Wayward Son

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Wayward Son Page 18

by Heath Stallcup

  “What if it was something other than a wolf? Maybe a shape-shifter that just happened to take the form of a wolf?” Tracy asked.

  Evan leaned down and squeezed her shoulder gently. “Then he’d have absolutely nothing to worry about. Shape-shifters can’t transmit their ability. You’re either born into it or you’re not.”

  She gave Mark a worried look. “So, worst case scenario, he’s infected with both?”

  Evan let out a long breath. “If he is, he would be the first person ever in the history of…well, ever, to have contracted both.”

  “What would that mean, though, Doc? What would I become?” Mark’s eyes were lined with worry.

  Evan shrugged again. “Your guess is as good as mine. A wolfpire? A werevamp? I have no idea. Something that can only go out at night, bites people for their blood and then humps their leg?” His attempt at humor fell flat. “Major, if I knew, I’d honestly tell you.”

  “Isn’t there a test you can run or something?” Tracy asked as she got to her feet.

  Evan thought about her question and saw the fear in Mark’s eyes. “I suppose I could come up with something. I don’t have the proper equipment here to delineate the different viruses, but give me a little bit and I’ll come up with some non-fatal tests.”

  “Non-fatal?” Mark swallowed hard.

  Evan chuckled. “You wouldn’t want me spearing you with the Holy relics we made for the Sicarii if you were carrying the vampire virus, would you? I need to be careful since both are reactive with silver.”

  “Does this mean I can’t go out in the sun?”

  “Let’s get you healed up completely and figure out what we’re facing first.” Evan patted his shoulder reassuringly. “Until then, just try not to eat your sweet missus.” He shot Mark a wink and then saw Tracy quickly withdraw her hand from Mark’s. “Um, that was a joke, ma’am. He wouldn’t…” He exhaled hard and then turned for the door. “I’ll be back as quick as I have something definitive.”


  “So who is Loren?” Brooke picked at her nails as though the question were an afterthought. “Your wife?”

  Jack snorted as he sorted through the pages in her file, putting things back into order. “Hardly. She’s…complicated.”

  Brooke looked up over the edge of her hand and hiked a brow. “Complicated? Sounds interesting.”

  “She’s not, I assure you.” Jack picked up the completed file and pressed it to his chest. “Now. What to do with you?”

  “Do? What do you mean, ‘what to do with’?” Brooke leaned back in her chair and studied the man in black military garb. “I’m not a tool to be done with.”

  “You are now.” Jack hooked his jaw to the side and headed toward the door. “Follow me.”

  “For what?” Brooke pushed the chair out and fell into step behind him.

  “I guess I need to bring you up to speed on things since you’re one of the crew now.” He turned down the hallway and she balked on him.

  “Whoa there, cowboy. Back up the truck. I’m not part of anything.” She lifted her hands in surrender and shook her head at him, slowly backing away.

  Jack turned and gave her a bored stare. “Yes, you are. I don’t like it, you don’t like it, but that’s just the way it is. So stop the protesting and get your fanny with the program.”


  “You look twelve, so I’m not going to tell you to stop dragging your ass.” He shot her a smirk and watched as her eyes narrowed.

  “I’ll have you know I’m old enough to be your mother.” Her voice hissed as she spoke.

  “I doubt that.” Jack turned again and headed down the hallway. “Either way, you’re part of the squad now. Time to introduce you. You already met Kalen. He’s our resident warrior Elf and apparently the only one that Loren likes to talk to these days.”

  “Again, who the hell is Loren?” She trotted to catch up with him.

  Jack inhaled deeply and blew the breath out hard. Loren had really gotten under his skin lately by giving him partial answers or teasers. Then bypassing him directly and going straight to Kalen? Yet she claims that he was supposed to be leading this ragtag team of young warriors. And why the youngest instead of the most experienced?

  “Are you going to answer me or what?” Brooke called from behind him.

  Jack stopped mid-step and turned. “Loren is like the village elder from the tribe that Kalen comes from. She looks to be your age, but she’s much older and very wise. She said that there was some big, scary, dark force about to threaten mankind and that I was supposed to lead this group of young warriors in helping to deal with it.”

  “What does that have to do with me?” She planted her hands firmly on her hips and glared at him.

  “You,” Jack poked her firmly in the shoulder, “are one of our key players. Or…something like that.” He shrugged and threw his hands in the air. “Who the hell knows? She isn’t telling me anything anymore. She apparently only talks to Kalen.”

  “Wait…I didn’t agree to anything.” Brooke protested as Jack turned and headed back down the hallway.

  “Doesn’t matter, sweetheart. You’re in.” He shot a smirk over his shoulder, “And you didn’t even have to go through initiation.”

  “Hey! Hey, wait a minute. I’m serious here.” Brooke caught up with him and grabbed him by the shoulder, spinning him around. Jack grabbed her arm and spun her, effectively sweeping her foot and planting her to the ground and putting her in an arm bar at the same time. “Get off me, you big oaf!”

  “I’m told you’re a pretty effective fighter, but you should have seen that coming a mile away.” He leaned down and all but whispered. “Do you want to learn how to be the most effective killing machine to ever walk the planet or not?”

  She ground her teeth as she glared at him through the edges of her vision. “Is that what you’re offering me?”

  “I’m offering you the chance to be part of a team. A team of warriors like you’ve never seen before.” He leaned closer and lowered his voice. “A team that can hone your skills to the point that nothing could ever stand in your way.”

  She felt him relax his grip on her and she pulled her arm free. She turned and found him still standing over her, his hand extended, offering her a hand up from the floor. “How long?”

  “Until I say you’re done.”

  She narrowed her eyes again and studied him. “And if I refuse?”

  Jack shook his head slightly, his hand still offered. “You can’t. I’m sorry, but Loren says you’re part of the team.”

  “I think I want to meet this Elf,” Brooke grunted as she took his hand.

  Jack helped her to her feet and wiped imaginary dust from her back. “No, you don’t.” He turned and faced the young vampiress. “So, what’s it going to be? Are you with us or not?”

  Brooke glanced away, her mind considering the possibilities. “You’ll teach me other ways to fight? Besides the sword?”

  “I’ll teach you everything I know. Weapons, hand to hand. Hell, I’ll even teach you some Lycan moves.”

  Brooke found herself smiling at the possibilities. “When do we start?”


  “We have to find you a safe place to shift.” Laura paced in Jennifer’s small room, her nerves getting the better of her.

  “But they’re wolves, too. Surely they’d understand—”

  “No! You don’t understand. They’ve been infected with the virus, but they take bane to prevent the shift. They don’t know what they are. And we’re under orders to keep it that way. The only team that knows anything is our own team.”

  Jennifer chewed absently at her thumbnail, a nervous habit she picked up from Laura. “What if we slipped out and then…”

  “They have the entrances guarded and they’re under orders to keep us protected,” Laura interrupted. “We’d have to make a break for it and even then…they might go looking for us and if they discovered you while you were shifted…”

>   Jennifer’s face screwed up. “Not good.”

  A banging at the door jerked both of their heads and Jennifer hesitantly opened it. Mick stood outside the door and gave her a sad look. “I know I’m the last person you want to see right now.”

  “You’re right.” She started to the push the door shut when Mick pushed it open and walked in.

  “I’ve got a plan, and it might work.”

  “I don’t want to hear it.” Jennifer turned her back on him and walked the short distance back to her bed, flopping on top of it.

  Mick looked to Laura who also turned away from him. “I could fly you to the States before the full moon. Your Fated one? Surely he has a place to shift? A safe place?”

  Laura turned and gave him a wide eyed stare. “He does, but how could you get us there in time?”

  Mick sighed heavily and slumped his shoulders. “I made some calls. I have a friend. He’s delivering a 550 Gulfstream to a buyer in the States. He said that I could deliver it. It’s plenty fast enough to get us there in time. I can…” he trailed off, his face displaying emotions that Laura couldn’t read.

  “You can what?”

  “I can drop you off and then deliver the plane. Or…not. You know. Wait and see if things don’t work out. Then I can take you away from there so you don’t get hurt.”

  “How quickly can you get the plane?” Laura stared at her watch, trying to extrapolate the time differences.

  “It’s sitting at the airport, waiting. We’d just need a ride there.”

  “What about your other plane?” Jennifer asked, afraid of the answer.

  Mick sighed heavily and refused to look her in the eye. “It’s your dad’s plane. I don’t really care what happens to it.” His voice was so quiet that Laura could barely hear him.

  Jennifer, on the other hand, heard every word. She stiffened and her jaw ticked. “So the whole ‘get away’ was a set up?”

  “Just to get you some place safe, Jen, I promise.” Mick leaned against the wall and his face looked ready to break into tears at any moment.

  “Get the plane. Tell your friend we’ll take their offer. I’ll go get us the ride to the airport.” Laura headed for the door then froze. “Wait…your friend. This isn’t her dad again, is it?”

  Mick’s face registered shock at first, then he shook his head. “No, this is a real person. A real dealer. I can give you his number if you like.”

  Laura eyed him again, then glanced to Jennifer who gave her a slight nod. “Just make the arrangements while I get us a ride. Pack your gear. We’re out of here.”


  Evan returned to his lab and found a small group milling about in the shadows. At first he paid little attention to the group. His mind was still on Major Tufo’s condition and his healing so rapidly. He had sent for a blood sample to run some preliminary tests and was startled when the group entered his lab. He spun on his chair and eyed them warily.

  “May I help you?”

  A tall fellow stepped out of the shadows and Evan felt his eyes grow wide. A gargoyle stood in his very lab! “Chief Jack sent us to you.”

  “Oh my…” Evan stood slowly and approached the group carefully. “What an extraordinary group you are.” His eyes travelled from the gargoyle to the elf to the gnome back to the gargoyle. “Please, excuse me, I’ve never had live subjects in my lab before.”

  The trio turned to each other then back to the vampire. “Subjects?” Azrael asked.

  “Apologies. I…” Evan paused and laughed to himself. “Please, excuse my rudeness. I am Doctor Evan Peters, and I’ve been studying your kind…all of your kinds, for many years. But I’ve never actually had living, breathing specimens in my lab before.” Evan stepped back and took them all in. “This is incredible.”

  Azrael stepped forward and crossed his large arms over his chest, his gaze narrowing. “Chief Jack sent us to you. To be checked out.”

  “Oh! Of course. How silly of me.” Evan pushed some items off of his examination table and patted it. “I didn’t realize you were working with Mr. Thompson. Please, up here.” While Azrael tentatively took a seat, Evan broke out a new notebook and began jotting things down. He ran through a barrage of tests and declared each of them healthy.

  “If you don’t mind my asking, Azrael, what triggers your stone sleep?” Evan asked, writing furiously in his notebook.

  “The sun.”

  Evan peered up from his writing and tapped the pencil against his chin. “Do you know what aspect of the sun causes the transition?” Azrael shook his head. “Would you mind if I ran a couple of tests?”

  Azrael looked to Kalen who simply shrugged. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt. Will it?”

  “I don’t believe it will. But before we begin, I have more questions.” Azrael nodded and Evan began. “When you are wounded, does the stone sleep heal you?”


  “Excellent. And if the wound is otherwise a grave one?”

  “It is still healed by the sleep.”

  Evan wrote quickly. “What about damages done during the stone sleep?” Azrael gave him a quizzical look. “If somebody were to…I dunno, take a hammer and break off a finger while you were stone?”

  “Then it would be removed when we awoke. Healed, but gone.”

  “Amazing. Truly amazing.” Evan pushed his notebook aside and pulled out a small device. “This emits a concentrated UV ray. To a vampire, it acts like a laser and…well, it would sear flesh. Lots of fire and smoke and, well, it just plain stinks. Hurts like the dickens, too.”

  “And you intend to set me afire?” Azrael did not look pleased.

  “No, not at all. If I’m right, then the spot that I hit with it should turn to stone.” He looked at Azrael questioningly. “It should turn back afterward, shouldn’t it?”

  Azrael shrugged. “I suppose.”

  Evan lowered the device. “You’ve never been exposed to a single ray of sunlight before? Maybe hiding in the shadows or…”

  “No.” Azrael shook his head. “Only once have I remained indoors during the day and avoided the stone sleep.”

  “Okay. Well then, let’s be careful, shall we? Maybe we start with a fingernail or toenail?”

  Azrael held out his hand and extended a claw-like nail from his finger. Evan turned on the device and allowed the ray to brush the nail quickly. Almost immediately, a fine crusting of stone formed on the outer portion of the nail. Evan looked up at Azrael who was eyeing him closely. “Does that hurt?”

  “No.” Azrael flexed his hand and the crusting of stone flaked away. “Try again.”

  Evan held the device a little longer and they watched as more of the finger slowly turned to stone. He pulled the device away and they watched as the finger slowly turned back to flesh. “Amazing.” He picked at the flakes of stone and peeled them away as though they were flakes of dandruff.

  Evan wheeled his chair over to a drawer and pulled out a tube of something, then slipped it into a spray bottle. “I want to try another little experiment.”

  “Will it hurt?”

  Kalen stepped forward and clapped the large gargoyle on the shoulder, “I thought you were tougher than that, old friend.”

  “I just want to prepare myself so I don’t react and possibly hurt someone,” Azrael’s voice deadpanned, but his eyes indicated it might not be the first time he had done such a thing.

  “This won’t hurt a bit.” Evan pressurized the sprayer and sprayed a fine mist across his hand and lower arm. “I developed this years ago in hopes that I could go out in the daylight. It didn’t work for me. It’s basically an industrial strength UV blocker.”

  “It didn’t work?” Azrael gave him a questioning stare.

  “Not for me. Apparently there are just too many aspects to being a vampire…simply applying a UV blocker won’t allow walking in daylight.” He sprayed a light and even coating, watching as it soaked in like fine water on concrete. “You have the most remarkable skin.”

at’s going on, Doc?” Jack stepped into the lab, a young, dark haired woman in tow.

  “Testing a theory.” Evan grabbed the UV emitter and flipped it on again. “Here goes nothing.” He pointed it at Azrael’s hand and felt the corners of his mouth curl when nothing happened. He ran the UV emitter up and down his forearm and only when he reached the elbow did the fine crusting of stone start to appear once again. “Eureka!” Evan flipped off the emitter and tossed it aside. “I finally found a use for my UV blocker.”

  “Well…that’s good, isn’t it?” Jack shrugged.

  “Most definitely. Up until now I thought I had invented a sunscreen for watching atomic testing but…who’s your friend?” Evan had just noticed the young woman standing slightly behind Phoenix.

  “Meet Brooke Sullivan.”

  “Raven,” The young woman corrected. “Just…Raven.”

  “Well, just Raven. I am Doctor Evan Peters. Please, step in here and we’ll have a look at…” Evan paused then turned to Jack. “She’s a vampire.”

  “Yeah, Doc, she’s a vampire.” Jack smirked as he leaned against the doorway.

  Evan swallowed hard and then gave the young woman a quaint smile. He motioned to Jack and the two stepped down and outside of his lab, “A word, please?” Evan pulled Jack out of hearing range of the others. “Why is she here?”

  “She’s going to be part of my new team. The…teen squad or diaper brigade or some such shit.”

  “No, Jack, no. She’s a vampire. You have an elf on your squad. The two should never work together. Vampires are drawn to elves. Their blood makes vampires…high. Or drunk. Or…both. It’s bad juju.”

  Jack shook his head and held his hands up. “Not my decision, Doc. The Wyldwood made this choice for me. Besides, she’s a Beastia. I mean, not part of a family like you or anything, but she only feeds on animals.”

  Evan’s eyes narrowed on Jack. “Promise me you will watch her, Jack.”

  Jack noted his concern and nodded. “I promise, Doc. I’ll watch her like a hawk.”

  Doctor Peters turned back and stared at the young woman through the glass surround of his lab. “She’s a vampire, so she shouldn’t need a checkup. Anything that was wrong with her would be healed.”


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