A New Threat: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic

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A New Threat: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic Page 2

by Andrew Wood

  Inside the house, Dalia chanted the words of her incantation, holding her hand over the bowl, the ingredients within, bubbled and sizzled forming into a thick red liquid. Her own eyes rolled back in her head, as she spoke. The words were not of the tongue of mere men, but those spoken by the darkest of creatures in the very depths of hell. She stopped abruptly, feeling a little unsteady on her feet. She wobbled slightly and the large Orlac placed a tender hand behind her to stop her from falling. "I am fine Silas, thank you," she said regaining her composure.

  After summoning the Captain inside, she handed him the bowl. "See this is mixed in with the water. Make sure each and every person drinks deeply," she instructed, "Take Silas, if anyone refuses, let him persuade them." The Captain turned to look at the beast, before returning his attention to Dalia, "As you command my lady," he added, bowing his head before retreating with the bowl in hand.

  Chapter 2.

  Luca sat alone in his room, staring up at the portrait on the wall. The painting was of a fair-haired young man, of a similar age and appearance to himself. Many people commented on how like his father he looked. Despite never seeing him, Luca felt he knew much about the man. He had learned from an early age of his father's magic and more so the great efforts and ultimate sacrifice he made to protect his people.

  Sitting on his bed, Luca looked down at the small flame he had flickering in the palm of his hand. He had amazed his family when it had become apparent he had inherited his father's ability. Although his mother had initially been horrified by the discovery, she was slowly coming round to the idea. He knew her fears were not the magic he wielded, but the burden that would be placed upon him.

  Hence, it had been decided that only a few people should know of his gift. His immediate family, his uncle the King, and one or two high-ranking officers and a few trusted house staff were all that apparently knew. His sister Hope had helped him nurture his gift as much as she could. She had spent many an hour, sifting through old books and scrolls searching for anything that may help. As a result, Hope had become quite the expert on the subject of all types of mystical and magical powers.

  It had become evident from an early age, that Luca had developed something his Father could not manage. Not only could he manipulate the flame in his palm, but he could also manifest it without there being any source at hand. Moreover, due to his many years of tutorage and practice, something his father had had little time to do, Luca was, as a result far more powerful.

  His mother, who had re-married to his father's friend Darak, had been amazed at the control he had. Healing, which had caused his father so much trouble, was almost second nature to him. The only thing Luca missed was showing the world what he could do. Rather than shy away from learning how to use this great gift, he had embraced it fully. He just thought it wasteful keeping his power a big secret. There were surely people whom he could help, those who needed healing for one. Alas, he had been told from early on that his gift must remain as secretive as possible, for his own safety.

  Luca let the flame dissipate from his hand as he looked up to see his sister, Hope walking in through the door. "Morning Luca, nice to see you are still practicing like I asked," she said in a soft voice. Hope had been just a small baby adopted by his mother and father, after the Darekian invasion had left her parents dead. Tall, slim and elegant looking, with brown hair and eyes, she and Luca had grown up together, not just as brother and sister, but also as mentor and pupil. She had been the one who had pushed him to practice when things had not gone well. Always giving him encouragement when needed and a ticking off when he was not concentrating.

  "I was just thinking about Father. Do you think he would have been proud of me?" he said looking a little more forlorn than usual. Hope smiled, and sat herself down beside him, "That's a silly question Luca; I think you and I both know the answer to that." Luca looked at her, and smiled "I know, it's just I sometimes wonder what he would have made of all this." He paused a little and the two sat silently both staring up at the picture. "Come on," Hope said jumping, "I meant to tell you that you have had a package delivered."

  Luca suddenly looked a lot more interested, "Really, who from?" he asked. Hope smiled, "I don't know, it was just delivered by a rider to the gatehouse this morning. It just had your name on it." With his mind now on the mysterious parcel, Luca quickly followed his sister out of his room, and down the wooden stairs. Passing through a panelled corridor adorned with pictures, they opened the large double doors that led them into the main lounge.

  As Hope had said, sat upon the large polished mahogany tabletop was a package. Luca looked down at the parcel. It was crudely wrapped in a thick parchment paper, and tied tight with thin strips of leather. "Did they say who delivered it?" he asked, looking up at his sister. She shook her head, "No, one of the house staff bought it up from the gatehouse. They said it was just dropped off by a man on horseback."

  Luca reached down, and looked around for something to cut the leather ties. Hope was already one-step ahead of him, and held out a small knife she always carried on her person. He looked at her, "Why do you keep that thing on you?" She just smiled at him and handed it over. He cut the ties and the parcel fell open to reveal a rather old tattered looking box. The siblings looked at each other, both a little disappointed at the item before them.

  Luca shrugged his shoulders, and flicked the small clasp that held the lid shut. Inside was a note, a small tatty book and a silver ring. Hope brushed her brother aside, and took control. "Right, what do we have?" she said picking up the note first. As she read, Luca picked up the ring. It was chunky looking with a small single red stone set in it. He went to slip it on his finger, but felt Hope's hand grasp his wrist. "Don't put that on," she said in a worried tone. "We don't know what it is. Mum is not going to like this letter," she added.

  Luca did as was asked, and placed the ring back down on the table. Puzzled by his sister's sudden change in mood, he took the note. He read aloud, "...I have been watching you from afar. The ring and book are gifts to aid you in your task. Forces are stirring that will bring darker times once more..." He finished the letter mumbling to himself, before placing the note back on the table beside the ring. "Well that sounds ominous," he said trying to put a cheerful face on the matter.

  Hope on the other hand was taking things far more seriously. "Luca this is worrying...very worrying. What do we tell Mother? She will not like this one bit..." she said. Luca placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, "Don't worry Hope, that's not going to help anybody. Firstly, we keep this quiet from mum and Darak, no need to worry her needlessly. Let's look at the book and see what it's about." His sister gave him a smile, "Always the calm one, any more laid back Luca and you would fall over," she quipped.

  The siblings gathered up the package, then threw the wrapping papers and cut ties on the fire. Once back in Luca's room, they shut the door and started looking at the book. "It's a book on elemental magic," Hope said flicking through the pages. "Most of it I think you already know," she added with an air of disappointment. "Oh! Wait, the back few chapters are something new." Luca attempted to look over her shoulder at the pages, only to be shooed away. "Let me look first, I am your instructor after all." Luca chuckled and let her have her way, "Fine, but I'm putting the ring on, just to see if it does anything." Before she could stop him, the silver band was over his right index finger.

  The two stared blankly at each other, both waiting for some miraculous event to occur. Both were disappointed, as nothing appeared to happen, "Well that was a letdown. Don't you even feel anything?" Hope asked. Luca grinned, "No, nothing at all...Perhaps it is just a ring..." Hope harrumphed, her disappointment clear to see. "Why would someone send you some piece of jewellery? I mean...look at it... it's not even a nice piece." Luca laughed, "I think it looks alright Hope. I think I might wear it anyway," he said jokingly.

  The two siblings had barely had time to start looking through the book, when they were called down for lunch. They entered t
he dining room together, to see their mother, stepfather and little sister already sat at the table. Luca and Hope seated themselves down, and immediately started placing food on their plates. "What have you two been up too?" their mother asked, sensing they appeared a little quieter than usual. Luca looked up, taking a large mouthful of bread and cheese and attempting a look of innocence. They were saved by their younger sister Leah, who decided to tell everybody of her mornings play. Hope cast her brother a quick glance and a smile, something that was not missed by Darak. The man however said nothing and continued quietly with his lunch, listening to Leah's description of the flock of birds she had seen, swirling around in circles above the town.

  Trying to continue their ploy of innocence, both Hope and Luca ate slowly and chatted openly with the others. Only once there Mother had excused herself from the table did the two do likewise, and dash off back to Luca's room. Finding out what the ring did, and more importantly, what secrets were held within the pages of the book was something that needed their earliest attention.

  They shut the door behind them, and sat beside each other at the small table in Luca's room. Hope, as the self-proclaimed teacher of all things magic, made sure she was the one turning the pages. Luca looked on as she quickly scanned and turned several chapters on. "Ah...now this is something new," she said pausing and pointing to a particular paragraph. "Does it mention the ring?" Luca asked frustrated at having to be the one looking on. He did not get an immediate reply, as they both turned quickly as the door opened.

  In the entrance stood Darak, "Right you two, what are you doing? You may have fooled your mother, but I can tell you are being secretive about something." Luca sighed, knowing it was futile trying to attempt any denial. Instead, he waved Darak in and gestured for him to close the door. "So what is the big secret then?" he asked stepping closer to the two youngsters.

  Luca opened his mouth to explain, but Hope was quicker to it. She told Darak of the unexplained delivery of a package, and the book and ring contained within. She then passed him the note that was enclosed. The man's face suddenly took a much more serious appearance. Both Luca and Hope sat silently letting Darak absorb the significance of the words. "Your Mother is not going to like this," he said mirroring their earlier assumption. They both nodded their agreement, "But she will have to be told," he added. "You cannot keep her in the dark about something of this magnitude."

  Darak passed the note back over to Luca, "I will tell her, but I want you two to promise me one thing." Both Luca and Hope looked at him, "You will not go doing anything stupid. Your father felt the weight of the world on his shoulders; it would break your mother if she thought you had to go through the same thing." Darak stood looking sternly, awaiting some sort of response. "We promise," Hope spoke up. "I will make sure Luca does not do anything stupid," she added.

  Darak picked up the ring, and examined it more closely, "No idea what this is for then?" he asked. The two both shook their heads. "It doesn't look anything like the one they used to use to contact the old wizard on Kelan," he added. Luca explained he had, only briefly tried the ring on, but nothing had happened. "Just be careful," Darak replied, gently placing it down and picking up the book. After flicking through a few pages, he passed it back to Hope, "That lot means nothing to me. Right, I will try to explain to your mother. You pair don't do anything that might upset her further. This is going be difficult enough as it is." With that, he turned about and headed back through the door, closing it behind him.

  After Darak had left the room, the two took no time in resuming their study of the book. Hope once more took control of which page they would read, and ultimately Luca decided to take a closer look at the accompanying ring. He thought there might be some sort of markings on the band, but was disappointed to find otherwise. The red stone set in it appeared just like any other, and he was just about to place it back on the table when Hope snatched it from him.

  She cast a smug grin, "Let me try something." Luca shrugged, and watched his sister slide the ring on. It was clearly too large for her slender fingers, and Luca chuckled as it slipped straight back off. Hope scoffed and tried again, this time placing it over her thumb.

  "According to the book, this ring allows the wearer to use the power of another," she said excitedly. However, she was soon disappointed as once more nothing happened. Despite waving her hands around as Luca did when casting spells, she achieved little more than making her brother laugh. "Perhaps you should read a little further, maybe we have to do something else," he said still chuckling. Hope took the ring back off and reverted her attention back to the book. Luca once more took a back seat and sat quietly while his sister studied further. "Oh," she finally said, with an obvious disappointment in her voice. "Apparently the ring needs to hold a charge, and when the stone is red that indicates it doesn't have one." With a little distain, she dropped the piece of jewellery back on the table.

  "Never mind Hope," Luca said attempting to encourage her to read further. "Perhaps it explains more, in another chapter." Hope turned to face him and shook her head, "No, there is only this one chapter about this ring. The rest is elemental stuff that applies to you, and a few scribbled bits at the back that looks like it was written by a child. Just looking at it briefly though, there are some pretty-wonderful things for you to try." Luca picked up the silver band, "But why would somebody send us this if it's of no use. There must be some way of charging it," he added. "Hope, I know if anyone can fathom it out, you can," he added making her smile.

  Down in the study, Darak put a comforting arm around his wife. "I will not allow my son to get involved in this," she said defiantly. "Sarena, we don't know anything is going to happen. All we have is a package sent to Luca." She stood and turned to her husband "Yes, just a package, and a letter that says he is being watched. I want a guard placed on his door...and doubled at the gate..." Darak stood, "Sarena," he said firmly. "Calm down. I promise you I will not let anything happen to Luca...or any of you for that matter." She cast him a wry smile, "I know Darak, but I fear these things are beyond our control."

  After taking several paces around the sunlit study room, pacing from wall to wall, avoiding furniture in her path she stopped. "How do we even know this package is off someone friendly...I mean it could be some kind of ploy?" She paused for a while before adding, "How is it that someone can be watching? Even if this book is from someone looking out for Luca, does that mean there are forces at work looking to do him harm?" Darak looked up from his once more seated position, "I had not thought of that," he admitted. "I will ask the guards on the gates to keep a vigilant eye on who they admit. Just for your peace of mind, I will have a guard set in the house as well."

  Sarena sat beside her husband, "I suppose I should send a message to Caldar. I know we do not know anything is going to happen for certain, but he needs to be kept updated about such things. I cannot see our country get caught out like last time." Darak nodded, "I agree. I will also send a note to the local garrisons, just warning them to keep alert of anything unusual."

  Chapter 3.

  Caldar stood quietly looking at the small statue depicting his younger brother. Set in an immaculately kept garden, this was an oasis of tranquillity amidst the hustle and bustle in the city of New Easton. The young man portrayed by the statue had been the reason all these people now lived in peaceful times.

  Caldar had tried to rule the country of Corlan as his father had done before him. He had endured to keep the philosophy of a fair society for his subjects. It was hard to believe that less than eighteen years ago the walls were all that stood of New Easton. This had been the countries location in making their last defiant stand against the invading hordes of Darekia. The blood of thousands of men and beasts summoned from the very depths of hell had been spilled defending this place. In the years since, New Easton had been completely rebuilt.

  Caldar looked up at the cloudy sky, checking the position of the sun, to indicate the time of day. He judged by the bright blur bein
g shadowed by the clouds, that it was early afternoon. He sighed heavily as his thoughts moved once more to his fallen sibling. "I wish you were here little brother," he uttered quietly to himself. "We all do," came the voice of a woman behind him. He turned slowly and smiled, "Hello my dear. I did not hear you sneaking up behind me." Vanessa, his wife and queen placed her hand in his and the two stood silently for a brief time. "You know I sometimes forget his face," he said sadly. "I come here to look at the statue, but I know its likeness is not a true one. Even all the pictures and stories that have been depicted about Luken seem not to be accurate." He paused a while and looked morosely at his darling wife, "Does that make me a bad person Vanessa, not remembering what he looked like?" he said with a tear welling in his eye. She smiled at him, and placed her hands lovingly around his waist. "Of course not my dear, Luken was very special to all of us, and even if the image of his face fades from memory, his deeds will certainly never do so."

  After a tender kiss, and reassuring hug from his wife, Caldar returned his attention the statue of his late brother. "Dark times are heading our way Vanessa, and without Luken to help us, I'm not sure the outcome will be so favourable." His wife looked taken aback by the remark, and a feel of anxiety took over her, "Whatever are you going on about?" He shrugged his shoulders, "I had a message from Darak & Sarena this morning, and they think the same as I do, that trouble may be brewing again."

  He explained for several minutes of strange occurrences, in addition to several reports from merchant ships of Darekian troops being spotted around the Isle of Kelan. Vanessa spoke up, "But that would mean they are breaking the truce agreement, set up after the last war." Caldar nodded "I spoke with the Darekian envoy yesterday and he was quite insistent that his government are in no way responsible. If that is the case, it means we have some rogue element probably up to no good."


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