Wayward Son

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Wayward Son Page 23

by Heath Stallcup

  “Where are we landing at?” Laura glanced out the window but didn’t recognize anything.

  “An airport called Wiley Post, I think. From there, the plane will continue on to Dallas and the new owner.” Mick looked to Jennifer again who seemed to find the clouds on her side of the plane mesmerizing.

  “Will you be going on with the plane or disembarking with us?” Laura asked Mick, but her eyes were glued to Jennifer.

  Mick looked from Laura to Jennifer, then back. He shrugged. “I suppose that’s up to her. If she thinks she can stand for me to be around, then I’d like to go with the two of you.”

  “It’s a free country.” Jennifer crossed her arms over her chest and continued to stare out the window. “I can’t stop you.”

  “That’s not the same as an invitation.” Mick’s eyes pleaded with the side of her head.

  Laura caught his attention. “That may be the best you’ll get Mick. It’s your decision.”

  Mick exhaled hard as he stared at Jennifer. “I have a plane to fly.” He spun on his heel and headed forward again.

  Laura waited until the cockpit door had shut before she turned to Jennifer. “You were a little rough on him, don’t you think?”

  “I don’t love him.”

  “That’s not what I said…”

  “You did earlier.” Jennifer turned slowly and glared at her. “You said that Mick and I were in love and too stubborn to act on it.”

  “What I said should have no bearing on how you treat him.” Laura shifted in her seat to better see Jennifer. “Did you really have to be so mean?”

  “He was a traitor.” Jennifer’s voice was barely a whisper. “I trusted him and he was working for my father.”

  “To keep you safe.” Laura argued. “If your father truly was behind the attacks on the squad, then it just might have saved your life.”

  Jennifer huffed as she turned away again. “No excuse to betray our friendship.”

  “Your…friendship?” Laura snorted. “If it was just a friendship, I don’t think you’d be so bent out of shape.”

  Jennifer turned on her and glared. “What did you just say?”

  “I said, ‘methinks she doth protest too much’.”

  Jennifer’s eyes widened with shock before she turned her back on her again.


  Mitchell sat in his office and reviewed Apollo’s service record. How could I have missed it? He continued to blame himself for one of his men turning against the squads and felt that somehow, he should have seen a warning sign. There had to have been something. A sign, a trigger, a something that could have given him a heads up of what was about to happen.

  Mitchell shut the file and slipped it into his basket. He stood and walked to the window overlooking the training area. It sat empty at the moment and in his mind’s eye, he could still see Apollo leading his squad through the close quarter’s drills. Was he risking his other men by not scrutinizing the other members?

  A knock at his door snapped him from his thoughts. “Come.”

  Mark opened the door and walked in, shutting the door behind him. “Reporting for duty, Colonel.”

  Mitchell nearly stumbled when he saw the man standing in his office, apparently no worse for wear. “What the…how the hell are you even standing?”

  Mark exhaled hard and began unbuttoning his BDU blouse. He pulled his undershirt up and showed the minor scarring. “I have no explanation and neither does Doc. All I know is, I’m healed, I’m antsy as hell, hungry enough to eat half the chow hall and ready to get back to work before I go nuts.”

  Mitchell sat hard in his chair and stared at his oldest friend, a warning claxon going off in his mind. “Mark, this isn’t good.”

  “You’re telling me?” Mark tucked his shirt back in and buttoned his blouse. “What can I do? Doc is running some tests to see if he can figure out what the hell is going on with me. All I can tell you is my mind isn’t muddled. I don’t have weird thoughts or suicidal behavior. As far as I can tell, I’m fit for duty.”

  Mitchell slowly shook his head. “This…this isn’t right.”

  Mark approached his desk and stood at parade rest. “Colonel, I don’t know what I can tell you to put your mind at ease. All I can do is assure you that it’s still me. I may be infected, but Doc has me on the bane. I’m healed and if you don’t let me get back to work, I’m going to…”

  “What?” Mitchell raised a questioning brow.

  Mark shook his head. “I’m going to lose my damned mind.” He met Mitchell’s gaze and pleaded with his eyes. “Please, sir. Just let me do my job. It’s all I have to keep my sanity.”

  Mitchell rocked back and forth in his chair as he considered his XO’s request. “This is so unorthodox. By all rights, you should be in a sick bed for at least three weeks. Maybe longer.”

  “I realize that, sir, but…”

  “But here you stand with barely a stinking scratch on you.” Matt stood and approached him, his eyes studying every inch of the man. “I have no idea how that’s even possible.”

  Mark sighed heavily and turned to face him. “Permission to speak freely, sir?”

  “What’s with all the formality, Mark? Take a seat and speak your mind.”

  Mark pulled the chair out and sat in it, his mind racing as he considered the ramifications of what he was about to do. He looked to his boss and searched his face for some readable sign. “This is just between us, okay?”

  Mitchell shook his head. “I’m sorry, buddy. I can’t do that. After all this crap with Apollo…I can’t risk that. Not any longer.” He spun in his chair and poured another cup of coffee. “But I will keep this conversation off the record. It may well sway my decision, but it doesn’t have to be a part of anything formal.”

  Mark hung his head and clenched his teeth. “Is that the best you can do? For me?”

  Mitchell sipped at his coffee and nodded. “I’m afraid so, buddy. I can’t afford to screw up any worse than I already have. You know how we operate here. If we mess up, we try to learn from it so it never happens again.”

  “So that means we can’t trust each other?”

  “No, not at all. It just means that I have to take everything into consideration when…Mark, look at you. You should still be a pile of hamburger and lying in bed healing. I can’t promise you something without knowing what it is.”

  Mark nodded and leaned back. “Fine.” He closed his eyes and tried to think of a way to tell Matt the scenarios playing out in his fear-filled mind. “As I said, Doc is running tests, but…I think there may be a chance that I got infected with something other than the wolf virus.”

  Mitchell leaned forward and stared at him. “Define other.”

  Mark took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. “I haven’t said anything to anybody else. Only Doc and Tracy know that this is even a remote possibility.”

  “Spill it, XO.” Mitchell was starting to become agitated.

  “I’m worried that maybe somehow I got infected by Doc during surgery. Maybe somehow both viruses are running through my body.”

  Mitchell sat back and gave him a wide eyed stare. “You’re serious?”


  “What makes you think this?”

  “Look at how fast I healed. Only vampires can do that, right?”

  “But organisms can’t harbor both viruses at the same time. It’s just not possible.” Mitchell almost laughed, except there was nothing funny to the situation.

  “You think I don’t know this?” Mark stood and began pacing, hoping to burn off some of the nervous energy he felt. “But nothing else makes sense. It can’t be just the wolf virus. I wouldn’t have healed as fast. It can’t be just the vampire virus. I wouldn’t have a heartbeat.”

  “But you do. Right?”

  “Yeah. And trust me, Dom made sure that I can still bleed.” Mitchell gave him a curious stare and Mark waved him off. “Nothing…suffice to say, I still have a heartbeat. I’m not craving blood. A
lthough a nice, big, rare steak sounds pretty good right about now.”

  “That’s probably the wolf virus.”

  “Oh, I’m sure the hunger is all wolf virus, but it doesn’t explain the rapid healing.” Mark stopped pacing and turned to face him. “Doc is trying to isolate the virus, but he doesn’t have the equipment. All he can do is try to ‘test me’ to see what I react to. Since both are allergic to silver…”

  “Yeah. I see the problem.” Mitchell scratched at his chin as he thought. “Have you tried sunlight?”

  “It’s still dark out, but I intend to.”

  “We do have UV generators.” Mitchell stood and went to the other side of his office. Pulling the blinds back he pointed to Evan’s lab. “Right down there.”

  Mark sighed as he stared at Dr. Peters working in his lab. “I guess I could at least test that part first.”

  “Beats stepping outside and bursting into flames.”

  Mark gave him a stupid look. “You think?”

  “Contrary to popular belief, I kind of like you the way you are. I’d rather you not become a human french fry.” Mitchell clapped his back. “You’re reinstated, but on limited duty for the time being. I want you to work with Doc and figure out what the hell is going on with you.”

  “And if we can’t figure it out?”

  “We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.”


  Foster’s head turned on a swivel as they worked their way to the waiting cars. Although the plane was parked safely inside a sealed hangar, he didn’t discount the possibility that a squad of assassins were lurking in the shadows ready to drop each and every one of them. He ushered Rufus quickly to the waiting limo and slammed the door behind them. “I think it may be safe.”

  Thorn raised a brow at him. “Truly?” The sarcasm was missed as Foster continued to bounce from window to window, watching the enforcers load up in the escort vehicles.

  “Yeah, I’m pretty sure we’re good.”

  “What a relief.” Thorn leaned back in the thick leather seat and nodded to the driver. The limo pulled out and the garage door opened allowing them out. “Once we get to the hotel, we’ll only have a few hours before our meeting with the Council. Are your people prepared?”

  “They’re ready and standing by. Each one is prepared to give their life for you, brother.”

  Rufus nodded, unsure whether to believe Paul and his paranoid driven fantasies. “I’m not sure that will be necessary.”

  Foster turned and gave him a hard stare. “This is the Council we’re talking about here. They’ve tried seven times in the last six months to kill you. You don’t think it will be necessary?”

  “They’ve given us safe passage for this meeting. Or did you forget?”

  “And you trust them?” Foster wasn’t sure he heard his brother correctly.

  “Of course not. But they’ll want to know the nature of our request before they try anything.” Thorn smiled and patted Paul’s knee. “That is when we shall win them over.”

  “You hope.”

  “Non. I know.”

  “How can you be so certain, brother?”

  Thorn turned and gave Foster a hard stare. “Because our lives depend upon it.”


  “A griffin?” Azrael shook his head as the words sunk in. “I’ve never met one.”

  “Tastes like chicken.” Brooke shot him an evil smile. “A bit more chewy though.”

  Gnat snorted and leaned on his hammer. “I doubt you’ve ever laid eyes on a griffin. They’re not fond of vampires.”

  Brooke gave him a narrow stare. “Nobody likes gnomes. You’re just here as a mascot.”

  “Ease down.” Kalen raised a hand to gather their attention again. “Chief Jack says that for now, we have to…”

  “Who died and made you boss?”

  Kalen turned to Brooke and tried not to react. “You were here when Chief Jack made me his Second.”

  “I thought the griffin was his Second?” She leaned against the table and shot Kalen a smirk.

  “He will be once we find him. Until then, I am Second.” He turned back to the group. “As I was saying…”

  “We have to find this griffin?”

  “Brooke, please.” Kalen did his best to hide his displeasure.

  “Raven,” her voice was like ice as she spoke, “my name is Raven.”

  “Very well. Raven, please.” Kalen implored with his eyes. “We have things to do while Chief Jack prepares for the full moon.”

  Brooke huffed before hopping onto the table and turning away from the others. Kalen watched her for just a moment before returning his attention back to the others. “As I was saying, there is still another that will be joining us, but we still don’t know who or when. Allister will be able to provide us much insight into whatever we are to face in the future. He is a most wise and powerful griffin.”

  “You do realize,” Gnat spoke up, eyeing Brooke as she ignored them, “griffins are predators. They’ve been known to eat everything from gnomes to elves. Even humans.”

  Kalen nodded. “Wild, feral, lesser griffins, yes. This is true.” He lowered his gaze to Gnat. “But saying that all griffins are this way would be like saying that all gnomes are rock farmers.”

  “Blasphemy!” Gnat snapped to attention and had his hammer in his grip in a flash. “There are as many types of gnomes as there are elves!”

  “Precisely.” Kalen held a hand up to calm the small warrior. “Just as there are many types of griffins.”

  Azrael pushed past Gnat. “The ‘other’ that will be joining us. We don’t know who or when, but did the Wyldwood say what to expect?”

  Kalen shook his head. “Only to expect another.”

  “So it could be another gargoyle?” Azrael appeared hopeful.

  “Or a gnome?” Gnat smiled from between Azrael’s legs.

  Kalen shrugged. “Or a vampire. Or an elf. I honestly do not know.”

  “If it’s another vampire, can I leave?” Brooke finally turned to face him.

  Kalen paused, his mouth open but words not coming. Eventually he shook his head and lowered his eyes. “Raven, I have no control over who is to be part of our hunting party.”

  “Hunting party? Is that what you call this mish-mash of unfortunate players?” Brooke laughed as she stared at the others. “We have a rock gardener with a hammer, a rock beast by day and winged demon by night, a blonde Indian and a friggin’ vampire. Does that sound like a ‘hunting party’ to you?”

  Kalen’s eyes narrowed as he stared at her. “You are so very wrong.” His voice was low and menacing. He took a step toward her, his jaw set. “You have a gargoyle warrior, a warrior gnome, a warrior elf and YOU.” He squared off with her, his gaze set. “While I can’t speak for your abilities, I can tell you from experience that these warriors are all battle tested and work well together as a team. We didn’t choose for you to join our hunting party, but the Wyldwood proclaimed it. Therefore, we must accept it.”

  Brooke stiffened and slid off the table, squaring her own shoulders. “I didn’t ask to become a part of this circus either ya know.”

  “Regardless, you will show them respect or find yourself on the wrong end of a warrior’s wrath.”

  Brooke shot him an evil smile. “Any time you’re ready cotton top.”

  Kalen moved to advance when a mighty hand stayed him. “Forgive me.” Azrael bowed his head to Kalen as he held him back. “You are the Second and your word shall be heeded. I felt it necessary to prevent the two of you from doing something you’d both regret.”

  “Let ‘em go at it.” Gnat shot Brooke a dirty grin. “She needs to be knocked down a peg or two.”

  “No.” Azrael shook his head. “Our leader needs to lead and all of us need to heed his words.” He cast a lingering glance to Brooke. “That includes you, vampire.”

  “What the hell is going on here?” Jack stepped into the room and glared at each of them.

  “I didn�
�t do nothing, I was just standing here.” Gnat stepped back and propped his hammer over his shoulder.

  “There are no issues, Chief Jack.” Azrael let go of Kalen’s shoulder and bowed slightly to Jack. “Just a slight disagreement. It is settled now.”

  “Is it?” Jack looked to Kalen and Brooke.

  Brooke threw her hands in the air. “Hey, I can’t help it if Sugar Cookie can’t take a joke.”

  Kalen turned to Jack and bent to one knee. “I have failed you as your Second, Chief Jack. I humbly request that you select another.”

  Jack chewed at the inside of his lip as he watched Kalen lower his eyes to the floor. “Sorry, kid, you’re the one.” He tapped him on the shoulder. “On your feet.”

  Kalen glanced up, shock and surprise plain to see across his features. “I don’t…”

  “Squaring off is one thing. If I’d had to bring a body bag in here, then I’d relieve you.”

  “The body bag would have been for him.” Brooke stared at her nails as she pretended to clean them.

  “Possibly.” Jack stepped between the two. “But I can tell you both this right here, right now. If you don’t bury the hatchet and figure out how to work together, you’re going to have to figure out how to live with a size-twelve boot in your ass.”

  Brooke shot him a rebellious stare and Jack shook his head. “Don’t test me.” He watched as she lowered her eyes and nodded. “We’re a team now. You have to learn to work together, fight together and trust that each has the other’s back. The future may well depend on it.”


  Damien stood outside the office that Lilith called her bedroom. He shook with righteous anger and prayed that somebody would give him the power to destroy Gaius. The humiliation dished upon him was more than he could bear. He stared at the platter with the pitcher of water and bottle of wine and ground his teeth together. He was not a slave. He was a vampire!

  Damien shook with righteous rage as he listened to the two of them go at it beyond the door. The screams of ecstasy and the grunting, huffing and puffing was enough to make him want to burn the building down around their ears. If he thought for a moment that it would work…


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