Falling for a Cowboy

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Falling for a Cowboy Page 15

by Karen Rock

  Her back teeth clamped together.

  Fine. Get her done, then.

  “I’m listening.” She leaned against the tree behind her, and its rough bark scraped through her T-shirt. In the distance, the children shrieked and the horses nickered quietly to one another beneath the cool shade trees.

  “I was wrong.”

  She dropped her crossed arms. That didn’t sound like a “let you down gently” speech. She lifted her head and tried focusing on his face. He’d swept off his hat. She discerned that much. As for the rest, his exterior remained as mysterious as the inside.

  “Wrong about?” she prompted.

  “Us. Look. Yesterday, well, I wasn’t expecting that kiss...”

  The swish-hiss of Harley’s tail, slapping at a fly, snapped in the clear, dry air.

  “You think I planned on it?”

  Heat crept up her neck at his silence. Of course he’d believe that. Practically every red-blooded, single female in the county schemed to nail down Jared Cade. But she wasn’t one of them...or she hadn’t used to be.

  “I’m hungry, Jared. If you don’t mind, I’d like to grab lunch before we head back.”

  His strong hands slid into hers, halting her. “I have feelings for you,” he blurted.

  She went cold and hot at once. “What kind of feelings?”

  “Kind of sickish, sometimes.”

  She yanked her hands free. “Sick? I make you sick?”

  “No. It’s just. Aw. Shoot. What I mean is lately, whenever you’re near, my heart pounds so hard it hurts. And my stomach jumps and twists.”

  “And that’s a good thing?” She had never felt so feverish, so incapable of efficiently gathering her thoughts. What did he mean?

  A warm rush of air escaped him. Then—“I never felt this way around a woman before. Swear.”


  The petals of her heart unfolded. If she affected him unlike any other gal, she must be special, right?

  Then the memory of Jared’s indecision yesterday, his rejection, returned in a stinging rush. Jared needed to prove he wanted her for certain, for the long haul, before she’d risk opening up to him again.

  “I should be pleased you’re nauseous around me?”

  “You’re not making this easy on me.” Jared trailed a finger down the side of her face.

  She eased away. His touch lingered on her skin and made her insides giddy. “Why should I? Because everyone else does?”

  Widening her stance, she planted her hands on her hips and squared off in his direction. “I always thought we were the lucky ones, people who achieved things easily, champions others admired, but now, now I don’t see it that way,” she said. “There’s something special about working hard for something, giving it everything you’ve got even when you don’t think you’ve got a chance, because then it’s not about the win, it’s about the effort, which, I’m discovering, is more important.”

  The blur of movement suggested he shook his head. He didn’t get it. For the very first time since her disability, she actually felt a little sorry for Jared. They were no longer kindred spirits.

  “Amberley, please,” he pleaded, his voice as raw as a bruise. “I’ve got two left feet and a swollen tongue around you lately. Nothing I say or do comes out right. I don’t know if we’re coming or going, but I know I want to find out. Give me a chance.”

  He framed her face with his hands then leaned over and kissed her. Thoroughly, sweetly, wonderfully. For a moment, everything stilled: her breath, movement, her heart. The world, possibly.


  She shoved his chest.

  “No?” His eyelashes blinked rapidly, brushing against her temple.

  “It’s not that easy.” Her breathing slowly returned to normal, though her heart still pumped overtime. “You don’t get to decide when and where and how.”

  “But I thought...”

  “If you want me, you’re going to have to work for me.” She ducked under his arm and strode forward with her arms reaching for the tree she glimpsed in front of her. She mustn’t stumble or fall. Time to declare her independence. Stand tall. When she reached the tree, she rested her boots on its protruding roots and raised her chin.

  Jared advanced. “We care about each other. Why make this complicated?”

  “Because I deserve to be wooed. Chased. Convinced. And you don’t get to know if you’ll win in the end.”

  She didn’t have to see to imagine his mouth dropping open, his brows meeting over his nose. Had a woman ever talked this way to Jared before? She doubted it. Or if they had, he’d have moved on quickly.

  Well. So be it.

  “Woo you?”

  She would have laughed at his utter bewilderment if not for the emotion jittering inside. Did Jared even know how to woo a woman? They usually chased him. It’d be interesting to see him try. For the first time since her vision loss, she felt like her old self...no, better than that. She’d been tested by adversity and respected herself now more than she did after winning any of her world championships. Jared, on the other hand, had never had to struggle for a thing in his life, and it showed.

  “I deserve it,” she continued, “just like any woman.” Her lack of vision didn’t make her less than others.

  A tense silence descended and beads of perspiration rose on her forehead as she waited for him to speak. Maybe she’d scared him away...and maybe that wouldn’t be a bad thing, no matter what her aching heart told her. She didn’t need a man who wouldn’t move mountains to win her heart.

  “You deserve everything,” he breathed, sliding his fingers down the length of her arm.

  “Then show me.”


  She yanked the flier out of her pocket and held it out. “Let’s start here.”

  Chapter Eleven


  Jared returned his mother’s hand squeeze and averted his gaze. How much longer before Boyd, and his “date,” arrived at the restaurant and spoiled her happiness?

  He shouldn’t have come tonight.

  Last week, Justin called him a traitor after he’d intercepted Boyd’s call on Ma’s unblocked phone. Cades were men of their word, Justin reminded him, fuming. They wouldn’t back out of their pact with the Lovelands. Plus, Boyd’s motivations for wooing Ma hadn’t changed. Rumor had it his town credit ran out, something he’d fix by marrying a well-off widow like Joy.

  Jared could either get with the program, Justin warned, by blocking Boyd’s number again, or stay out of the loop like James. Neither choice sat well with Jared. He’d find a way to help his ma tonight without breaking his oath to his siblings.

  “It’s your anniversary.” Jewel leaned forward and grabbed kettle chips from a bowl in the center of their table. “We didn’t want you to forget Daddy.”

  He and Justin exchanged a swift look. They’d picked today for the second part of their plan so she’d remember how happy she’d been with their pa. He rolled one tense shoulder, then the next. But if Boyd made her happy, too, she deserved another chance at love.

  “Today would have been thirty-five years.” She pulled off her fogging glasses and polished them with a bright blue scarf that matched her handbag, eye makeup and earrings. “He loved this place and especially those.” She gestured to a bowl of bread-and-butter pickles.

  “He loved you best,” Jared said.

  Someday, he’d give Amberley the same devotion...if she’d let him. He slipped a finger inside his shirt collar and yanked it from his neck.

  It was dim and warm outside beneath Smokey’s red-and-white-striped awning. Locals after tonight’s baby back ribs special packed the picnic tables. Grills ran the length of the tented space, dishing up foil-wrapped corn on the cob and baked potatoes from different ends. Beneath the smell of tangy sauce and roasted meat lay a f
oundation of cigarettes, barn and sweet tea. In a corner, Heath Loveland crooned a Toby Keith song while Maverick played drums.

  Jared waved back at a couple of gals, pulled down his hat, then slid lower in his seat. Wanting something and getting it weren’t guaranteed, he’d discovered this week. Amberley had been single-minded while practicing for the upcoming tryouts. It’d been disorienting spending time around a woman who barely seemed to notice him.

  But Amberley wasn’t just any woman, and he’d been doing his best to woo her the way she’d asked. He’d picked flowers, made her a playlist of their favorite road-trip songs, gave her a bag of Lucky Charms—marshmallows only, the way she liked—heck, he’d even fried up bacon in the shape of a heart and earned a belly laugh from his brother James for his troubles. None of it, however, won him more than a smile from Amberley.

  Turned out, his reputation as a ladies’ man was a sham. Catching the ones who jumped at you didn’t take much effort. Catching those who stayed out of reach, like Amberley, required a new level of tenacity. Once he won her heart—if she gave him a second chance—it’d be all the sweeter for the extra effort. He wasn’t as big a fan of “easy” as he used to be.

  Another sign he was changing? He hadn’t quit his grueling workouts, despite little progress and an agent who’d stopped returning calls. He had no team, and no prospects, yet he pushed himself harder than ever, just like the Spirit Ranch kids and Amberley. Effort meant more than the win, she’d said.

  He might have to content himself with that, he thought, sliding a toothpick into his mouth.

  “Boyd!” someone called, and his ma’s head snapped around. The older man sauntered in, his lean, wide-shouldered frame belying his age. He snagged many of the ladies’ attention as he searched out a table.

  Joy half rose, then dropped back in her chair when Boyd gestured for a diminutive woman to precede him. Must be his cousin, Jared pondered, noting that same deep blue eye color. When the Lovelands heard she planned on visiting, they’d coordinated the “accidental” meeting with the Cades.

  The plan hinged on Joy believing Boyd hadn’t returned her calls, or attended line dancing, because he now dated someone else. His kids had found one excuse after another to prevent Boyd from leaving home Thursday nights.

  “Could we get the check?” Ma whispered, staring down at her lap and blinking fast as Boyd and his cousin sat at a nearby table. A paper napkin came apart in her fidgeting hands.

  “Ma?” Jared slid an arm around her trembling shoulders.

  “Guess I’m not hungry anymore.” He had to lean down to catch her words.

  “Cake’s coming!” Jewel announced heavily, her eyes on their mother, her lips turned down in the corners. Looked like his siblings shared Jared’s regret. Talking about a plan in the abstract and witnessing the real pain it caused were two different things altogether.

  A crowd of servers descended on their table and lustily sang “Happy Birthday” to Joy, oblivious to the frosting that spelled out Happy Anniversary. The crowd whistled and stomped their feet, all except Boyd Loveland, who’d grown pale when his eyes locked with Joy’s. His mother’s mouth worked, then she yanked her gaze back to the family and forced a shaky smile.

  “Why, thanks, everyone. This does my heart good.” Joy leaned over to pat Justin’s and Jewel’s hands. Jewel blinked fast, and Justin pressed his lips together so tight they blanched.

  Enough. This farce had gone on long enough.

  “Boyd!” Jared called. The older man tore his gaze from Joy and regarded him. “Join us.”

  “Don’t have room,” Justin said, sliding down to occupy the empty spot at the end of their table.

  “Course we do.” Jared ignored his mother’s small head shake and squeezed her knee under the table.

  “Wouldn’t want to put you folks out.” Boyd stood to his impressive height, tall enough that Jared had to crane his neck a mite. What did they feed those Lovelands?

  “We were just leaving anyways.” Jewel signaled for their server. “Ma’s feeling poorly, so we’re taking this to go.”

  In a couple of strides, Boyd squatted beside Joy and swept off his hat. “You alright, darlin’?” he asked, his voice gruff and tender.

  She lifted her chin slightly. “Looks like you’re doing just fine.” She nodded at Boyd’s companion. “No need to bother yourself with me when you’re on a date.”

  “A date?” The petite lady joined them in a cloud of choking perfume. “I’m his cousin, Michelle. Was coming through town and Boyd offered to treat me out so we could hear my nephews play.” She pointed at Heath and Maverick.

  Justin gulped half a bottle of pop while Jewel crushed chips in her hands. Jared bit back a smile. The truth will out.

  “Cousin?” Joy twisted her pearl necklace. “I thought...”

  “Hey, wait.” Michelle’s eyes narrowed on Boyd. “Is this the lady friend you’ve been talking about?”

  His mother stilled. “I don’t know. How many does he have?”

  “Only one’s taken his fancy since he lost Grace. I’m thinking that’s you. Am I right, Boyd?”

  He nodded slowly. “Not sure if the lady welcomes my attention, though.”

  “The lady in question hasn’t received your attention since you don’t return her calls.” Joy tossed her napkin onto the table.

  “What calls?” Boyd cocked his head. “I’ve rung you every day for the past couple of weeks. How come you don’t answer?”

  “I don’t understand.” Joy pulled her phone from her purse, and her thumb brushed over the screen. “There aren’t any messages from you. No record you called.”

  “Same here,” Boyd said without looking up from his cell.

  “But how could that be...?”

  “Blocked,” Michelle cut in, helping herself to a square of corn bread from Justin’s plate. “You blocked each other’s numbers. My son taught me how to do that so the credit card companies would stop phoning.”

  “But I didn’t block you...”

  “Neither did I...”

  Jewel sliced a finger across her neck while Justin dropped his chin to his chest.

  Joy held out her phone. “Could someone explain?”

  Heath ended his set and the restaurant quieted. Jared accessed Boyd in her contacts and clicked on his name so his information filled the screen.

  “It says blocked,” Joy breathed, peering over Jared’s shoulder. “But how?”

  “You didn’t block me on purpose?” The lines on Boyd’s forehead smoothed.

  Joy beamed at him. “Must have been an accident.” Then her smile faltered. “Why did you block me?”

  “I didn’t...” Boyd’s steely gaze leveled on them. “Are my kids involved in this?”

  “Yes,” said Maverick, joining them with his younger brother, Heath. “We all were.”

  “You wanted to keep us apart?” Boyd demanded.

  “Yes, sir.” Heath raked a hand through his hair, making it stand up every which way.

  Joy’s wide eyes swept round the table. “I’ll be.” Then she started to laugh.

  Boyd’s deep chuckle wove with hers, leaving the rest of them dumbfounded. When Joy scooched over, Boyd slid in beside her. “History repeating itself.”

  Michelle plopped down next to Justin, and Jewel blushed scarlet when Heath settled close to her. Maverick remained on his feet, rocking back on his heels.

  “What’s that mean?” groused Justin, never gracious in defeat.

  Michelle grabbed a rib from Justin’s plate, undeterred by his glower, and pointed it at Boyd and his mother. “It seems people have been trying to break these two up for years.”

  “Still haven’t succeeded.” Boyd chucked his mother gently under the chin, eliciting a growl from Justin.

  “Down, Justin,” hissed Jewel. “I want to hear this.”

Michelle nodded as she chewed, clearly relishing the attention. “You see,” she mumbled, swallowed, then said, “apparently your mother’s folks thought my cousin was no good for her.”

  “Sounds right,” muttered Justin, then—“Ow!”

  Jewel lowered her fist fast at Heath’s astonished expression.

  “Anyways,” continued Michelle, tucking into some beans. “Joy got hurt when Boyd took her to Deadman’s Drop.”

  Justin jerked his chin at Boyd, approval flashing in his eyes. The dangerous spot, notorious for causing endless injuries and even one death, made it Justin’s favorite swimming hole, of course.

  “While she recuperated in the hospital, Joy’s parents told the nurses to refuse Boyd’s gifts and to stop him from visiting.”

  “Couldn’t understand why he’d abandon me,” Joy mused. Jared noticed her hand now rested close to Boyd’s on the table.

  “I figured she was mad at me for dragging her there. Broke my heart when she returned my gifts. I enlisted in the army hoping to forget her.” Boyd shook his head. “Didn’t work.”

  “You must have come back on leave...” Jared prompted, fascinated like the rest of the group. Jewel leaned so far forward, her braids dangled above her applesauce. Heath drummed his nails on the table, knee jittering. Even Justin sat straight for once. Maverick paced around the table.

  “Yep. We met and cleared everything up then.” Boyd and his mother exchanged wistful smiles.

  Jewel stopped biting her nail and lowered her hand. “So why didn’t you get together?”

  “I came home seven months before your brother Jack was born,” Boyd answered.

  “So. Wait.” Jewel frowned down at her watch, then peered up again. “Ma was married and she still snuck out to meet you?”

  Jared’s eyebrows rose. His mother would never betray his father.

  “No.” Joy cleared her throat, then met their stares head-on. “Truth is, this is actually my thirty-fourth anniversary. Your father and I married after we had Jack. We didn’t want Jack to know...”


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