Led By Her - Special Femdom Marriage Boxed Set (Books 1-6): A Dominant Female Submissive Male Femdom & Cuckolding Tale

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Led By Her - Special Femdom Marriage Boxed Set (Books 1-6): A Dominant Female Submissive Male Femdom & Cuckolding Tale Page 12

by Tinto Selvaggio

  I return to the car for the last of her bags, silently rehearsing my lines the whole way down then back up her drive.

  I put the 7 or 8 bags together then call through into the kitchen.

  “Bit of a shopping expedition was it?”

  “Well, a girl has to do what a girl has to do doesn’t she?”

  With a rush of warmth inside my stomach I realize this is as close to a ‘normal’ conversation as I’ve ever had with Becky.

  Then she calls me through to her kitchen.

  “So what can I do for you Stuart?” She’s leaning against the granite worktop next to her oven on the other side of the kitchen. Her arms are raised behind her head, playing with her hair. Her bust swells as her hands move behind her. Her jumper is so tight it seems her magnificent globes might burst forth at any moment.

  “I just wanted to see if I could sort out the problem between you and Lynne.” My mouth feels dry.

  “Problem?” The word causes her full red lips pout as she pronounces the letters. She tilts her head to one side and the slightest of smiles plays at the corner of those lips.

  “Well you know, you don’t seem to be talking any more.” I look at her impassive expression. Clearly Becky doesn’t intend making this easy for me.

  She turns to the side to switch on the coffee machine and my eyes marvel at the sight of the small of her back arching down to the swell of her hips and ass.

  “Lynne’s really upset Becky. She misses you. I hate to see her this way.”

  “So why do you think that is Stuart?” her silvery-blue eyes widen at me.

  “Something about Dominic?” My voice is quieter than I intend it to be and I feel my face start to glow. I’m sure my cheeks must look scarlet.

  “Must you mumble? Speak clearly Stuart.” She straightens her spine and folds her arms across her chest. Her bust is thrust outward towards me.

  “Sorry Becky. I think Lynne’s upset because of something to do with Dominic.” I lower my eyes as I speak.

  “Hmmm” she says, turning to reach up for a mug from one of the cupboards. The length of her legs as she stretches causes my cock to stir against the shell of this cursed belt.

  “My wife thinks the world of you Becky.”

  “Then I honestly don’t see what her problem is,” she has her back to me, stirring her coffee.

  “I merely suggested she might want to offer me a little assistance with Dominic’s ‘appetites’. Hardly any different from how I’ve assisted her with yours is it Stuart?” She turns, directly facing me.

  “It’s not as if she’s been completely faithful to you in any case is it Stuart? I’m sure you’re aware Lynne and I have been intimate aren’t you?”

  I can’t look at her now.

  “Your wife loves me you know Stuart.”

  I lift my head in disbelief.

  “The huge irony is that it would be in everyone’s best interests if Lynne did have some involvement with Dominic.”

  How the hell am I supposed to respond that that?

  “For instance, I would get some relief from Dominic’s excesses. Arguably a reasonable return for doing the same for your wife with you.” She raises the slim, gold-rimmed mug to her lips, looking carefully at me over the rim of it.

  “You would achieve your long-imagined desire of having your wife ravished by a far better-endowed male.” The left side of her mouth curls into a little smile. I feel my temples pulsate and cheeks burn again.

  “You have to remember Stuart, you have no sexual secrets from me. Lynne has told me all about your incessant fantasies of her with other men.”

  I lower my head so that my eyes are resting on the pointed toes of Becky’s high heeled boots.

  “Even though she might not admit it, your wife stands to benefit as much – if not more, than anyone from this.” One of Becky’s index fingers brushes the tip of her upturned nose.

  “Lynne’s not naturally orgasmic during your love-making is she?”

  Is there nothing Lynne hasn’t told her about our relationship?


  “No Becky.”

  “Well at least she doesn’t have that problem when she’s with me.” Her succulent lips wrap around the rim of her mug.

  “But being with another female is never quite the same. Females like Lynne and I need a real man. At least from time to time”

  Suddenly I feel like I might be going to faint.

  “For all his faults, Dominic is good in bed. Even if he doesn’t know when to stop.”

  I become aware I’m just standing, listening and silently nodding after her every sentence.

  “You didn’t see how your wife looked at my husband’s penis when he was trying to clamber into the bath with us here that evening did you? I did and let me tell you; Lynne could hardly take her eyes off it.”

  I take the chance on raising my head and Becky’s grinning at me now, looking directly into my eyes.

  “You should both be flattered Stuart. I wouldn’t ask ‘just anyone’ to do this. Dominic is my husband after all. “

  Chapter Two

  “I don’t have a lot of time this evening Stuart. Take your shoes off and come with me. You can carry my bags upstairs.” Becky hands me her empty coffee mug. Her heels click across the kitchen tiles towards the hallway.

  Without thinking I kick off my shoes and hurriedly rinse her mug under the tap. I set it down on the drainer and make a mental note to dry it before I leave. Then I rush out of the kitchen after her.

  At the bottom of the stairs I quickly scoop up all her bags in one go, holding and balancing them tightly in my arms as I follow. I just catch sight of her backside above me as she disappears from view at the top of the stairs.

  I reach the landing and hear her call me into her room through the half-open door.

  “Put the bags down on the bed.” She stands pointing to the still-unmade king-sized bed with its Gothic arch headboard.

  “You’ll have to excuse the state of the room. My cleaner has been neglecting me.” She looks at me with a little smirk and raises her eyebrows, as if anticipating an explanation.

  “Well, umm, yes Becky that was something I wanted to talk to you about.” I mumble as I set the bags down on her bed. She sits down next to the bags and crosses her long legs.

  “I’m all ears Stuart” She holds her chin as if in deep thought at my coming words. She smiles without showing her teeth. She looks like she’s trying to be patient with a small child.

  “I brought this for you.” My hand digs in my trouser pocket for the roll of bank notes.

  “Oh I see…” She holds out a hand and takes the money from me. It hasn’t been that long since I’ve seen her, but I’d forgotten just how small and delicate her hands are. They’re like porcelain.

  “I’m afraid I don’t have time to supervise you doing anything for me this evening. But you can make my bed and tidy up in here before you leave.”

  “No, the money is for last time Becky. I think I owed it to you.”

  She smiles at me, this time showing her lovely even teeth. Suddenly I feel afraid she might think I don’t want to make her bed for her tonight.

  “I mean, obviously I’ll still make your bed and tidy up in here like you said.”

  “So tell me Stuart, are you still wearing your chastity belt? You haven’t devised some way to remove it without the key have you?” Her eyes slide down to my groin and she sits back on the bed with her arms extended behind and fingers spread, supporting herself.

  “No, I haven’t got out of it. I don’t think it’s possible.” I shrug my shoulders.

  “That’s nice to hear. But you know what I think? I don’t think you’ve even tried to get out of it. I think you like the idea of being chaste for me too much don’t you Stuart?” She’s looking down her nose at me, a little smile at the corners of her lips. I lower my eyes.

  “Show me. Take down your pants.”

  I’m assaulted by instant, automatic but contradictory
feelings as my stomach tightens and whole groin area engorges.

  “Yes Becky” my hands are fumbling at the belt of my work pants as she watches me.

  “Come on, come on. I told you, I don’t have a lot of time”. She raises a slender wrist and ostentatiously checks her Gucci watch.

  I let my pants slide to my ankles then tug down my shorts.

  “Take them right off.” She turns her back and leans right across the bed on her tummy, allowing me the most wonderful view of the curve of her ass cheeks. She opens one of the bedside drawers and rummages around in there for a moment.

  I try to co-ordinate watching her, managing the ache in my swollen cock and balancing myself enough to take my pants and shorts right off.

  By the time I’m naked except for the pink chastity belt, Becky is sitting up facing me again. She holds up a box of ‘My Size’ brand condoms to me.

  “You better put one of these over it. We don’t want another unpleasant incident do we? “

  I shake my head; my hands covering my chastity belt.

  “They’re Dominic’s ‘XL” size so they should fit over that fine. And take your hands away from your groin!” She leans forward suddenly and slaps my hands away.

  As my own trembling hands fumble with the condom box and wrapper Becky rises and goes through to the en suite. I hear her heels on the tiles.

  I rip one of the rubbers trying to pull it over the chastity belt. Despite my fingers getting increasingly greasy from the lubricated rubber, I get the second condom in place around the end of my pink prison.

  “In here Stuart.” Her voice is soft, but clear and it rings with an authority that I wouldn’t dare dispute.

  Inside the room tiled wall to floor with cream tiles, Becky stands with her hands on her hips. Her face has tightened.

  “Down on all fours” she points to the floor at her feet.

  Without thinking and conscious how labored my breathing must sound to this beautiful female; I descend to my knees. The tiles are cold and hard against my bones.

  “Kneel! Stick out your rear!” She raises her voice and I lower my head, supporting myself with my forearms.

  She walks around my shoulders, the tapping of her heels slowing as she reaches my head.

  “Have you ever wondered why it is that you enjoy submitting to me Stuart?”

  Her question confuses me and I hesitate before telling her “I don’t know”. I’ve mumbled again and mentally scold myself for it as I wait on my hands and knees, unsure why I’ve been asked this question.

  “Hmm, self-awareness is a very important attribute Stuart.” Her heels click again as she moves position slightly around my head.

  “I’m very well aware why I enjoy this. For me, it’s the power and the control. And I’m also aware that on some level it relates to my first love. He was a little abusive. What you’d call a ‘player’, or a ‘user’.” She sighs above me.

  “I knew it when I met him but he was one of those men that a lot of women can’t resist. I certainly couldn’t. Although that didn’t make it hurt any less. He made me feel so powerless.”

  She falls silent, as if in thought.

  “Dominic would never hurt me. He worships the ground I walk on. And we allow each other our little, shall we say; ‘foibles’?”

  Here on the floor, I realize that if any man worships the ground Becky walks on, then at this moment that man must be me.

  “Even your wife is aware of why she’s the way she is Stuart. That more confident, senior girl she adored from afar at college. Unrequited bisexuality suppressed and frustrated. Right up until she met me in fact. I’ve shown her she needn’t be ashamed of her desires. But then again, I’ve always had a bit of a soft spot for other girls when they’re as attractive as Lynne…. and when they’re curious.” The last word echoes around the room as drags out its syllables.

  My head is spinning, struggling to absorb this allegation about my wife’s latent lesbian tendencies over all these years. I knew she’d fantasised about Becky but I suppose I put that done to Becky’s incredible sex appeal and involvement in our sex lives. It didn’t really even surprise me when I discovered they’d ‘been together’ a few weeks back. But I knew nothing of my wife’s earlier ‘obsession’ with another girl.

  How am I supposed to feel about a ‘secret’ like this being confided to someone else and not me, her husband?

  Becky’s voice sounds again above me, interrupting my confusion.

  “How do you like me in boots Stuart?” her voice is throaty, directing my eyes to her feet.

  “Beautiful,” I murmur the only word I can manage.

  “Show me how beautiful you think I am Stuart.”

  I don’t know what she means so I raise my head a little, seeking some clue from her face. Her head jabs down towards me.

  “Kiss my ‘beautiful’ boots.”

  I don’t need asking twice. My breathing is as shallow and loud as an old man and my mouth gapes open. I spread my palms against the cool tiles and lower my head back down. My lips make electrifying contact with the skin of one of Becky’s black boots. Leather floods my nostrils. On my hands and knees kissing Becky’s feet. I know this is the place I am meant to be.

  She stands completely stationery allowing me to plant loving little kisses all over the top and sides of her foot. Then she moves the boot from my face and rests the slim heel back on the tiles, raising the underside.

  “Lick the sole.” her voice cracks as she speaks.

  “You belong right here at my feet. That’s where you belong isn’t it?”

  I can only groan my agreement. My head bobs as my tongue scrapes across the dry underside of Becky’s boot. I push some tiny bits of stone or dirt out of my mouth and onto my lips. I don’t want to spit them onto the floor in case she disapproves. Then Becky withdraws the foot and makes me repeat everything on her second boot.

  “Let’s see how ‘beautiful’ you think I am now. Kneel up properly on all fours and spread your legs for me.”

  I inch my thighs and knees apart and Becky walks slowly around behind me. Suddenly I feel a kick on the inside of one of my ankles. I jump and the padlock of my chastity belt knocks against the plastic casing. Before I can react, the same happens to my other ankle. My legs are forced further apart.

  Then I feel what I assume to be the top of one of Becky’s boots gently tapping my balls. I can’t help but groan with the pleasure of her touch there.

  “I need your wife Stuart and you want to make sure I get what I need don’t you?”

  “Yes Becky.”

  “What I also need is Lynne helping to keep Dominic satisfied.” Her foot continues to lightly tap at my testicles.

  “And I suspect you quite like the idea of your lovely wife providing enjoyment for my husband as well don’t you Stuart?” My ankles are kicked apart again.

  “Don’t you?” Her voice rises to a shout from behind me.

  Blinding pain. My balls. She’s kicked me there. The loud slapping sound echoing off the tiles. I fall forward.

  “Up!” She commands. I struggle to obey and lift my shoulders from where they’ve slumped.

  “So would you like Dominic to use your wife too Stuart?” She speaks more quietly, slowly. I’m still gasping, winded by the kick.

  More indescribable pain. I cry out. My fucking balls! She’s kicked me again. The padlock clacks loudly off the chastity belt. My fingernails dig into the plaster between the floor tiles.

  How could someone who looks so divine do something so incredibly harsh and cruel to me?

  My body rocks in distress after this latest, harder blow. I hear her heels on the tiles. I grit my teeth. Then I’m crying out as she assaults my balls for a third time.

  “You haven’t answered my question have you?” She demands after the echo of the slap has died down.

  “Yes Becky, yes, yes, yes.”

  “Yes what Stuart?” my ankles are kicked apart again.

  “Yes, yes, I want Dominic to use m
y wife Becky.” My testicles throb so sickeningly that I feel I might throw up.

  “Believe me Stuart; Dominic will make that lovely body of hers absolutely purr. In ways you’ve never been able to manage. Your focus and task now, is to convince Lynne that it will be in all our interests if she does what I’ve proposed.”

  Chapter Three

  I watch the sway of my wife’s hips in her tight gray business skirt as she walks by me. I’m sitting at the breakfast bar in the kitchen trying to re-focus my thoughts away from last night at Becky’s and back onto work. I need to be at the office in under an hour.

  “So tell me again exactly what she said.” Lynne pauses from shaking breakfast cereal into her bowl and looks across at me. I put down my coffee mug with a sigh.

  “I told you everything last night. “ I look over at her, “She said she misses having you as her friend. She said she didn’t mean to upset you and that she’d never try to make you do anything you really didn’t want to.”

  “It took her two hours just to say that?”

  “I wasn’t there 2 hours. I told you. I didn’t get there ‘till late. That ass hole at the office kept me working on some crappy project”

  Lynne sits down opposite me and without eating anything, moves her cereal around the bowl with her spoon.

  “And she really said she thought sleeping with her husband is what I wanted as well?”

  “She didn’t say it like that. She said she thought we could all get something from it. She’d get some rest from Dominic. You’ve obviously told her about my cuckolding fantasies so she knows what I’d potentially get.” I catch Lynne’s gaze before she lowers her eyes and digs out a spoonful of cereal.

  “And she said you might enjoy it because you told her you don’t really enjoy it with me.” I slurp my coffee, smiling inside at this little victory.

  “I’ve never said that!” She splutters.

  “Well OK, she thought you might enjoy it too because she knows I’ve never really satisfied you and because you couldn’t keep your eyes off his big cock when you saw it.” I grin across at her.


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