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Cockpit Page 29

by Joanna Blake

  So I went riding.

  The wind, the chill air, it was all serving very well to distract me.

  Well, a bit anyway.

  I realized it must be getting late and headed back towards home. Arabesque slowed her pace by degrees, as I guided her. It was the best way to cool her down. Still, I'd have someone walk her for a bit while I changed.

  All that flew out the window when I saw Nicholas leaning against the fence surrounding the paddock. I cringed. I was messy and windblown. Oh well, it didn't matter what I looked like anyway.

  He was here to focus on the task at hand. As was I. The bees certainly didn't care what I looked like.

  "I'm so sorry, I must have lost track of time. It's so lovely out."

  I was babbling. Shut up Rose! He titled his head to the side. He looked dubious to say the least.

  "It is?"

  "Well, it is a bit gloomy. But it's perfect for riding."

  He smiled at me. By God he was gorgeous. That didn't even start to cover it really. It was amazing to find someone who looked like him that actually cared about something. He was bright, kind and an activist.

  None of that mattered really. He was here for the bees, not me. He probably had a girlfriend. Or two.

  Or eight.

  "Do you ride?"

  He shook his head.

  "Not well."

  I giggled, suddenly envisioning his huge stature perched a top a pony.

  "Well you could always try out Mable. She's the slowest pony we have. Actually, I don't think she's been ridden in a decade!"

  Babbling again.


  "Come on, let's go inside."

  He nodded and followed me up to the manor house. I counted my steps to keep from talking. Anything to keep from making a fool of myself.

  Which I realized was pretty much inevitable.

  Maybe if I didn't look at him I would be able to stay on task.

  Thankfully, it was he who spoke next.

  "It is beautiful, in a sort of gloomy way."

  I glanced at him. He was looking at the house and the surrounding outbuildings. It meant a lot to me for some reason. That he appreciated the estate.

  "Most people don't like these old houses anymore, but I love it. It must be very different from where you are from."


  He smiled as we climbed the steps to the front door.

  "Yes, it's very different."

  He leaned towards me and my stomach dropped. I thought for a moment that he was going to kiss me. Instead, he gently tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear.

  "I think you would like it."

  That's when our butler Embry opened the door.

  Chapter Five


  Riding pants. Riding pants were going to be the death of me. Her gorgeous body was fully on display in that ensemble. As we sat down in the library, she'd casually removed her jacket.

  I finally got a look at that body of hers. A very good look at her very, very good body.

  To say that Rosalie was well put together was an understatement.

  A huge understatement.

  And then she had bent over, riffling through her bag for her laptop.

  I was trying not to stare.

  I was failing.

  Worse, I was falling. I had just met her and I was starting to want things I shouldn't. I shook my head. All I had to do was lay her. Once or twice. That would earn me twenty thousand. The bonus wasn't important. It was the one part of the whole scenario I morally objected to.

  That was a new thought. Morals.

  I pushed my guilt aside. I was just going to break the ice. I'd be doing her a favor by introducing her to sex.

  Hell, I'd be doing myself a favor too.

  It's not like she was going to fall in love with me. She was out of my league. The girl had a butler for Christ's sake.

  She sat down again with her laptop and smiled at me. She had no idea what I was thinking. If she did... she would be shocked. She would slap me and tell me to get out of her house. Or she would oblige me...

  I groaned, crossing my leg to hide my erection. I glanced down. It hadn't helped. Nothing would, short of a bucket of ice.

  Not with my current train of thought.

  I was thinking about those long legs and how good they would feel wrapped around me. I was thinking about her throat, how it would taste. How easy it would be to grab her hair and pull it back so I could kiss her.

  "So, Nicholas, I think we are off to a good start."

  I don't know what made me say it.

  "You can call me Nico."

  "I'm sorry?"

  "Call me Nico. When we are alone."

  "Nico... That's so sweet. It suits you, you know."

  I smiled at her. It sounded right on her lips. It felt right.

  But I'd never told a client that name. Only my mother and bratty little sister called me that. It wasn't just inner circle. It was reserved for family.

  What the hell had gotten into me?

  "Would you like some tea, Nico? Or something to eat? Actually, I skipped luncheon."

  She smiled at me shyly and I felt my heart lurch in my chest.


  She tilted her head, looking puzzled.

  "Why what?"

  I reminded myself that I was the seducer. The one on assignment. The one here to take this lovely girl on the ride of her life.

  "Why didn't you eat?"

  She looked so embarrassed, so pink cheeked, that I wanted to kiss her. Right there in the library. Immediately.

  "My Grandmother has been dropping by unexpectedly. If I miss meals, I can avoid her to some extent."

  "You don't like her?"

  She shook her head vigorously.

  "No, of course I like her. She's just very... intimidating. And she has a lot of ideas about how a young lady should behave."

  "And you don't agree with those ideas?"

  She smiled at me ruefully.

  "I don't even know what I think. Everything's been done for me for so long. I think the last time I picked out my own clothing I was eight years old playing dress up with Rebecca."

  All I heard was 'out' and 'clothing.' That was it. I was mentally undressing her. Slowly. The top first. Just a few buttons, so I could see her bra. Then I'd slide her pants off. I'd let her keep her bra on, for a little while.

  I thought that was pretty generous of me.

  I leaned back in my seat, watching her hungrily. And just like that, everything changed. She could tell I was interested. I saw it in a flash. That knowledge that a woman usually reveled in. The knowledge that she was desired. But not Rosalie. She looked shy and unsure. She had no idea what to do with her hands suddenly.

  It was adorable.

  I'd be more than happy to show her what to do with her hands... or her lips... or her...

  My dick jumped in my pants.

  "Lunch would be wonderful."

  I sighed in relief as she left the room to find a servant. I had a moment to calm myself down. I'd been on the verge of jumping her.

  That is not how it is done.

  By the time she was back I had reminded myself of my true purpose. And, on the surface at least, today it was to save the bees. Save the bees, seduce the girl. That's it.

  If I liked her as a person, that really had nothing to do with it.

  "Would you like to eat outside? I usually do."

  I nodded and followed her through the enormous house to a terrace. The instant we stepped outside three enormous fluffy dogs threw themselves at her. She was laughing as they muddied her clothing and licked her face.

  I had a strange sensation at that moment. It was totally unfamiliar. But I still knew what it was.


  I was jealous of a damn dog. Three of them actually. I wanted to lick her face. Along with the rest of her.

  "Down! Down!"

  She smiled at me apologetically as the dogs swarmed me, sniffing
my hands.

  "This is my friend Nico, be nice to him. Sit."

  The dogs sat abruptly, staring at me.

  "They are obedient."

  She rolled her eyes.

  "Definitely not. But they know I might share my lunch with them."

  "What are their names?"

  She chewed her lip as servants laid out place settings on a small table.

  "Don't laugh."

  I held my hand up.

  "I won't, I promise."

  "They have proper names. From the breeder. But I renamed them when I was twelve."

  I waited patiently. She waited until the servants were gone and then she gestured to the table. I sat and stared at her, raising an eyebrow.

  "Their names?"

  "Damien, Regan, Ripley."

  "What's embarrassing about that?"

  She laid her napkin over her lap, clearly stalling for time.

  "Now you have to tell me."

  She gave me an adorably exasperated look. Then she rolled her eyes.

  "Fine. They are named after characters."

  Realization dawned. She loved horror movies. That hadn't been in the file. It was incredible. Awesome. Fantastic.

  It was disastrous.

  I loved horror movies too.

  "The Omen, The Exorcist and Alien?"

  Her eyes lit up. She clapped her hands together like a little girl.

  "Nobody ever seems to get it!"

  I swallowed and placed a napkin over my lap. Every time I scored a point with her, she was scoring ten with me. I usually studied a woman to know how to play her. I wanted to learn everything about Rosalie. But not for any purpose.

  Just because.

  We were served purred vegetable soup and salad.

  "I'm sorry- I should have asked what you preferred. I'm vegetarian."

  "It's fine."

  I didn't care about the food, even though it was surprisingly good. I was fascinated by watching her lips while she ate. They were so soft and firm.

  I wondered how those lips would feel sliding up and down my cock.

  I spent the rest of the meal calculating how long it was going to take me to find out.


  "Right, so. We have a list of targets. We've set up all the social media accounts. What we need is a logo, and some sort of artwork to go with it. A symbol or an image. It could be as simple as a stock photo or we could go all out and hire a designer for that as well."

  Nick tapped into his phone, making notes while we walked around the lake. We'd had a productive day. More than just that, it was fun.

  "I know Rebecca will want some sort of event. I'm supposed to see her in a few days so I can run it by her."

  I glanced up at his profile. He was so ridiculously good looking it was hard to tear my eyes away. Maybe Rebecca fancied him. In fact, I was sure she did. I knew I couldn't compete with her.

  Best to just find out where things stood.

  "Unless you want to coordinate with her? I know you two are close."

  He arched a brow, slanting me a look.

  "I'm friends with her brother, not her."

  A feeling of relief took me off guard. I hadn't realized I was holding my breath until it came out in a big sigh of relief.

  Uh oh.

  Handsome American men were not in my parent's plans for me. Even if he was rich, which I assumed he was by his clothing. Not that any of that mattered to me.

  I liked him. There was no point in denying it.

  But there was no way that anything would ever come of it. So I shouldn't indulge myself. Not even for a moment.

  He probably thought I was a foolish little girl. Which, to be honest, I was. Especially compared to a grown man like him. He was probably Rebecca's age. Twenty-six or twenty-seven. Maybe he was even close to thirty. I was just out of school and ridiculously awkward.

  Stupid. Foolish. Inexperienced.

  Never mind that my romantic prospects were firmly in my parents grasp. Even if I could choose someone for myself, they would have to be titled and connected. My future might not involve an actual 'arranged marriage' but it wasn't far off.

  Nicholas stopped and guided me to a bench that overlooked the water. The small lake on the estate wasn't particularly exciting. But with the rolling hills and trees behind the lake, it was a pretty view.

  He wasn't looking at the water though.

  He was staring at me.

  "What about you? Is there anyone you are close with?"

  His hand brushed my arm and I jumped.

  "What? No, of course not."

  He smiled seductively. I felt my stomach do a back flip. His fingertips grazing my arm were sending shivers through my entire body.

  "Of course not? Why?"

  He slid a little closer to me.

  "I- I just- what?"

  He smiled, his eyes seeming to linger on my lips.

  "I'm just curious. Is that wrong?"

  "No. It's not wrong."

  He leaned closer, his breath fanning my lips. We were practically touching. He was going to kiss me, I just knew it.

  I realized I was staring at his lips in the instant just before they pressed against mine. I closed my eyes at the strange and wonderful sensation. His lips felt so good. Warm and firm and exciting.

  The fact that he wanted to kiss me of all people was the most astonishing part of it all.

  His hands were stroking my back, pulling me towards him. I felt his lips open and mine did too. Then his tongue swooped inside my mouth, tangling with mine.

  Oh dear.

  I felt his hands slide to my side and graze the side of my breast. I'm sure he was used to girls just tossing their clothes off at a moment's notice. But I wasn't prepared for this.

  For any of this.

  I jerked backwards awkwardly. He didn't let go of my arm or look offended. He just looked into my eyes.

  "Did I do something I shouldn't have?"

  "What? No? I don't think so."

  "You aren't sure?"

  He was laughing at me now. I stood up abruptly. I felt like a complete idiot.

  "Don't tease me."

  He stood up and pulled me into his arms.

  "If anyone is teasing, it's you."

  I stared up at him questioningly. Then I felt it. He was erect. Extremely so.

  My jaw dropped.

  Perhaps he did fancy me after all.

  He rubbed his finger over my lip. Then he smiled and took my hand, leading me back towards the house.

  "Let's meet in town next time. We can do something fun."


  I had no idea what I was agreeing to. Or why. All I could think was that Nicholas liked me.

  Me of all people.

  Boring, shy, plain Rose.

  It was baffling but apparently it was true.

  "I have to get back to the city."

  I nodded, lost in thought.

  "I'll have a car brought round."

  "I'll walk. It's a nice day."

  "It's too far."

  "I have some... extra energy to work off."

  He smiled at me meaningfully. My mouth opened in surprise. He meant sexual energy. He meant he wanted to walk because of me.

  "I'm sorry."

  He took my hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it.

  "Don't be."

  I smiled shyly at him. I should have been nervous but I wasn't. I felt... alive.

  Free almost.

  "See you soon."

  I nodded happily and waved. I went inside and looked out the window, pressing my fingers to my lips. I could still feel his kiss.

  "Who was that? Was he American?"

  I turned to see my mother behind me. She was staring out the window at Nico as he walked down the drive towards town.

  "He's a friend of cousin Blake's, Mother. We are just friends."

  She raised her eyebrows.

  "Well, be that as it may, broad shoulders are not enough to base a relationship on
. You have responsibilities..."

  She kept talking but I was staring at his back.

  She was right. He did have broad shoulders.

  Chapter Six


  I hit the bag with my fist, pummeling it with all the pent up frustration inside me. Frustration and confusion. I'd been at the gym for two hours already and I was still feeling it.

  Because of her.

  I'd felt like I was on a real date yesterday, maybe the first I'd ever been on. I'd even started to care about the damn bees. It wasn't just the out of control attraction I was feeling. It was the way she spoke about making the world a better place. Protecting it for future generations.

  It made me want to create those future generations. With her. On top of her. Underneath her. Standing up. Sideways. Suspended from the ceiling.

  I pulled back, leaning against the bag while I got my breathing under control. I grabbed a towel and wiped myself down. I'd considered going into boxing when I was younger. Before I'd seen how messed up some of the older guys got.

  Now I just trained. No ring time. I doubted a girl like Rosalie would look twice at me if I was all banged up and light in the head.

  I laughed bitterly. I was kidding myself. The only reason she was at all interested in me now was that I was a liar.

  A big, fat liar.

  "They told me to find you here."

  I poured some of the water over my head and shook it. Rebecca was standing there, turned out in some overly tight, overly trendy looking outfit. I poured more water on my face. I didn't really care if I splashed her or not.

  "I've been texting..."

  "Yeah, I know. I was busy."

  She folded her arms across her chest. She was attracting stares from every guy in the gym. Still, she left me cold.

  More than cold. Repulsed.

  "I want a progress report. Have you seen her?"

  I nodded. It felt wrong somehow, talking about Rosie this way. Even though nothing had happened, I wanted to keep it private.

  That wasn't the deal though.


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