Tormented (A Secret Salem Novel 4)

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Tormented (A Secret Salem Novel 4) Page 22

by J. N. Colon

  I guess that was what vampires called fast food. Unable to help myself I snorted on a laugh.

  It was good and fast, yet I also felt a little slutty. For some reason I kind of felt like I cheated on Mac. And Demy.

  A sudden horrible rotten, decaying smell sifted on the wind, shattering my guilty thoughts. I clamped my hand in front of my mouth to keep from gagging or puking all the blood I just consumed.

  Ugh! What the hell was that? It smelled worse than rotten meat and sewage all rolled into one.

  The shadow of someone fell across me from behind and I turned as a pair of dirty, rigid claw like hands swiped at me, catching me across my right shoulder. Acute pain tore through my body, making me cry out into the quiet night.

  My gaze shifted up to see an undead vampire looming over me, a pair of wild, bloodthirsty crimson eyes glaring at me.

  Chapter 26

  I didn’t even have time to move before the claws were coming again, slicing a few shallow cuts on my back as I whirled around. My heart raged against my ribs, pushing panic and fear through my veins.

  I thought these creatures were all dead! Clearly I was freaking mistaken.

  I stumbled back and grabbed my right shoulder, blood seeping through my fingers from the painful gashes. Dead guy came at me, the wind shifting his ragged black hair that continued to fall out in clumps to reveal patches of yellow, decaying scalp. His skin was dirty and sallow, quaking violently as he chomped the air with his bloody teeth.

  With a gasp I whirled around and ran full out vamp speed toward the Davenports. I was afraid if I yelled for help a good human Samaritan might answer my call and get gutted by vampire zombie.

  Soon the brick wall bordering the estate came into focus and I leap over, running through the trees. “Help!” I yelled, knowing a guard would be near. “Help me. Daedalus, Rufus!”

  Rufus appeared through the darkness like a shadow, grabbing me and scaring the shit out of me. “Rubi!” he gasped, staring at the bleeding gashes on my shoulder. “What the hell happened?”

  “Undead vampire.” I pointed in the direction I came from. “In the park.”

  His jaw clenched tight. “I don’t even want to know what you were doing in the park alone at night.”

  The presence of other guards registered and Daedalus grabbed my waist. “I’ll get her inside and you go. I’ll be there soon.”

  “But there could be more.” I turned to Daedalus. “I can make it to the house on my own.” Daedalus simply shook his head and escorted me all the way to the French glass doors to one of the back patios where a furious looking Demy came barreling out.

  “You snuck out and got attacked!” he snarled, his nostrils flaring and violet eyes unnaturally bright.” His eyes went to my shoulder and I tried in vain to hide it with my hand.

  “I’m fine.”

  A low, warning growl slipped out of his mouth. “You could have been killed.”

  “What’s all the ruckus?” Mac appeared on the porch, his nostrils flaring at the smell of blood. “What’s going on?”

  “Rubi was attacked by an undead vampire,” Daedalus supplied, listening to something in his earpiece. He pointed at Demy. “You’re coming with me. Mac, you get Rubi inside and stay together.”

  “What,” I scoffed. “I don’t need a babysitter. And why does Demy have to go?” Just because he could handle himself didn’t mean I like the thought of him in danger.

  “King’s orders.” Daedalus shot me a stern look. “And you do need a babysitter if you can’t stay out of trouble.”

  My mouth nearly hit the ground.

  “Yep.” Demy leaned forward and gave me a kiss on the forehead. “Bad girl.” His eyes drifted over my head, shooting some kind of silent message toward Mac. They used to do that sort of thing, but not as of late. I wondered if Mac even understood him.

  Daedalus and Demy disappeared into the shadows, Demy’s body transforming and dropping on all fours as a panther.

  Damn it. I whirled around and stalked past Mac, not wanting to hear any kind of smartass remark.

  By the time I made it to my room any adrenaline my body had was wearing off and the gashes were painfully throbbing with every move I made. It would be much worse if I hadn’t just had blood. I trekked into my bathroom, flipping on the light to see the mess of my jacket. At least I wasn’t wearing my Lone Star Burger Shack hoodie this time. Those undead monsters killed my first one.

  With a wince I peeled off the sweater, leaving me in a thin purple tank top that did nothing to hide the cuts. I pushed my hair aside and saw three shallow gashes on the back of my shoulder and three deeper ones running across the front.

  I grabbed a wash cloth and wet it, dabbing gently at the cuts. I sucked my teeth from the stinging pain now adding to the deep throbbing. Damn.

  Electricity hit my spine and I glanced up the see Mac leaning against the doorjamb, his eyes fixed on me. “That looks like it hurts.”

  “Thanks Captain Obvious,” I muttered, turning my attention back to cleaning my cuts. “Where are your parents?”

  “Some royal meeting thing.” He stepped into the bathroom, filling the room with not only the scent of my blood, but his warm, wild forest scent. “I was supposed to go, but…” He trailed off and shrugged. “This is more interesting I’m sure.” The corners of his lips twitched.

  I rolled my eyes. “I’m so glad you’re entertained by my pain Mac.” I gasped as I hit a particularly deep, tender part. “It really makes a girl’s heart go pitter patter.”

  “That’s not what I was referring to.” He grabbed another wash cloth off the rack and wet it, slowly putting it to the cuts on my back. “I meant the part about you sneaking out and having a little snack.” He winked one jade eye.

  I halted. “I… W-What? What are you talking about?” He couldn’t possibly know.

  A crooked smile curled his lips. “I could smell the fresh human blood from your breath when you stomped past me downstairs. And I know it wasn’t from a cup.”

  My cheeks flamed with embarrassment. Shit.

  “How was it?” Mac leaned over to rinse the wash cloth, purposely brushing against my body.

  There was clearly no point in denying it. “Fine I guess.” I would rather have your blood. “Not worth the trouble though.” I shrugged, jostling my shoulder too much and pulling a whimper from me.

  The humor slipped from Mac’s tone and he sat the wash cloth down. “You need some blood to heal this.”

  I shook my head, unable to stomach the cold concoction from the fridge right now. “Later. I’ll be fine for now.”

  His brows knit and lips pursed. “What is it with you and blood? I heard Demy the other day talking with my dad, saying he needed to make sure you drank enough.”

  I averted my gaze to the mirror and focused on cleaning my wounds. “I just don’t particularly like drinking blood out of a cup.”

  “No vampire does, but you don’t seem to have a thing for random human blood either.” Mac’s head bent as he studied me. “You liked drinking from Demy, but you won’t do it anymore now that I’m back.”

  “It would be weird,” I admitted.


  “Because you’re here and even though you don’t remember our bond I do,” I snapped.

  Mac’s gaze remained on me while I rinsed my wash cloth, pink draining into the sink. “So you would bite me then?”

  “Of course,” I blurted, my cheeks reddening again. “I-I mean before.” I cleared my throat.

  “Go for it then.”

  My eyes flickered toward Mac’s reflection behind me in shock. “Excuse me?”

  “Go for it.” He tilted his head. “Bite me and get some blood.”

  My heart fluttered and skin flushed at the very thought. “Why would you offer me that?” My eyes narrowed on him. “Is this some kind of game? Once I agree to it are you going to change your mind?”

  Mac shook his head. “Not at all Rubi.” He turned me around and backed me up against t
he sink. “I want to see what all the fuss is about.”

  My brow arched questioningly. “Fuss?”

  “There must be a reason why everyone seems to fall all over you. I want to know why.”

  “Nobody falls…” My words were cut off by his finger pressing against my lips.

  “No more talking. Either bite me or don’t.”

  I stared at him not wanting to fall for whatever game he was playing, but I also couldn’t stop suddenly feeling his pulse beat against my skin, tempting me. I hadn’t been with Mac in any way in so long it was painful. I felt it deep in my bones all the way to my soul.

  I stared into his jade eyes finding challenge and curiosity. Then I stared at his neck, his blue veins throbbing with succulent, salty sweet blood that have never stopped craving.

  Well, if he wanted to see what it was like then why should I deny him?

  “Okay.” I hoped my voice didn’t sound as breathy as I thought it did. “I’ll bite.”

  His lips twitched at my play on words before his strong hands wrapped around my waist, gently hauling me up on the counter. My fangs quickly tore through my gums and exploded with an aching need for him. I was proud of myself for not moaning in anticipation.

  “Ready when you are,” I whispered.

  With a smirk Mac leaned forward, presenting me the long, white column of his neck. My body drifted forward, my fangs piercing his skin before he could change his mind. His salty sweet flavor exploded on my tongue the same time his body flinched as if he experienced some unexpected shock. A moan drifted out of my mouth, but I could care less at this point.

  Mac’s hands stayed gripping the edges of the counter while his body began trembling as if he was trying to hold himself back. His pulse was ragged and breaths coming in heavy, erratic pants.

  Finally as if a damn broke, a low, throaty groan came out of him and his hands grabbed me, pulling me tighter against him. One remained around my waist while the other tangled in my hair, keeping me fixed against his neck, sucking more of his blood.

  If he thought he was playing some game with me he wasn’t winning anymore.

  I pulled back, licking blood from my mouth, but Mac wouldn’t let me move more than a few inches away. His eyes were almost pure silver, swimming with hunger while his body trembled with desire. I could feel it radiating from him as his heart beat in sync with mine like it used it. Without warning his lips crashed on mine in a deep, breath stealing, toe curling kiss.

  My body sighed in relief at Mac’s passionate assault. His movements were frantic and neither of us were gentle, my legs wrapping around his waist tightly. His kiss was as intoxicating as his blood, filling me with a heady flavor of night time in the autumn.

  I wanted to give him everything and yet I couldn’t because—well—he didn’t deserve it. He’d been a total tool and I had a little more self-respect than that. But I would give him a taste.

  My tongue slid over his growing canines, pulling a fitful gasp from Mac. His arms tightened around me, digging into my flesh. I could tell just how much he wanted me—in more ways than one.

  I fought the urge to smile as I let my tongue scrap against his sharpened fang, drawing little droplets of my blood into his mouth. Mac moaned deeply and sucked on the tip, lapping up my blood before going in for another deep, spine tingling kiss.

  I could feel him on the verge of losing it and soon I would too.

  Very reluctantly I pulled back. Mac followed, trying to kiss me again until I put my hand on his chest, pushing him away.

  He made a frustrated sound. “What are you doing?” he whispered, his voice deep and thick with lust, sending shivers across my body. “Come here.”

  “I need to take a shower,” I simply stated, trying to keep my breathing under control.

  Mac’s brows knit in confusion, his warm breath blowing erratically across my face. His midnight hair was disheveled from my fingers, cheeks were deeply flushed, and lips were swollen. “Huh?”

  Oh man he was so hot right now.

  Get it together Rubi! Show him who’s boss. Don’t let him win.

  I swallowed hard, trying to shake the desire from my body. I cleared my throat. “I said I need to shower now.” I quickly reached out and swiped my finger across my fang marks on his neck, putting it to my mouth to slowly lick a droplet of blood off. “Thanks for the blood, but you can go now.”

  He blinked and his head shifted back in shock. It took several moments for him to comprehend what just happened. Anger rippled across his face, replacing the desire. Most of the desire.

  My bedroom door slammed open, a rumpled looking Demy marching in. “How are you…?” He stopped dead, noticing the precarious situation Mac and I were in. He was still standing between my legs with his arms around me and we both looked like we just had a rough and tumble. “Uh… maybe I should come back?”

  A growl rumbled through Mac’s chest before he spun around and stalked passed Demy and out the door.

  Demy walked into the bathroom, his violet eyes glowing and lips fighting a smile. “What was that about?” he asked, arching his studded brow.

  I pressed my lips together, fighting my own smile. “Nothing…” I licked my lips, tasting the remnants of Mac.

  Chapter 27

  “I thought they were all killed—or killed again,” I said, fighting with my gray tartan uniform skirt, trying to make it longer without success.

  “It’s possible we missed a few.” Whitmore was standing in front of the fireplace in Roman’s office, his expression pensive as we discussed the new emergence of undead vampires. “They could have been hiding under the radar.”

  Roman struck a match, putting it to his pipe. “Yeah Whit because they’re so inconspicuous and discreet with the killing.” Sarcasm lingered in his voice.

  “He’s right Whitmore.” Demy was sitting on the arm of the couch I was on, his fingers absentmindedly twirling a piece of my long hair. “These things had to be new.”

  They found two more besides the one that attacked me, totaling three. With my track record, this couldn’t be a coincidence.

  “But the hunters found the right formula to kill us. Why would they be using the older version made from me?” Miranda handed me a bottle of water, gently touching my cheek, affection glittering in her jade eyes. “How’s your shoulder sweetheart?”

  A smile twitched my lips, my gaze going distant for a moment as I recalled the hot moments I had in the bathroom with Mac. He’d been avoiding me. Again. But this time it wasn’t because he didn’t want to be around a stranger. It was because he felt something for me. He had wanted me badly.

  I shook myself and turned my attention back to Miranda. “It’s better. Thanks.” It was already healed thanks to Mac’s blood and the multiple cups Demy made me chug.

  A knock resonated on the door and Mac walked in, trailed by Sasha who was clutching his hand. Hot anger oozed out of me, turning my eyes silver and my fangs began to descend. Instead of flipping out like an angry, jealous girlfriend I slowly stood and walked toward Roman’s hidden fridge to retrieve a small bottle of blood.

  “Hello Sasha,” Whitmore said, flashing her a forced smile. “How are you dear?”

  “Fine, thank you sir.” She nervously played with the hem of her skirt, aware of the tension filling the room because of her.

  Miranda’s eyes narrowed infinitesimally on her son before shifting to Sasha. “Sasha, why don’t you let me walk you to class?” She smiled. “You should be there instead of here.”

  Her cheeks flamed and she silently nodded, shooting Mac a questioning expression. “I’ll see you later?” Her voice was barely above a whisper.

  He looked between his parents, knowing he screwed up by bringing her. And he did it on purpose to get a rise out of me. “Um, sure.” He dropped her hand and let Miranda lead her out.

  Whitmore’s stormy gray eyes flashed silver, glaring at his son. “McCollum, we need to have a serious conversation after this meeting.” Power and authority emanat
ed from him like a second skin. There was a reason he was king.

  Mac silently nodded and took a seat on the couch I had just vacated.

  I finished the blood and tossed the bottle into the trash can, sitting on the edge of Roman’s desk rather than on the couch next to Mac.

  Roman glanced over at me and motioned toward his tobacco pipe. “Care for some?”

  “Roman.” Whitmore clucked his teeth.

  I flashed them both a smile. “I’m fine. Thanks.”

  He shrugged, taking another toke and blowing smoke into the air.

  The door opened and an excited Emmaline strode in, her sleek blonde ponytail following her. “I have some great news.” She unexpectedly crushed me in a hug, nearly squeezing the breath right out of my lungs.

  “Oomph.” I patted her back, hoping she would get the point and dislodged herself. “Emma, you’re going to kill me.”

  She drew back, a grin stretching from ear to ear, lighting her azure eyes. “You are amazing!” Her delicate hands reached up and squished my cheeks. “You were right.”

  “Right about what?” My voice was muffled by the hold she had on my face.

  “About your vampire blood! You are the cure.”

  Roman coughed behind me, his mouth puffing out smoke, caught off guard by Emmaline’s statement. “What?”

  “Emmaline, are you serious?” Whitmore asked, his voice timid as if afraid to believe her.

  “Well, her blood is at least the key.” She released my cheeks and stood next to me, turning her attention on Whitmore. “Rubi and now Mac are both immune to the poison.”

  A ragged breath of relief slipped out of Whitmore, one I was certain he’d been holding for a long time. He didn’t want to lose either of us again.

  “I’m still working on a vaccination that can be widely distributed to all vampires in your kingdom.” Emmaline continued.

  For once I could use my crazy prophetic dreams in my favor instead of running around, chasing my tail to figure out the answers.

  Demy stood and sauntered toward me, petting the top of my head. “Awe. You’re our very own little Rosetta Stone.”


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