A New Threat: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic

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A New Threat: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic Page 5

by Andrew Wood

  Luca was shocked as the blast caught him unaware and he stumbled backwards. As he fell, he knocked into a small table holding a decorative ornament of a fighting soldier. The fine porcelain figurine plummeted down and shattered into a multitude of pieces, scattering across the floor. Luca picked himself up, "Bloody hell Hope we'd better clean that up quick before anyone see's it." Hope placed her hand over her mouth in a vain attempt at covering her smirking face. "Sorry," she said bending down to help clear away the pieces.

  After cleaning up the mess, Luca suggested, probably wisely, that they continue any further experiments outside in the garden. There was a raw chill to the breeze, and Luca was beginning to rue his decision to move outdoors. Despite the sun being out and high up in the sky, he certainly could feel none of its warmth. Hope was clearly over excited and no sooner were they outdoors than she was ready to continue. "Hope, we need to make sure we are not seen," Luca added cautiously looking left and right.

  Once satisfied they were located in part of the garden secluded away from prying eyes, Luca stopped and turned to his sister. "Can we do fire now? Please...," she added as an afterthought. Knowing he was not going to get any peace until he had gone through his entire repertoire of elemental skills, Luca reluctantly nodded his head. Hope jumped excitedly, "Just please be careful Hope, this is not the sort of thing to be playing with." Hope just agreed impatiently waiting to get started.

  After making sure his sister was actually wearing the ring, Luca carefully mustered a small flame. If this was going to go wrong, he was going to ensure that in the worst-case scenario, he would only cause Hope a few minor burns. His sister was clearly disappointed at the small flicker of flame that travelled her way. As previously, the ring did what she had anticipated and the fire was absorbed. "Just don't fire it back at me," Luca said sardonically. Hope, clearly disappointed, released the small flame skyward. "Again...and this time actually send some fire my way," she added.

  Luca shrugged, "Fine, anything for a quiet life." He waved his hand and waited for a larger flame to manifest itself before launching it towards his target. Hope stepped back as the flames leapt towards her, but at the last moment, they once more dissipated, as the ring did its work. Luca could tell by the look on his sister's face she was far more pleased with this attempt. A thought just struck Luca, and before his sister could release the fire spell he had cast at her, he sent forth a blast of air.

  Hope picked herself off her backside, as the gust sent forth by her brother had swept her off her feet. "I think we have found a flaw in the use of the ring," Luca said trying not to laugh. Hope nodded, surprisingly not angry with him. This had certainly been a revelation for her, and she realised she had been getting carried away with the thought of having magical power. "Sorry Hope," Luca said approaching his sister. "No I am sorry Luca, I've been a fool and I've certainly been a pain." Luca said nothing, but just smiled.

  Luca watched on as Hope released the fire spell he had cast on her. The stream of flame shot up into the air and vanished away from existence. The two then turned and walked slowly back indoors, chatting about what they had discovered and learned from the ring. It was clear it could absorb the spells, but had a limit to just one. This meant the existing spell would have to be discharged before it could absorb another.

  Two large black crows took to the air above the large family home and soared high to rejoin the rest of their horde. The mass of black swirled about heading back north towards the Isle of Kelan. Unknown to anybody below, they carried the information that their dark mistress had sought for a long time.

  Hope and Luca joined the other members of their family at the dinner table. Their mother had been told of the ring and book. As result, she had made it clear that none of her children were permitted to venture out of the grounds without a guard. Hope thought it best not to bring the subject up over dinner and so wisely talked of other things. She did however feel the need to tell Darak of their findings and had decided to tell him afterwards.

  Luca helped himself to a few more slices of the roast beef, and a few more of the roasted potatoes, despite everyone else clearly having their fill. "Where do you put it all?" Sarena asked smiling. "I'm a growing man," he replied placing his hand over his mouthful of food. Dessert was bought to the table, and the conversation continued about trivial matters. Leah told them of how well she had ridden her pony that morning, and that if she kept growing, she would soon need some new riding gear. Luca excused himself from the table, and Hope followed suit a few minutes later.

  The two met up outside the dining room and it was not long before Darak made an appearance. "Right you two, what have you got to tell me?" he asked before taking a sip from his wine glass he'd carried out with him.

  Luca knew his sister would want to explain, and so stayed quiet. Hope did not wait long before she was telling Darak of her power. Their father looked visibly surprised as she told him, how she had absorbed the air spell before sending it back at Luca. She barely stopped for breath, before continuing on about the fire spells she had launched into the sky. "Quite some piece of jewellery you have there," Darak said in a pondering tone. "Please be careful both of you. Oh and I appreciate keeping the subject off the agenda in front of your mother," he added.

  Chapter 6.

  It was a bright morning and the sky almost cloudless as Dalia stood outside the house on the Isle of Kelan. She looked up, feeling the warmth of the sun's rays on her pale skin. The young boy Dawid whom she had decided was to be her pet, sat crouched beside her, and the Orlac known as Silas slightly behind.

  A dark swirling mass twisted and turned as she watched. She smiled as two of the birds broke away from the masses and landed down a short distance away. The large crow like bird, probably twice the size as what would be classed as normal, flapped its wings as she approached. Dalia held out a hand and the bird calmed. "Now show me what you have seen," she uttered as her palm neared the birds head, and closed her eyes.

  Amongst the images she could see, was exactly what she had been waiting for. A young lady, perhaps no older than herself, and quite pretty in a way, stood in a well-kept garden. A boy was with her, again of similar age, well dressed and smart looking. Dalia smiled as the image showed the female launching a spell of fire into the skies. "I've found you at last," she mumbled to herself. "Now I will eliminate you before you become a problem."

  Dalia felt the last few days had gone as well, no, better than she could ever have hoped. She had found the staff, a most awesome weapon that would see her crush her enemies. As if that was not good enough they had also found other books, scrolls and trinkets within the buried room under the old wizards castle. It was a treasure of blood magic artefacts that had been horded by the old man. She had surmised the wizard had probably assumed they would be buried and hidden away from the world once the castle had demised. He obviously had not counted on someone like her coming along and finding them.

  Now however, she had discovered her nemesis. She had been told by her mother that such a person would exist. 'The powers of good and evil always find ways to balance themselves out' her mother had said. 'If you have the power of blood magic, that which is gifted from the underworld, there will be one who has the ability to oppose you. One who fights on the side of light and righteousness.' Of course, it would have to be a young woman, just like her, the daughters of the last two who had battled. The Prince of Corlan was known to have fathered a child; this young woman must be the one who had inherited his power.

  Her young commander approached, and Dalia felt her pulse starting to race as he did so. The handsome young soldier walked with a certain confidence, and she felt herself admiring him in such a way she had never done so before. He did not need to speak as the bracelet she had given him allowed her to share his mind with hers. It was this sharing, that told her the young man had strong feelings for her as well. 'Commander, gather your six best men and meet me in the yard behind the house in ten minutes. I have a special job for you,' were the words
she sent via her mind to his. The young man smiled and bowed his head, 'As you wish my Lady' he sent back.

  Dalia almost felt disappointed to be sending her young commander away from her presence, but knew her feelings were secondary to the tasks that lay ahead. Leaving the large black coloured birds to return to the others still circling the skies above, Dalia gave a short pull on the leash and her pet stood and walked at her heel. Silas moved his large head upwards watching the birds move away into the distance, before turning and catching up with Dalia.

  After collecting the teleportation stone off the table in the house, she joined the small group gathering at the back of it. Her young commander was stood with six other men. Dalia noticed that he had selected soldiers of a similar age to himself, and none of the older members from her father's era. He turned as he sensed her approach, and once again, she felt the surge of emotions almost overwhelm her.

  Dalia faced her young leader and sent the image of the girl she had seen launching fire into the skies over Corlan. "Bring this young woman to me...alive. You may kill any that get in her way." She placed the stone on the dusty ground, "This will open a portal to her location. It will only remain open for about fifteen minutes, so you will have to be quick." She pushed the wild emotions she could feel through the link with her young commander to one side. After pricking her finger, she uttered the words she had recited from one of the found parchments and let a droplet of blood fall to the stone. There was a sudden whoosh sound and a shimmering of the light above of the stone. An opening appeared before them, like an open doorway, Dalia peered through and could see a garden within it. "Go through and fetch her to me. Remember fifteen minutes and the portal will collapse. Any longer and you will be stuck."

  Dalia watched, almost regretfully as her young commander was first to step through the opening. His selected band of men quickly followed him through, reappearing in a land hundreds of miles away. She thought it a shame no more of the portal stones had been found, but reckoned as long as her men returned with their prisoner, that she had at least put this one to good use.

  Luca and Hope were sat out on the open fronted porch at the rear of their home. It was a warm morning and they had decided to study the new book outside. Luca still could not get to grips with the skills his sister was demanding from him, and as a result, they had decided to take a short break. Luca was just about to take a drink from the glass in his hand when a piercing scream broke the silence.

  Quick as a flash he jumped to his feet. Hope did likewise, "That was Leah," she said starting to run in the direction it came. Luca soon caught his sister, and the two turned the corner only to be confronted by a band of soldiers wearing a uniform unknown to either. Stood off to one side was their mother who was standing defiantly in front of Leah. "Guards!" Hope shouted, as she pulled the dagger she kept on her belt.

  Luca however paused. He had no weapon. He had never thought the need; he had powers after all. Hope's shouts drew the attention of the intruders, and as one, they all turned to her. Like wolves hunting a single target, they spread out around her, and closed in. Luca felt a panic overwhelm him. He knew he could use his powers to swat them like flies if he wished, but froze. What if he used them and hurt Hope? Did she have the ring on? He could not remember.

  The first of the house guards emerged; four men, two with swords drawn and two with crossbows at the ready. Luca was unsure what to do and he felt a tear roll down his cheek as he watched his sister being dragged away. His mother however was not going to stand idly by, and he watched her run over to the men, only to be hauled to the floor by Darak, who had emerged from a side door. The first of the guards fired a bolt at the group of men, trying to ensure they did not hit Hope. The bolt hit one of the intruders in the thigh and he fell to the ground.

  Darak grabbed his wife, "Get Leah indoors...Now!" he ordered. "They have my girl, why did you stop me...?" she cried. "Do as I say," Darak reiterated in a firm tone. Luca took a deep breath ready to give chase, as he watched one of the house guards, bravely and selflessly, confront the intruders. The man was cut down by at least three swords, but he at least slowed the intruders down. One of their number was down, and was left behind as they headed for the shimmering light.

  Dalia was surprised out how quickly her commander had returned. The group she had sent forth just five minutes earlier had already completed their task. 'We are one down' her commander told her mentally, answering the question she had been thinking. She nodded, and noticing her soldiers had the person she wanted with them, she quickly mumbled a few more words of enchantment.

  Darak and three more of the house guards watched on as Hope was dragged through the doorway of shimmering light, vanishing in mid air. He turned to his men, "Come on, we follow them. They have my daughter," he roared in anger. He turned his attention back to the doorway, only to see a brief glimpse of a young woman he did not know looking back at him smiling. Before he could take another step, the doorway vanished and he slumped to his knees knowing he had lost Hope.

  Luca took several deep breaths as he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Come on son," he heard the familiar voice of Darak say. "We will find her. I promise you that," he added. Luca looked up at the man who had been the father to him all his living years, "I froze," he said sobbing. "I could have stopped them, but...I..." he let the words die away as he planted his face into Daraks chest crying. He felt a reassuring arm around him, "Don't blame yourself Luca, like I said, we will find her."

  The fallen Darekian soldier groaned, and the noise drew the attention of one of the guards. "He's still alive my lord," one of them shouted. Darak turned, releasing his comforting arm around Luca. "Then I will kill him," he said pulling his dagger from his belt. Walking with hatred showing on his face, Darak knew he wanted vengeance. Although killing this one injured enemy soldier would not solve anything, he felt he needed too.

  Darak looked down at the man lying on the ground. A crossbow bolt had taken him down, and still protruded from just above his thigh. Left as it was the man would no doubt die anyway. He was probably bleeding internally. Darak grabbed the crossbow bolt and pulled it free, causing the man to wail in agony. Blood oozed from the wound, he was going to make sure this Darekian suffered badly for what he had done. "Stop it Darak," Luca said standing behind him. "Look at him...he is probably no older than me..."

  Darak had not even looked at the face of the man he was going to kill. When he did, he stepped away. What Luca said was true, this Darekian soldier was not much more than a boy. "He will die anyway...He deserves to die Luca," Darak said regaining his resolve and need for some kind of revenge. He looked at Luca's face, the tears still visible on his son's cheeks, before throwing his dagger to the floor and walking away. He headed with a new purpose, and with haste to Sarena and Leah.

  The injured man was patched up, before being put in chains in one of the stable stalls. It had been several hours since Hope had been abducted, and Luca felt he had failed not only her but also his entire family. Darak was in the lounge attempting to calm Sarena and little Leah. Luca steadied himself as he left the house, still shaken by what had happened, he made his way to the stables.

  Two guards stood at the doorway, and they immediately barred his way. "Let me in please," he said quietly. One of the guards on duty replied, "Sorry my Lord, but we were told not to allow anybody access to the prisoner." Luca looked at the guard, "I am going in, do not try and stop me," he said far more sternly than he meant. The guard nodded and stepped aside, "As you wish my Lord. Just shout if you need assistance."

  Luca stepped in to the stables. Many of the stalls housed the families horses, his own included. He felt a nudge on his shoulder, and he turned to see his own black stallion, Shadow, leaning over the stall gate to greet him. Luca smiled, "Hello boy," he said stroking the front of the horses head. "I've not come to see you today, sorry," he added patting him. The horse seemed to sense Luca's mood, and nodded its large black head in acknowledgement.

  In the end stall,
there was no horse, and the gates to it were open. Luca paused as he noticed the Darekian soldier slumped in the corner. He had chains wrapped about his legs and arms, neither of which was probably necessary. He stepped in to the stall, expecting the man to look up at him, but the soldiers head remained slumped down. Kneeling down Luca tentatively placed a hand on the young man's forehead. It was burning hot, and it was clear a strong fever was there.

  Luca moved his hand down to where the crossbow bolt had hit. The wound had been badly patched up by a blood soaked piece of rag. This young man was dying, and probably would not last the night. He lifted the man's head with his hand, and he saw glimmer of life still hanging on in the dark eyes looking back at him. He was not sure why, but he knew he had to help. Luca stood and went back out of the stall to fetch a bucket of water normally set aside for the horses, before returning to the enemy soldier.

  Luca carefully removed the young man's upper clothing, revealing a lean but well toned body. The area around the wound had gone a strange colour and he knew his initial assumption that the man had a bad fever was correct. The wound was already going bad at an alarmingly quick rate, much faster than would have been expected. Luca slowly poured the cool water over the soldier's body, before placing a hand near the puncture hole of the crossbow bolt. Luca closed his eyes, concentrating deeply he delved deep into his pool of magical powers. The water flowed across the skin of the wound, Luca's healing magic worked immediately. The area around the wound cleared and the hole slowly closed up.

  Luca opened his eyes, to see the results of his work. He knew however, this was only the first stage. The real work needed to be done internally, and that would require much more of his power. He had always thought it strange how he had found healing people so easy, but apparently, his father had struggled. He had heard several stories of his father heroically saving the lives of his own men, but at the cost of nearly killing himself. Luca of course had had many more years practice, and found it relatively simple.


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