Catching the Cowboy

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Catching the Cowboy Page 24

by Kennedy Fox

  “Just checking on Maize.”

  “She okay?”

  “Yeah, I think so.”

  “You gonna come over tonight?” he asks, bringing the conversation back to him.

  “Hmm…that depends. You gonna make it worth my while?” I taunt, willingly giving him all my attention.

  “Oh hell yes, you know I will.”

  Once my shift is over, I follow Diesel back to his place, and though it’s almost three a.m., neither of us is tired enough to go to bed.

  “I think I’m gonna take a shower and wash the bar smell off me.” I kick off my boots. “You wanna join me?”

  “You even gotta ask?”

  We race to the bathroom, and Diesel wraps me in his arms. Our lips fuse as we frantically undress each other. Diesel turns on the water, and once it’s hot, we both step in and mold our bodies together.

  “So there’s a fundraiser hoedown in San Angelo next month.”

  “Really?” I slide my palms over his hard chest, then down his rock-hard abs.

  “I was thinking of taking my best girl and dancing with her all night long. Whaddya think?”

  I pinch my lips together, teasingly. “Hmm…I bet she’d like that.”

  “Maybe relive our first kiss.”

  I smile, raising my brows. “Hopefully not the ‘getting interrupted by my brother’ part.”

  He shakes his head, groaning. “That asshole. I was just about to stick my tongue in your mouth too.”

  Bursting into laughter, I wrap my palm around his cock. “I’m sure you were.”

  “Mm-hmm. Then I was gonna slide into second base.”

  “Right there on the dance floor, huh?”

  “Yep. Make sure everyone there knew you were mine and only mine. Forever.”

  “Fourteen-year-old boys must have wild imaginations,” I taunt, stroking him faster.

  He releases a moan. “You have no idea, baby.”

  Diesel cups my breasts and squeezes before leaning down to take a nipple into his mouth. His rough hands rub over my skin, grabbing my ass and pulling me closer to his chest. “I loved you then, and I love you now. Even if you hated me.” He winks, then brushes his lips over mine.

  “It took me a while to see who was right in front of me, but I’m glad I caught you when I did.” I have no doubt Chelsea would’ve climbed in his lap had he let her and he’d been single. I’m still getting used to the idea that he has a son and will have contact with Dawson’s mom on a regular basis. I don’t want to be the jealous girlfriend, but I see what a catch Diesel is, and I’m not about to let him go.

  “I see the wheels spinning in your head,” he says. “Stop overthinking.”

  “I’m not,” I lie.

  He chuckles, then slides his hand between my legs. “I’m about to make sure of that.”

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Rowan and I stand at the gate hand in hand as we wait for Chelsea’s and Dawson’s arrival. It’s been four long weeks since I’ve seen him, and I can’t believe how much I missed the little guy. Chelsea has sent me pictures nearly every day, and we see each other on FaceTime a few times a week.

  The moment Chelsea spots me, she sets Dawson down, and he comes running toward me. Kneeling, I open my arms and wait for him. He tackles me, and we both go down laughing.

  “Hey, buddy.” I hug him, then bring him back to his feet. “I missed you.”

  I stand, then pick him up.

  “Hey.” Rowan waves.

  “Hi, guys,” Chelsea says as she catches up to him.

  “How was the flight?”

  “He talked everyone’s ear off.” She chuckles. “And besides trying to potty-train a toddler during a flight, it was fine.”

  “Oh no,” Rowan says. “Did he have an accident?”

  “No, he’s wearing a pull-up, but he likes to sit on the potty forever, and those plane bathrooms are so tiny, and some people aren’t very patient.”

  “I’ll teach him how to stand and pee,” I say proudly.

  Chelsea gives me a look.

  “What? It’ll be my contribution. I have some makin’ up to do.”

  “Throw Cheerios or Froot Loops in the toilet and tell him to aim for them,” Rowan says with a laugh. “That’s how my mom said they trained Riley.” She shrugs.

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” Chelsea responds, chuckling.

  We all walk together to the baggage claim, and once we have their luggage, we take my truck back to the ranch. It’s an hour drive, so we use that time to catch up.

  “So, there’s something I wanted to talk to you about…” Chelsea says when we get into the house.

  “Spill it.”

  I look over at Dawson, who’s playing with Rowan on the couch. Hearing their laughter is music to my ears.

  “Well, okay, don’t freak out.” She bites her bottom lip.

  “Oh hell, Chelsea. Don’t say that.” I remove my cowboy hat, brush a hand through my hair, then put it back. I’m already starting to sweat.

  “Sorry, it’s not bad. I swear.”

  I release a breath. “Alright, good. Then tell me.”

  “I had a phone interview at a bank in San Angelo last week, and I’m going in for a second one while I’m here.”

  “Wait. What?” I tilt my head, confused. “You’re movin’ here?”

  “Well, we’d move to San Angelo so the commute wouldn’t be too long, but—”

  “You’d be close!” I exclaim before she can finish.

  She laughs, nodding. “Yes, we’d be really close.”

  I lean down so I’m eye to eye with Dawson. “You hear that? We’ll get to see each other more than once a month!” I pick him up and pull him to my chest, then I turn to Chelsea and smile. “Thank you.”

  “Dawson deserves to have a dad,” she simply says with a shrug. I would’ve never asked her to move here for me, but the fact that she made this decision on her own has me so damn excited.

  “Can I ask you something?” I say to Chelsea, and she nods. Swallowing hard, I look at Dawson and then back at her. “I’d really like him to have my last name.”

  She nods again. “I’m already working on it. I planned on changing it before we move here.”

  “Dawson Hayes…” I say aloud with pride.

  “He’s gonna be a heartbreaker,” Rowan chimes in. “Especially with his father’s genes.”


  Chelsea and Rowan both laugh.


  The three of us go quiet and look at Dawson.

  “Did he…?” I point at him.

  Rowan’s eyes light up. “He did!”

  “You just called me daddy?” My heart is about to burst, and tears well in my eyes. I can’t help it; this is one of the happiest moments of my life.

  Dawson giggles when I tickle him. “I love being your dad, kid.”

  “This is the right decision,” Chelsea says. “Plus, it’ll give Trace and me a chance to get to know each other.”

  Rowan’s jaw drops. “I knew it!” She points at me. “I told you!”

  I snort at her dramatics. “You did.”

  “Told you what?” Chelsea asks.

  Dawson gets restless on my hip, so I set him down and watch him carefully as he wanders around the room. If he’s going to be here more often, I’ll have to toddler-proof the house a lot better. There are too many things he could get into.

  “That you two were totally flirting at the B&B that one day,” Rowan explains.

  Chelsea blushes, and I couldn’t be happier that she’s interested in someone. “We exchanged numbers and have been casually talking. I knew there was no point if we were in different states, but then a bank job opened, and Dawson’s been asking to visit you more, and it just felt like all the pieces were coming together for us to move here.”

  “So…it wasn’t just for me?” I tease, popping a brow.

  “Oh, shut up.” Chelsea throws a pillow at me.

so relieved that things aren’t awkward between us, especially with Rowan and her, and that the three of us get along. We’re going to be co-parenting, and though I’m still new to it, I’m excited to spend time with him and teach him everything I know about country living. Rowan’s been patient and understanding, and we’ve grown even closer.

  “When’s the interview?” I ask.

  “It’s tomorrow, so I was hoping you’d be able to watch him.”

  “What time? I have to work in the morning, but I can in the afternoon,” I tell her.

  “Otherwise, I can help,” Rowan adds. “I have off tomorrow. I’ll take him to Grandma Bishop’s, and she’ll just die over him while spoiling him properly.”

  I laugh, knowing she’s right. “If that’s okay with Chelsea? I’ll come over as soon as I’m done.”

  “I mean, yeah, that’s fine as long as Rowan doesn’t mind. Dawson can be a handful.”

  “Absolutely! My cousins are looking forward to playing with him too,” Rowan reassures her.

  “Okay, thank you. I appreciate it. I’m not used to getting much help and always feel like a burden when someone offers. When I’m at work, he goes to daycare, and my sister’s shifts are the same as mine so I didn’t have extra hands.” She blows out a breath as if the whole world isn’t all on her shoulders now.

  “I’m here, Chelsea. You don’t have to do this alone anymore. When you move here, we’ll come up with a schedule so you have some nights to yourself. You deserve it.”

  “I can’t remember the last time I had an entire night to myself,” she says with a laugh. “Or an uninterrupted bath.”

  Dawson grabs my cowboy hat off the coffee table and puts it on his head, covering his eyes and nose. He starts giggling, which makes the three of us burst out laughing too.

  “How ya doing over there?” Rowan asks from the doorway, leaning against it with her arms crossed. The smartass look on her face tells me she knows damn well how things are going.

  “Half his dinner is on the floor, so…not great.”

  She walks toward me with a smile, then she looks at the table. “Did you try to feed him spinach?” She wrinkles her nose.

  “It’s healthy for him,” I retort.

  “Only if it makes it into his mouth,” she teases.

  “Daddy, no!” He swipes my hand again when I hand him a fork. “I want candy!”

  “You can’t have candy, buddy. How about some fruit?”

  He nods and shoves a piece of hot dog in his mouth. Of course he’ll eat that, but nothing with actual nutrients.

  “Don’t get discouraged,” Rowan tells me as I cut up an apple and banana. “Toddlers are picky shits.”

  “How did Chelsea do this by herself for so long?” I ask, setting the slices in a bowl. “He’s been here for three hours, and I’m exhausted. I chased him all over the house, put him on the potty ten billion times, and then he screamed for food but won’t eat.”

  “Is that why he’s not wearing any pants?” Rowan chuckles, and the sound causes me to smile. I lower my gaze down her body and appreciate her curves.

  “Yep,” I say. “He’s wearing his big boy underwear because it’s faster to get him on the toilet without removing the extra layers.”

  “Did you try the cereal trick?”

  “Also, yep. He grabbed the Cheerio out of the water and then popped it into his mouth before I could stop him.”

  Rowan covers her mouth to hold back her laughter, but I see the corner of her lips tilts up.

  “Oh my God…” She pats my arm. “He’s as much work as you were, I’m sure.”

  “My mother’s already confirmed that as true when I called and asked for advice.” I grunt.

  It’s been a few weeks since Chelsea and Dawson moved to Texas for good. It’s the first night he’s sleeping over, and while I’m happy to have him here and give his mother a break, I’m nervous as hell. I’ve been getting the spare room ready for him, but I have a feeling he’s not going to stay in his toddler bed without a fight. Chelsea’s already warned me he likes to get out.

  “Well, maybe once he’s asleep, I can help ease some of your tension,” Rowan says seductively.

  I pop a brow. “I might be down for that…” Grinning, I take the bowl of sliced fruit and set it down in front of Dawson. I don’t even bother with the fork this time. He’s flung it four times already.

  After dinner, we give Dawson a bath, get him into his pajamas, and then read him two bedtime stories. Just as Chelsea warned, he snuck out of his bed, and I repeatedly tucked him back in. After the seventh time, he wore himself out and finally fell asleep.

  “I am so tired…” I groan as I collapse on the bed next to Rowan. She’s been watching TV while she waits for me. “Any chance I can just lie here while you pleasure me? I don’t think I can move.”

  Rowan grabs the remote and turns it off. Then she straddles my lap and wraps her arms around my neck. “You did good,” she praises. “And I gotta admit, watching you be a dad is sexy as hell.”

  I arch a brow. “Oh, really? How sexy are we talkin’?”

  “Mmm…like blow job sexy. Slide your cock between my breasts and let you come all over my chest sexy.”

  “Don’t fuck with me, woman,” I warn. “My dick is already hard.”

  She rocks her hips and grins when she feels me between her legs. “Or you can just lie there while I ride you. Your pick.”

  “Pick?” I huff. “I choose all three. Blow job. Ride me. Fuck your tits. In that order.”

  Her head falls back as she releases a deep laugh, and I lean forward, kissing her neck and sucking hard. She rocks her hips against me, and I groan at the friction.

  “Christ…” I hiss. “Take off your clothes right now.”

  Within seconds, we’re undressed, tripping over ourselves before falling back on the bed. Rowan pushes me down and eagerly slides over my length, and I grip her thighs, moving her against me faster.

  I fucking love the way she looks on top of me. It’s not just sex, it never has been, but making love to my dream girl and knowing someday I’m going to marry her have me craving more of her every day.

  “Should we make him a little sister?” she taunts as she leans closer.

  “Don’t even joke,” I say seriously. “I’ll knock you up right now.”

  She grins wide. “Not yet, Cowboy. Dawson gets you to himself for a while.”

  “Okay, that’s fair.” I smirk.

  Rowan brings her mouth to mine, and I cup the back of her head, deepening our kiss. “I love you,” I whisper against her lips.

  “I love you, too,” she whispers back as I slide my other hand down her body, then smack her ass.

  She squeals, and we pull apart. Quickly, I flip us over and lift her leg until her calf rests on my shoulder. Rocking harder, she arches her back, then covers both of her hands over her mouth as she screams out her orgasm. I follow behind her moments later, burying my face in her neck as we fall over the edge.

  We lie in bed with my arms wrapped around her. My body feels like jelly, but I want to absorb every tender moment with Rowan.

  “So how are things going with the new guy around the ranch?” she asks after we catch our breaths.

  “Gavin?” I furrow my brows, and she nods. He’s been working with Jackson for almost a month now. “I guess fine. I don’t see him much. Why do you ask?”

  “Just wondered if he’s said anything about Maize.”

  “No, not to me. What would he say about her?” I’m confused as hell as to where this conversation is going. “Rowan…”


  “What aren’t you telling me?”

  “Um…it’s just girl stuff. Nothing. Forget I said anything.” She waves me off, and it’s cute she thinks I’m just going to so easily forget.

  I tilt her chin up and arch a brow. “It’s nothing like actually nothing or nothing like I need to punch him in the face?”

  She squints her eyes and twists her lips. “Neithe

  “So it’s something…”

  She sighs, rolling her eyes. “They might’ve hooked up when he first arrived.”

  “No fucking way.”

  “It was the night you and I went to San Angelo actually. They met at the bar, and of course it was a night I wasn’t working.”

  “Holy shit.”

  “I know…” She inhales. “She took a pregnancy test.”

  “Jesus, Row.” I blink hard. “Please tell me she’s not—”

  “It was negative,” she interjects. “Then I had to pay her a hundred bucks for losing the bet.”

  I breathe out a sigh of relief, my brain still spinning from this news. “So they hooked up, and then what?”

  “Then nothing. She avoids him at all costs, which is why I asked if he’s ever brought her up. ’Cause if he did, I thought maybe he was thinking about her.”

  “I don’t see him that much. When I’m not working, I’m with you and Dawson. But I have a feeling even if I did, he wouldn’t say a damn thing. In fact, he doesn’t talk that much. He looks pissed off most of the time.”

  Rowan snorts, giggling. “Yeah, it’s always the quiet ones you have to worry about. He does have that whole sexy, brooding thing goin’ on, too.”

  My brows shoot up. “’Scuse me?”

  “Not to mention, he’s way older. Probably more experienced.”

  “I’m older,” I remind her.

  “By one year!” She chuckles, climbing on top of me. “Aww…is someone jealous?”

  “Is someone tryin’ to make me jealous?” I brush loose strands of hair behind her ear and smile at her.

  “I didn’t even have to try in school. You scared every guy away who breathed in my direction.”

  I puff out my chest. “Damn straight.”

  “We better get to sleep. Dawson will probably be up in four hours,” she tells me. “And he’ll want your full attention.”

  “I plan to take him out to see the cows after breakfast anyway. They’ll burn him out, or he’ll burn them out. Win-win either way.”

  Rowan leans down and softly kisses my lips. “You’re a great dad.”

  “I’m trying to be.” I wrap my arms around her. “Hopefully, a great husband one day, too.” When I waggle my brows, she rolls her eyes at me, but she knows I’ll put a ring on her finger one day.


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