Led By Her - Special Femdom Marriage Boxed Set (Books 1-6): A Dominant Female Submissive Male Femdom & Cuckolding Tale

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Led By Her - Special Femdom Marriage Boxed Set (Books 1-6): A Dominant Female Submissive Male Femdom & Cuckolding Tale Page 19

by Tinto Selvaggio

  “Don’t stop, don’t you dare stop!” She crosses the room towards me her cold eyes glaring and her hips rolling under the lycra swimsuit. I can feel the sweat streaming down my face.

  “Faster!” She shouts. I jerk like a jogger avoiding a car as Becky swipes the fly swat at my ass. Again, again. I must look ludicrous, dancing like a fool for her, straining to avoid her strikes as she lashes out at me. She lashes both ways, back and forth, back and forth. Stinging like a nettle-whipping.

  Then the music to her programme starts up again behind her and she returns to the sofa and TV.

  Chapter Seven

  Does a dominatrix want total obedience when she’s ordering you around, or would she prefer some degree of ‘resistance’ from her slave?

  Lying here in bed next to Lynne on our last night at the villa, I keep my hunger at bay worrying about something Becky said earlier in the week. Has she seriously thought about replacing me? Even after I’ve let her husband come and take my wife to their room for 6 nights in a row without any opposition? After I’ve been nothing but a servant to her for the last week and taken whatever punishment she’s handed out to me?

  Maybe I should be giving Becky more of a challenge by fighting what she demands of me from time to time. When we get back home I’ll look online to see if I can find an ebook about how to be the perfect submissive.

  But perhaps she didn’t really mean what she said about me or about Lynne being too clingy. I might just be over-reacting, a bit emotional because we’re going home tomorrow.

  Next to me Lynne is still reading and looks across when my stomach rumbles again.

  “I told you that little salad your ordered wouldn’t be enough for you” she shakes her head and goes back to her Kindle.

  Some of the food those three had in the Mexican restaurant we went to tonight looked and smelt incredible. I wonder what Lynne would say if she knew Becky had given me strict instructions on what I could and couldn’t eat there before we went?

  Lynne and I must both hear the bedroom door opening at the same time because we look across the room together. Becky is smiling slyly as she slips into the room in a short, silky black dressing gown. My chest tightens.

  “Your wife and I need some privacy Stuart. Go to my room.” She doesn’t even turn from the dressing-table mirror where she’s paused to preen herself.

  Lynne throws her story onto the bedside table and peels back the bed cover inviting Becky in.

  “Hurry up Stuart, Dominic’s waiting for you.” Still in her dressing gown Becky climbs in on the other side of my wife.

  Dominic’s waiting for me? What’s she talking about? Surely she can’t mean...?

  “Come on Stuart. OUT!” Becky’s voice rises as Lynne’s rests her head on the ample pillows of her friend’s chest.

  I don’t even know what I say in reply but Lynne doesn’t show any reaction at all to the way I’m spoken to. She never looks embarrassed any more when I’m treated this way. Her eyes are closed and she looks so contented.

  To try and keep at least a little dignity I attempt to appear unconcerned as I throw off the top sheet and step onto the floor tiles. Out of the corner of my eye I see Becky slip off her dressing gown. I hold my breath as her black lace bra registers on my eyes.

  “Becky, can I ask what you meant when you said Dominic was ‘waiting for me’?” My voice cracks as I stand at the foot of the bed.

  “You really do need to stop questioning what I tell you to do all the time Stuart.” Becky leans up on pillow to address me. “Just do as you’re told!”

  Pathetically my cock surges at being yelled at and both girls are giggling together as I leave the room.

  I approach the door to Becky’s room with my stomach in knots. Light glows around the inside of the frame of the door. I’m acutely aware that I’m naked except for my chastity belt. What the hell is this all about? I better knock.

  “Come in!” Dominic’s voice booms from inside.

  “Becky asked me to come here Dom.” I try to sound matter-of-fact about being there and I avert my eyes from his nudity once it confronts me inside the room. This could be about to get very uncomfortable.

  “Look Dom...” I mumble as he closes the door behind us and faces me. I must keep my eyes from that cobra of his sleeping peacefully down the inside of one of his legs. It’s difficult though, knowing its been used on my wife. Has it actually been where I never have – up her ass hole?

  “Don’t worry, I’m not into anything gay – and even if I was, you’re not my type,” he laughs at his own joke. “Becky just asked me to make sure you washed your dick and then to fasten you to the bed in these.” He walks shamelessly naked around to the headboard of their bed. He pulls at a pair of silver handcuffs, one cuff of which is locked around the metal frame of the headboard. The other cuff is open. He nods his salt & pepper head across to the other side of the headboard where another pair of handcuffs is secured.

  “It’s up to you Stuart,” he shrugs, “I’m just telling you what my wife wants. “ He studies my facial expression. “I think we both know that what my wife wants she usually gets.”

  “Can I use your bathroom Dom to wash myself?” My mind is a whirlpool of thoughts at what may happen to me if I’m shackled to their bed. Part of me wants to run. Despite the assurances he’s given me about his own sexual inclinations this is still going to feel incredibly uncomfortable. A nude man handcuffing me to his bed? When I’m wearing nothing but a chastity belt? How did I let things get so out of control?

  If Dominic has any sinister motives he doesn’t show them as he’s shackling me in place. He’s talking about the restaurant we went to as he snaps the handcuff locks around my wrists. He looks sure of his actions, almost disinterested in what he’s doing. Even so, there’s something totally surreal about even feigning a routine conversation with another guy when you’re both all-but naked and he’s fettering you to his bed.

  “Hey I don’t think you’ve seen these have you?” he says excitedly, once I’m hardly able to move. He struts across to their dressing table and returns to me with his iphone. He leans towards me grinning and holding the screen to my face.

  “It’s me and Lynne at the nudie beach earlier this week.” There’s a ‘selfie’ of them both sitting side by side smiling, Lynne with no top on.

  “This is my favourite” Dominic’s grin widens and he flicks to a picture taken from higher up the beach while Lynne lies naked on her beach towel below. “Look at those dirty old dudes!” he laughs. There are two old men wearing polo shirts and shorts standing near my wife’s feet and staring up in-between her legs.

  “Ah, we’re all ready I see!” Becky announces as both girls arrive in the room. Lynne’s hair in particular looks dishevelled and untidy around her and her make-up is smudged. Becky is back in her silk dressing gown and still looks immaculate– if a little flushed. Lynne’s eyes widen as she sees the state of me on the bed.

  Then Dominic has his arm around her and it’s my turn to look on in surprise. Even though I know the two of them have been intimate with each other I guess somehow I expected her to recoil at the embrace of a naked man. She doesn’t. Instead she smiles warmly as he tells her how “gorgeous” she looks in her little white negligee.

  “Oh leave Lynne alone Dominic please.” Becky rolls her eyes at her husband.

  “Did this one wash his bits?” Becky asks fixing her hair up on top of her head and walking around the foot of the bed near my feet. She looks down at me as she tears open a Magnum XL condom packet with her crystal white teeth.

  I don’t want to appear desperate by lifting my head to try to see her so I lay back and close my eyes as my groin is touched. I groan with relief and everyone laughs.

  “Sorry, it’s just been so long” I mumble, hoping I don’t sound too ridiculous.

  My chastity belt is rocked roughly and when I open my eyes again its Becky herself leaning over the bed trying to get the latex of the condom onto the end of my chastity cage.
My shoulders ache with straining to watch her and I lower my head back to the mattress, closing my eyes and wincing as her long fingernails rake deeply across my balls.

  Becky straightens herself and I become conscious of my wife groaning from the other side of the room. Lifting my head I see Lynne facing me, her eyes shut and her mouth ever so slightly open. Dominic is standing pressed right up behind her. One arm is coiled like a python over her shoulder and his hand is down the top of her negligee exploring her breasts. His other arm is around one side of her waist. The front of her negligee has been pulled up above her belly button and his hand is cupping my wife between her legs.

  “Your face smells of the sweetest pussy I know” Dominic closes his eyes and inhales loudly all around my wife’s face. Then he winks at Becky and his tongue snakes out to lick around Lynne’s mouth.

  “What do you think of this Lynne?” Becky stands with her back to me. Her dressing gown now discarded and the swollen cheeks of her perfectly rounded behind split by the thong of her black panties.

  “Wow! That looks almost as big as Dom’s’” my wife’s blue eyes widen at the large black dildo Becky is holding up to them both.

  “Trust me; it’s not quite as impractical as Dominic’s.” Becky turns to me grinning and there are elasticized straps trailing from around the base of the dildo and hanging loosely down Becky’s arm. Despite the sight of Becky dressed in only her underwear and Dominic stroking my wife’s shaven pussy; there’s no pain from the spikes around a swollen cock. I’m shrivelled with fear. That’s a strap-on!

  “Becky, honestly I couldn’t take...” I’m straining to sit up, the handcuffs digging into my wrists as I start to panic.

  “Don’t be ridiculous Stuart,” Becky adjusts her bra strap with her free hand, “Why would I want to use this on you when you’re lying on your back?” She’s shaking her hair at me as she comes over to the bed again, her breasts heaving inside the cups of her balconette bra.

  She leans over my chest and her warm breath is in my face. Heaven. My eyes feast on the exposed top halves of her wonderful breasts as they rise and fall with each breath she takes. I’ve never seen so much of her body this close up. I can almost make-out her nipples through the lace of her bra.

  “Lift your head up” She orders and the dildo comes towards me.

  In between their petting, Lynne and Dominic are watching. His cock has swollen and risen mightily up his thigh. I try to turn my face away from the dildo. Becky yanks my head back to face her by gripping my nose. Lynne cranes her neck to look as I cry out. Dominic tightens his arms around her and she closes her eyes. I know they’ve been intimate but I’m shocked by how comfortable they look together.

  “Oh stop your incessant moaning Stuart! Honestly you can be such a wimp can’t you?” She pinches one of my nipples. With the head of the dildo pointing towards her she grips the veiny latex shaft in a fist as if she’s about to start jerking it. Then she leans forward and roughly pulls the straps over my head, catching the latex in my hair more than once and making me yell. She pulls the pillows from under my head and tosses them onto the floor.

  “Shut up Stuart!” I’m slapped hard across the face making my wife and Dominic stop kissing and look over again. “Move your head so I can slap you properly!” Becky’s mouth tightens as she yells at me. I move my head to the side and her hand cracks my cheek. Fuck, that hurts.

  With her brow clenched in concentration and her majestic tits rising and falling in front of my famished eyes Becky manoeuvres the base of the dildo along my face so that it stands proudly out from my chin. The realization is dawning on me: Oh my God, Becky’s going to sit on my face!

  “I always thought those things were supposed to be put over the mouth of the sub” says Dominic, crouching down to peer at his wife’s handiwork, his cock hard and big balls swaying as he does so.

  “The idea apparently is that when it’s on the chin, the slave’s mouth is left free to perform other duties.” Becky smiles slyly at her husband and my heart hammers wildly at the implication of her words. Dominic laughs and whispers something to Lynne. He stands back from her while she raises her arms above her head allowing him to peel her negligee over her shoulders.

  “However in this case I’m not having his nasty little tongue probing around where it’s not wanted. Am I ‘slave’?” She repeats her question, drawing out the word ‘slave’ each time until I shake my head making the dildo quiver from side to side on my chin. When everyone’s stopped laughing Becky fixes me with her eyes.

  “You want to make me happy don’t you Stuart?”

  I hear Lynne whispering something I can’t decipher before I nod in reply to Becky. More laughter as the dildo shudders on my chin.

  “Lie right back.” Becky stands at the side of the bed in her bra and panties. I obey her and lower my head onto the mattress. Her arms go to her sides and she lowers her shoulders making her breasts sway. She’s taking down her panties!

  “You haven’t exactly got a strong chin have you? Let’s just hope it can provide a robust enough base to rest my ‘little friend’ here on.” Becky leans across and strokes the underside of my chin with her fingernails before turning her attention to the dildo. Keeping my head on the bed as instructed I attempt but fail to get view below Becky’s waist. She grips the dildo then caresses up and down its length two or three times, as if lovingly masturbating it.

  There’s a grunt from my wife and the bed rocks. Dominic has pushed her forward; her bare chest is flushed pink with excitement. He’s got her leaning down on her elbows close to my feet. Her eyes are closed and his hands are mauling her tits, her hips. I screw my face up in pain as the spikes in my chastity belt jab in hard around the base of my caged but swelling cock.

  After merely seconds I re-open my eyes. The perfect ass I’ve worshipped from afar for so long is confronting me. It drops, landing bare and heavy on my chest.

  I gasp loudly. A mixture of the air being forced from my lungs and the ecstasy of her naked skin on mine. That ached-for backside defiantly faces me. Briefly I look up the length of Becky’s back to her shoulders and shapely neck. Then swiftly back down to focus and concentrate on her wonderful behind which weighs on my chest. Its skin with no tan-lines, the same olive color as her legs and hips. She locks the insides of her toned thighs and her knees tightly against my ribs and sides.

  “Oh Becky..” I groan, unable to prevent myself as my eyes gaze in wonder at the matching dimples one above the top of each buttock at the small of her back.

  “Oh Stuart – Shut up, I didn’t say you could speak did I?” Becky unclips her hair and shakes it down onto her slender shoulders above me. Then she raises herself up off my chest and her majestic ass cheeks split. I grab the slightest of glimpses up into the mysterious crevice between them. She reaches an arm behind her back and one of her hands moves over my face.

  “Open your mouth!”

  I obey and still-warm panties are stuffed forcibly between my teeth, almost to the back of my throat. I gag.

  “Stop making such a fuss all the time Stuart!” She lands back down on my chest then leans forward towards my feet. I’m slapped repeatedly around my balls making my hips buck in response

  “Woah, ride him cowgirl!” Dominic roars.

  With my mouth blocked I’m breathing heavily through my nose. There’s rhythmic movement on the bed from down near my feet. The bedsprings creak. Lynne is groaning in time with the motion of the bed but I can’t see anything beyond the back of Becky’s thighs and her backside.

  “That little gag should stop any unwanted intrusions” Becky laughs from high above me and her fingers are over my face squeezing my cheeks together around her discarded panties.

  She arches her back so that her ass is pushed out and cheeks separate again. I stare in awe as she guides the dildo between her legs at the front. Pussy lips that remain out of sight to me must have been found because she lets out a sexy little sigh and begins to ease herself down onto the phallus on my ch

  The dark valley of her ass is so close to my nose and mouth. If my tongue was free I could snake it out and probably make contact. She continues to lower her rear, she has the tiniest little mole or dark freckle on the side of her left buttock, so high up that it’s almost on her hip. I’m straining my face upwards and my wrists against my restraints, trying to make contact between her rear and my face. She remains out of my reach, undulating back and forth on the dildo torturing my eyes. My cock throbs in agony but I don’t care. I would worship her dimples, her mole and more, kissing and licking all over the monumental shrine which shadows my face – if only I could.

  “It’s not the ideal night for you to be down there really Stuart, not after a Mexican restaurant!” Becky’s laughter fills the room.

  With a sudden fall my face is squashed. Enveloped in darkness and the heat of her body Ecstasy! She groans as the dildo slides fully up her. Her buttocks and inner thigh muscles work against the phallus and she lifts her ass off my face allowing me to gulp for breath. Perversely there’s something so very wonderful about my breath being controlled, stopped even by Becky’s ass.

  Her cheeks widen and the dark bud of her anus briefly puckers at me like an insolent brat. Becky’s asshole. In my face. Oh God. She lands heavily over my face again making me grunt and gasp for air. My nose is bent harshly to the side right up against the soft creamy skin inside her ass cheeks. My eyes water.

  In countless fantasies I always imagined Becky's ass would have a scent like no other. I suppose I imagined that somehow it would be cleaner, more sweetly fragranced than any other. But I’m wrong. There certainly are ‘notes’ of shower gel and traces of her fruity perfume but this is mixed with an undeniably earthy smell that couldn’t be mistaken for anything other than ‘ass’. Crazily, this aroma which might ordinarily provoke a reaction verging on disgust has me weak at the knees with desire and adoration. If my mouth wasn’t gagged by her panties I know I would be begging to lick her until my tongue was raw.


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