A New Threat: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic

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A New Threat: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic Page 15

by Andrew Wood

  His mind turned to the use of other magic. Moreover, the ability of most good magicians being able to have some control of not only the elements of nature, but living things as well. He had attempted on several occasions to get various plants and animals to do his bidding, only for nothing to happen. This he had tried during the last lesson with Hope. Then thinking about her made him worry once more. If only he had stopped the attack when given the chance. Whilst he was alone, he quickly said a silent prayer, asking that the gods in their great wisdom would take care of her. No sooner had he finished, than Oliver returned with a tray of food.

  "I have some stew for us Luca Sir," the young Darekian said placing the tray down on the small table beside the narrow bed. Luca smiled, "That certainly smells good, thank you." He always tried to treat Oliver as he would any other friend, rather than someone who was bound to do his bidding. One day he had told himself he would free the Darekian's mind, just he was not yet sure how to.

  Luca was already aware that the bond between him and Oliver was more than just a compulsion spell. He was certain there was something else there, but quite what he could not put his finger on. He watched as Oliver broke a chunk of bread in two, and place the pieces beside the bowls of stew. The young Darekian then gestured for Luca to help himself. "Thank you Oliver," he said picking a bowl up. Luca noticed how Oliver waited for him to start eating before he did, something else he had not been able to change.

  After eating, Luca felt better. So much so that he thought to take a walk back out on deck. Darak noticed him and made a beeline his direction. Luca knew what he was going to say, and answered the question before it was asked. "I am fine, no need to worry," he said holding a hand up. "Don't even think about using any more powers," Taylor added walking up behind their father. "Not you as well Taylor...I just came out for some fresh air," Luca pleaded innocently. "I will take care of him, "Oliver piped up, surprising them all.

  After a brief talk and once sure Luca was not going to be summoning the winds to fill the ships sails, Luca and Oliver were once more left to their own devices. Noticing the sun was low in the sky, Luca realised it would soon be dark. He leaned on the edge of the railings and looked down at the water below. They had made exceptional progress in such a short time, thanks to his assistance. They had travelled northwards up the coastline of Corlan and the Isle of Kelan should be within view in the morning. He looked at the coast off in the distance and was shocked when a sea bird fluttered in and landed beside him.

  Luca thought it an excellent opportunity, to have a little go at the skills he could not seem to master. He stared at the bird and if the book he and Hope had read was correct, he should be able to make it do as he wished. The magic may not have worked, but at least his antics appeared to amuse those watching him. "What by the gods are you trying to do?" he heard the voice of Taylor say from behind him. Luca turned to notice half the ship's crew appeared to be watching him. He shrugged, "Well I thought that was obvious. I am trying to get this dumb bird to do as I say. Only it just looks at me as if I am stupid." Taylor laughed, "Luca, everybody watching is probably thinking you're stupid."

  With the bird gone, probably from being bored by Luca trying to talk to it, and the sky darkening, he thought he might as well return to the cabin he was sharing with Oliver. Once back inside, Luca used a little magic to create a flame and light a couple of lamps, watched as always by his Darekian friend. "Luca Sir, Why were you talking to the bird?" Oliver asked as they sat on the edge of one of the beds. Luca sighed, before trying to explain to him about magic, and that how some people who wielded it were supposedly be able to manipulate animals and plants.

  Luca was not sure how much Oliver understood, but he at least seemed interested in what he had been trying to do. Leaving it at that, Luca rummaged in his pack and pulled out the book of magic he and Hope had been reading. He turned to the inside back cover, where he had found the blood magic spell that he had used on Oliver. Being written in a faded and difficult to read handwriting he was still sure he had followed the instructions correctly. It only dawned on him then, that how strange it was to have a book on elemental magic, only to have somebody scribble down a blood magic spell within it. If he did not know better, it appeared who ever gave him the book had known he would need that very spell.

  He was just contemplating this conundrum when Oliver spoke. "Why do you talk to the birds Luca Sir?" the Darekian asked, phrasing his question a little differently from before. Luca looked up from his book, "How else am I supposed to communicate with them?" Oliver shrugged, "Well I have never heard a gull speak the language of humans." Luca closed his book together with both hands, as the words sunk in. Of course, could it really be so simple. What Oliver had just said made complete sense. How would any animal or plant understand the words he spoke? But how else could he communicate if not by talking? Oliver answered that question for him also.

  "Dalia used to place a hand near the heads of the giant crows she used. Like this," he added taking Luca's own hand in his and holding it just short of his head. Luca smiled at Oliver, "Of course...wait a minute...Dalia can control birds?" he replied just realising what had been said. Oliver nodded as he slowly released Luca's hand, "Yes Luca Sir. Perhaps I should have told you this before," Oliver said in an apologetic tone. Luca placed a hand on Oliver's shoulder, "I don't suppose you know how she gets them to do as she wants do you?" The Darekian shook his head, "No Luca Sir...but I did not ever hear her talk to them...Just hold her hand out and close her eyes..."

  Luca jumped up, banging his head on the low cabin ceiling, "Ouch...bloody hell," he cursed. Rubbing his hand over his injury, taking in a sharp intake of breath, Oliver stood up also, concerned he friend was hurt. "I am fine Oliver...I jumped up because I think I understand how to do it now...Well I have a theory..." Luca sat back down, and Oliver copied him and listened as he explained his thoughts. "First opportunity we get in the morning we must try it," Luca said excitedly. Oliver smiled, pleased Luca was happy; another indication of how the two were linked, as Oliver always appeared to react accordingly with Luca's emotions. This was something not missed on by Luca, and something that he needed to study further. For now, he decided it was time to call it a night.

  After undressing to his under clothes and slipping into one of the two narrow beds, he pulled the rough woollen blanket up to his chin. Being in a ships cabin at night in springtime was not a particularly warm place to be. Oliver copied his actions once more, and Luca watched as his friend undressed and got into the other bed. Once they were both tucked up, Luca flicked his fingers and the flames on the lamps vanished. The room fell instantly black. He lay awake a short while, wondering what the next day would bring. If indeed they reached the Isle of Kelan as expected, he would discover Hope's fate. It would be good to see her again; after all, he had so much to tell her. She had never met Oliver of course, and he was certain his sister would like the young Darekian even if Darak did not.

  Hope sat staring at the flames of the small campfire. Arran had found them a small area against some rocks, covered by trees. At least if it rained they would stay reasonably dry, he had told her. As far as the evening meal went, they had used up more of the food given to them by Arran's mother. Hope held out her hands towards the flames, quite disappointed at just how little heat appeared to be coming from them. It may be dry, but she was first to admit it was also very cold.

  Arran placed another bundle of small pieces of wood he had cut onto the fire. "The fire should burn a few hours before we need to put more on," he said, "And it should help keep any wild animals away as well." With that, the young man wrapped his own blanket around him and lay down on the ground. Hope shivered, how could she possible sleep in these conditions? Without giving it a second thought, she moved over to the same side of the fire as Arran. "I'm cold," she whispered. In the flickering light, she could see him hold up his blanket. An invitation for her to get underneath his as well as have hers wrapped around her. That was an invite she did not
need offering twice. It was not only the extra blanket, but the fact she could feel Arran's body against hers, that not only made her feel warmer, but safer too.

  Chapter 17.

  The morning sun had still to make its appearance, as Jamal waited for Fabian in the palace yard as instructed. His head was turned by a large amount of clattering and banging about. Fabian, the prince's son was being followed by two members of the royal staff. One was laden with bags and packs, whilst the other was struggling with a trunk. Jamal afforded himself a smile, as this was exactly what Prince Issac said his son would do.

  Jamal waited for Fabian to direct the two staff members where to place his gear. Once that was done Fabian looked about the yard, "Where is the wagon for my gear? And where is my horse?" he asked looking about. Jamal grinned, "Only Cavalry and Officers have horses Fabian, and being as you and I are neither, we are walking my friend." The youngster was gobsmacked, "Walk? I do not think so," he snapped. Jamal had been forewarned by Prince Issac this would also happen, and he had already been told on how to deal with it. "Fabian," he stated in as firm a tone as he could muster, "You will do as you are told. Your father has instructed me to treat you as a cadet. Disobeying an order is punishable by flogging, perhaps you need a lesson..." he left the question open. Fabian stood and faced him off, staring him in the eye. Jamal felt a little uncomfortable, standing up to a member of the royal family in such a way, but he had been asked to do so, and so stood his ground.

  Being as Jamal was only a little older than Fabian, and of a similar size, it was clear the prince's son, although the younger of the two, was not going to be intimidated. "You would not dare, you are nothing but a slum dwelling little rat. You lay one finger on me and I will have my father have you flayed and roasted alive." Jamal shrugged trying to show an element of calmness. "Have it your way Fabian. It was your father who instructed that you be flogged if you argued." As they continued their standoff, eight members of the Royal Guard marched into the yard. Jamal knew these were there to ensure Fabian was not harmed in going to battle, but they were also there to ensure the lad did as he was told. The idea of sending Fabian was to give him some experience in real life, rather than the pampered one he currently lived. Jamal had questioned the idea, thinking it to be a far too dangerous situation to be teaching somebody a lesson, but Fabian's father had insisted.

  Issac had told Jamal, that his son had become a spoiled brat and this was his last hope of making something of him. He hoped that Jamal, being of a similar age might be able to make some sort of impression on his son. Jamal had been placed in charge of not only Fabian, but of the eight members of the Royal Guard stood beside them. They had all been briefed on their task, and had all agreed to accept commands from Jamal as and when required. If ordering a fifteen year old prince around was not bad enough, having to do likewise to eight seasoned professional soldiers was every bit as bad.

  This was proving to be the first test for Jamal, as it was quite clear that Fabian did not intend on doing anything he asked. Firstly, he looked at all the gear that Fabian had packed. Jamal grabbed a blanket roll from one of the bags and thrust it into Fabian's midriff. "This is all you need. You have your sword on your belt, now let's go," he said starting to turn. As expected Fabian had other ideas and threw his bedroll to the ground, "I will not be going anywhere slum boy." Jamal was already regretting agreeing to this task he'd been given. He stopped walking, steadied himself and then spoke firmly. "Guards, if the cadet does not fall in line, arrest him." Jamal turned to one of the guards. A tall stocky man dressed in the smart uniform of the Royal Guards. "Perhaps you would like to remind the cadet of the penalty for disobeying an order," he said looking up at the guard. "Flogging Sir," the man said in true military gusto.

  It was apparent Fabian did not for one moment think the soldiers would make good on their threats. Jamal sighed, "Fine Fabian, I have asked you nicely, have it your way." With a wave of his hand, he gestured for one of the guards to take a firm hold of the disobedient youngster. Fabian wriggled, and cursed, using such words as one would not think the son of a prince would even know. "Would you have us flog him now Sir?" one of the guards asked Jamal. Reluctantly he nodded; this was something he hoped he would not have to do.

  Fabian's rather opulent tunic was ripped apart, and his silky white shirt pulled from his back. Jamal hoped he would have seen sense by now, but it seemed he was determined to let this run. Although Fabian's father had authorised his own son be flogged if necessary, Jamal felt it was a cruel thing for a parent to do. He watched on as two guards held an arm each and another produced a horsewhip. The reality eventually dawned on Fabian, and Jamal noticed tears from the boys face. He hoped to give him the chance to avoid this, "Fabian are you coming with us then?" He asked. He nodded, and Jamal felt a weight lift from his shoulders. "Okay release him," he ordered the guards. The youngster fell to his knees, still sobbing, and Jamal felt nothing but pity for him.

  Jamal offered a hand of friendship to Fabian who looked up from his kneeled position. The look he gave was one of sheer hatred, and the offer was rebuked. "I will go on your stupid walk," he snapped. Fabian grabbed another shirt from his pile of belongings, and pulled it on. He picked up his bedroll and stormed off, "Well come on then," he shouted back. Jamal sighed, and nodded for his squad to move out. "Come on then, let's meet up with the rest of the Legion," he said, already wishing the day to end.

  Jamal and the guards soon caught up with the angry Fabian, and walked as a group out of the main South gates. Jamal could not help but be impressed with the sight before his eyes. Over five hundred men, of various disciplines lined up before them. Over a hundred were on horseback, making up the cavalry contingent. At the front of them all, was Commander Halin, who acknowledged their arrival with a wave of his giant hand. There were several shouts, from the various squad leaders and the stomping of feet in unison as the Murati moved out for war. Their enemy was unknown in number and power, but each and every one of them would do duty to defend their country.

  In Ari, the invaders continued to arrive in increasing numbers. Several large ships had bought thousands more men ashore. The latest vessel however, had delivered something quite unusual. Forty large human-like creatures thought of only as mythical, now stood on the shore of Murati. About twice the size and build of a normal human being, these troll like beasts were known as Gigantons. With tusks coming from their lower jaws, and skin as tough as thick leather, they each wielded huge wooden clubs. With large round eyes and a nose that resembled that of a pigs snout, they were not however the most intelligent creatures. Each wore a large collar similar to those being worn by the unfortunate town folk, all under the control of the robed figure who slowly walked about the town.

  Hung in the small market square were the bodies of two men. These were left to warn others that rejecting the empire was little more than a futile gesture. One of them had tried to remove the collar about his neck. This had resulted in it tightening; the more the man had resisted the tighter it had become. Ultimately, the man had died from asphyxiation. The second, younger man had tried to escape the boundaries set by the invaders. This had resulted in a far more gruesome death. Once any person passed the boundaries without the permission of the robed man, the collar contracted so quickly it severed the head from the body. What remained of the two men now swung in a crude metal cage, rocking gently in the morning sea breeze.

  The smaller beasts that had been released at the start of the invasion were now penned into an area just off the town square. This served as a further reminder to the collared people. With so many new creatures and troops landing daily, the invaders known as the Zulani would soon need to expand their initial beachhead. Already soldiers were preparing to move out, to carry out the second stage of the Murati attack plan. This would see them take a further five miles inland, capturing several smaller villages and farming communities. Aside from the small garrison in Ari, which had been swiftly swept aside, there had been no military resistance. Thi
s was of course something for which they were prepared. The Zulani Empire was confident its soldiers, added to the menagerie of beasts at its command, could, and would crush all that stood in its way.

  Once they had all its forces landed, they would divide up and take the main seats of power in Murati. Once that was achieved, the rest of the country would fall. The plans for Corlan, and eventually Darekia, would follow the same pattern; ships were already heading their direction to make similar landings. Besemia, considered the greater threat to their coming, would be dealt with a little differently. All would eventually kneel to the empire of the Zulani. Any resistance would prove futile and pointless. There was no power greater than that of the Zulani priests, nor any army as efficient and ruthless as the Zulani soldiers.

  The town folk of Ari were to play host to their conquerors. Every man, woman and child restricted by the collars was ordered to work, catering and working for their masters. Some were used for the preparing and cooking of food for both the Zulani soldiers and some of the strange creatures, the empire had landed on their shores. Others were put to use loading supply wagons in preparation of the next phase of the plan. The frail and sick however were deemed only useful for one thing, food for the more savage of the beasts. The Zulani had not time for those in society who could provide no meaningful benefit.

  Fabian had walked for over two hours, and Jamal was actually surprised he had lasted that long. The youngster finally dropped to the floor, the sweat dripping down his brow. Jamal and one of the guards marching in their small group helped him to his feet. "Come on Fabian, you're doing well," said Jamal attempting to encourage the youngster. "I need a break...Leave me here," Fabian gasped. "We are never going to do that, now come on... the column will all be stopping for a break soon enough."


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