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Final Magic

Page 2

by Julie Law

  Suspicion grew in the brunette’s eyes at those words, and she studied Madeline once more. She looked between the two of them several times, and Amelie knew there was something she wanted to ask but held herself back from. Then a glint of something showed in her eyes, maybe curiousness, maybe realization, and she seemed to become less stiff. “She’s the one you’re hoping will be able to cure Liz?”

  “Yes.” Amelie answered without hesitation, and Katherine nodded before facing Madeline directly.

  “Will you be able to do it?”

  “There’s no guarantee I’ll succeed,” The witch warned, as she had warned Amelie many times before. “I will have to study the curse and I might need some time to prepare a counter-curse, but I’ll do my best.”

  Katherine looked between the two of them once more, and slowly started nodding. “I suppose I can’t ask more than that. How can I help?”

  Amelie bit her lip before starting. “Elizabeth knows we’re in town, she had some kind of spell over the gate that alerted her. We eluded the guards, but they’ll be searching for us. We know they didn’t follow us here…”

  “But they might end up coming eventually.” Katherine finished for her. “There’s not much we can do about it now. I have other properties in the city, we can try to reach one of them at night, get you to safety. Right now, this should be safe enough, safer than walking on the streets at least.”

  “I hoped for some way to get into the palace, to have days to study the guards and their habits, find a way to get in, but it seems that won’t be possible.”

  “I don’t know anyone that will be able to help with that. We might need to come with another way of getting close to Elizabeth.” Katherine licked her lips as she thought about the problem, obviously worried. “It won’t be easy though, she won’t take many risks if she knows you’re in town. I don’t know if she’s aware of your intentions, but it wouldn’t be hard to figure you’re here for her.”

  “That might be a problem for later.” Madeline interceded. The other two looked at her and blinked, almost as if they had forgotten she was there. “Right now, we should rest and get ready for anything.” She focused on Amelie as she said it.

  The princess couldn’t deny it. She was tired, more of the emotions unleashed by their escape than the physical exertion, but a few hours of rest would help with that. As she let her eyes move over her lover, she couldn’t help but think a few hours of rest would do much good to Madeline as well.

  Holding whatever spell it had been that the dark-haired woman used to hide them had obviously tired her, her hands were shaking a little, and her posture was a little less straight than usual.

  Amelie started nodding as she turned back to Katherine. “She’s right, if there’s nothing we can do right now, we should probably rest and prepare for later. You said you had some place to hide us?” Katherine nodded, firmly. “Then we should get ready to move when night falls.”

  Their host barely thought about it. “It seems to be the best bet, follow me, I’ll take you to one of the guest rooms. Try not to make too much noise, I trust my servants for the most part, but a person can barely know who to trust in this city.” From anyone else, these words would be ominous, but Amelie knew Katherine.

  Soon enough, they were settling in one of the rooms, and Amelie turned to Katherine with a smile in her face. The other woman wanted to talk, it was obvious in how she looked at Amelie, but the princess was tired and worried about her companion. She could talk to her old friend later, once they were rested.

  She didn’t need to say anything, even after all the years they spent apart they understood one another well. Katherine smiled again, gently. “Rest, we’ll have time later.” With a nod to the two women, she turned around and left.

  Madeline waited a few seconds after the door closed to then throw herself into the bed, flinging her arms around the soft covers, hugging them into her front, looking so much like a happy child that Amelie couldn’t stop herself from laughing out loud. Her lover smiled at her, mischievously, and then gestured with her hand. The princess found herself being pulled, hard, and stumbled into the bed, falling into her witch’s arms.

  “My princess.” Madeline murmured, leaning forward and pressing her lips against Amelie’s. The blonde answered the kiss in kind, tilting her head and deepening it after a few moments, one of her hands moving down the other woman’s body.

  “My witch.” Amelie replied, meaning it. Madeline was hers, just as she was Madeline’s. No one would change that.

  She couldn’t even imagine life without the other woman any longer.

  They were tired, exhausted really, and yet Amelie couldn’t stop herself from touching her lover, from wanting to make her feel. Their kisses became more heated, their caresses bolder, and soon they were removing each other’s clothes, and Amelie’s armor, bit by bit, baring their skins to one another. It wasn’t the first time or second or third, and Amelie truly hoped it wouldn’t be the last, but she couldn’t deny that fear spurred her on, made her want Madeline even more.

  If that was the last night she spent with her witch, she wanted to make it memorable. They could very well die, now that they were so close to Elizabeth’s grasp.

  “You’re mine, mine.” She murmured under her breath as she kissed Madeline’s collarbone, then her throat and chin, then her lips once more. Her mouth flitted over the other woman’s skin, a trailing caress up and down her front, driving the witch steadily madder.

  Amelie wasn’t feeling much better. The urge to have their bodies entwined, drawn in ecstasy, was taking hold of her, and she didn’t fight it in the least. Her touch became bolder, her need more evident.

  Madeline used it against her. The witch drew her closer, pulled her up and kissed her mouth, and when Amelie got distracted by the kiss she turned them around. The princess fought back, taken by surprise but not ready to desist, to give the reins of their lovemaking to her lover, but Madeline rode her, resisted her attempts at buckling her off, and she was forced to surrender.

  The witch smirked, then crawled down her body, stopping near Amelie’s breasts to caress them, before moving further south. The princess’s undergarments were the only piece of clothing any of them had, and the reason for it was obvious. Madeline licked her lips as she gazed at it, seeing the form of her lover’s rod underneath, wanting to reach out and touch it, but wanting to tease the princess at the same time.

  She was well aware of the fate that might befall them and, like Amelie, wanted to make their union as memorable as she could. Amelie arched when she laid a kiss on her tummy, and Madeline smirked, amused, then laid another a little up, near the base of her ribs. If Amelie was disappointed she didn’t focus on her rod she didn’t show it, she just breathed harshly, desire taking its told on her, making her full breasts rise and fall with every heaving gasp.

  Madeline couldn’t resist the temptation, and leaned in, pressing her mouth against one of them for a few moments, content with the sensation of that flesh against her lips, and then licking it. Amelie arched, and Madeline chuckled, letting her tongue run over that skin, driving Amelie even wilder.

  Her hands fell upon the princess’s body, caressing, running up and down her sides, making Amelie shiver. The goosebumps that appeared over Amelie’s skin made Madeline chuckle, especially when they did so on the princess’s breasts, and she smirked at the other woman, looking up to find Amelie’s eyes gazing back at her. Without breaking that connection, the witch let her lips poise against the princess’s nipples, then started suckling.

  Amelie arched, offering herself to the other woman.

  She wanted this, wanted to have Madeline, to make love to her. Wanted it more than she had wanted anything in her life.

  When Madeline’s lips tightened around her nipples and started to suck, she could only reach out and grasp the woman’s head, keeping them tight against one another, running one of her hands over that dark hair. Part of her wanted more, wanted to turn them around and bury herself
in the other woman, and yet she didn’t.

  Fear of what the future would bring made her still, enjoy the moment for as long as she could. She loved Madeline, no matter how strange it had been to fall in love with a witch so hard and in so little time. She loved the other woman, wanted to spend the rest of her life at her side. She couldn’t be sure that would be possible though, not when they were facing her sister, when Elizabeth might get to them and kill one or both of them.

  She let Madeline do as she wished, let her lover take control.

  Her eyes moved over Madeline’s body as the witch played with her breasts, and a moan spilled out of her at the sight, and at the feeling of what the woman’s tongue was doing to her.

  Madeline was elegant, beautiful. Every line of her body attracted Amelie, from the curve of her hip, to the fullness of her breasts, or even the arch of her collarbone, and she wanted to touch these lines, run her tongue over them, taste the other woman.

  The witch must have noticed her thoughts wandered, because she bit down, not too hard, but hard enough, and Amelie winced. “Do make me the favor of paying attention to me while I’m pleasing you.” Madeline said in what seemed to be an angry tone, but Amelie knew her well enough to say the witch was amused.

  She let her lips quirk into a smile. “I’m sorry, milady, but how can I pay attention to only one thing when I have such a goddess in front of me?”

  Flattery wasn’t something she had used with Madeline, not much, not yet, but she knew how to flatter people. She was a princess after all, it was what she had been trained for. Many times, diplomacy became the art of flattering other people even when they didn’t have anything to be flattered about. Compared to that, flattering Madeline was easy enough.

  It pleased her too. Amelie could see how the witch’s eyes brightened at the compliment, and she decided to take the initiative. Turning them around was easy, seeing as she caught Madeline by surprise, and this time the witch was the one that struggled against her, but surrendered quickly enough, so quickly that Amelie was certain she didn’t actually want to be on top, not right then.

  Well, if her lover was that eager for Amelie to be in control, she didn’t mind.

  That arching collarbone called for her attention and she leaned down to kiss it, letting her lips linger against that flesh, laying several other kisses on it before licking it.

  Madeline moaned and held unto her, one hand to each of her sides, running up and down. Amelie had to bit her lip when the witch’s hands stopped just beside her breasts, but her lover moved down once again without touching them, and she glared at Madeline. The witch smirked, obviously amused, and Amelie paid her back in kind, reaching out with one finger to brush against one of Madeline’s breasts, right on her nipples, and ignoring it afterwards. It wasn’t easy, especially when Madeline moaned so wantonly, trying to provoke her.

  She bit her lip and resisted the provocation, moving her attention further up, pressing her lips against Madeline’s and muffling her mewling cries. The witch didn’t mind that, at all, holding unto her and kissing her back, thrusting her tongue into Amelie’s mouth and dueling with the princess’s.

  They stopped teasing after that.

  Desire overwhelmed the princess and the witch, and they kissed, and they caressed, and they embraced. Amelie moved down the other woman’s body, kissing and licking at her skin, but there was an urgency to her actions that hadn’t been there earlier. Her lips tightened around one of Madeline’s nipples and suckled and bit at the flesh, until the other woman cried out, in more pleasure than pain.

  Whatever anxiousness or doubts had assailed Amelie’s mind vanished, and she focused entirely on her lover, on making her enjoy. From the sounds that escaped Madeline’s mouth, Amelie dared to think she was succeeding.

  From there she moved down, never letting her lips part from Madeline’s skin for more than a moment. When she reached the apex of the other woman’s thighs she dived in, tired of teasing, tired of walking around what they both wanted. Her tongue and lips made Madeline moan once more, louder than before, loud enough she feared Katherine could hear it wherever she was, but that worry didn’t stop her from pleasing her lover.

  Madeline’s hips arched as she offered her treasures for the plunder, and Amelie didn’t resist, using her hands to grasp the witch’s buttocks, thrusting her tongue deeper. She wasn’t too experienced, Madeline was the only woman she had done this to, but she liked to think she was a quick learner. The dark-haired woman screamed as she came, releasing all the pent-up frustration, then slumped down on the bed, tired and shaking.

  Amelie had a smirk on her lips as she climbed her lover’s body once more, and Madeline saw it, but all she could offer in reply was a smile. They kissed, and the witch moaned once more when she tasted herself in the other’s mouth.

  They laid against one another, resting for a few minutes. There were no words exchanged between them, not then. Amelie was perfectly aware of her hard rod and the need that dominated her, but she was aware her lover was tired and needed time. Fortunately, Madeline recovered quickly enough and, in a move that surprised the princess, reached for Amelie’s undergarments and pushed them down, baring the princess’s cock.

  It sprung to attention, hard and ready, and Amelie couldn’t help the groan that escaped her. She groaned again when Madeline grabbed it and started to pump, not too hard it became painful, not so softly she couldn’t enjoy it.

  When Madeline thought Amelie was ready, she climbed the other woman, pressing her sex against that hard flesh. They both moaned when she sank down and the rod penetrated her, and again when she started rocking.

  At first, the witch could only close her eyes and enjoy, rocking an inch or two against that flesh, moving back and forth, working more and more of the other woman’s girth into her. Amelie’s hands on her hips helped steady her, and she opened her eyes to look at her lover. The princess looked back at her, and they lost themselves in each other’s eyes for a few moments.

  Then Amelie arched up, forcing more of herself into Madeline, and the witch lost her mind. She started moving harder and faster, gaining speed as their bodies became used to the motion. Soon, they were thrusting with abandon, lost in their pleasure and want.

  Madeline poised her hands on the covers at her side, fisting them, hoping it helped the motions she made with her hips. One of Amelie’s hands moved from where it was in Madeline’s waist and explored her breasts, and she moaned.

  Their orgasms came suddenly, and they moaned and groaned as the pleasure rocked their bodies, forcing them to shake with the sheer pleasure it pushed through their veins. Madeline held herself aloft for a few moments after it hit, just enjoying the sensation, feeling Amelie’s rod releasing its seed, and then she fell down atop her lover, exhausted. Fortunately, the princess managed to grab her, and turned her fall into something less painful.

  With arms around each other’s bodies, naked, they drifted off and slept.

  They woke up a few hours later, when a scream came from the lower floor of the house. Amelie cast her eyes around, blearily, too confused by the sound to do anything else. She sprung to her feet quickly enough at the sound of steps coming towards their room, and she knew beyond a shadow of doubt that Elizabeth had found her.

  Madeline exchanged a quick glance with her and both grabbed sheets around their figures, knowing they wouldn’t have time for much else.

  Unfortunately, they were proven correct a moment later as the door to their room crashed open and two guards stepped in. If they were all there was to it, Amelie wouldn’t have been worried, Madeline had showed she would have been able to deal with them before, but behind those guards appeared a woman she hadn’t seen in a long time, the person that had been the center of her life for a long time, her sister.

  Elizabeth was very similar to her, and not much different from what Amelie remembered. Tall, blonde and beautiful, the two of them had always been perfect pictures of what a princess should look like.

  Her sis
ter let her eyes wander over their figures, then raised an eyebrow at Amelie, amused. The knight opened her mouth, trying to say something, but her words failed her and she closed her mouth. She didn’t get a chance to try again because Elizabeth waved a hand in her direction, and Amelie stumbled, disoriented. When she fell to the floor she was already unconscious.

  Chapter 3

  Amelie woke to a pounding headache and a painful sensation on her shoulders. It didn’t take her long to realize the last one was because she was shackled to a wall with her hands above her head.

  She was also nude, and shivered in cold when she noticed it. The rage she felt when she looked around and saw her lover and her friend also shackled to the walls of what could only be a dungeon warmed her however, and she screamed loudly, starting to struggle against the chains that kept her imprisoned. Someone outside the door noticed, she heard some murmurs and stilled for a moment.

  Whoever it was didn’t enter, and she heard steps moving away. It didn’t take her long to renew her struggles, but she knew it was for naught even then.

  A minute or two later, she saw Katherine come to, and look around, blushing when she realized her state, and the state Amelie and Madeline were in. “Amelie…” She let out, and the princess winced at the fright in her friend’s voice.

  “Calm down, everything will be fine.” She tried to comfort the other woman, knowing how useless it must have seemed, how little it would have helped her if she was in Katherine’s position, but her friend was different and the words seemed to reassure her for a while. Then the brunette looked down, saw Amelie’s rod and blushed once more, harder than before, and looked away.

  She had to resist the urge to blush as well. Katherine knew what happened to her, but had never seen it before, and she wasn’t exactly expecting to show it to her friend. She shook her head, that was not the time to bother with embarrassment, and looked at her lover.


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