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Page 6

by Joanna Blake

  "Thanks dad."

  He lifted his mug and stood.

  "Thank you, Jenny. Goodnight."


  I washed my face and brushed my teeth before crawling into bed with my tea. I was too restless to sleep so I picked up a book. Then I was too distracted to read it. I tossed and turned for a while, trying to focus with no luck.

  All I could think about was Jagger.

  And how I was going to explain to him why I'd kept his daughter a secret all this time.

  I knew in my bones he was going to be upset when I told him.

  He'd probably walk out on me for having too much baggage. But there was nothing I could do about that. Me and my girl were a package deal.

  Maybe if I waited... if I gave him a chance to get to know her, and me. Maybe he'd warm up to the idea.

  Maybe he'd even be glad.

  I slid lower under the covers, inhaling the familiar scent of the detergent. It reminded me of my mom, even though I was the one who did the wash now.

  I knew what she would tell me.

  She would tell me to come clean and let the chips fall where they may. She would tell me that I was strong and I would survive with or without him. She would tell me I was a good mother and would do the right thing for my daughter and myself.

  I felt tears sting my eyes as I finally started to drift off.

  I wasn't so sure I was as strong as my mother after all.

  Chapter Nine



  "Just a little off the top. I like the sides close, though."

  The barber nodded, using a spray bottle to dampen my hair. Lefoy walked in, and plopped down in the seat next to me. We'd come up in the early days together.

  We hadn't liked each other much back then. People said it was because we were so much alike. He'd grown on me slightly over the years though.


  "I heard you were back stateside, SPD."

  I glanced at him, then back at my much more handsome reflection in the mirror.

  "Easy on the top now."

  The barber started snipping all over the top of my head. I wanted to look neat, but I wasn't looking to go back to a damn crew cut. I'd earned the right to sport a little more style.

  Lefoy ran his fingers over his spikey flat top.

  "Not me. I keep my shit high and tight."

  "What do you want, Lefoy?"

  "I want a drinking buddy. You can drink with the best of them, even if you steal all the women."

  I snorted. He was worse than I was with women. Past tense.

  "Not tonight my friend."

  "Oh no? What's up? You got a date?"

  I smiled smugly.

  "Indeed I do."

  "You got the bug already, doncha?"

  I glared at him.

  "What the hell are you talking about?"

  "Guy like you, never bothering to take a lady out anywhere but your bedroom. Now all the sudden you got shined shoes and your dress uniform on. Looks like you're looking to settle down."

  I said nothing. I wanted to smack him. But what he was saying was a little too close to the truth.

  "Seen it happen a hundred times. Guy sees some action. Watches his friends get blown up. Next thing you know, he's itching to spawn."

  He stretched and stood.

  "Anyway, I'm heading down to that rib place. I saw a sweet little ginger piece of ass there the other day that would make your head spin."

  He winked at me.

  "Too bad you got a date."

  I was out of the chair and gripping him by the collar before he could so much as blink.

  "You keep your hands off her, you pig."

  He held his hands up.

  "Oh oh oh! Easy now, Jagger. I didn't know you had a date with little red riding hood."

  I let him go, his feet settling back on the floor. He was a big guy, but I'd managed to lift him off his feet. I was so angry I could have thrown his sorry ass across the room. It made me furious hearing him talk that way about Jenny. I stepped back, willing myself to calm down.

  "Just forget you ever set eyes on her."

  He smiled and nodded, but I wasn't fooled. Lefoy walked to the door. Just outside he shook his head and shouted.

  "She's kind of hard to forget, Jagger. I think I'll go think about little red right now- in the shower!"

  He made a crude gesture in front of his crotch and took off.

  I cursed and ran for the door but he was already running away like a little snake. And I was in my dress uniform. And I had a towel draped over my shoulders.

  And if I took the time to properly beat his ass I was going to be late.

  I could not be late for this. Especially with Lefoy sniffing around Jenny. His reputation with the ladies was almost as bad as mine.

  Almost. But not quite.

  I sat back in the chair and nodded at the barber. I wondered how often there were fights in the barbershop and decided to leave him a big tip for my poor manners. In ten minutes I was done and on my way to my meeting with the General. I made a quick stop at the grocery store for some flowers.

  Roses. Red ones too. Like her hair. They weren't cheap either.

  Women loved roses.

  I walked up to the door and pressed the buzzer.



  "Up or down?"

  I rolled my eyes at Crystal. Her husband had turned one of the guest rooms in their house into a salon for her to do hair. It was simple but nicely tricked out with a big mirror and a swivel chair. He'd even put in a sink and one of those chairs that leaned back for washing.

  "Down. I'm not going to the prom."

  She snickered.

  "Were you still in high school when you... knew Jagger?"

  I gave her a suspicious look in the mirror. What was she getting at anyway? I decided just to evade the question.

  "No. But it wasn't long after graduation."

  She made a clucking sound with her tongue. I tried to wait her out, thinking she would change the subject.

  She didn't.


  She gave me a pointed look.

  "You can't fool me. I saw them together, girl. I know he's her daddy."

  I sighed. Of course Crystal would have figured it out. She was like a super sleuth sometimes.

  She also claimed that she was psychic but I didn't believe in that kind of thing.

  "Yeah. Okay."

  "Does he know he shipped off with a bun in your oven?"

  I shook my head quickly.

  "No. We didn't... keep in touch."

  "His choice or yours?"

  "Mine. I mean, he said he wanted to find me but he didn't know my name. I knew his though."

  "And you decided not to clue him in when you found out about Hallie?"

  I nodded and she held my head still so she could work the curling iron.

  "I asked around about him. And the stuff I heard... well, it made me think he wouldn't care that he'd gotten me knocked up. I felt stupid for thinking he..."

  "Actually cared about you?"

  It was a relief to tell someone else. Maybe she could help me figure out what to do. How to... work around the big ole elephant in the room.

  "Hmmm... well, if you ask me girl, he does care. Now, anyway. I have no idea what he was like before but he is into you, no doubt."

  "You think so?"

  I couldn't hide the eagerness in my voice.

  "Hell yes. He's smitten. I also think you better tell him ASAP, girl. I know that look."

  "What look?"

  "You look starry eyed."

  "I do not."

  "You do. You look like you are a inch from falling in love. Him too."

  She pulled the curling iron through my hair again and started to fluff me.

  "If you haven't already."

  "I haven't! I barely... know him."

  She made a rude noise and I scowled at her. Then she pulled out the hairspray. I dove o
ut of the seat, holding my hands up.

  "Keep that stuff away from me."

  "Suit yourself. You will be wilting by dessert."

  "I don't care. I hate that sticky stuff."

  She shrugged and grumbled at me.

  "Eh, you don't need any extra help anyway. Not the way you look."

  "Oh, stop."

  "You could wear a trash bag and look like a movie star. You hooker."

  Crystal had this weird obsession with convincing me I should be a model. Or an actress. Or do something with my looks. I honestly didn't know what she was talking about.

  I just didn't see it. I was plain featured and not the twig type they showed on TV, other than my hair. Sure guys made fools of themselves around me, but didn't they do that with every fertile female within spitting distance?

  "Trust me, honey. Jagger doesn't stand a chance."

  Chapter Ten



  I stood in the living room, adjusting my stance from time to time. After ten minutes I was still waiting for the General to invite me to sit.

  He didn't.

  So, I just stood there. I hadn't worn my hat. But I kind of wish I had, so I had something to fiddle with.

  He'd already taken the flowers, with a slightly disapproving sound. Maybe red had been a bad idea. Pink would have been better.

  Red was a little too... sexual.

  I stood straight, waiting. Finally, the General gestured to a chair across from him. I sat down and cleared my throat.

  I noticed he hadn't offered me anything to drink either. Maybe that was a blessing. From what Jenny had texted me, it sounded like the man might try to poison it.

  Hell, if I had a daughter I wouldn't make it easy for someone who wanted to go out with her either. Maybe he could sense that I wanted to steal her away from him. Maybe-

  "So. You wanted to speak to me."

  "Yes, sir. I wanted to let you know that my intentions towards your daughter are honorable."

  Well, mostly honorable. But he didn't need to know about all the hot, sweaty things I wanted to do with her.

  Tonight, if I had my wish.

  "You know she's only twenty right?"

  I nodded, even though I hadn't known exactly how old she was. Just that she was barely legal the first time I met her. That has been... a close call to say the least.

  "Yes, sir. I won't rush her."

  Not into matrimony, anyway. The other stuff, well, we'd already done that. So there was no need to delay that gratification.

  "You like kids, Jagger?"

  I nodded eagerly. This was going well. The General was actually asking me questions. And that was an easy one. I did like kids.

  I'd looked after enough of them in the foster care system. The little ones were always scared, especially since plenty of foster parents were not especially nurturing.


  I looked up to see... a vision. Jenny was standing there in a pretty, pale blue summer dress. Her hair was down and styled more than usual. She had a little bit of makeup on too. Not that she needed it.

  It was just enough to let me know that she considered tonight special too.

  The slight darkening of her lashes... the shimmery pink on her cheeks. It dialed her beauty up to glamorous.

  I hadn't known she could look like this. She looked like a sparkling glass of pink champagne with a strawberry in it. Or the cherry on top of an ice cream sundae.

  She looked like a little slice of heaven.

  I gulped and stood, realizing I was in deep. Deeper than I'd thought, and I already knew I wanted her for the long haul.

  Suddenly, words like 'forever' were on the tip of my tongue.

  She smiled at me, then turned a cold look on her father. I smothered a laugh. Only Jenny would look at one of the most feared men in the Marines that way.

  "Are you done here?"



  She turned to me and her eyes softened. I wondered what her dad had done to piss her off. It was almost comical, seeing the two of them clash like that.

  She held her own, and then some.

  I grinned and followed her to the door.

  "I brought you flowers."

  She looked confused for a minute.

  "You did?"

  I nodded.

  "He took them to the kitchen I think."

  Jenny held up her finger, disappearing back into the house. She was back in a few minutes. We stepped out the door and she shut it behind us. Then she smiled at me shyly.

  "Thank you. I put them in water."

  She shrugged self-consciously.

  "My dad wouldn't think to do it. That was always... the kind of thing my mom took care of. And since then, well..."

  She smiled at me shyly.

  "No one's ever brought me flowers before."

  I bit my tongue, on the verge of promising to bring her flowers every day. I offered her my arm instead. She took it and we walked down the edge of the walkway to my ride. She stared at the gleaming black and chrome bike parked at the curb. Oh yeah, I'd polished her up for this. There were two equally shiny helmets sitting on top.

  "I've never been on a motorcycle before."

  I picked up the spare helmet, frowning at it.

  "Your hair looks so nice... and your dress. I wasn't thinking. I'm going to call a cab. Unless... you want to ride?"

  She looked at me in surprise.

  "Hell yes, I do!"

  She grabbed the helmet from my hand and started tucking her hair up and under it. I watched her, my mouth going a little dry at the sight of her. Her cheeks were pink. Her eyes were shining.

  She was the girl I'd met all those months ago.

  Almost two years now, just about. But it still felt like yesterday. She took one look at me and grinned.

  "What are you waiting for? Let's go!"

  I laughed and put on my helmet, then reached out to make sure hers was on securely. I inhaled sharply as my fingers brushed the incredibly soft skin under her chin. Then I climbed on the bike and pulled her up behind me.

  "I won't go too fast. Not with you dressed like that."

  She wrapped her arms around me.

  "Don't hold back on my account, Jagger."



  I closed my eyes, loving the feel of the wind on my face. My cheek was pressed against Jagger's broad shoulder, which shielded me from the worst of it.

  Of course, the wind blowing up my skirt was a different matter altogether. That was going straight up my thighs, stimulating my sensitive skin. But according to Jagger, we weren't going all that far.

  And despite what I'd said, he was holding back. I knew he was. I wondered what it was like to ride with him when he really let loose. He was being polite though. I was as inappropriately dressed for a motorcycle ride as I could possibly be.

  Well... A bikini would have been worse.

  I smiled at the thought of riding behind Jagger in a bright red bikini as he turned towards town. The swooping feeling was exhilarating. The cool night air was exhilarating. Jagger was the most exhilarating of all...

  He pulled into the parking lot of the fanciest place in town. I was suddenly glad I'd worn one of my few dresses. Crystal's borrowed princess heels on the other hand... not the best for riding.

  I was lucky one of them hadn't fallen off.

  Jagger climbed off and reached for his helmet, tugging it off. I stared at him in awe. His hair still looked perfect somehow. Neat on the sides and a little bit of a party up top. I had to find out how he did that.

  Crystal had already asked me for deets.

  His blue eyes widened as he watched me tug my dress down over my thighs. He looked away politely. I almost laughed. Who was this guy and what had he done with Jagger?

  "Next time, you're going to have to wear jeans."

  He stepped closer and undid the strap under my chin. His fingers were gentle as he let them linger, stroking my cheek as he
stared at me. My lips opened slightly, sure he was going to kiss me.

  But he just stepped away and held out his hand.

  I tugged off my helmet, tossing my hair to unflatten it. I grinned at him and handed it over. He took it, his eyes hungry as he looked at me.

  He locked his bike up and offered me his arm to escort me into the restaurant.

  In a few minutes I was sitting at a table by the window facing the back. Open French doors led to a private garden with stunning flowers. Somehow they were all in bloom. I realized it must take an army of gardeners to create that effect.

  String lights glowed from the branches above.

  A fountain was bubbling.

  Along with the soft music playing inside, it was pretty much perfect.

  It was definitely the most romantic thing anyone had ever done for me. Considering we'd moved around too much over the years to have a lot of friends, let alone a real boyfriend, that wasn't too surprising.

  A boyfriend...

  Jagger kept stealing glances at me as he read his menu. He wanted to be that I realized. My boyfriend. I took a sip of my water.

  "Do you want champagne?"

  I bit my lip.

  "Only if you are having some."

  "I can't. I'm driving you home later."

  He almost said something else. I almost heard the unspoken words... much later.

  "One glass then. You're a big guy. I'm sure you can handle it."

  He grinned at me wolfishly. I realized he liked it when I said he was big. I blushed suddenly realizing he might think I meant his-

  "May I take your orders?"

  Our waiter was back. I could have sworn he had a faint French accent. We were kind of in the middle of nowhere out here though, so I kind of doubted he was from France.

  Canadian maybe.

  Jagger had already asked me what I wanted so he ordered for both of us. He even mentioned that I wanted my dressing on the side. I felt a little zing of pleasure at his consideration.

  He was being wonderful. Kind. Romantic. Respectful. Considerate.

  And I was lying to him.

  That ugly reality kept intruding on my thoughts, reminding me that this was not a fairytale. And I was definitely no princess.


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