Wayward Son

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Wayward Son Page 12

by Heath Stallcup

  “Sigs are primary weapons all over Europe and some areas of South America. There’s a slight chance we can trace them by the serial numbers.” Jack nodded to where the weapons were stacked. “It may take a while to find a trend or commonality, but once we do, we’ll track down who was behind this.”

  “Too bad Apollo bailed. He could have just told us.” Gus spat on the ground as if the name had left a bad taste in his mouth.

  Jack paused and lowered his head. “I don’t want to think what could be going through the big guy’s head right now. How he could turn against the squads and do something like this…it’s just beyond me.”

  “Chief Jack.” Azrael pointed out over the water. “Another of those flying machines approach.”

  Jack noted the apprehension in the young gargoyle’s voice and placed a hand on his arm in an attempt to calm him. “Easy there. These are the good guys.” The gargoyle turned questioning eyes to him and Jack gave him a reassuring smile. “They’re with us. They’re coming to help.”

  “If you say so.” Azrael seemed to stand down, but kept his guard up.

  All eyes suddenly turned toward the large boulder as a golden light shone from the edges and it slowly opened revealing the tall Elf standing within. Kalen stepped through and waved his hand over the stone again, sealing the doorway behind him. “They are safely home once more.”

  “The chopper is on its way,” Jack stated as he approached him. “Once we get them briefed, you can escort us to the base.” Kalen nodded his face somber. “Is something wrong? Did Horith take a turn for the worse?”

  “No, he is improving. The Wyldwood is caring for him well.” Kalen stared off into the night sky. “She simply passed on some disturbing news.”

  “Care to spill it?” Jack suddenly felt perturbed. He was starting to not like the idea of being the last to know things. “This whole ‘getting information second hand’ is getting really old, really quick.”

  Kalen turned to Jack and took him by the arm, leading him aside so that they could speak quietly. “What did she say when you last spoke?”

  “Not much really. Care to enlighten me?” Jack crossed his arms, his jaw set.

  Kalen exhaled slowly and leaned against his bow. “She has informed me of our fate.”

  “Our? More visions I take it?”

  Kalen shook his head, his eyes downcast. “Mine and the others.” He finally lifted his face and met Jack’s hard gaze. “We are to follow you unwaveringly.”

  “I should expect so.” Jack’s voice took a tone that he hadn’t intended, but the message was clear. Neither was happy about the situation. “She’s pretty much left me standing here with my dick in my hand. I mean, I’m stuck with the graduating class and from what I understand, these guys may be warriors, but they’re just kids.”

  Kalen nodded, not quite understanding everything he said, but understanding the gist. “There is a reason for her actions Chief Jack, but she did not offer an explanation. She simply said that our youth is necessary to complete the mission at hand.”

  “And what exactly is our mission? I don’t guess she bothered to inform you, did she? Because the last I heard, I requested back up in dealing with the vampire council and those plans pretty much blew themselves up.”

  Kalen slumped his shoulders and shook his head. “She did not enlighten me. She stated only that the mission would soon become clear. The darkness would—”

  “Hold on,” Jack interrupted. “Your youth is necessary but she won’t say why. Our mission would soon become clear, but she didn’t say what. I hate to say this, but I’m getting a distinct feeling that we’re being played.”

  “Played?” Kalen turned a quizzical look to him.

  “She’s messing with us. She has no clue what’s going on so she tells you what she thinks you want to hear.” Jack snapped his fingers and rolled his eyes. “Dammit. That’s why she pulled the older, more experienced fighters home. She’s expecting the shit to hit the fan in her realm, and she wants the biggest and strongest there to defend their homes, isn’t it?”

  Kalen shook his head. “She has assured me that the darkness cannot reach our realm. The elder warriors cannot assist in our battle. I do not know why, but it must be the youth…”

  “Bullshit.” Jack turned and started to stomp away. “Hey, you know what? It doesn’t matter. If she doesn’t want her people to help, we don’t need you. The squads have dealt with bad asses before, we can keep on doing it.”

  “Chief Jack!” Kalen shouted to get his attention. He quickly shot a furtive glance to either side to ensure he hadn’t caught any undue attention. “There is more.”

  Jack crossed his arms and stared down at the Elf. “So spill it, Spock.”

  Kalen didn’t grasp his sarcasm but continued in a more quiet tone. “There will be others who will join us. But…they aren’t from the Middle Realm.”

  “Oh, do say,” Jack huffed. “And where the hell are we supposed to find these other ‘others’?”

  “She did not say. Only that we are to expect two more others to join us.”

  “Sure we are.” Jack turned at the sound of helicopter blades slicing the night air. “If you’ll excuse me, I have to deal with this. Then you can open us a doorway to the base. You can do that, can’t you?”

  Kalen sighed at the chief’s exasperation. “Yes, I can do that.”

  “Good. Try not to screw it up and send us to Greenland.”


  Little John jumped a short fence and rolled to a stop in front of Brooke, his hands out in front of him trying to stop her. “Brooke! Please, just wait.”

  She faked left, then right, then tried to leap over him. John jumped with her movement and caught her leg, dragging her back to the ground with him. “Dammit, stop!”

  She kicked out at him and rolled away, coming to her feet and ready to bolt once more. She raised her eyes and stared down the barrel of a carbine. “I wouldn’t,” Lamb deadpanned. “You’re not that fast.”

  She spun to the side and came up facing yet another barrel. “Nope, wrong again.” Ing wiggled the barrel of his rifle under her nose. “I really wouldn’t do that.”

  Brooke slowly turned her head and felt the blood drain from her face as she realized that she was surrounded. Her eyes darted back and forth as she looked for a weakness in their line. “Don’t even think it, sweetheart.” She looked up and saw Donovan standing on the rooftop, his rifle leveled on her as well. Her shoulders slumped as she raised her hands in surrender.

  “Why did you run?” John asked as he tried to catch his breath.

  She turned and gave him a ‘duh’ look. “Aren’t you part of the famous ‘Monster Squad’?” Her voice instantly took him back to his youth. It really was Brooke. “I may stay below the radar, but even I have heard of your exploits.”

  John felt the tension slip from his body as he tried to find the words to explain. “Brooke…I…”

  “It’s Raven.” She shot him a dirty look. “I haven’t gone by that name in nearly a lifetime.”

  John stared at her open mouthed, unsure what to say. “I’m sorry. I know you as Brooke. My big sister.”

  “She’s dead.” The woman stared at him with such anger in her eyes that he nearly cringed. “She died a long time ago.”

  “Look, missy,” Spalding stepped between the two siblings, “I don’t give a tinker’s damn what you call yourself. Either you’re John’s sister and we give you a chance, or you’re not and we ash your ass right now.” One look at his face convinced her that this man was all business, regardless of what her brother may or may not want.

  She took a half step back, her hand moving toward the blade strapped to her back. She paused as the carbines leveled on her registered once again. “At one time, I was.” She looked away from the two men and cast her eyes to the ground. “That was a long time ago.”

  “So why were you in the mission killing those vamps?” Spalding’s tone made it clear that she had better come clean the fi
rst time. He wouldn’t tolerate being lied to.

  “It’s my job.” Her voice was low and whisper quiet.

  “You’re an assassin?” Spalding’s grip tightened on his weapon as he assessed her response.

  She shook her head slowly. “No, I’m one of them.” She suddenly lifted her face to meet his gaze. “I mean, I’m a vampire as well, but I don’t kill like they do.” She quickly turned and faced each of the squad members. “I mean, I drink blood, I have to…but I don’t kill people.”

  “Do you feed from animals like the Lamia Beastia?” John asked as he pushed closer.

  She shook her head again. “I steal from blood banks.” She swallowed hard. “When I can’t steal from blood banks, I’ll feed off people, but I only take small amounts. I haven’t had to kill to feed in…a very long time.”

  “What happened, Brooke?” John pushed past Spalding and towered over his older sister. “That night, I mean. I…I never gave up on you.” His voice cracked as he spoke.

  Raven turned away, unable to look at her little brother. “My life ended that night, Johnny.”

  “But you’re back now. And you don’t kill, so…” He turned and quickly looked to Spalding for guidance. “Surely we can figure out something, can’t we?”

  Spalding lowered his weapon and hiked a brow at his crew. “I think if Ms. Sullivan here will give her word to cooperate, we can cut some slack.”

  She turned untrusting eyes to Spalding. “You kill vampires. I’m supposed to just trust you?”

  “You kill them too. Sounds to me like we may be on the same team.” Spalding shot her a crooked grin. “And you wouldn’t be the first vampire to work with us.”

  Her wide eyes turned to John who nodded. “We have a genius doctor who’s been helping for…well…forever.” He held a hand out to her. “Come on, Brooke. Come home.”

  She pulled back slightly and stared at his huge open palm. “I…”

  “It’s okay.” John extended his hand further. “I promise, nobody will hurt you.”

  She lifted her gaze to meet his and suddenly saw that same ten year old boy that once idolized and terrorized her when she was human. For the briefest moment she wanted to cry. Instead she stiffened and squared her shoulders. “I’ll go back with you. But I make no promises on staying.” She turned and walked past the other members of the team leaving John standing with his hand still extended.

  Spalding placed a hand on the larger man’s arm and slowly lowered it. “Don’t worry, buddy, she’ll come around.”

  “I hope so.”


  Matt ordered the cleanup crews to the El Cajon mission and a fast transport to retrieve a portion of the team. Apparently Little John, Donovan, and Ms. Sullivan were returning to ensure they arrived before sunup. The rest of the squad had set a perimeter guard while waiting.

  With the fires put out, the hangar being repaired and the mission complete, Matt suddenly felt exhausted. He poured a cup of coffee and walked down the stairs to check on his XO. He really didn’t want to be the one to do what he was about to do, but if anybody were going to break the news to Mark, he’d rather it be him.

  He knocked lightly on the door and waited for Tracy to open it. “Can I have a word with the two of you?”

  “We need to have a word with you, too.” She pulled the door open for him and Matt stepped into the small room, suddenly feeling very crowded in the small space.

  “I have some news that…” he paused and tried to think of a way to put it that might soften the blow.

  “You mean that Mark is infected? We know.” Tracy sat in the chair beside Mark’s head and saw Matt do a convincing fish imitation.

  “H-how did…w-who told you?” Matt’s mind raced, trying to figure out if he could legally kill somebody under the UCMJ for spilling the beans.

  “I could feel it inside me. And the fever, it wasn’t natural.”

  “But that shouldn’t have…” Matt shook his head as he tried to wrap his mind around the situation.

  Tracy lifted her crucifix and shook it. “Silver. Burned his wounds.”

  Matt groaned as he leaned against the door. “I didn’t think about…” he trailed off. After a moment, his eyes met Mark’s. “I’m sorry, buddy.”

  “I tried to get her to shoot me,” Mark stated plainly. “She wouldn’t do it.”

  “If you don’t knock off your crap, I still might. I just won’t shoot you where it will kill you.” She looked to Matt. “A silver bullet in the ass wouldn’t kill him would it?”

  Matt choked on his coffee. “Um, I honestly don’t know. I wouldn’t want to test it.”

  Mark nodded. “Highly allergic to silver now. You can’t even drive a silver car. It could kill me.”

  Tracy stared at him questioningly. “Are you serious? Is there real silver in the paint?”

  Mark shook his head. “No. You just drive like a crazy old bat.”

  She stood and started to swat at him again. Matt quickly grabbed her hands and pulled her back. “As much as he might deserve to have his ass kicked for calling you ‘old’, he needs to heal.”

  “Screw that. Nobody tells me I can’t drive.” Tracy kicked out toward him and barely brushed him with her boot. “Tufo, I’ll plant a foot in your old, wrinkled ass.”

  Matt pulled her back and pushed her toward her chair. “It would seem that he is on the mend.” He then turned to Tracy. “And you should be nominated for sainthood just for putting up with him all these years.”

  “Kissing up to her will do you no good. She sees right through all of that crap.”

  “A little kissing up would do you some good.” She glared through narrowed eyes.

  “Believe it or not, I actually have work to do.” Matt reached for the door. “Is it safe to leave the two of you alone?”

  Tracy reached into her coat pocket and withdrew the pistol. She handed it to Matt with a huff. “I told him I wouldn’t do it, but damned if he isn’t pushing me to reconsider.”

  Matt shoved the revolver into his belt. “I think I’ll keep this in my desk.” He pointed at Mark. “You be nice and get healed up.” Turning to Tracy he gave her a wink. “If he keeps giving you grief, let me know and I’ll dig this back out for you.”


  Paul stood near the partially open overhead door and listened to the sounds of the city at night. He desperately wanted to hunt but he didn’t dare leave his brother behind at such a crucial time. He was almost certain he had converted Rufus, but now was not the time to be weak. He had to ensure that the taste for human blood had stuck. The bodies scattered about the periphery of the building was testament to the toll his recovery had taken, but in order to prevent him from swinging back to his old way of thinking, Paul had to make sure that any future feedings seemed to be Rufus’ idea.

  He inhaled deeply of the night air and could almost taste the life floating on the breeze. A slight squeeze of his shoulder had him turn and gazing into his brother’s face. “You can almost feel the vibrations, can’t you?” Rufus inhaled deeply and sighed as he exhaled. “The golden strings of energy that ties all life together…you can almost see it if you look hard enough.”

  “Almost.” Paul’s voice was barely a whisper. His face appeared feral in the moonlight and he wanted nothing more than to sink his fangs into a soft warm body.

  “Our army approaches. I can feel them.” Rufus pulled Paul back into the warehouse and toward the office. “Once they are here, find them safe places to bed down for the day. But tonight, show them where to hunt. Feed them. Get them strong so they can better fight.”

  Paul fought the urge scream ‘hallelujah’ at those words. “And what of you, brother? Do you hunger?”

  Rufus stretched his neck and flashed his fangs. “I always hunger.” He continued toward the office. “While you’re out, pick me up a snack. Another female, I think.”

  “As you will.”

  Paul lowered his face but watched as his brother disappeared into the darkness.
His transition is complete.


  Little John sat across from Brooke and watched her closely. The noise from the helicopter prevented any meaningful conversation, but his eyes never left her. She had withdrawn inside her hood again as soon as she sat, her face hidden from him. Her hands fingered a silver looking amulet as they sliced across the night sky. John shifted in his seat to try to see it better, but she slipped it back into her cloak. It was almost as though she could see him through her cloak and didn’t want him getting too curious.

  Donnie watched the uncomfortable reunion and, to his credit, kept his comments to himself. He couldn’t imagine what it must be like for the larger man. To have lost his sister at such a young age, spent years convinced there were monsters out there, finally getting a job where you could hunt them down, and even after you convince yourself that you would drop her for her own good the moment you see her…here she is. He was stymied as he watched John be transported back to his youth the moment he laid eyes on her. Rather than being a thirty-year-old operator facing an eighteen-year-old girl, he was ten again and seeing his big sister for the first time in two decades.

  John reached into his pocket and pulled her photograph out. He ran a finger along the side of her face and for the first time in years, he noticed just how faded and crumpled the photo appeared. He looked up again and tried to see Brooke’s face but the hood still had her blocked from his eyes. John sighed and started to put the photo away. He paused, the photo still in his hand. Without thinking, he stood and moved to the seat next to her. He handed the photo to her.

  “I never stopped looking for you,” he yelled above the drone of the engine.

  He noticed her head shift slightly under the hood, and then she turned away. He continued to hold the photograph out where she could see it. “What happened to you, Brooke?”

  She shifted herself in the seat, turning her back to him as much as she could. John’s shoulders slumped as he withdrew the photo and slipped it back into his breast pocket. “I never gave up.”


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