart. ‘It hasn’t been long enough’, she thought. She didn’t realize she loved Monroe until almost two years into their relationship. With Tim, it was barely six months and she knew it, felt it so alive and wild that she had to hold her head. There was so much swirling up there she thought it would pop off her shoulders.

  After a few minutes, she regained herself. Kassie stood and finished setting the table; her mind was still full of Tim. He was like some deep rooted piece of her now and honestly she was scared. She could love him, she knew, without bounds. She didn’t have to be afraid of love anymore.

  Kassie realize that she had stopped setting the table again and was thinking about Tim again. She berated herself, everyone would be there in a few minutes, and she wanted Tim, Rose, and Paul to enjoy the night.


  Chapter 24

  Rosie and Paul got there first; Tim came a few minutes later with a bottle of wine. She introduced him to her friends and was happy about how easily they got along from the beginning. Tim and Paul talked like old friends while Rose helped Kassie get dinner together. Rose sampled a little of everything while Kassie made a salad.

  “I love when you cook.” Rose said eating a shrimp, Kassie smiled. “Not just because I don’t have to cook but it’s so good.”

  “Thank you.” Kassie smiled. “What do you think of him?”

  “Tim?” Rose asked Kassie nodded. “He’s very cute, a little too cute for you. Very charming but seems a little geeky if you ask me.”


  “Well compared to Mr. Cool he’s a bit of a nerd.” She defended. Mr. Cool was her name for Monroe because he was always so laid back and uber confident about things. Kassie gave her the eye but Rose just shrugged. “I didn’t say anything too bad about him. I’m not done feeling him out.”

  “Be kind please.”

  “This is me Kassie.”

  “I know. That’s why I’m asking.” She said.

  Rosie giggled. “Well you just suck.” Rose smiled.

  Kassie laughed shaking up the salad dressing she’d just made.


  Tim chuckled swirling his brandy in his glass as Paul finished talking about Rose’s driving.

  “So Kassie huh?” Paul sipped his dark rum.

  “Yeah, Kassie.” Tim said softly. His heart skipped a beat.

  “She’s something else. I’ve known her as long as I’ve known Rosie those two are like sisters.” Paul said.

  “Kassie’s a good woman?” Tim knew she was a very good woman but it never hurt to hear others opinions.

  “Oh yeah the best.” Paul said. “That Monroe he really killed her you know what I mean?” Paul looked sad. “It was always the four of us, together for nights on the town or premiers or vacations some place. She loved him so much that she would do anything he asked.”

  Tim sipped his brandy listening to Paul but he couldn’t deny the jealousy he felt.


  “Well within reason.” Paul said. “Once he tried to get her to do a foursome between them and another couple and Kassie was so disgusted she didn’t touch him for a month because she knew he went and did it anyway. Now Monroe took care of her, he gave her everything she could ever ask for but sometimes a woman needs more than material things.”

  “I agree.” Tim said.

  “Even though I couldn’t blame Monroe for asking, Kassie is sexy.” Paul said, Tim looked up at him quickly but Paul never seemed to notice. “Worst thing is I don’t think she realizes. That dress she’s wearing right now, boy I tell you, if I wasn’t married-,”

  “Really?” Tim said.

  Paul cleared his throat. “Yeah, no, but Kass is a really, really fine woman.” He said.

  “Does Rosie know you look at her best friend?”

  “Yeah, she scoffs at me. Kassie would never, no matter how much I drool over her. She loves Rosie too much and Rosie said I have less of a chance with Kassie than a snowball has rolling through hell.” Paul said.

  Tim threw his head back and laughed. At least the guy was honest! That was good because now he wouldn’t have to punch him.

  “I barely had a chance with Kassie. She looked at me like I had five heads the first time I met her.” He said smiling, Paul laughed.

  “No but she’s a nice person. Kassie has always been there for me and Rose, no matter what.” He said.

  Tim nodded softly. “That’s good to know because I want to be around for a long, long time.” Tim said.

  “She seems crazy about you.” Paul said. “Treat her with respect and I can almost guarantee you’ll have a friend for the rest of your life.”

  Tim nodded. If it was in his power, he would never harm her in anyway.


  They talked throughout dinner and by the end, Tim had them all laughing as he recounted his first time meeting Kassie and everything that followed. Kassie cleared the plates with Rosie’s help, and Tim and Paul bought the leftovers into the kitchen. He saw the way she looked at him when he walked into the kitchen and it made him smile.

  “Dinner was delicious sweetie.” He said, coming up beside her. “Though I’ll confess it’s not the best thing I’ve eaten today.” Tim whispered in her ear.

  Kassie smiled lowering her head instantly knowing what he meant.

  “Thank you.” She mumbled, trying to hide the blush on her cheeks.

  “I can make coffee.” Tim offered.

  “No we’ve got it. You boys finish bringing that stuff in.” Rose said. When the guys cleared out, Rose walked over to her friend.

  “You really like this guy.”

  “I do Rose.” Kassie said smiling. “He’s so nice and funny. I like him a lot but I’m so scared that this will turn into Monroe again.”

  “Then you give it a test, see if he passes.” She said.

  “A test?”

  “You’ll think up something.” Rose said smiling. “I did it with Paulie and he didn’t do so hot but he’s great in bed so I married him.”

  “Rose, Rose, Rose . . .” Kassie shook her head and laughed.

  “What?” She smiled. “You know I love sex and Paulie always has something new. A new trick or a new move, our sex life is great.”

  Kassie giggled in shock. She wasn’t that shocked though, Rosie was a freak. She loved sex and she loved it most of all with Paul. They were like horny teenagers.

  “Is he that good?”

  “We have sex like alley cats. What do you think?” Rose said. Kassie laughed at her friend. Rose never held her tongue; if it was on her mind, she said it.


  They brought out slices of homemade chocolate layer cake, and decaf coffee.

  “You know how much I love chocolate.” Tim said softly.

  She smiled kissing him as she sat beside him, knowing he wasn’t talking about actual chocolate. Were it any other man she would have been annoyed.

  “This place is really nice Kass; every time I come here it looks different.” Rose said softly.

  “Thank you.” Kassie smiled. “I keep trying new things. I haven’t really settled on a style yet.”

  “Kassie and I have been friends for twenty years.” Rose said to Tim. It was actually twenty one but Kassie wasn’t going to split hairs.

  “Kassie said you were her best friend.” Tim smiled. “For now.” He teased eating a fork full of cake.

  “For always.” Kassie said to Rose, slapping Tim’s hand playfully.

  “You think you can take her away pretty boy?” Rose played along.

  “I sure can.” Tim teased. “I give her one of these.” He gave a comical come hither stare making everyone laugh. “And she’s all over me like a second skin.”

  “Am I that naïve to fall for something so cheesy?” Kassie asked in a giggle and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

  Tim’s smiled lowering his head and Rose swore he was bl
ushing. Whatever was happening between them was real and Rosie was really happy for Kassie.


  Tim and Kassie walked Rose and Paul out to their car; Tim held her hand in his tightly as if she would float away or something. It was nearly eleven and a night of enjoying the company of new friends was drawing to a close.

  “It was really, really nice meeting you.” Rose said softly.

  “You also.” Tim smiled.

  “We have to get together and watch a game sometime.” Paul said shaking Tim’s hand.

  “Nothing like a Cubs game and a cold beer.” Tim said smiling.

  “I think I’m going to leave you honey.” Paul said staring at Tim with a goofy dreamy expression, they all laughed.

  “I’ll see you around.” Kassie said to Paul and Rosie.

  “You meet me for lunch this week.” Rosie ordered kissing her cheek.

  Rosie kissed Tim’s cheek.

  “Thursday’s ok?” Kassie asked hugging Paul.

  “Thursday’s perfect.” Rose said.

  Kassie smiled wrapping her arms around Tim as Rosie and Paul walked away.

  They watched their car until it disappeared around the corner. Kassie kissed him staring into his eyes.

  “Go get Griff. I don’t want to leave him home alone tonight.” She said. He grinned kissing the corner of her lips.

  “I swear I’m jealous of that mutt.” He said softly.

  Kassie laughed at him as he walked away.


  Kassie was washing dishes when he came back and locked the front door. Griffin ran into the kitchen and Kassie greeted him with a pat, a treat and ice cold water in the bowl she bought him.

  “I’m going to go hop in the shower.” Tim said.

  “Ok, I’ll just finish up down here.” Kassie said softly.

  Tim slipped his arms around her kissing her ear as he pulled up her dress slowly.

  “Leave that and come upstairs with me.” He said.

  “But it’s a mess.” Kassie said.

  “I’m about to mess you up.” He whispered kissing her neck and she dropped everything. “I can still feel you against my tongue.” His voice was pure seduction in her ear. Tim cupped her tightly biting her earlobe. “God you taste so good.” He gripped her breast, Kassie whimpered.


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