Tormented (A Secret Salem Novel 4)

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Tormented (A Secret Salem Novel 4) Page 29

by J. N. Colon

  Madison had been disappearing off to communicate with her hunter clan and relatives in Spain. They had adopted a new philosophy on the supernatural world after both Madison and her mother were destroyed by hate instead of following in their path. They now only went after those creatures who killed humans. They didn’t view us as a threat anymore, but that didn’t necessarily mean they wanted to fight other hunters with us.

  That took some convincing. Declan was apparently also a tad psychic and after weeks and hair pulling hours of trying according to Madison she was finally able to get through to him. She was able to use Declan to communicate her message to her family. She warned them if left unchecked, this particular group of hunters led by Merrick was going to spread their corruption. She showed proof they had no regard for human life, creating those monsters on purpose. Her hunters also hated the poison they made, convinced it was taking away the honor in their job to protect.

  The sky was turning from thick ebony to stormy gray as the sun tried to rise behind the clouds. Fat raindrops fell as if the universe felt the need to wash the blood soaked campus, the battle field.

  We moved into another part of the secret underground, far away from the burnt lab. The fire had been contained and only destroyed a small portion. Mac and I were helping give blood to the injured vampires and bandages and water to Madison and Declan’s hunters. Everything was okay now. We won. And Mac and I were together again. Nothing was going to pry us apart again.

  My eyes sought him out as he stood over a hunter, giving him a box of bandages. As if he felt my stare, his gaze lifted to find me, grinning.

  That’s when it happened. I felt the air shift as the arrow sliced through it, headed on a path directly toward his chest. Vaccine or not, a shot to the heart with silver and he was gone.

  It took a moment to register the ear piercing sound echoing against the stone was my scream.

  Chapter 36

  A black blur shot across the room, knocking Mac down just before the arrow reached his chest, letting it hit the stone wall with a loud, resonating thud.

  An eerie silence prevailed, the calm before the storm. Then it shattered, shouts rang out as the one lone evil hunter made a break for it. He didn’t get very far. Daedalus zoomed around the corner after him, a sickening crack following. My royal guard trailed back into view, nodding once that the threat had been illuminated.

  “Mac!” Brain started working again and I ran toward Mac as a black panther rolled off him. “Demy!” I collapsed on the ground, pulling both of their massive bodies into my arms.

  “I’m okay Rubi,” Mac assured when my hand kept moving over his chest.

  “What am I, chop liver?” Demy asked, his form in the process of turning human.

  I nudged him, sniffling. “Thanks Demy.”

  “Yeah man.” Mac blew out a sigh of relief. “If it wasn’t for you I’d be dead. Again.”

  He waved a hand in the air and shrugged. “What are best friends for?”

  “What are you doing here?” I asked. “What about the other shifters and the undead vampires.”

  “They’ve got it covered now. A few reinforcements came.” He nodded his head toward a group of red banded hunters.”

  My brow arched questioningly.

  “Paisley took charge of the ones in Savannah.” A smirk curled his lips while something hidden flashed in his expressive violet eyes. “She’s quite the… commander.”

  My brow furrowed at his odd description of Paisley—well more like the underlying meaning behind it.

  Demy tenderly brushed the hair from my face, shaking off my suspicious thoughts. “I came as soon as I could.”

  I kissed Demy on the cheek and he squeezed me to his chest, burying his face in my hair. “I missed you princess.” His lips were in my hair, kissing my head.

  “Me too,” I whispered. I had Mac now, but I didn’t think I would never not want Demy around. What was going to happen now? Would he leave for school again?

  “Hey, hey.” Mac gently pried me away from Demy. “That’s my girl.”

  Demy’s studded brow arched. “Oh really now?”

  “Yep.” Mac kissed me softly on the lips and flashed his ring finger that held his royal band.

  Demy scratched his chin in thought. “Ah, well, I know you don’t remember this Mac, but we did have lengthy discussions about sharing her. You whole heartedly agreed.” He blinked innocently. “So, what do you think?”

  “Ugh.” I rolled my eyes and pushed him in the chest. “You Russian idiot.”

  A commotion began at the other end of the room, several squeals of protest echoing. The crowd cleared, revealing a very proud Madison dragging a fighting Sasha by the hair.

  “Nobody worry.” Madison held her free hand in the air as she stopped a few feet from us. “I’ve got this piece of trash.”

  A slew of Russian tumbled out of Demy and I was pretty sure they were curse words. “That’s Madison?” he asked.

  I blinked. “Wait, you can see her?”

  “We can all see her,” Mac answered.

  I stared up at her, wide eyed and confused. “How is this possible?”

  She shrugged. “Hell if I know. Maybe it’s from all the good deeds I’ve been spreading.”

  “Let me go you dead freak,” Sasha hissed, finally yanking her flaxen hair from the deceased hunter’s grasp. She stood, peering around the room for a friendly face. There were none. She cleared her throat and smoothed down her dirty white blouse. “I would just like to say I wasn’t acting like myself. It’s possible I was possessed by an evil spirit.”

  My eyes narrowed and I stood. “That could be possible Sasha.”

  Surprise lingered over her face before she could hide it. “Yes. That has to be it.”

  “I might can tell if you’ve been controlled by something,” I offered.

  Her brow arched curiously.

  I stepped closer, trying to keep my fangs from tearing through my gums. Without warning I reared back and punched her in the jaw, her head snapping around and body swaying until she hit the floor. Lights out. “Nope. No evil spirits. Just a nut job wanna be princess.”

  Madison snorted. “Now that was priceless.”

  I shook my hand out. “I’ve been wanting to do that weeks.”


  I laid curled against Mac, my head resting on his chest while we stretched out on the rug in our secret room at Highland. People were still downstairs cleaning up, but Whitmore instructed us to rest. We’d spent the better part of the day compelling humans that saw or heard to forget the battle that occurred. It was extremely draining.

  We could have gone back to the mansion, but this seemed like the right place to be. It was our place.

  My lids were closed and I lay somewhere between awake and dreaming—or maybe it only felt like I was dreaming to have Mac back with me. His fingers unexpectedly moved mine, something slipping onto my left ring finger.

  My eyes fluttered opened to see the diamond and ruby engagement ring glistening in the golden, flickering light of the candles. I lifted my head to look at Mac questioningly. I thought he would have tossed the ring after I threw it at him.

  A devilish grin curled his lips. “I kept it baby.” He kissed my forehead gently and rubbed my shoulder. “I think I knew deep down I’d need it again one day—to give back to you.”

  My heart ached within my chest—in a good way for once. “I love you Mac. I always have no matter what.”

  Mac rolled me over until we both lay on our side facing each other, his expression suddenly serious. “I know I don’t have most of my memories, but I do know a hundred percent we belong together Rubi and I want to marry you and share our vows in front of everyone.”

  My throat closed up and I blinked my eyes unsuccessfully against the tears that broke free. “Mac,” I choked out.

  His forehead pressed against mine, his midnight hair tickling my face. “So, how about it Rubi? Will you marry me?”

  I nodded. “Yes Mac.�

  “You sure?”

  “Of course.”

  His sigh of relief blew his warm breath against my flushed cheeks. “Good. Because I say we do it tomorrow night.”

  Chapter 37

  It wasn’t hard getting everything ready for the ceremony. It wasn’t going to be a grand event with every vampire in tow. No. That wasn’t for us. Aspen, Vera, and Emmaline were in charge of everything. They bickered for hours over the venue and decorations until I shut them up by telling them we were having it on the Highland Academy campus, right outside. It was the perfect place. It was where Mac and I met—both times—and where my entire life changed.

  No matter the creepy fog, strange, twisting trees, and castle like buildings, Highland Academy brought Mac and I together. It was only right.

  Our guests were vampires, shifters, and humans. Jason, Eric, and Jill were compelled to think everything was normal. Jackson, who was still dating Vera, knew the truth now. It was kind of hard to explain away when Vera accidently transformed into a wolf in front of him. He was pretty cool with it though. He apparently always knew something was off with us, but he didn’t care to solve the mystery.

  My parents were thrilled we were having an official ceremony. Okay my mother was thrilled. My father grumbled and pouted, mumbling things like I was too young and I should consider my options. I had to remind him Mac and I were technically already married. I already used his last name for crying out loud!

  The ceremony was held in a grove of twisting maples and oaks, multicolored leaves hanging down from branches and lining the path to the altar. Chairs with our friends and relatives sat on either side. Moonlight and candles lit the area, casting an eerie glow on the creeping fog beneath our feet. I wore a simple gold dress that matched my eyes and had silver and red embellishments. Mac was dressed in all black, making the jade in his eyes stand out strikingly and glowing through the night.

  Whitmore performed the ceremony, nearly choking up at the end. We repeated our vows, exchanged rings, and traded blood kisses.

  We were bonded. Again. It didn’t matter most of Mac’s memories were missing. We could make new ones for the rest of eternity.

  Mac and I were dancing to the slow, melodic song pulsing through the air, basking in our new found life.

  “What’s next baby?” he asked, his arms wrapped tightly around my waist.

  My fingers played with the soft hair on his neck. “I guess finish high school this semester and then start college in the winter.”

  His lips pursed in thought. “I have a much better idea.”

  My brows arched in curiosity.

  “We postpone college until next fall and take the few months after we graduate to travel.”


  Mac nodded. “Europe. Think of all the good food we could eat in Italy.”

  Damn. He knew just how to get to me. My mouth was already salivating. “Meat stuffed pasta!”

  “Yep.” His hands squeezed my hips while a naughty spread across his face. “It would be like an extremely long, long honeymoon.”

  My heart fluttered at the thought while warm flush coasted along my skin. “Oh that definitely sounds like a better idea. Screw college. We can learn other things.” My eyebrows wiggled.

  Mac chuckled before leaning forward and kissing me slowly, his lips sultry slow and soft. When we pulled back I caught sight of another couple kissing on the dance floor. My jaw nearly hit said dance floor.

  Paisley Collins and Demy Dragoniv were locked in a very serious, very steamy hot kiss!

  “What?” Mac asked at my sudden expression of shock. He glanced over his shoulder, his brow arching. “Oh. Who’s the girl?”

  “P-Paisley.” When? How? What…? My brain was on scramble and I had no idea what to make of the scene before me.

  “Oh, that’s Paisley.” A double meaning was hidden in his duplicitous tone.

  “Did Demy say anything about her? About this?” I motioned toward the pair still tangled in each other arms.

  Mac shrugged. “I heard him talking to her on the phone a few times. He sounded all smooth and Russian and I could hear her giggling.”

  Paisley. Giggling? Did hell freeze over?

  The two finally pulled apart, looking flushed. Demy’s violet eyes caught mine, a sly grin threatening his lips. Paisley looked a little scrambled herself, her black dress askew and hair tousled.

  I chewed my bottom lip, trying to ignore the little bit of jealousy sparking to life in my gut. Demy wasn’t mine to keep and I had Mac, but I was used to him dolling out those sexy smirks and Russian charm on me. And no one else.

  A chuckle vibrated through Mac. “Are you jealous?”

  “No,” I lied too quickly.

  Mac spun me around, dipping me before bringing me back up to his lips for another slow burning kiss. “You’re a greedy princess, aren’t you?”

  I pouted. “Am not. I just, well, I’m used to him being around.”

  “I’m sure he’ll still be around,” Mac. “He loves you. He’ll always love you.” He kissed my nose.

  “Yeah but Paisley?” I grimaced watching her pretend to be annoyed by him only to let him pull her back in for another kiss. I had seen them flirting before. Maybe I shouldn’t be so surprised. Demy liked a challenge and the ex-hunter/spy was definitely that.

  Mac cleared his throat to get my attention. “Someone is waving at you,” he said, motioning his chin toward something behind me.

  I found Madison standing deeper into the trees, motioning us over. My brows drew together. “You can still see her?”

  “Yep.” Mac grabbed my hand and started towing me in her direction. “Let’s go find out what she wants.”

  “Congrats to the love birds,” Madison said with a dramatic bow, her scarlet and black hair falling in her face.

  “Thanks, but how is everyone still seeing you?” I asked.

  “Everyone isn’t.” She motioned a long finger between us. “It’s just Mac. And well you of course.”

  She still didn’t explain the how and I got the feeling she was avoiding the question.

  “Well, I have a wedding present for you.” A mischievous grin curled her lips, glittering dangerously in her dark eyes.

  Oh man. What now?

  A laugh tumbled out her mouth. “Gees Rubi. Don’t look so worried. After all this time, all I’ve done, you still don’t trust me?”

  I grimaced. “Old habits die hard.”

  She shook her head, brushing off my negativity and stepped toward Mac. “This is my gift. Don’t ask me how, just be thankful.”

  I stood by, nervously chewing on my lip and twisting my royal ring around as Madison’s fingertips rested on Mac’s temples. His eyes fluttered closed, a heavy silence falling over us. After several seconds his body jerked and tensed, his fists curling by his sides.

  Panic began to envelope me, thinking Madison was hurting him. Had she finally betrayed me?

  When I reached out to Mac she shook her head. “Just wait. Please.” No malice lingered in her voice, only desperation and exhaustion.

  With a clenched jaw I backed off, praying Madison wasn’t switching sides again. So help me if she hurt him…

  My words were cut off by Mac’s loud gasp. His lids flew open, his eyes roaming quickly back and forth as if watching something play on an invisible movie screen.

  “Mac, baby?” I whispered, afraid my normal voice might interrupt whatever was happening.

  His gaze shifted down to me, tears instantly springing to his eyes and slipping down his cheeks. His expression was a bittersweet mixture of awe and agony.

  Madison released him and stepped back, a smirk curling her lips. “You’re welcome,” she said in a sing song voice.

  “Rubi,” he choked out. “I remember.”

  My breath caught in my throat. “Remember what?”

  He swallowed hard, tears still glistening in his jade irises. “Everything.”

  My heart stopped and I held a hand agains
t my chest, staring up at him. “Mac?” My voice wavered, thickened by oncoming emotion. It was too good to be true. I couldn’t believe it. I was afraid to believe it.

  “Baby,” he choked, grabbing me in an iron hug as his body shook. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry I forgot.”

  I held on tight, rubbing his back soothingly. “It’s okay Mac. It’s over now. We’re together. That’s all that matters.” I was ready to make new memories to make up for the ones he lost. Now we’ll just be adding on to the old ones.

  “I was so terrible to you. How could you even stand to look at me let alone marry me?”

  “Doesn’t matter. You’ve already made up for it and I’ve already forgiven you.” I pulled back, cradling his face in my hands. “Don’t you ruin our big night with feeling guilty, okay?” When he didn’t respond I prodded more. “Okay?”

  Mac finally relented and nodded. “Okay baby.”

  Madison cleared her throat. “I hate to break up this teary reunion and all, but… I really need to talk to Rubi alone for a minute.”

  Mac kissed me gently on the lips then my dimple. “Okay.” His gaze flickered toward her. “But not too long, right?”

  Madison held up three fingers, her expression one of mock sincerity. “Witches honor.”

  I shot her an incredulous look.

  She laughed and held her hands up. “Okay, okay. Five minutes tops lover boy.”

  Mac sighed and jammed his fingers through his hair, mussing it up. “I should probably go apologize to Demy for being such a douche to him.”

  “Yeah,” I agreed.

  “Thanks Madison.” He smirked at her. “Who would have known the hunter turned vampire who tried to kill me would have been the one to help me the most?”

  She shrugged. “Stranger things have happened.”

  I longingly watched Mac’s retreating form moving back to the party. With a sigh I turned around to face Madison, finding her unusually serious.

  “I wanted to apologize for what happened when I was still alive at Highland.”


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